No Punk, No Disco, Yes Suffering

It doesn’t seem like anyone is having a superfly time during our 1970s throwback.  The return of everything regrettable with none of the style prevents a groovy vibe.  Broke people worried about the last of their stuff getting pinched can’t even appreciate active nostalgia ironically.  This decade’s victims are too worried about muggers commandeering the bags full of cash it takes to buy a bag of apples.

Browsing through a nostalgic Instagram account sharing iconic moments from half a century ago offers momentary distraction from an economy whose stagnation approaches permanence.  The thorough lack of an identifiable cultural character makes regression feel banal.

The lack of creativity spurred by present decline is the most glaring part.  We won’t even get the gritty reality of punk or decadent fantasy of disco out of sinking.  The good and bad news is present future-dwellers can hide inside with a bit more than four channels and all our stuff brought to the doorstep.  The persistent urge to shied ourselves from harm undoubtedly means prosperity permeates.

Bringing to mind classic sitcom moments only offers so much comfort.  Shoppers feel like Mary Tyler Moore exasperatingly putting beef that’s way too costly into her cart.  We’re not getting the charmingly hilarious look at a modern career woman forging her path.  You have some nerve presuming someone’s gender, sexist.  The latest understanding of biology doesn’t exactly seem advanced.

How far will harkening go?  I fear they’ll bring 8-tracks back.  The prototypical clunky format is almost as inconvenient as inflation.  Geezers who like browsing a mighty shelf of music think would be nice to have tangible items again, although they’ll probably just get ripped off.  Humans who turned out to be unreasonably optimistic thought we cured brutes taking what belongs to others.  Rampant thievery’s return is like polio making as comeback.  The experiment’s conclusions getting replicated shocks those who claim to align with science.

There are better ways to get thrills than using sidewalks.  Cities are back to making forests seem safe in a reminder of just how close civilization teeters to chaos.  Ceding territory to the criminally insane has failed to inspire fond reminiscing.  You’ll notice that those who adoringly call garbage-strewn street photos gritty aren’t presently inhabiting the ominous scenes.  Fools seduced by decay daftly try their best to recreate them.  There are better ways to get thrills than making the Upper West Side dangerous again.

Taking away the barriers to chaos turns out to cause more of it.  I am also shocked.  You’d think that might be a lesson worth retaining.  But the worst part of widely challenging times half a century ago was not remembering why life was a downer.  There sure doesn’t seem to be as much progress as anticipated.

Advanced times feature countless surprises that shouldn’t be such.  Tolerating quality of life crimes lowers quality of life.  Foes of the crime against humanity known as cash bail are the only ones shocked.  An alarming percentage of vertical surfaces are covered in graffiti that’s not quite as festive as fans of antisocial behavior claimed.  Alleged artists can’t paint with consent.

Very sweet kids who think progress is inevitable have prevented it.  Modern folks suffer just like our polyester-clad ancestors.  Today is much worse because of the precedent.  Our ancestors already endured avoidable agonies so we didn’t have to, which makes neglecting difficult lessons even more insulting to previous generations.

The job is too big for one person, as long as it’s the kind of person who somehow gets elected.  A series of presidents who shrugged as events they spurred spun out of control have claimed there’s nothing to be done.  The limply powerful either hope voters don’t remember or don’t care as they already got hired.  An all-powerful government can’t do anything right and inflicts plenty of wrong.

Presuming intervention is simply part of life as it makes same life a hassle is the sort of exhausting surrender that itself exposed all to danger.  Government meddles with ordinary business as it lets felons practice their unsavory trade, which at least isn’t as awful as diabolical Earth menacing.  Evil on a smaller scale is the closest the beleaguered get to relief.

The Cold War is back in an annoying variation.  Acting as if the Berlin Wall is still in place is the only thing worse than accepting it as permanent when it stood.  The existence of evil regimes is accepted as inevitable by those possessing the unused power to confront them.  It’s tough to use imperialist mean American might for those who think the commies had a point about communal good over greed.  We’re all sharing empty shelves like the gray section of Germany’s most prominent city.

