As Good As Fake Gold

Joe Biden has performed superbly if he’s trying to make Donald Trump look good.  The ultimate screwup only achieves what he tries to not do.  Aiding his rather mouthy predecessor’s reputation stands among his greatest offenses, which is quite a feat itself.

Poor optimists who thought leadership couldn’t get worse should have learned their lesson by now.  This rather dumb presidency’s only hope for halting criminals is making money too worthless to steal.  Freewheeling felons can’t afford to fuel getaway vehicles, which is one strategy for fighting thievery.

Contemporary pirates largely get away with plunder like their international fiends operating under the guise of being in charge of countries.  Conditions have rotted so quickly since late January 2021 that even the embodiment of obnoxiousness is appealing if there are only two competitors.

Propping up a limp insurrectionist is the last thing you’d think Biden might want.  But the emblematic doddering knucklehead is an expert at screwing up goals.  Helping another person who held the same job title is not a globalist elitist conspiracy about those in power helping each other: an ideologue with the worst ideology possible simply makes people crave how life used to be even if they didn’t flee Gumdrop Island.

This is the first time Biden’s been in charge, at least technically.  That’s just to reiterate in case it’s not clear that an arrogant bumbler who’s even less sharp than he was during his alleged peak years when he could hide in the back of Democratic group photos.  Senate obscurity defined nearly his entire adult life, and he could have been as happy to retire as America would’ve been.

Pretending to run a business empire ended up being good practice for being the federal government’s executive.  Trump lucked out at every point ever, up to and including capturing the presidency.  The last thing the man who’s a bigger fraud than the politicians he condemned was for his replacement to pawn the office furniture.

Trump did nothing, which was the top case for everything.  A pro sleaze is not just like Bill Clinton in being an insincere human and real scoundrel.  The previous president wasn’t exactly the dynamic titan he advertised himself to be.  Flaccid leadership benefited him in the sort of cruel break that works out.  We at least got affordable fuel out of hot air.  Biden deciding pipelines were ruining Earth has kept Americans stationary, which sure has reduced the nation’s carbon footprint.

Even an all-time phony makes the present job-filler look like a putz by comparison.  Constant blather not leading to actual outcomes is much better than getting lousy things done.  Trump’s best bet was always caretaking despite the unfortunate state of his shiny buildings.  A sad sliver of marks still fall for the blatant shtick as if the rage twit railing against the establishment he yearns to join.  But Biden is still the worst president of our lifetimes by independent standards.

The WWE Hall of Famer wins only by disqualification.  Being the second-worst option is how he managed to beat Bill’s ostensible spouse.  It’s little wonder politicians hold markets in contempt when their own particular industry features so few opportunities to make useful exchanges.

The greatest winner ever blames everyone else for not being able to beat someone who’s only gotten more bumbling.  Trump was so execrable that voters thought Biden was worth a shot.  Nothing worked out for anyone.  This woeful run of presidencies serves as the strongest condemnation yet of how parties choose candidates, which in a representative government means we should all be disappointed in ourselves.

Bitching he would do everything correctly is Trump’s not-very-special specialty, which is only more annoying now.  It’s hard to take this particular type of kvetching from Trump seriously when he’s the one who could’ve prevented Jimmy Carter’s second term with the slightest dose of competence.  The worst possible part of the worst possible year of 2020 led to Biden performing so egregiously that even Donald freaking Trump would have been a better alternative.

Biden would be at his best doing nothing.  Idling is still not a super outcome with the sort of president who’s trying to print money faster than inflation.  But sitting still is the best hope for innate meddlers.  Barack Obama’s vice president’s urge to inflict his unfortunate takes on improving existence has led to results that make erstwhile East Germans experiencing Ostalgie sober up and beg for the uncertainties of markets.  Sufferers of his swell ideas wish he displayed way more ineptness at implementing his agenda.  This president does, too.

We’re all in this together, unfortunately.  A political philosophy based on group projects may have been a bit deceptive about what unity would involve.  Liberals getting what they wish is a frightening look at why success can lead to failure.  Life gets saddled with cruel irony for everyone else, too.  The loathsome Biden run is so bad that it makes sufferers miss the former reality host who engineered a pushy tantrum on his way out after losing.

