Congested Taxes

The People’s Republic of New York is not going to punish victims residing within its borders any more than it already has.  Agonies that never happen are blessings to count, so don’t forget when you’re praying while facing Albany.  Frightened subjects should relax, as they’ve been saved from one more blasted personal tariff by the benevolent deity chosen to decide how much of what you selfishly hoarded can be retained.

The looming congestion tax will idle until Democrats make sure they can get extra terms.  Kathy Hochul does the right thing when the wrong one she cherishes would cost her votes.  She’s a woman of integrity if still believing something dreadful counts.

Life is so arbitrary, particularly if you inhabit a state where governors decree which diktats will affect life today.  Hochul canceled a tax the moment before it rolled into being using the same arbitrarily autocratic power that allowed Andrew Cuomo to save us from a virus by proclaiming bars must serve food with drinks.

You can suffer more later.  Hochul proclaimed that this is not the right time for another mandated payment to the capital, what with a trip to Burger King costing as much as a housing payment in 2019.  Punishment for existing will be acceptable again once collective finances are a little rosier.

It’s so caring of the state’s queen to not punish people further at a time when they are unable to afford luxuries like eggs.  Hochul wants to alleviate further anguish, for which you must remember to offer credit.  Congregants must simultaneously disregard how they endure hard times because of her.

The hand of the almighty moves in a capricious manner which mere mortals cannot grasp.  The human mind is puzzled why inflation spiked just as soon as the party that rules New York went national.  I blame corporate greed, which was discovered in early 2021 by Koch Industries scientists.

The canceled tithe will keep the economy from getting worse, which baffles Democratic experts who presume the state is the source of well-being and decency.  Generating as much by not installing a new method for ripping off citizens is liberal mathematical magic.

I’m thrilled when a tax generates nothing.  But I’m not a grabby politician.  Letting people spend what they earn to benefit the economy is as foreign a notion in the erstwhile Empire State as punishing anyone for allegedly committing felonies but Donald Trump.  

An excise for the crime of moving is designed to reduce drivers and also not reduce them.  Supreme planners want to alleviate clogged streets with a fine but need the streets clogged so they can collect fines.  You must feel sorry for their quandary by law.  Politicians claim they don’t see themselves as deities.  Then they try to make something both happen and not happen.  Proof they’re false gods comes in losing electoral votes.

Taxing something politicians have deemed pernicious in order to keep ignorant charges from harming themselves is the tobacco quandary.  Don’t smoke because it’s bad for your lungs and other organs, but please keep buying Marlboro cartons so leaders can spend the cash better.

A fee for ground covered would keep people from heading forward more literally than usual.  Reducing movement is a symbol for New York that those pouting about the lack of new pirating.  Society’s architects never grasp consequences in their charming way.

Do as you’re taxed.  Causes of effects think a new fee will lead to the same percentage increase in revenue.  Trust the same compassion junkies who were shocked to learn crime increases without punishment for it.  

New York is helpful if you’re starting your own state and seek countless dire examples to avoid.  The presumption that awful idiots who are so inept that they had to run for office get the economy going by pilfering from the useful has reduced traffic even without a tax, although roadways to Florida are clogged. It’s too bad they can’t charge for moving out of state.

The quantity of cars on any roadway regulates itself.  Coping with other drivers in order to get somewhere worthwhile is a simple balance of costs versus benefit, which is why Democrats don’t understand.  Manhattan’s streets are busy for a reason. Pyongyang doesn’t need a toll, and not just because it’s freer than New York.

Spending less is a revolutionary notion that would cause chaos.  It never occurs to class warfare guerrillas that patterns will change any more than they think subtracting an even larger percentage from an already-depleted economy to fund useless governmental agencies brings righteous progress.  They had already spent money that wasn’t theirs.

The Metropolitan Transit Authority can’t transit people through the metropolitan area despite its authority.  I wish the inaccurate name were the worst part out of enduring an underground train ride that vainly races pedestrians at surface level.  A private subway operator who could be fired might be able to work with the present budget and maybe even find a way to buy 21st-century technology.  But the trains running on time would set a bad precedent for the Il Hoche reign.

Car-hating leftists fume about not getting to punish drivers so they stand still.  Ripping off automobile operators for daring to want to visit a city only sounds like it’s made up to mock liberals.  Those who claim eliminating competition creates efficiency never determine just why a government agency with a monopoly on underground trains loses so much while overcharging for atrocious service.

Legalized grifters’ version of revenue never involves creating their own by offering a worthwhile product or service.  Instead, demonize those who’ve managed to earn despite innumerable burdens already inflicted.  That’s way easier.  Use police power to threaten anyone loath to fork over more.

Hochul’s vote-buying tax postponement ticks off innate schemers who’re lamenting lost funds instead of asking who’d be funding.  Using another freaking levy to seize from beleaguered taxpayers would stop traffic, all right.  As for driving patterns, I’d wager the governor will take her taxing trip about four seconds after polls close.  Keep bracing for the state to go into action as it restricts just that.

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