Antisocial Tendencies

Socialists demand we have something other than socialism as part of their thorough dedication to understanding what things are. The best defense for believing the utterly daftest, unabashedly diabolical, and thoroughly discredited political system possible in 20 freaking 20 is not knowing words. Those actually calling for mass ownership never created anything, and they’re eager to join the club.

Any instance of big government may not be socialism. The scheme may just be an awful idea, that’s all. A sprawling administrative state may not go from toxic to radioactive. Still, there remains a curious adorability in thinking less of a crummy concept will be beneficial. The key is not to inflict too much pain. Limit it to a 17- episode Two and a Half Men marathon instead of 19.

Calling any wasteful mandatory program socialism offers rare common ground, as both advocates and opponents engage in such rhetoric regularly. But at least one side doing so incorrectly knows things are heading badly. Invasive wastes may only be examples of liberalism. Congratulations to those who only halfheartedly believe our dumb government is an amazing bringer of good. It’s not an endorsement to call them less worse in scale.

A dreadful concept may not tip all the way into East Germany. Social Security epitomizes overreach in dependency’s name as anyone cursed to work is forced to sink a fortune for a pittance that could’ve been stuck in a mutual fund. But involuntary crummy retirement planning can be inflicted on people who remain semi-free. The alleged lockbox to be opened when your only job is sweeping a beach with a metal detector is not a wise way to plan for life after toil, which you can tell by how it’s required.

Politicians would prefer you not ask how few participants they’d get if Social Security were optional. They’d claim abandoning it like a mall after Amazon was invented offers a sign that benighted humans need congressional help right up until lowered into a grave and maybe for a few months after.

Pretend as if earners wouldn’t be taking money sunk into retirement poverty and buying Apple stock, which Washington hates for making its investments look even worse by comparison. Meanwhile, those who don’t plan ahead can enjoy the regularity of work in their later years.

It would be easier if they didn’t do it first. Those who are somehow enthusiastic about expanding authority cement their odd takes by referring the most innocuous examples of government existing as socialism. Sure, that makes them slightly wiser than those who think a name for wholesale coercion means helping others. But, as with the other examples, something that doesn’t look as bad by comparison to an egregious concept may not mean it’s super on its own terms.

Those who favor a system that works if destruction’s the goal smirk as they flaunt ignorance in their oh so charming manner. Enemies of entrepreneurs end up having to pretend the state’s actual roles confirm same entity should exceed safe operating limits. Cheer for the fire department, as a public department both existing and responding to emergencies is a sign Lenin won. The government doesn’t own the truck factories.

We’d never get anywhere without the pothole-strewn pavement funded by forfeiting a disturbingly high percentage of income. Roads are considered the embodiment of everyone owning all property, as if a municipality maintaining flat surfaces meant we belonged to a collective. We could surely come up with a way to travel on the ground if there wasn’t an authority planning. But even semi-libertarians seem okay with ceding bitch work.

Somebody could make kids stupider for way less. Government education uncannily doesn’t teach whippersnappers about the perils of government doing too much. Aggressive infiltrations into everyday life didn’t happen that long ago. Forced common ownership plaguing a huge portion of the world is no more historical than Thunderstruck, and kids should learn the classics.

No, public schools are not a sign the commies won, although they’re the perfect example of draining fortunes for awful results. Anyone who thinks they do a fine job of churning out bright scholars who know precisely what words mean and can cite historical examples that go back earlier than Lizzo must have graduated from them.

Pretending we have and need socialism to function is the same lame claim used to justify massive taxation. You can’t complain about half of your reward for productivity being confiscated if you also want trash pickup and a police force. It’s easy to tell who doesn’t realize bargains come through options.

Let’s have a calmly thoughtful discussion about how every single program is socialism, whether that’s portrayed as a frightening omen or somehow an inspirational sign of a delightfully cooperative future.

Both sides have a tendency to see the mere existence of government as a sign that we’re basically a North Korean satellite. Even Ayn Rand enthusiasts think we should have some sort of ruling apparatus. Its employees should be able to dine at Chili’s without pushing tables together.

Claiming Castro’s ghost may as well be in charge may be a colorful exaggeration about federal bossiness which is a specialty during these times of unchecked personal ranting. Despite the rhetorical adventures, it’s crucial to distinguish between simple overreach and massive intervention, which can be a challenge considering how both are horrid. You don’t have to go past one broken bone to know it hurts.