Getting ripped off in multiple senses is even worse when everything’s boring.  Our present advanced and regressive age lacks the distinct style of the dangerous decade we’re copying.  Our world is in worse shape even if we avoid Bread.  Carbohydrates are a luxury.

A person who lived through it doesn’t seem to remember what he’s presently eating for lunch, much less how much hurting his lame thoughts inflict in practice.  Retro doofus Joe Biden was already haunting the Senate not learning how deleterious liberal infiltration is.  Maintaining principles is unwise if they’re daft.  Endorsing every rotten notion was unfortunate when they were obviously bad ideas.

Innumerable examples in the meantime just make his drive to spread inflation and global woe that much sadder.  Half a century spent not learning is even more regrettable than avocado appliances.

Scientific Method to Madness

A lack of science permits magic.  Who wants to be constrained by natural limits and tedious rigors of experimentation?  Expand your imagination, dull bores.  Fervent worshipers who suspiciously endorse their fealty to the process secretly loathe the precedent of constancy.  Noticing how tendencies repeat is hateful to open-minded zealots dedicated to deducing that whatever’s established doesn’t affect what’s next.

Have you heard who loves science?  Alleged adherents will remind you of their dedication in case you haven’t used the process of sound waves to hear previously.  The biggest preeners are certainly not overcompensating, so stop thinking like a hater.  Psychology is a kind-of science.

Changing the climate of baseless panic would improve the environment.  Stop hyperventilating about weather in order to improve the forecast.  Over half a century of panic has only increased anxiety for panicky types who bafflingly resent civilization.  Doom should’ve come true by now, which mortifies cult leaders who were certain their calculations about the world’s end were accurate.

I must be ignoring how the few parts of the nation that don’t have to wade through the day are too frozen solid to move.  There’s no place free of water being irksome, at least if you get your updates about temperature patterns from noted researchers Greta Thunberg and Leonardo DiCaprio.

The self-parodic blame of every weather condition on human activity isn’t making our world warmer.  The news occasionally covers hurricanes in places where only a troglodytic rube would think they happen naturally like in warm coastal cities.  What next: the northeast endures blizzards?  Blustery snowstorms never happened before the invention of the internal combustion engine.

Our fragile sphere is no longer warming except when it happens to be warm.  A dedicated marketing effort surely reflects a dedication to facts.  Reality just needs a rebrand.  Old-timers remember the quaintness of global cooling that was the hip fright around the time of the initial Earth Day.  Enjoying life inside is no longer hastening the next ice age by having a civilization.

Altering semantics is not the same as changing outcomes, I regret to inform strident liberals.  Climate change ensures the temperature means we’re doomed regardless of whether it goes up or down.  Pray to the weather deities to give us just a few consecutive days of identical temperatures.

Cutting down on energy usage is wise on its own.  Recognizing which Korea uses more electricity shows how going a bit too far doesn’t really help the Earth or those dwelling on it.

The reality of inevitably facing tradeoffs is crucial to grasping complicated concepts like the value of burning fuel to keep from freezing.  Inept conjurers who think government can circumvent drawbacks don’t care for free markets, either, which is why they think they can get rich by printing money instead of working usefully.

Like trying to maintain civilization without keeping power plants purring, discovering that trying to avoid difficulties exacerbates them.  Cruel lessons merely reflect more indifference at human sputtering.

Visionaries do everything they can to stick us back to an age named after a raw material.  Cruel capitalists try to ruin out world by making fuel burning more efficiently, which is in the interest of both businesses and consumers.  The Soviet Union must’ve been an environmental paradise with all that cool planning.

The only way the effort to guilt the world into environmental bliss is if they’re trying to help.  Coal-powered extension cord cars feature batteries that couldn’t cause more pollution to make if they were the product of eco-villains that fought G.I. Joe at the toy line’s regrettable end.  You’ll never guess what powers smugmobiles.  As a hint, it’s not karma.  Emissions must be clean if you only see the plug.