Don’t let sentimentality make the past look appealing when it sucked in its way.  Believe it or not, there are other options than the present and previous hires.  We could choose an entirely different person as the next president.  It shouldn’t be too tricky to find a third option out of three hundred million.  Let present woeful boredom inspire creativity instead of reversion to the previous uniquely regrettable option.  America doesn’t need a pompous Grover Cleveland.  We should be sick of presidents whose legacies are rotten successors. 

Sick Experiments

Believing in science is the most unscientific idea imaginable.  Irony is confirmed by research.  A declaration of faith regarding the embodiment of skepticism shows true understanding.  Giggling while donning lab coats backward distracts from trying to figure out how to don goggles.  They just rest on your ears?

Adults struggle to be productive while keeping delinquents away from Bunsen burners.  Those who fail to grasp the subject shouldn’t even be allowed to handle safety scissors.  Confiscating autonomy is for their own safety and everyone else’s, too.  Caring about others means not letting the biggest fakers make decisions.

This method sure doesn’t seem scientific.  Those who insist on defying human nature, economics, and reality have their answers already determined, which doesn’t seem like it would please the average chemist.  A not particularly clever method for circumventing what happens next hasn’t exactly produced results.

Presume anyone who disagrees is awful as part of a commitment to kind open-mindedness.  Branding those with legitimate questions deniers is especially galling when conclusions make liberalism the equivalent of believing the Earth is shaped like a plate.  

Flailing about every temperature change makes it tough to enjoy nice seasons.  Histrionic liberals should be familiar with weather, which is a fairly common phenomenon.  In fact, it happens constantly, according to our present understanding.  That’s at least outside.  As for those who wish to reside in the past for more than its alleged relative coolness, freaking out at the thermometer does not appease climate gods.  There’s been an alarming spike in risible announcements about any high summer temperature or fire in a forest you may be aware is full of wood.

Changing to climate change didn’t trick the Earth into thinking it’s doomed.  Literally any variation prompts hollering about this apparently fragile planet’s imminent doom.  Our efforts to cool off cruelly make it hotter.  I miss when it was 60 degrees and mostly sunny every single day before the invention of air conditioning.

Gaia cultists are as good at science as they are at rhetorical trickery.  Fanatics are surely conforming to facts when they must change terms like a public relations campaign.  Global warming didn’t quite pan out, which means a rise in human-caused language melting.  We certainly aren’t going to return to fretting about global cooling like primitive dolts fretted about at the First Earth Day.  Those benighted troglodytes weren’t geniuses like today’s enlightened academics who think updating terms because their last one didn’t pan out reflects a new understanding of events.

Abortion is about controlling women as long as you ignore sonograms.  Oh: a baby can grow inside.  Noticing how life starts is portrayed as reverting to prehistoric times by those whose self-righteousness is surely logical.  People can’t afford baby food that is unavailable, anyway.

A lifetime spent denying results affects life outside of laboratories.  More gun control causes more crime as only the law-abiding obey, economies sputter when politicians attempt to compensate for their previous incursions, and unlimited complimentary health care is super unless you actually want to use some.  The case is clear in the real world.

A stubborn refusal to deviate from their precious ideology means never learning why everyone is hurting.  The unfailingly stubborn think they have evidence on their side when events contradict them right out front.

Economic science demonstrates the effect of removing motivation and rewards on humans.  Recession will remain the conclusion for several quarters.  

Deciding that a fearful knee jerk would protect us from passing along the plague is still contagious.  The magic cloak fails to perform Harry Potter-style no matter what spell clumsy politicians try.  Force people to breathe through cotton in case anxiety wasn’t severe enough without proper respiration.  Punishing us like children by making us go to our rooms failed to stop a virus.

Merely citing evidence is hateful in this wholly rational world of ours.  Not wearing a mask epitomizes selfishness unless hiding mouths did nothing more than signal virtue.  Confiscators of rights got every infiltration they desired for two years.  The outcomes made everyone sick.  People who managed not to panic are ticked after noticing what those who freaked inflicted on top of global illness.

The worst aftermath of the rampaging disease was making humanity irrationally scared.  Justifying endless infiltrations by claiming they’re for safety is a reason as lame as it is eternal.  Let’s take rights just to make sure, demand casual tyrants.  The only surety was infringing upon basic liberty without legal niceties or practical benefits.

