Decreased Melodrama

One can never stop government from spending or controlling. Be thankful for blessings. Without the eternal creep of benevolent authority into our previously benighted lives, silly humans would be spending what we greedily considered our own money or foolishly attempting to make unsupervised decisions. Our lucky break is reflected by the semipermanent erosion of what the more stubborn amongst us refer to as rights.

We’re bravely never going back to that hellish apocalyptic landscape where Washington only incinerated less than a trillion dollars more annually than it confiscated. Society must move forward, which in this case means beating inflation at the spending race. Any decrease is treated as a crime against humanity by very caring members who think an entity that demands accountability it never achieves can build a train that travelers will use willingly in the 21stcentury.

The answer to how much spending politicians need to make us happy is always more. Any decrease thus renders humanity sad. The only thing worse than individuals possessing money they doesn’t know how to spend properly is the subversively selfish thought of what could be added to one’s personal inventory by doing so. It’s thus a concurrent relief to never have the decadent privilege to ponder what should be purchased.

I can’t believe Georgia banned voting. The Confederacy still wins battles in 2021. Sure, residents of a state nicknamed for some fruit can technically still vote on the traditional day as well as on earlier ones and by mail. And they actually expanded some hours. But the narrative is in place, as those who never cast lots with reality.

There’s nothing Jim Crow likes more than recognizing voting has to end someday. States flaunt the audacity to standardize an expansion that was added back in the dark ages of last year. Georgians can still vote early, which would’ve been a novelty to have a decade ago. Participants could elect those who are a bit more sensible when it comes to not lying about facts if they can manage to get to the polling place on multiple days, drop box, or mailbox.

Taxes can never be lowered, which would enable the avaricious to get what they wish. The horrible scenario where people would like to keep a little more wouldn’t encourage success philosophically or practically or anything. Earnings must be taken for prosperity. Great joy from taking only hasn’t occurred yet because diabolical Republicans keep the rate too low. This is why compromise is always evil.

Humans are punished for advancing if you’ve noticed society has stagnated. I blame the rich. You may sadly not be surprised by how many very informed crusaders demanding progressive taxation realize we already have that. Every freakout at the suggestion of flattening rates features the presumption that money belongs to us all. One giant shared wallet is quite convenient for those not good enough to help fill it.

Spending cuts are framed as monstrous by those presuming government is the only thing that’s ever helped. Calmly note a decrease in the increase will kill infants, the indigent, and indigent infants. Well, do you have a better way of viewing government’s role than through sob stories?

Someone might be able to buy the item in question with their own funds, which seems more efficient for multiple reasons. But then there’d be no guarantee from a ruling apparatus that sure seems to violate rules it imposes on others.

The universe is full of unanswerable questions, like what would make anyone sick enough to think anything where Joe Biden is head of state would be skilled at delivering health care. I just wish there were a way to get treated without patronizing a clinic named for a politician.

Reducing uselessly counterproductive guarantees actually makes life tolerable, or at least slightly less insufferable. Those inflicting pain claim they know just how to alleviate it. Noting the best way to get as many people the treatment they need is to treat the commodity exactly the same as any other is treated as pro-death. Wait until they hear about outcomes in unfortunate nations where government poses as a doctor.

All shrieking about potential reduced spending presumes present levels are perfect. You may as well cut literally with your precious budget-balancing. The unwavering trust in politicians is part of their faith. Nobody can believe these numbers will reconcile if they’re worried about pedestrian earthly concerns like evidence.

But maybe the latest cruel Republican scheme will not only fail to kill the underprivileged but create less of them. And that might occur without sending the poors to camps or New York nursing homes.

Noticing our world doesn’t crash into the Sun as predicted with a balanced budget is a first step. Goals may be even more modest, like prosperity without waste. Life actually improves as our stupid government isn’t permitted to meddle as much. Unsubstantiated panic says otherwise.

Down with Lockdown

Unlocking lockdowns has been most celebrated by those who inflicted pointless restrictions on liberty in the first place while acting like they preserved life itself. Authorities will never suspect someone who called the tip line. There are better ways to appreciate what we have than taking it away. Getting back to how life is supposed to be is joyous except for how inflicting pain didn’t heal.