A country built on the precise opposite shouldn’t have to dismiss the 20th century’s worst scourge so frequently. Besides, faux socialists don’t have the nerve to really go for it. They think mild welfare initiatives constitute full control. That’e not a dare to keep going, as they might have a few White Claws and get bold. Until sorority happy hour, we should agree to not call every program socialism whether it’s a condemnation or endorsement.

It’s bipartisan consensus even if we somehow can’t agree government sucks at even small tasks. Net neutrality’s murder tally was lower than forecasted.

Schooled Publicly

Education is so important that it can’t go on right now. Please avoid claiming this is a particularly rotten time because the kids aren’t sent away for a few hours each weekday unless you’re trying to get your spouse to hate you more.

Crummy glorified babysitting services are presently explaining why you have to provide your own child care. They’re not teaching the low transmission rate for children, but they are inadvertently providing shaky instruction on never facing risk ever.  Ghastly principles from principals are now on meth. Search the desk before lockers.

Parents could choose which risks are personally acceptable. But autonomy goes against the concept of forced government schooling, and we can’t have whippersnappers or those who created them running around thinking independently. Privatizing crummy educational outposts that fail harder with each chance is always a good idea. It’s just even more so when access to learning is confiscated out of irrational fear. Look at a screen to get smarter, kids.

The question of how education became the one thing where the government is good remains unanswered. You don’t learn by graduation; sorry for the spoiler. We endure endless horror stories about putting getting smarter in the hands of the entity that can’t get trains to run. Giving kids to a horrid entity which is a challenge to decline fails to ever increase the rate of obtaining knowledge. I’m sure mandatory insurance is a healthy delight.

Letting everyone attend private schools would make young life seem fancy. Parents getting billed is only an outrage if responsibility is disapproved. The fees can’t be too much: school will get more affordable with better quality if children have the option to attend more than one. It’s astounding how much more invested people are in prices when they’re the ones paying them. Atrocious teachers being forced to enter the dishwashing industry is the best way to see an abstract class lecture put into practical action.

The monstrous idea that you’re supposed to pay for an item your offspring uses also extends to expecting parents to buy food. Presuming nobody can afford to feed or school their charges is the sort of patronizing notion that’s keeping anyone from improving despite years studying. Being responsible for children shouldn’t be radical. Claim with as much self-righteousness as possible to muster that charging society is for its benefit to distract from how the opposite happens.

Birth-givers shouldn’t have to make decisions about where to live based on which school districts are not as contemptible. Kids doomed to lousy outcomes by ZIP code are begging for competition. Enjoy slightly less mortifying results if you’re fortunate enough to reside in neighborhoods where homeowners don’t mow their own lawns.

Giving poor children an option isn’t an option. Teaching them life is fated to be doomed may be a valuable example, but it’s not the one public school fetishists want. A voucher is the only thing scarier than unfettered trade.

Keeping money sounds fun, so let’s do that. Cutting off deadbeat government would mean they’d finally have to pay their own bills instead of taking from you for something you already own.  Accepting ridiculous property taxes as inevitable is the sort of thing grifters anticipate will continue indefinitely. Call them on their slacking.

It’s not like the economy would improve without the punishment for owning homes or anything. Send savings to a need-based scholarship fund if you feel bad for not getting an annual levy for daring to own land. True guilt is based in feeling help must be compelled, especially considering how useless the purported aid is.

Partisan educators can’t find a case where having options made a product more expensive to teach. Parents would be paying less, what with options existing. You mean the school would have to impress Mom and Dad enough to send tuition?

Subsidized products cost so darn much in one of those uncanny coincidences teachers unions hope isn’t exposed as a pattern. Concern about thoroughly costly public schools just happens to be the same feeling with fretting about health costs. Making insurers dance to get dollars stuck in their undergarments is how to alleviate prices that just happen to be exorbitant when there’s no competition.

Similarly, it’s time to force schools to do the best job by dissolving monopolies guaranteeing customers. They claim to want to get the best out of your children, so they’ll surely feel the same about reciprocation.

Make sure you’re throwing other people’s money, as bales get expensive. Overpriced public schools fail because they’re not overpriced enough. The ruling behemoth’s failures are always because greedy taxpayers demand to retain some of what they claim to have earned.

It’s a good thing government schools don’t teach basic skills, as pupils would otherwise notice they’re getting ripped off on learning. The balance is delicate. Classrooms are shockingly ill-equipped to show how spending skyrockets as results stay lousy.  The system’s comic ineptness is left off the lesson plan. Schools that don’t bother to teach basic life skills rely on ignorance of those they supposedly make smarter for 14 or so years.

