All That Glitters Still Might Not Be Gold

Losing opportunities is a specialty of Donald Trump.  In fact, it’s classified as the specialty.  Using the proper article is crucial to determining what suspiciously amazing claims might possibly not be connected to the truth.  Hey: that sounds political.

Noticing who’s the biggest phony of them all should be the primary factor in deciding who’ll save is from doom by not being Joe Biden.  Most humans fulfill that requirement.  They can be spotted by how they haven’t ruined the economy and can count grandchildren.  Finding one who can take his job is the tricky part.  Anyone opposed to worthless money may want to think very carefully about who will be able to rescue us from doubling down on nothing.  For starters, let’s pass on anyone who’s already shown he somehow can’t beat the incumbent.

Finding more options than the last two should be as easy as profiting off operating roulette wheels.  As a reminder, Trump couldn’t manage that.  Serving as an emblematic political screwup should be as easy as making prices skyrocket.  But we’ve seen the sort of people who win elections.

Professional tantrums from an amateur politician led to pretending inflation has always been part of our lives.  This world began in 2021.  A stubborn refusal to think past the next five minutes is typical of both parties depending on the partier.  The astounding foresight which defined the most amazing business career ever showed how people never change.  Point out again how his casinos failed like his mail-order steak business for as long as he refuses to go away.

The lack of political purpose conforms with the inability to win.  The latter supposedly defies Trump’s central purpose, which just takes pretending a tantrum equals victory.  The only person who somehow couldn’t accumulate as many electoral votes as Biden would again lose in an arithmetic contest to a mathematical imbecile.  That’s good news if you love money, as it takes a pile of it to buy shoelaces.

Terms will be adding up.  We’d see eight years gone after eight previous sucky ones.  Sooner or later, these eras might start to feel like they’re accumulating.  Voters will get things right one of these decades.

Like Barack Obama’s legacy being Trump, Trump’s is Biden.  It’s nice to know one’s impact continues after moving to pompous retired irrelevancy.  Some rather unpleasant policies remain even after the shameful tenure concludes.  The inability to remove pernicious policies imposed by the previous goon is one of innumerable problems of electing limp oafs in response.

We can’t skip ahead to 2028 by asking to be placed in a coma.  Medical science isn’t that cool yet.  Try to make the future better by not screwing up the present.  Maybe a scare would help.  Ponder what mortifying Democratic option would prevail because voters felt so sick of Trump that the disagreeable option seems less horrific.  Predicting what’s next is easy when so much past behavior is on record.  Try to act surprised when it happens.

We already did this.  Don’t you remember when the flinching began?  Endurance doesn’t need to be tested at these absurd levels.  There’s no need to repeat the definition of insanity.  Check today’s screenshots of rants from some non-Twitter social media ripoff posted on Twitter for pattern examples.

Nostalgia for something that never even happened will undoubtedly make today awesome.  Harkening back to some glorious era that totally sucked means wallowing in a distorted view of when things sucked for different reasons.  Bask in memories of how cool it felt to chant along with “Yes we can” while disregarding the ensuing American irrelevancy that sure felt planned.

Trump still wants to be the ideal liberal for alleged conservatives.  Only he can fix our fractured lives using federal power.  The closest to an upside is noticing he was already awful at it.  Ignoring the unimpressive results by believing blatantly false narratives spewed by the scuzziest class of humans isn’t just for Democrats anymore.

There’s no new information necessary.  Anyone with a majority of senses available is genuinely aware of what a thorough phony our most obnoxious fellow citizen was during the 1980s.  Yet those who notice things still must point out that this is the most hollow example of humanity we’ve ever had.  You don’t have to thank him for setting the baseline.

The refusal to bow out gracefully in a demonstration of thoroughness means having to explain once again that Trump remains a prototypical politician.  The ruefully ironic observation reflects a lifetime spent attempting to fool instead of satisfy.  Surely, everyone’s figured out who he is by now.  Please?

Thinking he’s the only option when he shouldn’t even be one of many doesn’t just show the distrust in open markets inherent to a man who thinks he rules them.  An ex-president who treats Monopoly as a guiding principle has to beat everyone else then lie when he loses to Hunter Biden’s dad.  An obsession with domination and loyalty embodies fake alpha behavior where the only thing genuine is a lack of principles.  He’s certainly not going to be the first person to play his own board game.