Bothering others is their religion.  It’s tough for liberals to claim they want to separate church and state when the state is their church.  Even worse, adherents get all the doctrine wrong.  Worshiping Washington isn’t bad enough: adulating Joe Biden to form a trinity is the darkest mythology.

Distorting faith in a way that would make Pat Robertson cringe is a nice unintentional touch  The most zealous are the least likely to consider facts.  Fervency taints the experiment, as seen by how badly the American test subject has reacted to Biden’s demented notions.

Science is a process.  That fundamental opener shouldn’t need to be announced.  But its alleged defenders need remedial lessons.  The ironically ignorant know even less about it than algebra.  Rigorous testing is just another basic element they ignore.

Respecting the best present knowledge is anathema to heretics who misinterpret every prophecy.  Watch who claims to represent scientific values as they demonize increasing crop yields that prevent starvation as Frankenfoods.  Living in fields to reduce carbon footprints wouldn’t help, but it’s not like hypocrites would live up to their shrieking.

Effect Caused

Thinking about yourself is so selfish, which is why Democrats selflessly look outward to find who deserves blame.  Using the pain their polices cause to inflict more of them isn’t as ironically amusing as hoped.  There’s little giggling while making the choice between not paying rent and not buying groceries.  Denying the origin story makes just what’s causing harm like a recession.  The same deniers are also into rejecting biology, so it’s not like this is a new habit.

Help those you hurt.  It’s only fair.  Democrats are so committed to the notion that prosperity is unobtainable that they make it happen.  Take culprits’ steadfast loathing of economy participants to the point they discourage anyone from trying to make bucks, plural.  You’ve got some nerve being useful enough that others will pay for your skills or goods.

A self-fulfilling prophecy that causes economic woe is the wrong way to create incentives.  Keeping people from profiting is profitable for sicko power junkies.  They infringe upon every attempt thrive independently then moan that the economy needs subsidies.  It’s almost clever in a mob family sort of way.

The inability to stand was caused by failing to drink enough Mad Dog 20/20. Some of the cures seem like they are causes.  This quackery is victimizing wallets everywhere.

Noticing when the cycle began means you hate the poor.  Class warfare is based on actively ignoring when the classes began resenting each other enough to declare hostilities.  Jealousy-based politics aren’t going to involve anything like being aware of who dragged down our finances.

Health care is so costly, note those who made health care so costly.  Government is renowned for reducing prices, which makes the constant skyrocketing prices when they’re in charge of our well-being so baffling.  Next, you’ll claim Washington isn’t quite renowned for providing quality service.

You can’t decline.  Lifesaving care being expensive was supposedly remedied by making everyone buy a policy.  Businesses can charge what they please when customers must purchase their products in case anyone born yesterday is shocked at how life has unfolded.

We need to bill the collective to show how much we care.  Sure, insurance gets unbearably costly when sales are coerced.  But everyone will have to pay, which will make suffering universal.  Don’t you value empathy?

The solution to previous meddling is more of it.  An entire philosophy based on losing weight with more hot fudge has somehow created an obese government.  The next bout will settle the matter instead of extending agony.  It’s the law.

Certain students get less smart the more time they spend in school.  Notice them by how they’re always expecting educators to get paid more without those using the services getting charged.  That’s before paying for utilities.  Classrooms don’t become comfy by chance.  Let’s learn about cause and effect on the first day.

The refusal of many graduates to pay for services rendered is the best argument against allegedly advanced education.  Student loans embody desiring to bill others, which means moochers obtained zero knowledge about economics or decency.  Lifetime quasi-studiers don’t want to enter the real world, and it shows.

Federal cash cannons aimed at administration offices mysteriously didn’t lower school bills.  It’s uncanny how tuition became unaffordable following involuntary investment by leaders who claim they’re dedicated to knowledge.

Free money is the most expensive thing there is.  I wonder if there are other practical examples of the folly behind trying to get something for nothing like entitlement cash printing leading to a recession.  Graduates can’t afford their diplomas, but at least there are no jobs to even try.  And don’t fret, as any cash involved is now worthless, anyway.