Appreciation can be misguided. The unsettling tone of many who are seeing other humans again implies they think rights they’ve always held have been returned. Pretending the freedom to congregate and work was granted by the state isn’t as liberated as you’d think. North Koreans grateful their messiah made the Sun rise are ashamed of Americans who think governors grant subjects the privilege of dining inside.

Restrictions faded like the fan club membership of New York’s mass-killing New Jonestown executive. Following the lead of Texas must really tick off every fan of coerced cooperation who thought communal separation would get us through this. Convincing themselves a year of state brutality was the cure made everyone sick. The war’s over because the virus got tired.

An alarming percentage of people in an allegedly free nation spent time in solitary confinement being glad to be there. Getting permission is not how rights work. Viewing what’s ours as something granted leads to dire consequences during the best of times. As present residents of the worst of times, being told an emergency justifies interdiction is both philosophically and practically deleterious. The total twisting of liberty is not a new problem. It’s just presently far worse, like going from the flu to COVID.

Nothing embodies big government like lamely trying to halt a virus by being forced to hide. Ceding divine authority to heretical dunces has not created enlightenment or peace, although there have been many people sent to Heaven because of their blessed policies. Pompous dolts who win elections are experts on both policy and science, as otherwise government isn’t the supreme authority. They must be authorities, because why else would they be in charge?

People would’ve protected themselves, which surprises those calling to wrap street signs in memory foam so pedestrians survive collisions. Government fetishists never grasp the capacity of humans to be decent, or at least do what’ll keep their survival prospects decent. Life’s infiltrators never trust markets, whether it’s humans buying items they need or keeping themselves from getting infected.

Irrational people are at their worst when they’ve decided they’re hassling you for your own good.  Six feet may as well have been 60 feet or 16 inches. And it’s easier to announce masks are useless without wearing one.  Acting both aggressively and timidly was the semi-impressive feat of fearful people who thought tearing the heads off anyone they deemed in noncompliance created safety.  States that let those within their borders breathe freely got healthier much more quickly, but that’s not nearly as scientific as shrieking at supermarket free breathers.

Failure is exacerbated by not admitting to it. Pride leads to sticking with what fails. Shutdown specialists have to tell themselves unilateral orders to idle is the only reason anyone’s alive to read this or do anything else, as the notion that all this doing nothing made infection just the start of agony.  If the idea that they made humanity idled for that long without benefit is tough to bear, imagine how victims feel.

The toughest part to cope with is how the death rate was unaffected by a year without society. In fact, the corpse pile would’ve been far less teetering if Andrew Cuomo hadn’t been allowed to show how much he loves New Yorkers by choosing which ones live and die. The elected savior only killed off a small minority by percentage if you doubted his benevolence.

It’s tough for survivors to have to live with knowing they didn’t stop death. Seeing there was no benefit is just another bit of evidence those who express a fetishistic love for science are ignoring. Announcing it’s better to be safe than sorry ignores how much sorriness there is in pretending to be safe. The incalculable costs of a lost year for humanity didn’t accelerate or improve outcomes, but COVID was defeated by autocratic Democrats otherwise.

Good ideas must be imposed by force, according to the quite confident. Affecting your breathing was a too-perfect symbol of everything else government screws up. Kind and good leaders developed the cunning counteroffensive of stopping movement then stabbing everyone to protect from a virus most sufferers had to be tested to learn they had.

Those who spent most of the confinement fantasizing about what they’d do once humans were permitted basic contact again should self-examine and see if they were the ones who prolonged the useless intermission. Worshipers of bumbling Blue State politicians are the ones who supported mandatory global seclusion for this long, which can’t be fun for consciences. Opponents of sound epidemiology are the last ones who get to party without everyone swinging around a yardstick.

Celebrate the right to head out by remaining shielded from fresh air. A disturbing percentage of those banished to home confinement concluded they prefer being jailed. The mentally imprisoned would actually prefer their rights remain confiscated like a convict who can’t stand the open skies.  The comfort of a cell only tops having mealtimes set.

Those still wearing masks while driving alone are ready to be scared of liberty. They prefer the false comfort of pretending a politician can ensure security against infection, especially today’s particular politicians.  Taking away what’s yours is the worst way to make you appreciate it. Thieves aren’t entitled to teach the lesson.