There will be a glorious moment in human history when we can stop discussing the most lamentably prominent figure in American elections.  Noticing he’s still maintaining an unofficial policy not helping anyone is perversely how he’s maintained attention over careers of varying failure.  It’s not precisely one of Trump’s central personality aspect to go away.  But ignoring a raver can be one exhibited by everyone else.

Don’t underestimate humanity’s ability to exacerbate catastrophes.  The only way to screw up the Biden era even more mortifyingly would be to follow it up with the most hollow reboot imaginable.

Let’s try someone who doesn’t project the idea that spending freely impresses everyone else just for novelty.  And we could nominate someone who doesn’t inspire minions to throw a pushy tantrum by proxy.  A president we’re not thinking about constantly would be the greatest indication of success.  We’re not supposed to be thinking of politics much at all, much less this much.  The alleged outsider sure wants to elbow back in.  Do as the professional kvetcher never does and treat his claim as genuine.

Promising to Break Promises

This world breaks government’s promises.  Arrest this rotten globe and drag it to The Hague.  Fear is framed as a product manufactured by greedy corporations to profit off offering weak cures.  Sadness hasn’t been banned because diabolical Republicans won’t send a passed bill to Joe Biden.  Enemies of your joy don’t want the cool grandfatherly president to get credit.

Ending guarantees which guarantee nothing seems like an obvious plan.  Well, that worked out.  But pretending any stuff you want is your right to be delivered with two-day shipping is inherent to certain identities.  Complimenting complimentary goods is too enticing a draw for true believers of a false narrative revolving around how government is good at anything.

The little matter of who’s going to pick up the tab is for squares who are into antiquated notions like compensation.  Handing out money without bothering to work made everyone wealthy, which is why the Biden times are packed with euphoria.  Notice fans of complimentary cash by how they call everyone who wants to keep what they earn selfish.

We should have learned by now.  In honor of collectivists who keep getting it wrong, pretend disincentivizing production s a group problem and not their individual foolishness.  A stubborn refusal to retain lessons keeps life fresh, although the tradeoff of widespread miserable poverty doesn’t precisely seem worth the constant intervention.  It’s no wonder liberals despise markets when they create such paltry benefits compared to agonizing drawbacks.

Why invade countries that are threatening America when you can do so in American lives?  A different type of defense is popular amongst neolibs.  The need to push values is part of the ugly urge behind imperialism.  The only thing that makes woke invasions worse is the hateful ideology they make others obey.

Statists’ religion must be imposed because everyone else sees faith in fighting inflation by handing out money never pays off.  Millions of hard truths learned by pretending things can be provided without cost are just added to the tab.  Our leaders are either unwilling to be taught or refusing to admit they sadistically inflicted concepts that’d get them laughed out of kindergarten.

It’s not as fun as you’d think to determine whether adherents can’t grasp patterns or think this will be the time for the exception.  Handing out currency is a much more sophisticated racket in these modern technological times.

Contemporary schemers are so much brighter than earlier dim suckers who thought they could get rich by printing money while taxing those who already got some.  Recent barons must have pilfered before fairness commissioners stepped in to create equitability.

An entire political philosophy based on telling others what to do creates widespread disobeying.  Trying to evade icky concepts like labor and value creates shiftlessness like it’s the desired product.  Advanced thinking leads to being horrified by the ghastly notion that humans trade what they can provide for what they’d like.

The hurters are here to help.  Every intervention, subtraction, and redistribution creates challenges meddlers claim to remedy.  It’s tough to ascertain whether grabby politicians are daft enough to think they’re helping or cynically making themselves appear messianic by creating crises for them to pretend to solve.  The debate reflects how we haven’t been able to escape prosperity since Biden blessed our nation by letting us elect him.

Acting as if an item is a right makes acquiring it even tougher.  I know it should be illegal for reality to break the law.  But the entitlement that results from proclaiming goods someone else offers is a right is as detrimental for keeping up quality supply as is unavoidable slacking when a provider knows business is guaranteed.  Irony unfortunately can’t be redeemed to purchase material goods.  But the supermarket is out of things like groceries, anyway.