The first thing they learn should be to notice cause and effect.  Refusing to observe basic patterns should mean having to claim that you’re retaking a class because the subject was so fascinating.

Colleges would be begging for business if campuses resembled the rest of the world.  The alleged horror of treating education as a commodity actually makes acquiring it more costly.  Noticing should be worth three credits.  Taxpayers find themselves funding degrees that recipients still can’t afford.  Meanwhile, universities feature untouched endowments like truly selfish conglomerates that get demonized incessantly in their classrooms.

A captive audience is surely glad to participate.  Mandates paired with pecuniary draining make everyone need to rely on those who cause harm.  Hand your stuff over so it’s treated properly.  The presumption those who earned it don’t deserve it is at best cynical, so try to be an optimist.

People will just spend their own money wrong, anyway.  It’s not like company owners will hire people to do things or those not in position to have employees will buy from businesses who are.

Liberals are constantly trying to figure out what causes all these dreadful problems.  Also, John Wayne Gacy was horrified at whoever stuffed corpses in his crawl space.  Realizing their own beliefs spread misery is too close to personal responsibility, and  ideology demands they point fingers at everyone else.  Even those who struggle to retain knowledge should’ve learned in childhood how rude that is.

Nobody, Nothing Working

Alarm at the lack of surprise will have to suffice as a thrill.  It’s not like you can afford a trip to the cinema or enough gasoline to look at the marquee.  We knew the White House’s scheme to evade work wouldn’t work.  If you’re not disheartened enough, enduring sluggish efforts fails every time.  The White House still maintains that their risible schemes will turn idling into a blessing.  Stubbornness will never be a virtue.

Why did nobody ever think of printing money before?  Many previous presidents were idiots on their own terms and especially so in comparison to super number one genius Joe Biden.  Bills buy things, so having more of them means you can get all the products you’ve ever craved.  But the brilliant plan to make everyone rich by mailing checks had one flaw, namely how it fails thoroughly like every other dream ever of trying to get something for nothing.  Inflation doesn’t surprise those unable to afford college ramen.

Make an item tough to obtain, and the price goes up.  A childhood lesson eludes the sophisticated White House.  The rather direct example regarding supply and demand with gasoline will not fuel future understanding.  You’ll just have to safe your increasingly worthless dimes to afford an electric glorified go-kart powered by nature’s cleanest fuel source, which the layman calls coal.  The lethargic cut off energy for others for equality.

The only thing worse than illustrating harm caused by infringing upon basic economics is not retaining the excruciating error.  Awareness of what causes pain would be helpful to those looking to avoid more of it.  But a White House that’s incapable of learning is staffed by masochists.  There’s no shame in encountering information for the first time, although it’d be nice to learn how much harm a supply reduction causes before inflicting it.  Pretending the crisis they caused will be solved by them is a bold way of attempted blame evasion.

Contemporary purveyors of logic are so dedicated to ignoring outcomes that they wouldn’t believe in biology, either.  Asking what a woman is shows how advanced the understanding of science is in this very futuristic year of 2022.  Like hoping sunshine provides enough energy to fuel civilization, aspiration now passes for facts.

Histrionic vitriol aimed at dissenters is quite common amongst the rationally scientific.  Singular contempt for questioning whether a feeling matches reality surely reflects confidence in beliefs, too.  The dedication to silencing those isn’t merely an attempt to create a lame distraction from how the pseudoscientific censors have staked their personalities on announcing that gender is unconnected to anatomy.

Professed dedication to science sure seems like compensation.  Anyone who genuinely respected the results of observation wouldn’t need to announce it.  But claiming to do something that never quite gets done is intrinsic to liberalism.  Your affordable quality insurance is forthcoming.

Making a show of scientific faith distracts from the regrettable results of their dastardly experiments.  We know who stole two years from us, but authorities won’t arrest themselves.

Knowing vindication was forthcoming doesn’t make suffering through daft ideas any less painful.  Like awareness that printing money wildly reduces its value, what’s obvious doesn’t affect those inflicting awfulness.  Your bosses know they’re the smartest, which is why they use authority to inflict healthy booming.  Results may be the precise opposite, which is why observation must be made illegal.