Wish luck to all competitors, including those who think they deserve every medal as they get lapped. The same schools that earners are forced to prop up could try to stay open. They would just have to attract clients. I’m laughing, too.

The educational equivalent of the post office is worried they won’t be able to survive if there are options, which is the point. Learning about markets hurts their share. It’s little wonder that entities with guaranteed customers and the expected crummy results won’t illustrate how business works.

Teaching your brats that the government is amazing is why we’re all in this together. I know it’s forbidden to question the state’s motives, but there almost feels like an ulterior motive. A screwy take on how much your life needs to be regulated is perpetuated by its ostensible education outposts. Running a scam shouldn’t be the primary lesson.

Torn Apart and Down

Align with the proper warlord to assure a loot cut instead of flogging. Roving bands of gangs menacing cities are not too different from contemporary politics. You don’t even have to wear a mask to your polling place. Participants should still do so to conceal identities in case cops pretend to crack down.

Sliding back is preferred by those who appreciate the comfort provided during dark ages ranging from cave-dwelling times to the 1970s. Those particularly appalling periods of our largely dreadful history featured hideous fashions, and not just the threads whether they be pelts or polyester. A sense lawlessness is in charge has defined much of the past. Now is different because we can check Twitter.

Finding a way to dispose of everything that makes life somewhat bearable will make us appreciate the bulwarks. Walls against barbarians seem useless until they’re gone along with our crops and wives. Things are working so well that they need to be taken as a reminder. Thank everyone who can’t be bothered to be thankful for prevented horrors.

Figurative dismantling to accompany it happening literally is especially popular amongst those who don’t realize just how good things are. Refusing to enforce laws for compassion will create way more injustices. Cruel irony is good for the perpetually indignant: they can rail against more people being harmed, which gives them purpose.

Those tearing down more than statues are determined to create utopia on their way to earthly Hades. Dismantling the very aspects that prevent rampaging is one way to express gratitude to those who foresaw peril.

Everyone who knows better sure will be surprised when roving marauders not only demand plunder but expect it from collaborators, all after they were so cool. Blame systematic oppression when their grandiose schemes create tremendous suffering. They’re right, in their way.

Stop rounding up everyone darker than Pat Boone for prejudicial imprisonment. America should have some sort of judicial system where those faced with lockup were allowed to present a defense. Mass incarceration is presented as the contemporary equivalent of slavery by those who don’t inquire how the individuals ended up in cells.

The yard might be full because those locked up did bad things for which they were tried and convicted. Sure, violent criminals just happened to be locked up as violent crime plummeted. But astounding coincidences are disregarded by very sensible reformers trying to convince others penitentiaries are full of oppressed men sent away for decades because they were caught with a cannabis gummy.

The steadfastly unappreciative benefit from what those they loathe created. Reversing gains will show those old-timey planners. The broken windows theory of making cities safer is condemned by those accustomed to looking through whole panes.

Claiming that preventing quality of life crimes was just a way to legalize harassment sure is convenient to those who aren’t being tormented by aggressive panhandlers. I’d wager any funds gathered won’t be spent on fares. Sometimes, correlation is causation.

We’re seeing who wasn’t just against rotten cops all along. Police might exist for more than murdering black men. Arresting a sadistic killer cop after universal condemnation was apparently insufficient. The one thing worse is watching them retreat. Presuming those targeting the wicked are only into harassing the virtuous will surely stop abuse.

America is never good enough, according to those who it must be a joy to date. Striving for improvement does not take the form of trying to tweak what’s working: professional destroyers are sympathetic to looters because they attempt the same with a government dedicated to natural rights.

Ripping down invisible structures that preserve civilization is the most unappreciative way to spread havoc. Watch how much poverty arrives after torching allegedly cruel free markets.

The biggest experiment shows ominous results for everywhere else. The Warriors gets rebooted as they must once again race through New York City in order to be safe.  There will be no apologies to anyone who preferred enjoying safe urban life.

It wasn’t that long ago late-night television hosts made their livings noting crime was Gotham’s primary industry. Rudy Giuliani doing Spider-Man’s job put joke writers out of business along with muggers. Those railing against the very measures that finally made a teeming hellhole livable flaunt short memories that lead to a lack of appreciation.

Character has been fleeing long before residents did en masse. We’re not even going to get punk out of the new New York wholesale abandonment. Forget lofts becoming hives of creativity for artistic colonialists: rents somehow skyrocket as terrified exhausted people fed up with being Knickerbockers flee. Experts didn’t think it was economically possible. But Bill de Blasio’s specialty is defying basic rules. The singularly unpleasant buffoon is putting pinko theory into practice in a way he never imagined, which makes it like all the other pernicious humanity-punching claptrap Earth’s worst mayor embraces.