Federal promises are worth as much as money.  A dollar is as worthwhile as a college degree. Mustering enough cash to obtain a luxury like any item somehow became futile once everyone got handfuls of it.  That’s quite the cruel trick.  Biden handing out bills like a creepy uncle was supposed to endear us and reality to him.

None of the paper with portraits of infinitely more successful governmental servants was his own, of course.  The whole reason he got into this government racket was to avoid dipping into his personal vaults, which can get pricey.  Biden just knew he could spread happiness while increasing his own popularity.  Now that he can dispense funds at will, Americans are cranky.  What is our problem?

Financial shenanigans end themselves organically.  Money can’t keep pace with its appraisal reduction. Noting a pyramid scheme can’t perpetuate indefinitely is racist against Egyptians.  Charles Ponzi inspires contemporary Democrats.

Please stop comparing a political philosophy based in government guaranteeing all your material needs will be met to communism.  It’s half sickle and half hammer.  Not letting East Germany fall because doing so kept it from enabling guarantees would have been the compassionate outcome.  In lieu of fixing history, Washington will find something new you should get without buying.  Stockpile food before it’s free and we starve.

Diverging from Diverse

Surgeons better not be diverse.  Airline pilots also should be from a similarly narrow range.  The demand is of course that workers manning skilled positions should be qualified, which shouldn’t be shocking.  But these enlightened times of ours revolve around obsessing with a person’s ancestors, genital alignment, or style of attraction.  Try to find employment candidates who are good at tasks to be demonized on social media.

A bumbling White House constantly boasting of how varied their staff is makes the case against themselves.  The Joe Biden administration shows why to not link America to its government.  The variety of which they boast is not in thought: the stooge mosaic’s pieces are universally liberal.  Such narrowness doesn’t show the true America where so many citizens don’t believe ridiculous balderdash that universally inflicts misery.

Executive minions are wholly terrible at their tasks, which is particularly noticeable for a group that thinks looking like the cast of a Jell-O ad is the primary eligibility.  Please don’t think all women, minorities, and homosexuals are terrible at their jobs because the incumbent’s underlings are.

The Road to Serfdom is more literal than even the gloomiest freedom merchants could have pictured.  Pete Buttigieg is the emblematic diversity hire, which he considers praise.  The static transportation secretary never heard about the fine work he’s done, so there’s no way for him to tell the difference.  Bragging about how varied this White House’s hires are distracts from chemical spills.  If glowing ooze from different catastrophes merges into one ghastly puddle, Buttigieg thinks they should only count as one.

Promoting someone because of the gender found appealing turns out to not make planes faster than riding a camel to Omaha.  You may ponder the lamest attempt to replace talent with woke flaunting while waiting 17 hours for a connecting flight delayed by the toxic smoke from a derailment.  Lousy Mayor Pete became Lousy Secretary Pete if anyone thought ineptness would hit the ceiling.  Traveling is going well as long as you don’t want to go anywhere.  And moving items is out of the question.  But other than land, air, and sea, getting around has been a breeze.

You can’t criticize based on elitist characteristics like performance, you hater.  Deliberately hiring a person from a traditionally marginalized group in order to shield from criticism is called the Obama standard.  Noting that America declined as quickly as its economy under a pompous leftist twit is elitist.

The fact the worst sort of pandering is predictable somehow makes it worse.  It’s not prejudiced to point out who’s awful at their jobs.  Noticing the personal characteristics instead of evaluation criteria is the true hatefulness.  At least it’s fun to point out who the nasty ones were all along.

Standards are dropping out of college. Filling in each SAT bubble is not just to make the whippersnapper bastards lose a Saturday morning to an anxiety-generating future determiner.  An indifferent test everyone can take is the closest to an objective standard around, which is why leftists view it as an application to Hell.  If colleges can’t discriminate on race to show they oppose racism, they’ll pursue equality by ensuring lack of academic aptitude is no barrier.  Everyone will learn nothing.

Those who majored in cynicism may have noticed who very not patronizing liberals think can’t make it.  Calling everyone else racist is as obvious as distractions get.  Figuring life is too mean as it’s presently constructed is coincidentally popular amongst prominent oafs who don’t seem to be good at anything.  Society’s guardians are sick of your hateful standards.  Spot them by how they also want a ridiculously high starting wage, which is way easier than earning a raise.