Obey Except Now

No: the other part of government is awful. Stop letting that one agency run your life. Noting who liberals trust shows their capricious desire to be controlled is about as logical as everything else they believe. They think they’re being complimented.

Total obsequiousness is accompanied by an asterisk. The state’s power to dominate without dissent varies like the left’s opinion of the Supreme Court’s validity. Five glorified lawyers getting to decide our nation’s course is cool if the latest ruling keeps uncooperative Americans from interacting freely. Authority is awesome depending on their personal interests. People who want to keep what they earned are the selfish ones.

It’s tough for the perpetually contemptuous to remember to keep true feelings to themselves. Liberals have been forgetting to at least pretend to respect cops.

Calls to abolish law enforcement are as levelheaded as they are sensible. The distaste for a way to deal with those breaking rules is particularly curious for those constantly creating new ones. Rational statists want government in charge of every last thing except punishing dissenters. How will they ensure fealty?

Disdain for those with arresting power is sickly endorsed by who government goons see as criminals. There are few scenarios where cops pull over CEOs. Those professional thieves show achievement is obtainable while employing countless fellow Americans who deliver affordable products to the rest. Meanwhile, very mature observers of reality who claim all cops are bastards excuse away every warrant.

Create so many laws that life turns lawless. Roving bands ensuring student loan forgiveness will be part of the landscape soon. Pinko congresswomen will oversee deputized vigilantes. The same gentle humans who try destroying anyone believing there are two genders are bound to be fair while sentencing bank executives to summary execution.

You must comply with mandates, although you can ignore the racist goons enforcing them. Those who believe cops aren’t inherently enforcing totalitarianism by asking rioters to avoid incinerating cities are bootlickers. Those same very consistent individuals want the state in charge of every life aspect. Comply or be punished, except when actual punishment comes around. It’s a sure sign concepts are sound when you must force participation.

Figuring just how they plan to ensure utter compliance is as thought-out as everything else statists believe. Arming feckless bureaucrats to hassle the successful requires more upper-body strength than is typically available. What next: they’ll want to send social workers after domestic abusers? Oh: they really want that.

Erase the border to end immigration crimes. You can also end theft by making everything free. Bless those models of rationalism who arrived at the point where they want to hassle citizens while allowing anyone from outside to enter illegally.

Welcome yourself to America by breaking America’s laws. That’s only the start. Oscillating autocrats perversely extend their kowtowing to uninvited guests with endless subsidies. Who wouldn’t try to hop the imaginary line? Tally one more instance where they don’t understand incentives. Consequences have some nerve ignoring federal budgets.

Democrats should strive to trust American citizens as much as they do Iranian lunatics. The rabid desire to go leniently on a global supervillain who despises freedom in general as much as they do us in particular. They don’t differentiate targets based on party registration if the side that sucks up to terrorist mullahs thinks they’ll be safe from fallout if they’re gentle about pursuing nefarious atomic dreams.

Those who like human nature remaining a mystery have decided the making everyone go through their firearm acquisition process fights crime. You can’t get around the application unless you’re willing to do something illicit in order to act illicitly. Gun control is nothing more than hassling the law-abiding. Making self-defense harder is a passion of those who never understood that an item can be used for more than crimes, such as deterring them.

Obey the honor system to select who’s in charge of all this. Gentle souls who want government guaranteeing everything oppose guaranteeing votes are valid. You don’t have to prove you’re the election participant you say you are. Fraud almost never happens, according to those who prohibit checking for it. There’s no quandary like requiring a vaccine passport to fill out a ballot.

Calling for total lawlessness is a curious move from those who want society regulated down to doctor visits. You get a wholesale exemption if you’re made at society. Looting’s criminals are those trying to stop it. I blame greedy stores that deny products by daring to charge for them. Prices are high enough that they profit off each transaction like true vultures. The opportunity to feed families with televisions is denied by an axiomatically avaricious society.

It’s asking too much for those who want services rendered to be deemed free retroactively to think ahead. People who don’t deserve a hard time are the only ones who get it. Bothering anyone who didn’t go first is government at its worst. The strategy is favored by those who think government is best. Wholesale inconsistency isn’t even the worst problem.