It’s not like you need a particular office space. Worldwide disease showed people can do the same work from a room anywhere around the planet and maybe on different ones. A virus created the atmosphere while the decision to withdraw police confirmed. Let’s stop enduring horrors from which to learn.

Government hassles the law-abiding while allowing plunderers to carry their goods unencumbered. I’d show you the bill of sale, but I don’t want to set down either television on the filthy sidewalk. Everyone better join a gang for protection. We could preserve society, but the rule of law is so racist.

Muddled Muggles

You can say what you wish as long as you write the most successful book series ever. Even then, you might lose rabidly erstwhile fans who are so conscientious that they hate those repeating obvious truths. Facts are hate speech. Is it possible to unread novels?

The First Amendment might not apply to the wizard world. But the principle remains even if the ink disappears or whatever. We don’t need to cast a constitutional spell in order to feel being able to share opinions is valuable. J.K. Rowling’s endorsement of women being women is the worst thing that happened in 2020. Some virus trails way behind. Freedom of speech has been deemed hurtful if you wonder what some people have concluded while separated from the perspective of others.

It took the creator of a fantastical world revolving around manipulating the physical world to note an incontrovertible reality about boys and girls. The horrifying view that women have uteruses is outside acceptable discourse. People can’t decide on their genders, which is a controversial view telling you all you need to know about these amicable times.

Disagreeing with an experiment’s obvious conclusions is fine in its daftly cretinous way. But misguided zealots who do so refuse to allow differences. No: a different kind. You’d think anyone out to crush contrary stances would at least have proof on their side.

Those who believe the motivated can alternate from boy to girl with a wish are similarly rational when it comes to interacting with opponents of fantasies. Rowling’s so hateful that she didn’t even conjure a sex switcheroo spell.

Update your tolerance app unless you like having a red number on the App Store icon’s corner and also want to be ruined. Announcing people are born this way is transphobic, while denying it is homophobic. All you have to know is to agree with everything woke Twitter accounts proclaim that day, even and especially if it’s contradictory. That’s unless you want to be branded an equality-hater, you Mini-Pence. Of course they know what makes a woman so: they majored in gender studies.

I was foolish enough to merely roll my eyes on numerous previous occasions when Rowling said silly things. Why did it never occur to me to discard her output while demanding others do the same? Virtual volume-burning is totally not what her villains would do. I wonder if there’s a magic land parallel of attempting to censor normal opinions. I promise to read another book.

Noticing the original Harry Potter fan fiction writer had and has a rather prominent platform is supposed to work against her. It’s possible she might be speaking on behalf of obscure muggles who fear losing everything if the mob discovers they proclaim a weddings are a special ceremony between a man and woman. Progressives can’t envision standing up for the underprivileged.

You have to be your industry’s most prominent member to speak out. And you say free speech is limited. Rowling being positioned to defend the right to talk is reminiscent of Jackie Chan confronting Triads. The man who broke everything to entertain you had to be the world’s most famous person before he felt safe standing up to gangsters messing with his industry. The witch tale lady faces a different kind of mafia, namely ones that try to break your reputation if you go against tearing down the family.

Today’s bullies can’t do pushups. The most fragile humans are the most vicious. Those risibly priding themselves on acceptance target anyone they conclude they can get away with torturing. Meanwhile, they cower in fear of being decked back. Anti-scientific leftists are the worst kind of tormenters, namely those who believe they’re righteous.

Treating speech as violence while excusing violence as speech is the sort of sensible position we’d expect from those who declare gender is a feeling. Persistent attempts to destroy anyone who maintains you have the right to decline baking a cake for a ceremony you don’t believe is a marriage brings everyone together.

Classifying city-smashing as a righteous expression of anger against Target because you’re mad about a killer cop is righteous expression. The new free television allows for consuming other views. Why are you against viewpoints?

Liberals who aren’t liberal fail to appreciate the irony. Demanding utter submission is only necessary because everyone who disagrees with Starbucks-smashers is a new Nazi who doesn’t wear a mask. The innate sadism of their foes is why they only have to tolerate those goose-stepping to their rhythm. It’s the most closed-minded way possible to be open-minded.

Having to get to a place where there’s no fear of being fired for thinking something is not quite a sign of a healthy society. The professionally vindictive are deluded enough to perceive themselves as holding others accountable by trying to destroy the businesses of anyone who dares back the president. 