This is not just Hayek’s world.  Tom Wolfe’s novels also predicted the future if you thought you were reading 800 pages of fiction.  Meanwhile, Ayn Rand noted what would happen with the trains.  You’d think her sworn enemies would try to not make her books accurate.

It’s understandable why the Biden cabal would conclude that no person could ever be good at anything.  But the presumption that reflects the level of personal competence remains a lousy standard to propose on skilled humans.  Figuring others are narrow-minded screw-ups disrespects individuals way more than the prejudicially unpleasant conduct this White House figures automatically happens constantly in this country they totally love otherwise.  They’re also certain money will be worth more if they print enough, so there’s no reason to verity that, either.

Join the march for acceptance by separating by palette.  Self-appointed complexion monitors claim to not see people who look like them often enough, as they expect everyone else to stop at the surface.  Look for the tipoff phrase “Representation matters” as if people of different ethnicities, genders, and sexualities can’t see past differences to find common traits deep down.  Universality stands against dedication to Balkanization.

Diversity of the superficial variety would come about naturally in a meritocracy.  The refusal to hire someone over a phobia is its own punishment.  Fairness demonstrates an indifferent process based on applied abilities, which is in these advanced times a radical idea.  Contemporary crusaders who are outraged by the statue of justice wearing a blindfold take a different approach where they first weigh the personal characteristics of those they claim to help.  Judging by race, gender, and orientation is one way to fight racism, sexism, and homophobia.

It takes unprecedented self-righteousness to be this condescending.  There’s a term for thinking people of differing ethnic groups can’t advance without preferences.  Adherents will be surprised.  Treatment that’s showy in multiple senses does not display tolerance despite what those who signal virtue professionally claim.

There simply must be repression.  An alternate take on freedom fighters love that there are barriers to smash in order to fight oppression to the point they pretend they’re there.  Battle hate by giving special privileges to people their self-assigned protecters just know couldn’t make it without aid.  You’ll never guess who the actual racists are.  They also made a big deal about loving science while breaking every test tube they could find.  Excluding those opposed to facts should remain a priority.

Crime Party

Hunter Biden isn’t like Al Capone: the latter failed to get away with tax evasion.  Only certain legal breaches are disregarded like they’re inflation during the presidency of a person who by sheer coincidence shares the same last name as the nation’s most prominent chronic offender.  Mob bosses who view committing crimes as merely a means to grasp true power run for office.  Permitting certain offenses by law is the truest way to conduct a successful racket.  The difference is the mafia knows how to run businesses.

Criminals naturally have an ulterior motive.  The accomplice party holds the executive branch, an unnerving percentage of the legislature, and governorships in our coincidentally more dangerous states.  Stealing everything not bolted down and some of what is became trendy immediately after their ascent in what they hope is another example of cause and effect you ignore.  Not prosecuting family members or their voters is the privilege extended to altruistic geniuses who plan out society for law-abiding suckers.

You may notice that Democrats don’t quite meet standards they enforce.  It’s their favorite hobby.  A capricious view of what constitutes a violation based on the committer epitomizes corruption.  Wouldn’t you giggle as you screwed over everyone who didn’t offer you utter fealty, too?

Presuming crookedness comes naturally to complicit officeholders who figure everyone else is as scuzzy as they are.  This White House’s biggest enemies are business and gun owners.  If you sell guns, know that every supermax cell features the same uninspiring view.

Putting government in charge of everything is pitched as the ultimate in fairness by the biggest cheaters.  Wrestling referees shake their heads at the lack of integrity.  Foes of natural rights require enough authority that they decide who does and doesn’t benefit.  It’s a good thing Democrats are preternaturally fair, or we’d endure incessant abuses.

Do as you’re told.  It’s not a request.  Government’s targets can’t appeal to a higher force.  Try praying.  Here on a rather unjust planet, insatiably inept rulers get to decide who’s in luck or trouble.  They’re about as skilled at determining who’s behaving as they are at spurring economies.