Priced Off

Unseen costs are the most expensive. That ironic economic trick seems mean enough that we should get a Ouija board and ask Adam Smith what’s up. But invisible burdens weighing down wallets are the only way anyone pays attention to an otherwise endless bill. Politicians proclaiming what you use is free sure creates a lot of debt. Enjoy a timeshare lunch that prospective rubes can’t decline.

Just put it on the tab. Pushing off payment to later means getting things now for free. And nobody seems to be calling us on our rather luxurious spending, so order more mimosas now. Another trillion freaking dollars in debt is rung up before the mustard needs to be replaced. Returnig to merely being broke seems impossible, so why even try? Making the number unfathomable so adding to it is shrugged off is one way of expanding state power. Government’s lone accomplishment is excusing failure.

People still have to explain what a tax refund is if you wonder why government never shrinks. It’s apparently never okay to presume everyone’s up on the basics. In case anyone’s learning or could use a review, a purported refund is what you overpaid returned to you.

Getting back what’s yours is accompanied by zero interest, of course. But why bother giving a little extra for held money when recipients are so grateful? Throw cash around at Five Guys like you’re the sixth.

The simple and sinister act of withholding means those fleeced never see just how much is confiscated. There’s a reason politicians would never replace the emblematically monstrous IRS with, say, a national sales tax that showed up on every receipt. Seeing just how much our stupid capital spends on stupider programs would be the best way to get smarter. Suddenly ticked taxpayers would want to keep more of the full salaries they receive.

The surest way to limit health care is to make it a right. Sanctimony doesn’t cure illness as hoped. Someone compelled to do work for you is totally not slavery, so get the notion that forcing doctors to cure you by law is a violation.

I suppose we could just buy the services we need and watch what must be exchanged to get new items fall naturally as voluntary employees offer them. But lowering how much we spend by order sure seems official. The compulsory monetary surrender drop is bound to work just like gun control stops every criminal who obeys the law.

Other than the dire philosophical and practical consequences of trying to engineer economics so we can get things free, it’s a good deal. Not thinking about the source of what consumers use is bound to make prices disappear. Cast a spell like the one with funds that go into a pot we were assured magically filled itself with currency. Acid melted through the cauldron’s bottom, to the detriment of those just now learning Harry Potter was fiction. Wannabe warlocks can’t fill it fast enough with money taken from the useful.

Look at the raises never given. Wait: that’s tricky. The problem with ruining something is never seeing good things that could’ve come from not setting money aflame.

An evil corporation forced to subsidize a government that incinerates cash can’t pay more naturally. Raising the minimum wage is nothing more than a way for arsonists to compensate for destroying what could be voluntary with coercion. And forget the skyrocketing personal budgets from artificially increasing wages, as noticing effects is for right-wing haters. Consider grave unforeseen results a premium for the privilege of government caring about you.

Noticing what’s missing thanks to confiscated opportunities is the same and also the opposite of a changing economy’s signals. People see the mall store close and lament what ordering products to the ether has done to commerce. It’s especially glaring to those who kvetched that centralized indoor shopping centers drove Mom and Pop both out of business. Regardless, what’s not visible is the savings of consumers who appreciate every item they could want brought to the doormat. The place where you hung out with crimped hair during your teens if you’re in your 40s can’t do that.

Thinking government spending doesn’t subtract anything is so dumb that adherents might have to run for office. Recipients are not billed themselves, so math and reality must say it’s complimentary. Someone picking up your tab means dinner was free, which will be a surprise when you’re dropped off.

Those planning to eat the rich will starve rather quickly. All this oh so efficient cash tossing is subsidized by confiscating from some wealthy bastard. Jealousy is surely healthy in every way. Someone more successful than you owes you. Also claim they’re unproductive for economic prosperity and personal peace.

It’s time to have that difficult discussion about where money comes from. Reviewing simple concepts is only patronizing if everyone comprehends them, The prevailing sense that life wouldn’t make us broke if only Congress cared enough to ban them indicates that’s just not so. Pretending anything is handed out at zero expense explains why debt is deep into 14 blasted figures.

There’s a swell deal ahead aside from the government’s inherent inefficiency while buying garbage nobody wants, punishment for success, presumption that paved roads are the key to individual prosperity, class warfare resentment, and murdered initiative. On the other hand, recipients can pretend there’s no bill. You’ll never believe how much $1,400 costs you.