Noticing biology shouldn’t be divisive. Humans identifying as something make-believe are free to disagree, although that’s an odd habit for those deeply into proclaiming allegiance to science. It’s almost like phony justice adherents replaced religion, which explains the fervor with which they ignore the evidence they claim to worship.

Speech cops are screwed up enough to declare that destroying those who disagree is the market functioning. It’s no wonder they loathe commerce if they believe this is how it’s supposed to work.

Those canceling others for what have depressingly become contentious takes always fear someone doing the same to them. The only thing worse is using the word “cancel” in reference to a human being. The lamest predators possible are sleepless like sharks with all the crankiness and none of the bite.

Seeing those who oppose gender free agency as being unfit for polite society is itself rather impolite. You’re banned from noting how antisocially shrill your word monitors are in general and specifically while hissing at dissenters.

Kabuki Quarantine

The government needs to keep you from living to keep you alive. Sickness is nothing new. Histrionic overreach is their only specialty. Mid-level elected executives turned broad suffering into specific interdictions about unrelated matters. Hassling maskless restaurant patrons brings to mind pointlessly invasive September 11 measures that haven’t made us safe since. Confiscating liberty can only get worse if there are no marginal benefits.

Panic always motivates rational responses, so be sure to get wound up about the news. Those interfering with your business for your own good always use a totally calm counterpoint, which is that opponents of being bothered by law are demons wearing human skins who want everyone to croak. The claim is even more risible when made by those who tried to make nursing homes fun by letting everyone share a lethal disease.

We can move without fear through the sky thanks to an unwieldy legalized harassment squad staffed with the nation’s ruder high school dropouts and convicted felons. You feel safer in the clouds, right?

TSA set the precedent for bothering Americans as a reply to horror. Pat the heads of anyone claiming security theater has prevented any terror measures. Then pat the bathing suit area, because they tacitly admitted they like it. To be fair, people who are useless even by federal standards have stopped plenty of travelers from making flights. It’s easier to harass the innocent than terrorists, if not quite practical.

If al-Qaeda wanted flyers to remove shoes, they won. Hopeful passengers are still wandering aimlessly around security checkpoints protected from hideous floors with nothing but socks almost 19 years after that vile dastard tried to light his footwear fuse. And the liquid bomb plot was in 2006 if you wonder why you can’t bring a Dr Pepper aboard in 2020. Tales of carrying liquids on flights are legends at this point. Those out to attack surely haven’t attempted to devise new methods to inflict atrocities. But being kept thirsty surely makes air travel safe.

Security professionals couldn’t spend a few seconds talking to passengers. Those obsessed with tolerant equality to the point of risking everyone’s lives are focused on implements instead of humans with nefarious intentions, which for the record is also why gun control doesn’t work. It’s simply uncanny how the same principles apply to different issues. Similarly, bandana fetishists refuse to acknowledge common sense can do more to defeat an epidemic than mandatory cotton facial application.

Concerned people have done more than any bossy order to stop the contagion. Common sense is the best protection, which is why fans of big government think we’re stuck with getting infected forever. Those who totally trust their fellow humans think simple wisdom must be mandated. Overreaching has created economic and human depression, but it’s crucial to build counterproductive dependence.

There’s little hope of order when forces of chaos get to impose their wills. Governments are reactive by nature, as they have to see what damage they inflict before they announce how to fix it. Residents who had dwellings ransacked are trying to rebuild after a toddler tornado, with the difference being legal adults don’t have the excuse of being two years into life and experiencing the energy jolt provided by consuming handfuls of Sour Patch Kids for the first time. Anyone tasked with cleaning up after the immature can only attempt to repair some of the damage’s effects. I’m sorry about your coffee table.

Capricious restrictions in the face of contagious disease are the opposite of scientific. I hope the illness is prevented by superstition, as the only other method currently being deployed as a bulwark is sanctimony. Call your birthday party a rally against injustice to keep Democratic governors from ordering dispersal.

Faith will protect you, according to our present understanding of epidemiology. Chant about six feet while wearing a ceremonial mask to maintain health. The only way to stay safer is to attend a protest enchanted against infection. Your cause just has to reach a certain level of righteousness, like wanting to replace cops with social workers.

Capricious orders are the most caring, as they mean benevolent saviors sense troubles unenlightened commoners don’t. Being told what to do only seems like a random burden to the benighted.

Those who don’t grasp how good they have it with their lives limited think they’re being held back by governors who don’t understand politics. Surely, office-fillers grasp the subtle scientific complexities involved in spreading illness. Political science majors who became lawyers are renowned for knowing how experiments work.