There’s good news about gender confusion, as it’s already been decided.  Something out of our control is oddly comforting for removing an unnecessary choice.  The same very calm and loving people who’d ruin your life for suggesting homosexuality is so acceptable that it’s fine to decide autonomously to made it one’s preference proclaim you’re not the gender you’re born.  They would fire you for pondering the logic if they could only read your thoughts.  We need a law enabling telepathy.

Woke lunatics in lab coats employ a wholesale dedication to quelling debate that they trust is at science’s core.  Stifling debate is the precise opposite, of course.  The most zealous are the ones who make their religion look bad.  Claim it loud enough and it becomes true if you’re interested in how the new experiments proceed.  Thinking the process is ever settled surely respects it.

Shut the hell up unless you want to throw off the conclusion.  Irrational shrieking that is very common amongst scientists is designed to shame heretics who possess the temerity to question official conclusions.  You came within the two-yardstick bubble and are thus doomed to a lifetime of shame.

It’s sadly predictable that the other beliefs of the suspiciously pious are profoundly unscientific.  All a rational case took was seeing what kept happening; there should be a title for the procedure.

By contrast, refusing to perceive causes tremendous pain in actuality.  Solving crime by not making the arrested post cash bail doesn’t quite prevent cities from turning into the opening parts of a Batman movie.  Taxing success means less working toward it.  And health providers don’t care about quality or prices if they know their business is guaranteed.  All of liberalism is unscientific.  Consistency of beliefs that constitutes a pattern.  Naturally, believers don’t notice it.

Legally Jealous

Life is mean. The series of events we endure while existing features various cruelties that don’t respond to pleas for deserved mercy.  Worst of all, some of us have nicer stuff than others.  But coping apparently isn’t an option.

The lamentably prevailing unwillingness to focus on one’s own situation has become a scenario everyone must face.  Communal policies drag down the rest of us.  Professional pouters who’ve decided existence is a ripoff have turned toddler supermarket tantrums into a political philosophy.  You can’t just shop in a different aisle to minimize shrieking.  The shelves are just as empty, anyway.

Ensuing policy doesn’t stop tears.  Inflicting conspiratorial bitching on everyone else by law only spreads misery.  But suffering is only assuaged by making others feel it, too.  Empathy isn’t as effective when it’s merely figurative.

The second word of student loans should be a giveaway.  But some undergrads seem to major in not learning definitions.  In fact, woeful graduates leave campus determined to make up what terms mean.  It’s little wonder they deem diplomas so useless that they should be complimentary.  On one hand, art history majors signed a contract to repay money they borrowed.  On the other, it’s just not fair.  How are you supposed to pay bills when you have bills to pay?

Presuming present tax rates are the default comes naturally for those who treat Washington as Mecca.  Sacred proclamations from elected prophets cannot be disputed.  Blasphemers possess the damnable audacity to suggest earners should keep what they earn.  But currency holders buying what they wish with what they’ve been given could lead to frightening unplanned prosperity.  Joe Biden wouldn’t even be regulating happiness.  He’d manage to end its existence.

The dream of seizing more somehow fails to inspire boom times.  Framing a slight reduction of piracy as something that needs to be paid for is particularly galling when it’s actually government that must justify every expenditure.  Free people sure do have to pay for a lot of crummy goods.

I remain grateful I don’t fume like liberals regarding the notion that people who earn the most should be able to keep slightly more.  Using fuming positively might create a functioning business.  But it’s easier to presume conglomerates will profit eternally despite incessant confiscation.  Democrats who rely on taxing endless profits make profiting taxing.

The dire practical effects of their daft philosophical lunacy shock those who inhabit an entirely theoretical world.  The refusal to engage with the actuality creates grudges.  Even worse, the unstylish crabs enforce their contempt upon the kind and gracious.