Notice what you get for what the government buys for you, which is not much. But it’s impossible to keep receipts. Every single one of the quadrillions of pennies constitutes necessary spending, which is why the entity responsible for everything spends them. If government does something, it must be lawful.

Half-Assed Full Hassle

Government’s only going to ruin things a little bit. You’re not revolutionary, are you? Landing on some lame middle point between free trade and tyranny means your leaders stop messing before all your money’s gone. Try compromising instead of being some radical. It beats some silly belief that consumers and sellers can negotiate compensation.

High-minded calls for moderation by low-minded dolts is a sign politics are occurring. We’re told life must balance some degree of liberty and onerous infiltration.

Constitution junkies cannot be allowed to enjoy some freewheeling monstrosity where humans can trade products and own guns without supervision. The latter guarantees the fairness of the former, and government hates being rendered redundant. Humanity has involved to where it’s too sophisticated for people to figure out what things are worth and offer compensation accordingly.

It’s not radical to dismiss one side if it’s silly. You don’t even have to be a self-important “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice” type to oppose onerous tinkering of basic commerce.

The refusal to concede that our frighteningly stupid government has ever had any clue about how we should conduct our affairs has made every product they’ve tried to render affordable skyrocket. But that’s just because they’ve been prohibited from implementing even grander plans. Give them five years.

Any infringements are appalling. If that sounds harsh, good. True fright comes in the form of presuming human interaction needs oversight. Punishing fraud isn’t enough for those sophisticated enough to proclaim government should only ruin transactions a little bit.

A little bit of regulation sounds balanced in the same way one should only pour a small amount of bleach into the coffee pot. You don’t want to join Founding Fathers-worshiping troglodytes who think money belongs to those who earned it.

Professors are loath to concede how much a free diploma is worth. Four or seven years on campus is bound to be valuable when anyone can enroll at taxpayer expense. Students should learn free items may not be worth the actual cost around third grade, and a complimentary college is not about to impart the lesson on those who somehow haven’t yet learned.

Demonizing insurers for daring to seek compensation in exchange for good health is clearly the opposite of self-righteousness. Similarly, melting down the global economy is the price of deciding everyone should get to own a house. Spending money that doesn’t technically exist was the specialty of Andrew Cuomo, who has moved on to mass casualty events as his preferred form of chaos creation.

Lack of interference is the standard. At least, it should be. Crazy libertarian dreamers just want to be unbothered. They selfishly lust after the same standard for everyone else, too. Nothing is apparently worse for society than its members choosing what path same society take. Irksome forays into our autonomy and checking accounts are one way to create balance.

Nothing epitomizes kindness like how infiltrators help their victims. Maximizing compassion by creating widespread poverty is one way to impress whichever deity is in charge of assigning souls in the afterlife. As for the incumbent messiah, every insipid Joe Biden scheme involves seizing around a trillion bucks from the economy in order to make same economy purr. Drilling holes in the bottoms of cups may not enable hydration.

You’ll never guess who the criminal was all along. The guy who told police he knew just what crawlspaces contained corpses seemed so helpful. Ghastly restrictions on trade are the very thing that causes skyrocketing misery. I wouldn’t expect the president to learn after half a century how he was the culprit all along. Biden seems like a Scooby-Doo villain for good reason.

Reducing the need for charity in the first place would seem to be the true way of assisting. Utopian schemers can’t grasp that every misadventure into markets creates problems instead of solving them, probably because it requires working productively. If help is your alleged business, creating victims means more customers.

Spurring prosperity by doing nothing lowers self-esteem. It’s bad for the egos of politicians to realize they’re useless. Build up the poor things by noting it’s very important for them to allow others to do their things. They possess the ability to realize they have no abilities.

Elected officials can pretend they’re supernatural deities who allow their charges to engage in free will. Think of the benevolence. It beats ignoring prayers. Give those who unfortunately won elections a bee to guard in order to ensure compliance.

Those freed of assistance are surprised by just how well life goes after being granted autonomy. Take using an internet renowned for ease of use precisely because Biden hasn’t been able to find the AOL keyword he can use to control your experience. The plan to throw a fortune confiscated from taxpayers at the internet so people can finally access it here in the primitive year of 2021 typifies what is called middle ground by those leaning over other properties. They’re not taking over everything online, so what more do you liberty hogs want?