Using power however it benefits them is how Democrats help everyone.  You’d vote for them if you cared about others, you cruel fan of individual responsibility.  Scheming central planners certainly never use the unchecked power they crave to punish foes while rewarding allies any more than stagnation would follow paying people not to work.  Deploying grudges against bars which dared point out Andrew Cuomo was a professional serial killer is balanced with giving passes to presidential children who don’t want to deal with the paperwork required to deduct crack.

Joining the wrong faction serves as a confession.  The only present criminals are people defending from actual criminals, anyone who transfers enough through Venmo to shop at Sam’s Club, and Donald Trump.

The sole offense is conducting commerce.  Democrats have decided to protect the Earth instead of people on it.  For thoroughness, they do neither.  Take their most present maddening mandate, namely their disdain for everyone’s favorite food.  Hassling pizzeria proprietors who dare cook with deliciousness-enabling coal as diabolical lunatics murder on the sidewalks out front is as New York as it gets.

You have to be Alice in Wonderland-level absurd in injustice to make the previous president sympathetic.  Nobody wants to see Trump claim he’s king of the prison yard more than me.  But knowing Hillary Clinton won’t be starring in a women’s prison movie is a casting letdown even though it deserves to bomb.

Menace should be discouraged just from a voting perspective.  You’d think eternally calculating Democrats might want to make their bloc not feel like their lives are endangered while mailing ballots.  As with attempting to tax their way to prosperity, purveyors of bossy lawlessness presume that endangered residents of Blue States don’t realize they can flee to jurisdictions where the law-abiding can arm themselves while knowing the nefarious will be expected to abide prohibitions against taking stuff and lives.  The liberal commitment to not grasping markets is thorough if you’re looking for a nice way to classify fanatical adherents.

Noticing what kind of felonies Democrats let slide only helps protect against them so much.  People who feel like prey don’t have enough to cope with from everyday aggravations: these days, certain governments permit victimizing subway riders or workers taxed into submission for the result.  Treating productive people as predators is surely just in the same way it encourages secure prosperity.  Consistency is not necessarily to be valued.

Wanting to keep what you earn is the only illegal crime during the Purge.  Liberals think the most important law enforcement agency is the IRS.  The glorious collector of decadent kulak fund targets every foe of communal budgeting except the failed president’s corruptly scuzzy bagman of a brat when he didn’t feel like funding glorious selflessness-embodying projects.  

It’s the item’s fault.  Bitching about guns constitutes the perfect liberal response.  Nobody gets treated as culpable for what’s done.  Bullet-connected crime just happens to spike wherever liberals get what they demanded just like the poverty they use as a justified excuse for unabashed shoplifting.  The lack of responsibility is inherent to their beliefs.  Why do they stick with such pernicious foolishness?  Don’t blame them.

The Won’t of the People

Democracy has turned masochistic.  Choosing to be hedonistic somehow didn’t create endless happiness.  You can’t argue against regrettable arithmetic.  Voters wanted it, which apparently settles debates.  Citing polls is of supreme importance to nuanced political philosophers who think anything government imposes is as correct as it is moral.  Politicians have decreed poverty is illegal, so there’s nothing to do but be rich.

Voting doesn’t make whatever won necessarily correct.  Reverent Democrats shriek that the mere suggestion that righteousness isn’t linked with what’s binding is blasphemous.  The gap between the will and the way shocks federal cultists who think a law confers morality, government proclamations settle disputes about existence’s actuality, and the Supreme Court confirms absolute truth as long as they agree with verdicts.  Five justices better not notice liberty is admirable.

Obeying the consensus of the people disregards how said people will make poor decisions somewhere between occasionally and often.  After all, notice who they elect.

Enough rabid participants choosing something unconstitutional doesn’t make an initiative okay.  By current twisted interpretations of how Democrats view winning elections, a bloc could seize rights if half plus one demand such  Dissonant statist improvisors hate when you point out their precedents, as they require thinking ahead.  Initiatives that are merely dumb compete with visions that are truly malicious.

Three individuals voting to rob the other two means the will of the people has been confirmed.  Violating isn’t as democratic as it sounds.  As for legal thieving, preposterous subsidies may be backed by popular will until creating unpopular downturns.  Shrug and announce it’s what one more person than half showed up to fill in ovals.  Selectors who treat stuffing a ballot box like a career demand compensation.