Government must assist those it wronged.  The behemoth of coercion has to take in order to help victims of an economy that perpetually struggles for mysterious reasons.  I wish there were a way for people to take what they’ve received from others in exchange for providing goods or services to use what they’ve earned to keep the financial setup going.

There has been some rumbling about the existence of an alleged free market.  But how can we be certain this so-called invisible hand exists?  Nobody can see it, duh.  Some right-wing kooks with their silly insistence on not bothering everyone else theorize that wealthy fiends spending or investing spurs joy far more efficiently than envy.  A yacht big enough to store their other yachts keeps factory schlubs working.  But someone in the world might be earning more, which simply cannot stand.

Jealousy is the only skill which the useless develop.  It’s not exactly valuable unless you get elected to Congress.  The lack of productivity causes even more resentment, and the cycle doesn’t ever hit rock bottom.

It’s bad enough to believe such and even worse to enforce such.  There’s a reason liberal policies are based in mandatory participation.  You can’t just choose to plunder what successful people have accumulated unless you get the force of law on your side.  Class warfare warriors rot from believing life is engineered by sinister forces to keep everyone but you personally from thriving.  Government takes the perversion out of ridiculous fantasies.  Some sickos need legal permission.

Oozing government always results in initiators sabotaging bystanders.  There are better ways to achieve equality.  Enthusiastic adherents loathe individual credit for good reason.  An outlook that figures oppression is the default setting is bound to not only perceive reality fairly but be kind about it.

You won’t be left alone as a matter of policy.  All decent adults want is space to themselves.  But you can’t just have your own stuff and autonomy.  Keeping what you’ve been given by others during free trades epitomizes cruelty.  The mature merely seek the glorious indifference of allowing humans to interact.

Doing nothing is politically unhip.  The harassed eagerly await freedom to come back into vogue.  The one thing worse than living with such bitterness is diluting the sweetness of others.  Very cheery optimists who decided there’s no hope of improving do their best to convince others of the same.  Persuading an employer to take a chance takes way too much effort, and you haven’t even reached the first day.

Indicative of Vindictive

We will all get along once those who want to exist in a different way are destroyed.  It’s figurative, sort of.  Vindictiveness as a guiding principle is not the reflection of kindness practitioners think they’re flaunting.  The utter lack of forgiveness inherent to the most loving humans makes perfect sense.  Just ask them.  Liberals are never wrong about what they claim, as that’d make them delusional frauds.

Bloodthirsty predators who remorselessly look for violators of groupthink to demonize think Christians are cruel hypocrites.  The fact that itself is hypocrisy may amuse you, but don’t giggle unless you want to be sentenced, as well.

The party of compassion seeks souls to consume.  The fetish of taking down violators of pushy doctrine fuels hunters for what’s next, namely more hunting.  The cycle self-sustains as long as there are violators.  Don’t fret, as standard-creators work tirelessly to create new standards.  Make sure your tweets don’t presume the genders of dogs.

In an era where muggers run cities that would look too decayed for Batman movies, don’t commit the worst crime possible, namely being impolite in texts. Nasty remarks in private conversations are of course unacceptable and also not a justification for permanent banishment.  If nothing else, consider the precedent personally.  If you’ve never said anything boorish in conversation with inside references that could be misunderstood to outsiders, congratulations on unabashed lying.

Struggle sessions are the only entertainment some comrades get.  We’re all in this together except for those who’ve been ostracized.  Self-appointed legal practitioners are supposed to pretend not to enjoy it, which is why they didn’t go the traditional route and attend law school.  All that reading is so bourgeoisie.

Glee at tearing down those deemed offensive brings tremendous joy, which is why unofficial prosecutors are constantly on the sharklike prowl for defendants.  It’s not just that their ideology requires always seeking offense: the constantly bothered actually embrace victimhood.  Please keep thinking people are the gender they were born and that masking children harmed them without stopping the virus, as they need targets of animosity to engage in order to feel love.