Noticing patterns takes the surprise out of life.  Don’t you like the rush provided by the unexpected?  Those still trying to tax us into growth refuse to admit masks were useless.  And put out of mind the notion of an apology for the worst results paired with the most invasive shutdown.  Shuttering civilization didn’t stop a virus from traveling through the ether, but at least politicians got to tell us what to do.

Causing the problems they condemn isn’t just basic psychology.  Diseased claims about heartless wealth aficionados wanted to keep the economy open just to profit at the cost of lives is a rather unscientific narrative spread by the ones who enforced both.  Autocratic witches shut down everything and still piled up corpses.  But I’m sure they’re correct about how ignoring sonograms embodies women’s rights.

Universal solitary confinement was a harsh way to learn that the economy is nothing more than creating for compensation.  Constantly trying to evade the mutually beneficial nature takes lots of work.  It’s too bad such toil isn’t invested in productivity.  The government will give out stuff, so stop worrying.  Why even wait for the plague?  Think of how relaxing it is to wait for federal cash.  Jobs are for suckers who think Washington doesn’t dispense prosperity.

Not understanding the agony they cause would be the best excuse if this were the initial experience.  But the president doesn’t remember if he had Fruity Pebbles or Trix for breakfast.  Forgetfulness is the next-best hope in case you don’t feel inspired enough.

The remedial presidency should’ve been held back a few grades.  Like being the oldest fourth-grader, big kid Biden wants a second term to try his daft notions.  He stubbornly refuses to learn.  A president born during the FDR presidency doesn’t have the excuse of immaturity.  The only way to exacerbate wholly misplaced certainty that they should be running everything is when those who’ve decided such know nothing.

Oh, No: Hochul

Subway shovings have just begun.  New York’s criminals will continue being treated like victims while actual victims will have whatever isn’t stolen taxed away.  Albany commits quasi-legal theft.

Voters in a state that embraces freedom if opening prison gates counts are apparently eager for more targeting.  New York is full of masochists.  Suffering under Joe Biden wasn’t punishment enough.  Federalism sometimes means extra ruinous policies get enacted closer to home.

The erstwhile Empire State can stop creating bad examples for everyone else to avoid.  A progressive hellhole offers a concentrated dose of the flailing bossiness that’s lamentably become a trend in these oh so enlightened times.  There’s a promising update for any state resident who didn’t feel kicked around enough by inflation.  Plundering is New York’s only thriving industry.

Dodging responsibility will remain a popular Democratic hobby.  Warning about those not in power getting their way as their own policies fail is the classic excuse that does everything but improve the state’s fortune.  They just need more of their brilliant ideas enacted, you see.

Kathy Hochul’s strategy of chasing away anyone who wouldn’t vote for her was the wisest strategy she’s ever pursued.  That had to have been her plan, right?  I wish there could be an easy way to tell what approach is successful like seeing if Blue States lose population to Florida and Texas.  Unlike the miserably grabby way Democrats see the economy, electoral votes are a zero-sum game.

A liberal economy sure is illiberal.  The prototypical tax and spend hive is running out of prey.  I’m sure they’ll attract more successful people who are eager for a pilfering.  Seeing humans the way vampires do is a sure sign politicians respect liberty.  What We Do in the Shadows is a fake documentary about the real scenario of people who gladly enable those who exploit them.  Presuming money earned by taxpayers is hers compensates for Hochul’s thorough lack of personal productivity.  Elect those who know how to spend better than you do.  

Being locked in the state with seething fiends is not as compassionate as billed.  Acting as if posting bail is a crime has allowed actual offenses to increase exponentially.  The parodic take on liberal policies is all too real.

Hochul may as well blame a microphone for the moronic things she spews.  New York is in for another term of blaming guns for crime as criminals disregard gun control.  The state’s restrictions on a constitutional and human right are strict enough to classify them as provincial.  You can be neighborly to Canada without adopting their refusal to trust citizens with basic liberties as your house policy.

The governor has made it virtually impossible for those who obey laws to arm themselves.  Meanwhile, felons who are willing to commit one more will have no problem with paperwork.  She really cares for certain people within the state.