There’s no need for balance when unbalanced leaders infiltrate interactions that were working just fine. Acting as if every bit of freedom comes as a concession from kind politicians may not match the intent or spirit of our nation’s founding. Telling them to get lost is only impolite if they haven’t invited themselves in. Come back with a warrant if you want to go through the change jar.

Run from the Border

Joe Biden loves everyone in America as long as they’re not allowed to be here. You just don’t appreciate irony like President Sherlock Shakespeare. People grow to take family for granted, like how the Executive Father forces fellow Americans to buy crummy insurance, punishes them for success, and denies their right to defend themselves. He’s by contrast scared of home invaders to the point where he doesn’t check their behavior. Citizens should hop the border then come back in so Democrats like them.

Human nature is Biden’s last frontier. Unfortunately, it’s also the first. Covering the demarcation with dirt means he’s declining yet another chance to learn incentives. Those creating them naturally won’t, as doing so would mean self-examination. They’re not about to realize they’re going to seize less from the successful for seizing opportunities. Why would confused sentries try to comprehend that making something illegal easy creates more of it?

Those sneaking in are merely exploiting security failures. If someone’s deliberately not guarding their property, they’re asking to own fewer televisions. Criminals teach a cruel lesson by responding to laxness. Neglect to lock the bank vault and act surprised when it ends up emptier.

Kids are no longer in cages, so that’s a relief. The tine locked enclosed spaces are now welcome playrooms to experience the delight of chain-link fencing and space blankets. Coping with storming spurs creativity in excuses. Apologists never seem upset with those who’d send unaccompanied children to another country any more than they can bring themselves to blame murderers instead of guns. Sure, coyotes might not be legal guardians of the children they’re surreptitiously taking to a new land. But as with voting, anyone who says they’re the parent is on the honor system.

Freaking that accuracy conveys bigotry really eases the influx. I just wish there were a term to convey immigrating illegally. By contrast, referring to those committing the act as undocumented makes the act of breaking the law sound like a paperwork issue. Cut the cord on an undocumented iPhone in the Apple Store. Those who warp language in order to aid lawbreakers surely care about the broken law. No human is illegal, preen those who don’t grasp that some behavior is.

You’d be deeply concerned about those who aren’t allowed to be here if you were compassionate enough. I just wish the White House and sympathizers cared as much about citizens of this particular country. The only thing worse than basing policy on sob stories is when same sobbing is self-inflicted.

The lines between nations are like lines for voting. Places who dare believe in rule of law have every right to set conditions. Entering any territory should require verification, whether it be America in general or one of its election booths in particular. It’s racist monstrosity to prove who you are and that you should be where you are, whether in a polling place queue or the area around it.

Try this the other way to show respect for learning about other lands. Such wanton cultural appropriation will lead to jail time. Sneak into Mexico and see how many of that nation’s liberals feel bad for you. Only America offers special treatment for anyone acting unlawfully by residing within it.

Those who want immigration to be lawful would be best served by highlighting the distinction. People who choose to be here might be way more awesome than ingrates who see America’s benefits the way fish do water. But anyone who wants to join the club has to go through initiation. It’s not like we make you swallow a goldfish.

Breaking the law just by being here is a sure sign of respect for the host. The practical effects are even more delightful. Those working without legal consent lower wages, which you’d think would tick off those insisting upon a higher minimum wage. Taxing taxpayers by using entitlements to which they’re not entitled should tick off good government believers, too. And it’s not to be a suspicious meanie, but anyone willing to step over one rule might commit other crimes aside from the initial one, including naughty terrorists. Being suspicious beats presuming those who welcome themselves in are good in-home neighbors.

Can you visualize an invisible line that extends into a new dimension? Border security is not just about lunkheaded calls for a fence. Donald Trump was an unctuous parrot reciting back what he thought the audience wanted to hear. For a prominent example, he was fixated on a symbol instead of developing comprehensive security. Obsession with a simple-minded object totally doesn’t seem like him unless you’ve heard how any of his half-assed projects turned out, including the presidency.