If you’re already feeling sick, knowing we could’ve been done with this stupid illness might not make you feel better. People could have coped as it passed and immunity built while washing our hands and sticking grandma in a John Travolta bubble. But then we wouldn’t have shut down the fundamental aspects of society for months.

The era for speciousness will always feature claims of unilaterally shutting down interactions prevented life from turning into a zombie movie. Sagacious elected prophets kept you safe by ruining your life, and you won’t even build statues. You’re so ungrateful just because you noticed all this ruin didn’t even help. The same people don’t think more cops prevent crime from happening in the first place need you to stay in solitary confinement just until life has no more problems.

Give a Hoot, Don’t Loot

We need to stop Macy’s from murdering innocent minorities. Diabolical stores can’t even be put on trial. Where’s the justice? Yet every seller is entitled to a defense they’re presently not receiving. Stripped shelves are not evidence of guilt.

Treating property with respect is now controversial in these calmly enlightened times. It’s controversial to not loot if debate seems particularly levelheaded. Try making the case that objects should stay with owners to someone depleting their stolen Pop-Tarts supply.

Wish luck to those explaining how bricks are for building, not shattering. The thieving arson mob doesn’t seem interested in relatively subtle gestures.

Justice devotees who want stuff without paying tend not to keep productivity at the forefront. You try reasoning with those using a murderous cop as a reason to get a new television for zero dollars. The receipt has been misplaced.

Lives are more important than items. Oh, really? I never thought of it that way, which is why I’m glad the revolutionary notion is used to rationalize stealing everything not bolted down followed by arson. Make sure to perform in the proper order, as it’s tough to nick a flaming iPad.

Belongings belonging to others are unimportant to those who self-classify as selfless. Agglomerations are representative of what people have done with their lives. Yes, there’s more to existence than accessories, and your life is more than what you’ve compiled. But you need stuff, and it’s not for others to oppose your stockpile by nobly taking it for themselves.

Class warfare maneuverers do everything they can to minimize what the right to ownership exhibits. Anyone endorsing property liberation sounds uncannily like comrades in people’s republics raising the lack of consumer products by noting materialism makes humans shallow.

It’s always those who want what others have accumulated railing against being possessed by possessions. The result of hard work is used to conduct life by those classified as greedy.

Inventories vanish in a way we wish the virus would. Are we still supposed to fear a disease that can seemingly be defeated by gathering in outrage? Bank accounts are as invisible as the contagious enemy.

Those claiming to be invested in empathy shrug as companies with no capital disappear during the casual wholesale shutdowns ordered by governors who get paid no matter what. Not having a place to work or things to buy is for your own benefit.

Note who attempts to justify riots for any reason to know who doesn’t ever deserve to be taken seriously ever. Property can be replaced while humans cannot, which is true except for how it’s used to defend taking the former. You could also not replace it because you don’t burn someone’s store. It’s apparently impossible to both think cops shouldn’t murder and those leaving supermarkets should pay for what’s in their carts.

What did Target do to you? Unleashing unpleasant emotions on conglomerates that have been relatively successful surely improves life for all. Smashing corporations is the new way to get fresh air, as if it’s okay to take from those with lots of sales.

Thriving amalgamations are often owned by lots of small stockholders, too, but you teach those cruel syndicated a lesson for daring to exchange. Sure, a store may not have murdered an arrestee. But at least there’s the flimsiest excuse available for impromptu clearance.

Make sure you’re hurling a Molotov cocktail for a sufficiently noble reason. It’s tough to steal that first vodka, but the biggest obstacle with a new business is getting started. Anger is always permissible, at least if you’re mad at cops. Forcing people to buy shoddy health plans or bribing Iran with our money don’t qualify.

Steal in large quantities with enough people to make capture difficult. The social contract of mutual exchange is easy to violate, as some vultures ascertained immediately. I wish plunderers could put such effort in learning what customers want.

Larceny is okay if it’s audacious enough. You can steal from a chain in the perfect embodiment of allowing resentment to fester. Sure, taking raises prices for everyone else, but you get it for free.

Sellers have insurance, as well. Oh: having to pay premiums will make everything more expensive in the future, which especially hurts those with small incomes who rely on Walmart for affordable chips.

Yet America’s French revolutionaries don’t care about shoppers any more than workers rendered unemployed by arbitrary alleged virus containment. Why do those shutting down enterprises hate poor people?

Ironically greedy types who don’t acknowledge property rights see life as communal. People into forced sharing probably walk across your lawn, too. Those who generate nothing naturally expect others to provide it.