Forget a trial.  And the sentence is always life.  The trial process has been streamlined for efficiency.  Social justice lunatics who think our court system is rigged against anyone they deem oppressed don’t believe in anything extraneous like the accused presenting a defense.  Fiends who text something off-color can’t just feel bad for crossing a line: they must be kept from being employed ever again.  Finding work while Joe Biden is president becomes merely even more unlikely.

Measured responses are for haters.  It’s not to excuse crummy thoughts by accusing everyone else of committing the same offenses to note punishment should be proportionate.  Claiming extralegal judges are too harsh is of course an offense worthy of permanent ostracizing.  Democrats who think arresting actual criminals constitutes cruel oppression don’t accept appeals from monstrously regressive offenders who still buy Harry Potter Lego sets for children.

People at their worst moments shouldn’t be allowed to avoid gloating, according to the accepting.  These modern times sure feature the epitome of love.  Preserving inarticulate ranting for eternity is not supposedly how social media works. Posts designed to be as impermanent as gossamer are carved in stone on the cliff overlooking the city.  Getting one’s worst tweets tattooed is the logical punishment.  Find an artist who’s skilled at applying scarlet letters.

What are they hiding?  Unofficial judges should be asking themselves.  It’s not the defenders but the accusers who are suspiciously obsessed with excluding humans for sins.  Utter vindictiveness is surely healthy, but perhaps accepting apologies would appeal at least for personal incentives.  Mob participants never think others will turn on them. Context is suddenly crucial when you’re the one who didn’t update your pronoun spreadsheet that morning.

There should be no offense in truth.  The fact facts spur outrage sums up humans in general and ironically intolerant Americans specifically.  The existence of absolute standards won’t stop tireless amateur investigators from seeking to violate it.  Their foes stick with biology, which those who profess to be scientific declare to the the apex of cruelty.  The vitriol aimed at defendants who point out our best present understanding is surely a reflection of rational thought.

Destruction of dissent embodies true open-mindedness.  It’s a sure indicator of security when people and principles can’t be challenged.  The refusal to even let the objection exist ensures unity.  Those who claim to believe in science get it philosophy wrong, too.

Daring to note that the federal government’s top scientific agency is still part of the federal government will get objectors excluded.  A federal imprimatur means their proclamations are infallible.  A federal stooge’s inability to be incorrect is central to their religion.  Challenging their pope is a crime that will get you damned.  Ruining your mentions is their issued penance.

Adherents who think charity must be mandated are always on the lookout for theocracy.  Worshiping their own cult is the exception to their condemnation of faith.  Loving thy neighbor is their particular church’s worst heresy.  Doctrine is far more capricious than the average religion.  Demanding compliance despite logical objections is central to all coercion-based beliefs.

There’s not much universal love or any at all.  It’s remarkable how profoundly uncharitable adherents are to anyone who suggests even the slightest disagreement or an off-color joke.  Woke juries specialize in ruling what’s not funny.  The unwillingness to giggle or move forward aligns with a lack of calm thinking.  Noticing patterns is a cruel unofficial crime.

Pain by Perspective

It’s easier to measure what didn’t happen than it is to make enough to buy rations and shelter.  Inflation cruelly decided to inflict itself randomly just as Joe Biden got his chance to bring universal joy.  An indifferent result is a partisan hack.  Money becomes increasingly worthless with every sentence.  Noting how much energy costs becomes obsolete faster than can be typed.

Proving a negative may seem impossible.  But withstanding endless negative outcomes makes the contrast sadly recognizable.  Victims miss the relatively carefree days when earning income was the day’s biggest pain.  Alleged wage slaves never thought they’d yearn for completing enough tasks to afford basic needs.  The case for how much life particularly sucks is presently easier with countless examples of how things were nicer way back three years ago.