Everyone should be allowed to sneak in to this awful nation. Liberals who love highlighting oppressive incidents in America and explaining why they embody the entirety also look away so anyone who wants can relocate to such a rotten spot. They should want to stand at the border and plead with illegal aliens to not enter this repressive racist earthly branch of Hell. Have you heard that the rich are allowed to keep some of what they pilfered? I bet the oligarchy isn’t as corrupt anywhere in Central America.

Dignity Sold

The horror of having to provide something in order to get something back defines this oh so greedy country. Why are we paying for items that could be taken? Humanity is entirely cheap. The truly enlightened constantly question what’s being sold. Thinking the answer is dignity and life itself is a fair indication of work ethic. The humiliation of having to actually perform a task to receive a good or service epitomizes cruelty. Just let them take from others for fairness.

The entire Democratic platform is based on excusing humans from the horror that is purchasing whatever’s needed. Trying to fight reality’s nature goes as well as expected. Rich and happy humans in a nation that carries no debt results from daring to think prices lower through proclamation.

Someone else must toil for those who deem pedestrian concerns about finances undignified. Voting trends indicate this is a shady situation many enjoy. Who’s going to elect some meanie claiming what you use is not your right?

Stump the ironically greedy by querying where they think stuff comes from. Never presume anyone’s familiar with the basics. Those who have risen above your pedestrian superficial concerns condemn materialism as they eat indoors while clothed. 

Tracing the source of constant bitching about the alleged infringements imposed by trading is as easy as finding customers. It is indeed really mean how everything you want has a price tag. But someone else had to work to provide health care, education, and housing, which makes granting it complimentarily like a continental breakfast a challenge for employees who must buy their own things.

The very economically literate either think Congress can decide prices don’t apply or expect some rich jerks to pay for it. Scientists are divided about which reflects a greater understanding of existence.

The system ingrates dismiss as capitalism is nothing more than exchanging what they have for what professional layabouts want. You’d think people deeply into communalism would be cool with bartering. But keeping track of each side’s inventory is inhumane. Deals require having something to trade, and won’t someone think of the useless?

Acting like they’re being subjected to humiliation by buying what’s consumed is an easy way to spot those who chose regrettable majors. It’s no wonder they want student loans canceled. Having to toil when they don’t feel like it drags people down. Poor unappreciated geniuses are stuck with bosses who don’t get them.

The argument is with reality. Humans must find a way to acquire fuel to place in these cursed flesh shells. We sure seem to go through a lot of stuff, and we haven’t yet learned the spell that makes consumer goods appear in fields pre-assembled. We tried voting for materials, and the attempted trick only inflicted dark magick upon our benighted world.

The only decent way to make life affordable is to concede every item and service carries a cost. Paying for everything sure is aggravating, but it sure beats a politician deciding a product should be free. Why don’t they pass that bill already so the economy’s fixed? 

Expecting others to pay is the path to selflessness. I can finally be at peace once someone else covers my bills. The eternal debate with class warfare warrior is whether they’re fine with life as parasites or genuinely think government can hand out currency it prints without concern. How do they think checks show up for free? The reasonable will never learn.

It’s so dehumanizing to obtain wealth, according to humans who struggle to determine why they aren’t wealthy. But finding someone to pay you for what you do is simply a way of enjoying what others think your abilities are worth when put into action. The horrors of presumed employment sure beats expecting others to do the same on your behalf. The party turns sour quickly when the keg gets kicked. Refreshments disappear quickly with multiple tappings.

Free markets are not a system. Trade is merely the best method for obtaining what’s required or desired. Prosperity requires responsibility, which is the cruelest trick of all. Jerk scientists have not invented a Star Trek replicator which provides material needs without having to exchange currency. Collectivist nerds totally insist they’d keep working hard if food just appeared.

Bless the gentle dopes who act like they can focus on art and sunsets after government takes care of our necessities. Nothing’s stopping anyone from accumulating rewards that are more than financial. Go ahead and feel love if you’d like. Then take a moment to realize government’s the biggest mooch of all. Trying to spend all day writing poems about thunderstorms creates less satisfaction than anticipated.

Mean entrepreneurs want us to sell ourselves in the name of survival. Needing to profit is so cruel to the human spirit. But alternative is selling their souls to a government that doesn’t exactly allow customers to decline commerce. Paying for stuff is way more affordable than thinking anything can be free.