Businesses shuttering should be forced to stay open by law.  Alleged entrepreneurs have some nerve not continuing to offer products at affordable rates just because it’s impossible.  Baffled liberals wonder why their favorite restaurants keep raising the price of fries following forcing overpaying professional fryers by law.  It’s not like they’ll tip more, as that requires their own money.

Maybe more inflation will make entrees affordable.  The same preeners lament food deserts after emptying the reservoir.  Culprits naturally think government needs to address problems it already caused.  Throw more paint on the portrait to increase definition.

Poverty spreads by the result of voting to end it by edict.  It would be funnier to believe handouts would cure destitution if countless humans didn’t suffer as a result.  You’ll be scolded for laughing at liberal daftness instead of the source, which is the actual humorless part.  Slapping Band-Aids on gaping wounds is intended as a permanent cure.  Packing tape might keep on what are intended to be temporary bandages, but it’s neither sanitary nor salubrious.

Crime is the only business flourishing.  Astute observers of humans may have noticed it subtracts from other businesses.  Smirking at liberals getting what they wanted is the only fun presently available.  But teaching about consequences results in a trail of wreckage.  Following it logically leads to progress following passing the burning debris.

The difference between what’s popular and worthwhile is like distinguishing between what is and should be.  Sensible visionaries should defy what most of the electorate if that thing is stupid and awful.  The easy test involves asking whether a plan gives more power to elected idiots.

Progressives sure don’t usher in that much progress, in part because they quite mistakenly believe everyone else is a dolt as they maintain Joe Biden could really make a positive impact if only he had more authority.  Inflation specialists will be shocked to learn who the dumbasses actually are.  As a clue, look for empathic visionaries who think ceding autonomy won’t affect them personally.

Populists believe in what the populace wants unless it’s not what they want.  Well, that’s different.  Imposing their curious vision of the future requires convincing the people.  If that doesn’t work, shoehorn a mandate through a corrupt legislature.  Woke lunacy is redundant, which is privileged to notice.  Recasting society to temporary placate professional grievance-mongers may be unpopular, but at least the consequences are hideous.

Yanking out copper wire for progress stands in contrast to their popular programs involving giving everyone all the money they want.  Heed the will of children voting to have Cold Stone for dinner.  Treating government as Santa turns less trendy when it’s clear all that money doesn’t buy much, especially at retailers that suddenly can’t stock items or hire enough workers.  Those turn out to be fairly important aspects of staying in business.  Blame corporate greed.

A lot of people encouraged to yoink resources from a few shows the majority rules.  Ganging up to plunder doesn’t work for too long even aside from the iffy morality of that whole stealing bit.  It turns out wealthy people demonized for succeeding don’t continue creating enterprises and hiring people if piracy is enforced as policy.  And the very money grifters vote to receive without toil drops in value because they hand it out like it’s complimentary.  Making idiocy legally binding doesn’t make mathematics comply.  Maybe a supermajority will convince reality.

Blame the process.  Voting in proxies who express goofy notions means enough dupes got what they wanted.  Congratulations on making everyone lose with an election win.  The problem with representative government is who gets represented.

United Front and Back

A lack of internal criticism sadly isn’t as popular as giving up on printing money.  You never hear liberals condemn any of their own, whether it be failed policies or shady allies.  It’s the only discipline displayed.  I wish talking points fans could be as fervent while running a corporation, as they could create things customers want enough to buy.  Practitioners might be able to run a commercial enterprise if they could balance a payroll the way they ensure creepy unanimity.

Make sure you’re on a side willing to tell dirtbags ostensibly on their side to get lost.  Grudgingly accept their contempt for increasingly unfathomable debt without pretending they’re delightful individuals.

The naturally and delightfully suspicious already loathe politicians on principle.  They hold office, after all.  Foes of compliance scowl at candidates reluctantly backed as the less worse option should get extra scrutiny for verification.  The elected can claim to be undermining the system from the inside.  But they’re still collecting paychecks, which makes their claims of sabotage worth scrutinizing.

Being loathed for the wrong reasons is the abnormal normal from Joe Biden’s defenders who can’t understand why everyone seems so bummed.  Woke purveyors are calmly conditioned to treat anyone not on their team as minions of Hell’s supervisor paired with wannabe residents of Germany at its naughtiest.  Hating everyone and everything else connected to thinking differently is how to spread love.  Issuing welts to the other dodgeball team during gym class is school lesson that sticks.  Sports are icky savage meritocracies.