It’s possible to know what blessings we possess even if we’re accustomed to cushiness.  Eternal gripers just have to be grateful for what things and concepts are presently present.  That leaves out liberals, who are sure that stupid freedom and cruel free exchange cause the entirety of misery.

Little treats becoming unobtainable luxuries has made the universally deprived miss the benefits we enjoyed without realizing it.  Biden taught us to be more human by confiscating simple pleasures.

Seeing what happens when what’s working is discarded makes society feel unemployed.  It’s easy to sense how life has gotten woeful if anyone needed the perspective of pain.  All it took to make us beg for ordinary irritations was the incumbent getting what he wants.

Crime is treated like a problem of bitching victims if you wonder where the last of your stuff went.  Cracking down on wrongdoers seems so elitist.  It’s better to blame everyone else.  A victim isn’t about to seek revenge like some misunderstood felon.

The ability to flee truly hurts the social justice effort to end crime through understanding.  Companies don’t feel like doing business in places where fiends can steal at will just like residents look to move to jurisdictions where potential muggers know they face arrest or a barrel.

The economy works best when everyone is allowed to work without getting punished for it, noted the person visiting Earth for the second day.  The same aspect that makes free markets amazing becomes apparent once meddlesome hands replace the invisible one.  It’s only when pushy presidents decide there’s not enough wealth or that people who don’t donate to him have too much of it.

Free is the most costly price.  Village elder and idiot Joe Biden attempted to get away with the oldest vain attempt to scheme, namely trying to get something for nothing.  Those he sees as subjects got plenty of the latter.

The attempt to get rewarded without creating value has defined Biden’s life.  Worst of all, he figured everyone else is also a grifter who relies on parasitic preying.  Him getting away with it inflicted tremendous loss on a once-productive nation.

Printing money somehow didn’t make everyone rich.  Presses can’t keep pace fast enough to enable affording opulent groceries.  Food is today’s equivalent to yachts.

Feeling the urge to infringe is bad enough.  The fact it’s always those least qualified to interfere in the work of the productive just spreads flames.  Opening the oven door then wondering why the cake doesn’t rise is the culinary approach of present cabinet secretaries.  Shoppers can’t afford extravagances like flour and eggs.

International turmoil becoming normal might feel calm.  Growing accustomed to marching invaders ruining your flower beds is the best hope for dealing.  Being mean to villains doesn’t cause them to be naughty, enemies of understanding are surprised to learn.  It’s almost like evil’s existence isn’t the fault of the virtuous, which is news to very proud Americans who presume America is the worst.

Global dirtbags got what they wanted, namely a president who’ll back down like it’s his job description.  Scoundrels forgetting to set the parking brakes on tanks or to set centrifuges on sleep mode are just something that’s part of life if you let oafs chart its course.

The measures interdictors claim caused agony prevented it.  Sufferers are not exactly smirking at appreciation of irony.  It’s tough to giggle while worried that the last of your material goods is about to be stolen.  Police were serving as a barrier against involuntary donations, which is why Democrats think they’re government’s only bad part.

Blaming those enduring doesn’t assuage.  Guarding against nefariousness was the prevention instead of the cause in case very smart liberals outthought themselves again.  The simple act of trading what we have for what we want benefits both parties.  Nobody’s partying right now.

I wish there were a better way to know what it’s like to not ache.  Imagination should be sufficient.  Living through deprivation is helpful to those struggling to picture how well life functioned before those who pretended everything was awful decided to initiate unneeded repairs.

Philosophers who think there’s no certain way to know what good is without bad are in luck, sort of.  We can tell what was working by comparison to how everything’s broken now.  Blame capitalism for the results of constant interference with that very process.  Nostalgia is the only thing functioning.

Old Ideas in a New Year

This year sucks.  To be fair, that applies to all of them.  I predict a lousy 2023 based on the few days we’ve endured of it and also the countless decades of miserable drudgery that preceded it.  The supplier remains the same, which does not provide much hope for altered product quality.