The unseen costs of trying to rip off the world are severe in their ironic way. Inflated prices and widespread languishing are just the start. It’s tough to turn an Etsy hobby into a career without savings from a job that never happens.

No Accountability in Accounting

Joe Biden needs your help. It doesn’t matter who you are: any crossing guard, restaurant server, or librarian will be pressed into service. Trying to hook his Lego bricks onto Lincoln Logs isn’t going to work no matter how hard he presses.

Admiring while coddling is particularly common from journalists who flaunt objectivity by covering for Democratic ineptness. His agenda’s not going to work in the sense of reality or facts or math. The longtime probationary hire could try to come up with good policies, but that seems like a lot of work that tacitly admits he’s not already amazing. Convince as many others that your ghastly notions are creating prosperity will work for everything but results.

A president as deranged as he is addled gets praised as calmly moderate by those so immoderate that they don’t even realize it. Particularly zealous partisans are either lying to themselves or the rest of the world. You could ask them which it is, but they naturally wouldn’t answer honestly.

Noting his swell approval rating is like pointing out fraternities like beer showing up. It’s really hard to be popular when you’re throwing money at people. Just make sure those from whom you take are smaller in quantity. Biden’s demented approach guarantees it. Pilfered funds are bound to never run out, just like the cool parent who serves ice cream at midnight will never have to fear consequences of sick and sleepy brats.

The apprentice learned way too much from the master. Honorary East German General Secretary Joe Biden is making Barack Obama look like he reads Atlas Shrugged while waiting for the Proud Boys meeting to start. Wasting a trillion dollars at a time is a good start. We have to really get this furnace purring, so shovel in more currency. It doesn’t seem green to burn so much green.

Those compensating for their own policy failures typically use not getting the full amount as their excuse for failure. Mean Republicans deny even more spending and rights confiscation are what prevent paradise from being established in an erstwhile icky liberty-based nation. It’s totally not just atrocious policies kept from inflicting even more benevolent agony.

State-loving imbeciles are closer to getting every bit of funding and control they desire. Pesky journalists offering no opposition think they’re helping while they’re actually showing why their beliefs are trash. There’s a reason they didn’t major in something useful with math. Enjoy the aftermath, as it’s bound to be amazing. Editorials couldn’t get the future wrong.

Biden is never held accountable, which makes him just like his policies. What do you mean that throwing cash bricks at colleges made tuition more costly? Those who think they’re being kind to their presidential pal by not calling him out are helping ruin his tenure. It’d be funnier if the country wasn’t harmed simultaneously. Biden racing around on Jolt Cola screws life up even more. He’s not the sort of person who should be enabled at any time. That’s a good argument against electing him president, but we’re already past that point.

I know: have we tried confiscating money? Taking from the successful is the surest way to have them keep it up along with motivating others to join them. Every Democrat thinks punishment to fund a useless government is a bold idea. Taxes that take to fund are always a horrendous idea, particularly so for a nation that attempts to recover from politicians mercifully unilaterally banning human interaction. Every restriction on you living large is for your own benefit in case it’s not apparent.

The presumption that meddling works has sadly defined Biden’s career. There has never been anyone less capable of learning. From health care to throwing money at an economy that’s been drained for the first part, we’re seeing too many examples of why what he believes fails. His only usefulness comes in showing why he’s not good at anything. A lifetime politician never thought for a second that his fellow Americans would know what to buy.

Oh, no problem: this might get us nuked. Not to be melodramatic, but sucking up to Iran could lead to several gaping radioactive craters. Unabashed contempt for Israel is one way of showing respect for Judaism.

The demented mentality applies on local levels, too. Trusting criminals to comply while hassling the virtuous is consistent with every other daft policy Biden holds. His request for lunatic mullahs to give him an atomic wedgie is the global equivalent of gun control. Philosophical approaches work on every level, or in the case of Biden don’t.

Responsibility has never been Biden’s groove. Now, it’s personal. A singularly uninspiring executive’s flunkies, minions, and cultists ought to question him if they really wanted to help.

Those allegedly questioning the powerful could at least pretend they’re doing their jobs, as making it look tough would be good for show. An otherwise useless press could offer skepticism for his statist indulgences. But that would mean checking their own biases, so forget it. The only thing worse than favoring one side is when same side sucks.