The worst thing about the return to lawlessness is having the precedent of knowing how bad it was and avoidable it is.  We don’t even get authentic ‘70s grit out of the worst throwback possible.  The primitive 2020s will apparently be spent perceiving everyone but lawbreakers as lawbreakers.  Concluding that those arrested have been violated while scoffing at the mugged like their wounds and missing wallets are a conspiracy is how Hochul flaunts compassion.

The only New Yorkers not endangered by crime are killed before being born.  Nobody fretting about ridding themselves of babies at will had to worry, as Hochul is dedicated to preserving the option to discard those in wombs when she’s not preening about how the NRA causes kids to be murdered.  Abortion was a winning issue this week for Democrats just like slavery in the 1850s.

How will your money be spent?  Enough participants within the jurisdiction in question voted away the right to decide.  New York’s particularly odious capital makes corrupt cabals look like benevolent republics by comparison.  Funneling any results of prosperity through arrogant elected idiots means the state is like the mob, only unprofitable.  Those who keep voting for the same miserable predation think it’s the only way politics happens as they reinforce the calcified arrangement.

Unfortunate election lessons are the only benefit.  Jeffrey Dahmer could win because his name stars with a D.  While he’s deceased, he has name recognition from a recent fictional portrayal that could land him on a ballot.  Sticking with harm shows once again that Democrats will vote for their party no matter what.  Trivial matters like consequences and suffering will not deter those who think the party of Hochul helps compassionately despite ho3 rust is winning the war.

Supremely delusional backers who elected an incumbent for the first time display a dedicated refusal to check results can’t be considered steadfast.  It’s no wonder Democrats hate free markets when they reward failure.

As for the man who couldn’t beat a documented failure, Lee Zeldin offers evidence that anyone who has ever smiled at Donald Trump will be unable to contend.  Anyone paying attention to the emptiness behind the chintzy gold could’ve told you those aligned were making a deal with a rather obnoxious devil.  Trump’s going to be much less clever about not honoring its terms.  The only thing worse than falling for him then is continuing to do so now.

A Trump pal was the least worst option compared to giving Democrats another chance.  Elections presently suck even more than usual.  Trying to choose the less rotten option has never been less fun.

Sicko New Yorkers re-hired an all-time dolt with impossibly awful record in a job she inherited from an autocratic scumbag who killed off grandparents when he wasn’t treating women like his property.  Andrew Cuomo’s replacement is a slightly different style of scumbag.  Hochul now gets a full term to inflict woe.  Voters saw just how bad life got, had a chance to halt the agony, and chose to reward her.  The sad state of New York demonstrates how liberalism is about making everyone else suffer, too.

Hating Speech

You’re an accomplice.  There’s no appeal, either, so accept the struggle session’s sentence for amity.  The only crime Democrats care about is using mean words they decided make others commit assaults.  The infractions themselves are excused away as the result of poverty they cause or blamed on implements used as long as they feature triggers.  Linking scolding Nancy Pelosi to a madman attacking her husband is the sort of distortion makers of the most tenuous case claim to oppose.  At least they have an accurate example to cite.

Demonizing a foe should be banned.  This is politics we’re discussing.  The First Amendment should end with an asterisk.  As with other fabricated portions of the Constitution like the insurance mandate, education, and separation of church and state, liberals have reached the stage of just shrug off pretending to find justifications.  Pointing out the only ones thriving in such a wretched economy are thieves has been branded hate speech.

A concerted effort to silence foes is particularly adorable from preeners pretending everyone who doesn’t cheer for an insurance mandate like the harmed individual is reveling in an attack.  Ensuring only the side that pretends to care gets to be heard is tougher to do on Twitter now that Elon Musk has the app in his pocket.  But the dinosaur legacy media is doing its best to connect everyone noting that Paul’s spouse’s beliefs are as unconstitutional as they are daft to a lone disturbed assailant.

The list of violations you shamefully haven’t proclaimed you oppose is virtually endless.  Demanding Republicans condemn one particular attack implies culpability.  The faction in question is already outraged by crime, including the numerous offenses in Pelosi’s district.  Acting as if those who vote differently aren’t upset about misusing a tool on a human is particularly hideous while acting as if incorrect assumptions cause rancor.  Conspirators are responsible for daring to note Nancy remains a hustler and hassler.