There’s nothing special about this one.  Luckily, years don’t have self-esteem.  Some of the particular conditions are specifically unfortunate.  But the general vibe remains the same as every one of these at this time.  Any surviving hope will be dashed soon.  Finding comfort in routine will have to suffice as a victory.

At least lousy times are moving quickly.  Life still feels like we’re residing in the voodoo curse moments of 2020.  The rut is mental, which is either promising because there’s no physical restriction or woeful because our minds are imprisoning us.  Regardless of what date our phones claim it is, it would be nice to not feel stuck in the era of calling America racist while shutting it down to not stop a virus.

Time feels like it’s standing still just when you want it to accelerate.  The physics of how clocks work are beyond our puny human comprehension.  The seconds are ticking even if we can feel each one.  Science indicates the Earth seems to continue with various spinning actions.

Cheer for this to be the exception from a crummy era.  The persistently confident are hoping this grouping is not defined by presuming America is the racist Fourth Reich, surrendering rights so governors can make viruses worse, or giving Joe freaking Biden the continued chance to show that he will never be right about anything.  Examples lean toward a woeful trend.  But optimism despite experience is the one thing that sustains the afflicted.

An indifferent gift of a new year is welcomed by those who need a mental reset.  People in an uncaring universe are trying not to think about how relentless the eternal pressure of events is.  Every January feels like a fresh start, which is helpful in coping with the endless drudgery from which there is no escape.  That’s as cheery as I get.

Celebrities who’ve left us would surely appreciate that their legacy is getting lumped with other famous people who passed away during the same timeframe.  Associating things with a year is both easy and lazy.  Noticing what happens within the same 12 months happens to be an obvious way to link events, especially if there appears to be a trend of lousiness.  The inclination toward woe is a feature of this universe that can in turn be used to glue quite a few individual years together.

People don’t get wiser just because they acquire new page-a-day calendars, which is particularly regrettable news for a president who’s failed to get wiser despite numerous birthdays.  Ancient dolt Biden still thinks he can solve inflation by printing money.  He just needs to get them running a little faster if cruel Republicans stop opposing efforts to make everyone rich.  The Treasury needs more money, which it will print if only some true leader is brave enough to initiate the cycle.

A ghastly accompaniment to the ball drop showed what lamentably remains unaltered.  An Islamic terror attack in New York City is only the latest reason to avoid Times Square at all costs.  The worst part of bringing back the past in the worst way is the lack of surprise about shocking heinousness.  The combination of lenience toward criminals and contempt for police in the world’s erstwhile greatest city enables such appalling assaults.  The alleged Empire State needs machete control.

Rotten ideas don’t improve with time’s passage, which you’d think might be unfortunate news for those who inflict them.  But collectivist goons downplay individual accomplishments with an ulterior motive.  Results are exponentially worse for their victims, although empathy doesn’t seem to dog those who need it most.

A big date update doesn’t fortify the line.  The protected White House is rather keen on keeping the border open to anyone who wants in.  The only way to dissuade illegal immigration is to make the country so poor and unsafe that nobody wants to hop the border.  Truly compassionate liberals would fence off a country they think is a racist sexist capitalist inequality factory.

By contrast, those who know the present fondness for state control is as rotten a notion as it is harmful practically should disregard the chance for change.  Don’t resolve to do things differently if you’re awesome.  You’re off to a good start if you stop presuming government will fix anything, much less everything.  Learning lessons inflicted by ghastly ideas is the one way to make the new slate of months improve.  Precedent indicates this year will be dumb like all the others, and early results seem to confirm the tendency.  

Blown Away by the Blizzard Response

You know a storm is bad when even Buffalonians twitch.  The Christmas blizzard kept families from spending time together but was disastrous otherwise.  As a Queen City serf, I grew so tired of comparing the area to Hoth that I switched to bringing up the prison planetoid where the Klingons sent Kirk and McCoy in Star Trek VI.  Bringing together perpetually warring nerd factions shows how devastation can inspire cooperation.