Democrats don’t grasp what to criticize just to be consistent.  Venomous seething furthers their type of goals.  Focusing on their opinions of individual personalities instead of ideas is a natural outcome in its way.  Mocking Scott Baio’s post-Charles in Charge career is easier than explaining why your money is better spent by Biden.

It’s always disappointing when Republicans halfheartedly copy whatever Democrats endorse lustily, from unfathomable spending and dole pittances to a refusal to criticize anyone tangentially affiliated.  Renounce from within instead of remaining partners with those who aren’t.  Trumpology lieutenants show how much they loathe the other faction by acting as stringently.  Sean Hannity’s heart remains broken, while Kimberly Guilfoyle remedied that problem by marrying into her political dream.  All-time sellout Ann Coulter is undefeated in a way.

Some representatives who have backed things I back still shouldn’t be standing in for unfortunate districts.  I would change subway cars if Marjorie Taylor Greene started reading her tweets in mine.  And I wish I could get a restraining order against Matt Gaetz just in case.  Meanwhile, George Santos showed Jon Lovitz predicted the future.

The all-time example won’t go away.  A longtime Democrat who often acted as such provides equivalence.  Donald Trump leads a dwindling yet annoying faction that claims to adhere to the rulebook.  But nobody ever played his board game.  It’s easy for principled members of his ostensible party to oppose a comeback worse than Subway rehiring Jared because he’s an all-time dirtbag who dreams of again using federal power like a strongman to compensate for not being a strong man.

Persistent fans of the area cast in darkness by the Iron Curtain get deserved heroes.  A more objective analyst might want to point out that, say, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was the sort of bartender who’d complain when she finally got around to serving you a rum and Coke made with vodka and orange juice, Bernie Sanders likes the wrong directional Korea, or Rambo isn’t Richard Blumenthal’s life story any more than Elizabeth Warren tweets from a longhouse.  Lunatic ravers create a quandary when you need their votes.

The concepts are their problem.  Liberals should really be decrying their ideology, what with the way it punishes people for earning and behaving.  There may be kinder ways of reaching equality than making everyone poor.  At least having no money distracts from international chaos spurred by presuming America makes everyone hate us by being mean.

The most zealous fans never criticize their own team.  I didn’t say cheering was healthy.  Rabid followers flaunt unity in the wrong way.  Noticing who’s getting a little Khmer Rouge-y or taking corruption beyond typical cartoonish levels might prevent implementing coerced joy.  Dissent ruins collective dreams.  They may not be yours, but personal identity is presently out of vogue.  Enthusiastic enrollees are not big into deviating from unity.

Defending everyone wearing the same insignia is a byproduct of commitment to delusion.  We cope with a rather zealous show side who feels they’re saving kids from being hunted by bloodthirsty NRA executives, the poor from being dumped out of wheelchairs into snowbanks by heartless health care executives, and the planet itself from greedy capitalists who are in favor of a climate-controlled civilization.  The occasional fundamental fib or personal phoniness means nothing relative to the true cause.

The cultish quality of the hive’s beliefs conforms to communal identity.  Our leviathan’s lovers are not interested in individual achievements, what with punishing success, wishing guns could be prosecuted for crimes, and scoffing at rights confiscated in order to not stop a virus.  The most ardent adherents maintain government can cure all ills, including medical ones.  I double-checked and they’re referring to this government.  Don’t laugh.  Actually, go ahead.

It’s natural in a sick way to conclude politicians who want to impose sweet order must be legends.  Deranged believers don’t distance themselves from purveyors of glorious mandatory cooperation.  Policing one’s own is too reminiscent of law enforcement for Democrats to embrace.

Avoiding Arguments

Ignoring evidence is almost clever.  Why didn’t you think of just walking away from what creates cognitive dissonance?  Examples are to be avoided if they prompt a burning sensation in one’s brain.  The most blatant idea may be the most obvious.  Consequences get in the way of feelings, and indulging in rationality would be disastrous for liberals who are so focused on assisting others that the can’t bother to see if they’ve helped.