Those newly blacklisted from noting the deficiencies of election competitors are similarly prohibited from acknowledging what sounds fishy.  You’re not allowed to challenge the official narrative regarding the hammer wielder heading to the Speaker of the House’s house after reading the Washington Free Beacon’s tweets.  There’s certainly nothing suspicious about how the fiend got inside or if he knew his victim.  For someone who’s gotten rather rich from public service, it seems the representative couldn’t afford working security cameras.  I blame greedy taxpayers for not paying a selfless public servant enough.

Dedicated foes of using paying governmental employees to enforce laws suddenly trusts everything the police claim.  There’s finally a crime liberals condemn.  Haters of every cop not involved in this particular arrest seem rather nonchalant about constant transgressions against San Franciscans who aren’t married to prominent congressional Democrats.

An excuse to stifle criticism is especially rich from those who have concluded they don’t have political opponents but enemies.  When one concludes government fixes everything, anyone thinking otherwise therefore keeps society from purring.  Progress is thwarted by liberty, according to advocates of involving government with every life aspect.  It’s logical in its illogical way just like everything else the state’s cultists goofily proclaim.

The media should be aware it relies on free speech to do its job.  Newsroom partisans ironically use false charges to inflame hate.  But this is no time for self-reflection.  Eminently skilled journalists have concluded the attacker was motivated by conservatives who note the present Speaker of the House uses federal power to bully the rest of us while she enriches herself.  Sure, there’s nothing trifling like evidence.  But interrupting the narrative throws off Democrats who sure aren’t going to win elections by gesturing to results.

It might just be possible that someone willing to hurt another is unbound by rationality.  This particular criminal appears to be a delusional human who doesn’t seem to obey any sort of coherent political doctrine.  Lots of Bay Area commune dwellers are renowned for heeding complaints about present meddlesome tendencies of the House of Representatives.  Reality-based intellectuals still think Sarah Palin’s map spurred a murder spree.

Affiliation is a magic spell that changes everything.  Take Steve Scalise getting vilified as a chief fiend before a prototypical loser proved he sucked as assassinations, too.  Presently indignant Democrats didn’t seem particularly worried that treating a Republican like Adolf Satan would provoke a deranged and dedicated liberal to try to murder his target at baseball practice.  That’s unless you count Joy Reid’s gloating as compassionate.

Most of us learn that words are not actions around kindergarten.  Of course, most of us also figure out that printing money to get rich has a catch around the same time.  Liberals who downplay actual incursions against others sure find lots of words to be felonious.  Those using colorful language to mock politicians are not responsible for lunatics taking rhetoric to heart.  The only thing keeping sanctimonious speech enemies from blaming Martin Scorsese for the attempted killing of Ronald Reagan is the latter’s affiliation.

Endure your lecture from very calm partisans who think conservatives want poor people to starve.  They crave controlling women by noticing sonograms.  And anyone who notices criminals disregard gun-free zone signs want children who are born to be murdered.  Professional slanderers think everyone else wishes harm on those who dissent, too.

Tweet Away

The richest guy believes he shouldn’t tell you what ideas to share on the emblematic time-wasting application in the biggest threat to freedom since the Bill of Rights.  Twitter is suddenly a place for free speech, which is super dangerous considering you can share your dreadful little contrarian opinions.  Who even approves them?

Self-assigned thought monitors are horrified by unfettered expression.  Illiberal liberals haven’t pretended to favor personal expression for awhile.  Modern struggle session operators are fine with people having their say as long as they’re the only people.

We must fight hate speech, which is defined as any words that point out why Democratic policies fight fires with napalm.  Determining what qualifies as a violation of thought is easy as long as you’re in charge.  Rulings may displease those who dare hold that marriage should involve two genders or individuals can only stay one.  Not being allowed to speak is the tough but fair sentence for heeding biology.

Liberty-minded folks who want to control you dare suggest a hellish forum where each person could decide what stances are most reasonable.  Free speech resembles a free market, which liberals also maintain doesn’t function.  Consistency isn’t the best when the default setting features confiscating rights.

Society’s editors-in-chief act as if they should figure out what discourse is acceptable for everyone else.  They’re telling you something important.  By contrast to their take-deleting ways, you should want them to keep shrieking nefarious intentions.