Opening presents while there was daylight offered a nice distraction from the chilliness.  I personally spent 50 hours without electricity, including the entirety of Christmas.  The white Christmas was also a no lights Christmas.  That manger-like feel brought authenticity.  Looking on the bright side helped cope with darkness.  I missed every showing of A Christmas Story, which means it’ll be fresh next year.  And not getting to see the Knicks meant missing them lose.

Getting power back brought perspective, such as how much I enjoy using power.  Life is most appreciated when basic things are missing, I told myself to distract from shivering.  The absence of luxuries like internet and heat allowed time for shoveling drifts as tall as a me-sized human.

There might be warmer ways to learn people will always help those in need.  Until Independence Day, Western New Yorkers showed the worst weather brings out the best in each other.  People taking strangers into their homes and stores know what the season’s about no matter how or if they pray.  From organizing groups shoveling those stuck to clearing out adjacent driveways, anyone who needed help opening the door from the outside got it.

Buffalo is the City of Good Neighbors as long as you don’t live next to a politician.  Inspirational leaders take time from recovering corpses to blame each other for glacial responses.  At least the petty bickering distracts from how their limp responses exacerbated peril from the elements.

This metropolis is stuck even with visibility technically over zero.  Mayor for Life Byron Brown ensures the city is more efficient when City Hall is closed.  Trash remains even as garbage pickup returns.

Take your time.  The mayor took a break from daftly suing gun manufacturers for spiking crime as if he hadn’t held his present office since 2006.  That’s barely enough time to learn the city can get a bit snowy during December.

Those who make firearms somehow provoked criminals into robbing unoccupied stores.  You don’t want to take off a mitten to pull a trigger.  There sure is lots of looting in jurisdictions with heavy gun control.  If neutral observers didn’t know better, they might think plunderers don’t fear the consequences of preying upon a catastrophic breakdown of order.

Electing a putzing dolt five times is begging for a poor storm response.  If you’d like the city to not lose to a blizzard, don’t let writing in an incumbent clown to defeat an unopposed socialist be the best option next time.  Unlike snow, Germans hopped over the Berlin Wall in one direction.

If you’re unfamiliar with Mark Poloncarz, I envy you.  Unsuspecting citizens outside the limp Erie County executive’s jurisdiction may have been exposed to his toxicity during national coverage of a local storm.  He’s the sort of arrogant dolt who’d be pompous enough without cause to use a JFK quote to excuse away flubbing the driving ban.  You can guess his party.

Why are the dads fighting?  They’re both megalomaniacal dolts.  Those in charge of making the pavement visible again succeeded in fighting the snow if their plan was to wait for thawing a couple days later.

New York’s worst first elected female governor Kathy Hochul illustrates the dark side of consistency by flaunting ineptitude on the next level.  Panhandling from Washington for disaster cash results from having no way to know Buffalo would ever get a windy snowstorm.  How could governments ever plan for it?  We definitely have to bill every American taxpayer.

Forecasters wish they could be as accurate as those who note looting emerges wherever Democrats are in charge of places undergoing extreme weather.  The only thing worse than one party running basically unopposed is when it’s this party.

Democrats think they should run everything then screw up what they’re supposed to run.  A government that thinks it can do everything can’t do anything.  Its fundamental tasks are too trifling for visionaries who want to 

Getting politics out of it is the precise opposite of bringing politics into it.  We only note who is terrible at interfering because of their incessant boasting and position of exploiting the sheen of legal authority.  New York is great except for those in the government.  Aspiring tyrants believe they run the state.  Sadly, they’re right.

Every story of effective goodwill in helping neighbors overcome the blizzard resulted from Buffalonians choosing to assist while worthless office-filling failures blamed each other for their thorough screwups.  Trust that people will help instead of expecting government to do so.  We didn’t want to use a storm to make political points.  But they went first.  There’s more shoveling needed.