Contradictory evidence is simply discarded, which makes debates tough to lose for the wrong reason.  Dodging an argument doesn’t equal winning it, especially with unfortunate results of lousy ideas implemented.  Biology and economics disagree, but self-professed compassion junkies are too busy explaining why you’re a monster for noticing to care.

The bigotry of noting America’s not bigoted cannot be dodged.  Either agree with the accusation or confirm it by disagreeing.  This serves as the apex of shrieking logic.  The awful bigoted hellhole is known for alleged victims being free to leave, an option they never select.  Insisting it’s the most racist bordered place on the globe while never emigrating to one of sundry non-American options is like a comic book movie villain escaping so there can be a sequel, with the difference being perpetual delusional victimhood is not a superpower.

Historical warpers scoff at the notion America may not have been established philosophically or functionally by slavery.  It was awhile ago, in case anyone’s unaware.  Further, the abhorrent practice was opposed by many from the start and actually ended by a war fought in large part by white dudes.  There may have been additional economic activity in the meantime based on voluntary labor.

The woke militia is taking down the Fourth Reich from the inside.  Or, emblematic ingrates exploit natural rights along with manufactured guilt to get comfy and wealthy behind enemy lines.  Getting rich off of claiming the system is oppressive would amuse them were practitioners capable of self-examination or laughter.

Irony is just getting started.  Exceptions to American exceptionalism are habitually imposed by the nation’s internal enemies.  Noting that calcified poverty is by random chance prevalent in progressive utopias shows how much rotten luck is arbitrary.

Bad fortune seems suspiciously calculated.  Curse the cosmos for punishing liberals who are totally helping.  The only other possibility involves their beliefs causing harm, and we don’t want to let crabby Republicans feel like they’re correct.

The nation’s alleged gun fetish leads to flourishing crime in areas where Democrats attempt to curtail the perversion.  Acting like it’s an item that causes crime allows the people who actually do rotten things has made crime flourish.  But fighting inequality is central to their ideology.  Looking the other way from stealing makes up for the poverty they cause.

Pointing out you can’t change genders is the most heinous offense in these most rational times.  You’d think a faction so deeply committed to science might learn how many genders are and some of the basic roles of each.  But noticing how things are is elitist.

The most prominent self-proclaimed researchers treat sonograms like cursed images to avoid lest viewing them melts faces like the Ark of the Covenant.  Members of distinct genders continue to not express concern about getting shamed by the sort of Twitter accounts that feature four non-American flags in display names.  Similarly, banning commerce didn’t halt a virus, although it did accelerate the symptoms of liberalism.

Claiming something called capitalism spreads poverty is the funniest thing said by the experts.  The opportunity to offer whatever one has for trade is condemned by those who have nothing with which to participate.  People find they have labor, products, or currency to offer in exchange for one of the other things they could use.  This is a remedial lesson for competent humans, but we have to start at the beginning for a course never taught in public schools.

Pretending that not guaranteeing a right to items constitutes the apex of brutality merely begins the sense of entitlement.  It’s uncanny how hard it is to get stuff when government promises to bestow it.  Sufferers of having everything promised can’t appreciate the irony of cruelty while foraging for acorns.  Fighting squirrels is America’s newest pastime.

Creating equality by spreading poverty is almost shrewd.  Seizing incentives to not work creates Bizarro market forces.  Democrats show how much they oppose markets by doing everything they can to make them not function.  Shutdowns were the party’s policy taken to its natural conclusion.

Facts are disregarded, as any obstacle to altering existence in a matter that’s pleasing to liberals is considered disgraceful.  Making a direct case that leftist doctrine defies biology and economics is for haters.  Noting that, say, guaranteed housing would be guaranteed to make housing tougher to find is hurtful to people whose style of caring busted productivity.  Benevolent totalitarians who are so good at knowing what’s best for others that they don’t bother to try themselves are outraged at the lack of sympathy found amongst those who notice motivation and outcomes.

Notions so zealous that they’re in conflict with reality can’t be discussed in their way.  It’s not as if true believers were ever interested in challenging viewpoints.  But telling you you’re a bigoted meanie for noting what regrettable conditions follow is easier than accepting that taxing success leads to more of it.  Outcomes are simply ignored as dissenters to the progressive cult are treated with harshness usually seen after they enact their platform.