Not caring and perhaps even applauding as outposts are attacked by rather aggressive shoplifters is merely an extreme manifestation of mandatory sharing. Laying waste to the byproduct of meeting customers’ needs is how society improves.

It’s always those who didn’t have their things ruined lecturing how it’s easy to recover from pillaging. You know, you could not allow ransacking the outpost of an unrelated party as a rationalization for exasperation. But mean cops can’t even be allowed to do their actual jobs. Civilization is on pace to become the survivors standing in a field with only the clothes they’re wearing. I want your dungarees.

Being good at getting goods is a result of working. There’s no purer sign liberty’s present than unencumbered citizens collecting things they need or enjoy. Stores are nothing more than human capital, ingenuity, and effort expressed in physical locations. That’s why the social justice crew loathes them.

We have to interact with the corporeal world. I know that’s shallow, but I’m hungry and could use shoes. A robber is bound to be someone who creates nothing. Those patronizingly classifying plundering as righteous are similarly in no danger of having their Facebook harangues looted. You should care about people and not property, proclaim looters of people’s property.

Suffer Together

Incompetence shouldn’t be limited to those in crisis. How is that impartial? Everyone has to endure hardship, if we listen to those creating it. Joining the political realm is the best way to ensure fairness by forcing everyone to obey capricious orders. Screw up the response to a crisis for an excuse.

Limiting the entire populace is how we learn to empathize. Remember that we’re all in this together, according to every commercial from companies that feel the need to acknowledge current events without having anything specifically assuaging to say.

Life is communal, according to grabbier politicians. By subjecting everyone to spankings for the actions of a few, they make it so. Self-fulfilling prophecies are one way to make oneself a visionary.

Everyone suffers because some have problems. That’s how we unite. Why should only some citizens cope with restrictions? Sure, the behavior of particular delinquents could be worthy of being curtailed by rules. But we don’t want government enforcing morality by only bothering criminals.

Politicians have to harass all because they couldn’t stop problems. They were trying to make it even for everyone along. The solution to their own putzing ineptness involves holding back everyone.

There’s no way to help just those in peril, as that’d be an unjust application of ideals. Authorities could have suggested that anyone not feeling well or susceptible to infection watches out for virus-spreading situations. But they couldn’t manage to think people could manage to think.

It seems unfair that only those likely to get sick have to cope with agony. The same notion of sameness through dragging everyone down informs so much of our pleasantly enlightened politics.

Discipline is only inflicted upon those who don’t deserve it. Barricading everyone inside is a novel way to limit infection. Sure, it didn’t help and only spread depression as people forced into uselessness were made to feel as if they were spreading an illness they didn’t have. But hassling whoever dared pick up a pizza with a mouth visible will preserve health if preening prevents spreading.

You can enjoy the relaxing thrills of darkness in your domicile. A curfew is the ultimate thoughtless penalty imposed on all for the misdeeds of some. Why aren’t only the bad ones grounded? Imagine stopping those commandeering protests. Instead, mayors sanctioned everyone by having to be in when the streetlights came on. Government treating people like children feels slightly more literal than usual.

I think there should be some sort of security force tasked with implementing laws. Perhaps they could focus on detaining those who exchange bricks for televisions. Those tasked with prohibiting crime couldn’t have just looked for people smashing windows at Macy’s. A rather unabashed variety of participants whose version of social justice featured smashing retailers are not exactly cat burglars. But why would they be subtle about stealing when nobody’s noting they’re not allowed?

An utter breakdown deplorably justified as anger over injustice can only occur if authorities watch limply. There must be healthier paths to vicarious thrills. The present style of brave leaders is too chicken to confront those tearing apart the byproduct of civilization. They’ll save the rubble by ticketing anyone enjoying the fresh air found in a park at 8:03 p.m.

Kurt Vonnegut couldn’t have imagined mandating equality more fully. Office-holders aren’t clever enough to mock reality through fiction, so they create actual horrors to preempt it.

The creepy collectivist vibe behind sentencing the whole results from a lack of basic proficiency in those bothering us in the first place. Well, they have to compensate because the public wasn’t smart and decent enough to obey their commands to create bliss.

Hassling everyone is nothing new. Maybe don’t vote for those whose every political stance involves issuing pain on the whole. The brutish clumsiness behind making everyone comply with a limitation that should only be imposed on wrongdoers embodies big government.

All of us had rights rescinded by purported leaders because they couldn’t stop a virus or looters. Take losing the right to self-defense because of murderers, which actually makes them more likely.