One of the great aspects about the right to speak is that those who want to limit it announce it.  Aspiring stiflers gave away their dastardly plan using the very principle they hope to combat.  Inflicting controls to compensate for the inability to muzzle themselves is typical for enemies of commerce who act as if the only way to get rich is to tax the lucky.

But how will poor Twitter make a buck now that it’s reopened?  Telling Elon Musk how he won’t make money is another delightfully obtuse proclamation that pompous dolts should not only be allowed but encouraged to share.  Society’s wannabe supervisors know as little about profiting as they do autonomy.  I hope they continue to deliver baffling lectures despite their unfortunate intentions.

I hate banning hate speech.  At one time, that might have gotten me banned, which I hate.  But life might suck a bit less now, at least while turning the internet’s steam valve.  Users might encounter mean words if others are allowed to rant at will.  Humans also might encounter displeasing possibilities if you head outside.  Stupid free will and lack of knowing what’s next are one congressional vote away from being successfully regulated into oblivion.

Actual seething deserves shrugging.  The unpleasantly intolerant will abuse the privilege to yap responsibly, which is why sensible people exercise the option ignore them.  Control freaks are admitting they can’t figure out how to block or mute.  We can next explain how texting is like a call without talking.

Yapping is self-regulating.  The presentation of facts and interpretations of what they mean constitute an ongoing process like science, which those who spent 2020 shrieking about others daring to bust the six-foot bubble also mistakenly deem to be concluded.

On the plus side, they’re wrong about everything.  Your lecturers claim that, say, inflation is caused by corporations that decided to start gouging just as Joe Biden started getting what he wanted.  Trusting truth will win out spurs panic in panicky quarters.  Each contention deserves open criticism, which drives those out to control what gets said batty.

The sane should want those who hold awful concepts to self-identify.  Noxious theories still exist even if those who hold them can’t spew in certain spots.  It’s better for lousy thoughts and thinkers to fester in public.

Embarrassment is its own punishment.  Pernicious ideologies are defeated by exposing them.  Quelling ghouls is easier than confronting them openly.  Like trying to create prosperity by sending checks from the Treasury, there’s no actual progress.  Ending enmity by restricting access to a microphone is like claiming banning implements lowers crimes, which liberals also do.  Fear of confronting alternatives is part of their oh so accepting manner.

Editorial judgment doesn’t require a particularly useless diploma.  Figuring out what holds up is a commonly developed skill for humans even if they don’t figure avoiding a major with math entitles them to issue prophecies about truth.

Detecting mendacity is an ability that shows how easy it is to work in the media.  Those in useful fields are better at it in their free time with no training and a bit of common sense.  Locating accurate claims is easier when one is not invested in believing Democrats care about other people with accompanying loving policies.  Humans are better at journalism the less training they have.

Censoring the truth is a curiously popular hobby amongst those who fret about fake information.  Tweeters can now say a man who claims to be a woman is still the former even if it infringes on precious delusions.  Feel free to accurately opine that Hunter Biden is a grifting scumbag.  And you are allowed to notice that masks are as useless as Joe Biden.  Fact-checking who’s causing money to be worth less the more gets printed makes wholly unbiased reporters nervous that they’re not sufficiently protecting their sovereign.

Another gate cracked open frightens landowners who demand you heed their interpretations.  Jurassic-era dispatchers already lost control of the narrative with this whole internet deal, which really seems to be catching on.  Now, the most notable self-publishing site has reinstalled the DIY vibe. Permissive liberals who love controlling every last life aspect managed to crack down on vexing dissent in the ether for a bit.  Those protecting us from online rumormongering got the information wrong just like a traditional newspaper.  Some traditions may not be worth maintaining.

The right to tweet without regulation from an arrogant do-nothing in the sort of alleged workspace with a foosball table is not constitutionally protected, as a private entity can conduct itself as it wishes.  The notion is simply a wise one.  Those suspiciously insistent on halting debate could try letting evidence lead them as opposed to their partisan dreams.  Branding anyone who dares disagree a zealous hack leads to silly schemes involving restricting words.

Let everyone speak and sort it out.  Attempting to control information Newman-style is just one more urge to suppress personally instead of lashing out externally.  They should still be allowed to claim it.  We will mock them in response.  Authoritarian-inclined putzes despise free speech for personal reasons.