Perceiving health care as communal instead of as something individuals acquire makes everyone’s bill skyrocket out of compassion. And some people having more is so unjust, which is why we spread out money until it vanishes.

Punishing the entire class is a childish move, as children recognize. Astute whippersnappers knew even as fourth-graders they were dealing with an insecure putz of a teacher when the entire class had to stay after because of a couple delinquents disrupting class. Everyone knows who the crummy kids are. But it’s easier to presume everyone’s been rotten. Now, that’s how to motivate academic achievement.

Pressed for Precedent

Failures are due for a good break. Try the same idea that exploded spectacularly the last 700 times on the grounds that something simply must work eventually just to break the pattern. You win this time, gravity.

Presuming an established catastrophe will thrive during the next try is a favorite hobby of socialists who somehow still exist. The enthusiastic deniers of all that’s happened claim to be for science despite their commitment to loathing evidence. It’s a great sign when ignorance is the best excuse. Government’s goons aren’t aware of the earlier failures, hopefully, as it’s unhealthy to ignore so many experiments.

Surrendering autonomy has worked out every single occasion before except for all of them. Just ask Bernie Sanders about which direction people hopped the Berlin Wall. It only looks like they’re heading west because decadent capitalists who bought control of information flipped the footage.

It’s the arrogance that’s most charming in those who think you’e stupid for noticing how quickly money disappears when it belongs to everyone. Presuming everyone in opposition to one giant wallet either disregards human suffering or profits off it is especially open-minded, as there’s no other reason a person could stand for persons being left alone.

Let’s have socialism without the authoritarian parts. Also, enjoy cheesecake without the calories. It’s a diet food now even if every time it’s ever been eaten before has led to tighter slacks. You just have to consume it correctly this time, assures the New York Times editorial.

Thinking that concentrated authority won’t require bossiness would be adorable if not for the ruined lives and corpse piles. People who claim ending insurance mandates and net neutrality lead to widespread death sure have lots of excuses for mass-murdering tyrants.

You just have to proclaim that a scheme will work. Don’t you have faith, you heathen? Deciding the design of the present trendy system for supervising the minutes of our lives will function is the worst type of theocracy. Anyone who hasn’t figured out central planning causes a plane crash into a tire fire every single time thinks it’s our fault for not investing enough through taxes that are redundant to classify as a ripoff.

Pompousness enabled by obliviousness is a perfect pairing to keep socialism alive after a century that showed why it’s deadly in so many ways. How anyone could oppose delicate schemes to bring wealth and health is a mystery except to anyone who’s ever read the news. But those free market parasites are just being negative with their examples.

Nothing delights like fans of the most thoroughly discredited financial ideas in human history claiming to have objective facts. Their certainty can only get more precious considering they’re advocating ideas that turned the Eastern Bloc into a sludge pit. Projections from people who think Washington manages money and lives efficiently couldn’t possibly contain flimsy assumptions.

Planning failures sure are lucky to have a fawning media that is objective as long as thinking government action means caring for people counts. The limp goons are never prompted to provide one example of trading liberty for central planning that has resulted in bliss or even something other than ruin.

Adoration of ideas that least deserve them helps a certain kind of delusional candidate win elections. That’s entirely different from winning at life. But all those craving the next temporary job need is to sucker half the voters. Government works splendidly for those who pretend it works.

Willfully disregarding what has actually worked is the ideology’s crucial part. There are countless examples of markets lifting humans out of poverty, including in the exploitative rotten oppressive nation ingrates call home.

Things are so good that those outraged by compensation for value have time to act as if a company’s owner making a lot more than a janitor is a moral outrage. You’d think with all that free time they could find successful precedents for what they believe.

Getting numbers and reality wrong isn’t even the most horrifying part. Excessive power enthusiasts are making life fantastically easy for Donald Trump. The poor guy has never gotten a break. Now, the least deserving posing tycoon of our time will get to face ideas so easily dismissed that even he can do so with a vaguely rude gesture.

Our poor maligned president can once more point out his foes are horrendous without having to do anything else. A binary choice is always his best hope.

Facing collectivists allows him to bitch while never having to list his own accomplishments. The mouthy lightweight can just note socialist claptrap sucks, which is true in the same way as knowing The Walking Dead is dull in darkness. But it’s apparently not obvious enough. Trump gets to stand up to massive overreach even as he bravely refuses to confront the entitlement state.

Offering an alternative to the most obnoxious president imaginable should be easier than free exchange. A seller who offers nothing but boasts can only succeed if the alternative promises to finally bring all the good parts of Cuba to America.