Back to Not Abnormal

Most people would claim to prefer sanity.  Thinking clearly seems logical unless you’re insane.  There’s a good test if anyone’s worried about being infected.  Discarding maniacal idiocy is apparently the wisest course.  If you are familiar with many of humanity’s regrettable tendencies, you understand why there’s no certainty.  We tried out lunacy just to see if we enjoyed it.  Keeping an open mind allows for new experiences even if trying once turns out to be sufficient.

You’re no longer deemed racist for existing, which is nice in the way no longer hitting yourself on the head with a claw hammer feels better by comparison.  One scumbag cop kneeling on a suspect’s neck is no longer valid as an excuse for telling one race of people to pipe down and listen as if another is more authentic in its experience.  You can fill in any group and it’s wrong, which is a way to check.

Grievances aren’t necessarily accurate.  Take how in this case they were totally inaccurate.  The sort of subjective beings who say things like “My truth” may not perceive reality with clarity.  Admitting to subjectivity is a good start even if it’s inadvertent.  Pent-up venters just happen to be the same ones who think Hamas represents the persecuted and this White House has made everyone rich just because the dollar figures seem so high.

Government will cure you, according to countless epitaphs.  It turns out coerced care is the precise opposite of compassionate, what with creating shortages while raising prices.  Micromanaging your breathing and associating only sound like exaggerations.

Getting up in your grill doesn’t just apply to nasty flus inflicted by inept supervillains.  Violating the health of your liberties leads to your physical being declining, too.  Deciding something others provide for you is a right leads to it becoming unobtainable.   Other than the philosophical and practical failures, everything works out.

Billing the collective is a bad way to get goods.  Stuff is supposed to become affordable by billing all of us, meaning others.  Forcing the collective to pay results in an unwieldy cost burden where people either pay ridiculous prices that inevitably result from removing competition or force anyone who makes more to pay way more in taxes, which results in a downturn of spending and hiring.  You can’t choose which way coercion causes ironic woe.

The notion that government is good at anything at all runs counter to every moment we’ve endured, so at least ceaseless suffering had a purpose.  The incumbent claims to have experience yet runs against it.  Aren’t you enjoying your newfound wealth?  There’s the little catch of how we’ve been handed Monopoly money, with the difference being it’s fun to outfox art history majors who think gentrifying Marvin Gardens with hotels would displace the indigent.  A game where entrepreneurs must put others out of business defines liberalism as much as the way they’re terrible at it.

The notion that politicians should seize lucre in order to spend wisely never made sense.  But we tried it just to make sure.  The rather pushy redistribution wasn’t voluntarily, of course, unless signing over one’s autonomy permanently is the consequence of voting once.  That’s Democratic policy.

Coerced cooperation was always preposterous.  The ominous notion now features the immediacy of many horrid examples.  Thank Joe Biden for disproving everything he believes.  

Seeing results is bad news for the theoretically-minded.  Self-branded intellectuals can’t even think of appealing schemes.  Patent claptrap has been inflicted upon everyone for a couple years as part of a rather dubious trend that’s hopefully never treated as a throwback.  We live under a government that’s only semi-skilled at stopping crime, which is the one task it’s neglected.  One of its very few actual assigned roles has been swapped out for ensuring diversity.  Risk is ubiquitous for equality.

Everyone was benefiting from open markets and locked prisons to the point that ingrates decided the solutions were the problems.  The unappreciative naturally kvetch about what allows them to idle.

Removing safeguards went as well as declaring politicians are better at spending than whoever earned the money in question, which is to say not very.  Take a look at who decided what we didn’t need luxuries like autonomy to learn why letting someone else make decisions is a very bad idea.  Biden’s staffers are so bad at being productive that they had to find work hassling those who are.

This decade is not just an experiment to see how woeful life can get, although that was the result.  Change for the sake of it needs specifics.  Imposing daily burdens differs entirely from preserving fantastically counterproductive mandatory programs with coerced funding.

Anyone sick of feeling perpetually fed up might even get to the point where they seek a president who suggests you can choose things for yourself.  All it took was trying the opposite.  Voters consented, once.

Look into the Dystopia

Only thieves are thriving.  Who could be surprised?  You might be unsurprised.  Point and laugh at people who never learn what already happened, which is a not very secret code for Democrats.  Noticing patterns takes the fun out of life.  It’s better to keep trying what does the same.

At least money is worthless.  There may be a slight economic crisis when the item used to obtain everything else would be more valuable if converted to newspaper.  And you haven’t bought one of those this century.

Proving that people aren’t happier without stuff is yet another outcome letdown.  Possessors can’t buy much, which is a reminder to value spiritual things over goods.  Consider the aspiration to attain more than possessions a helpful reminder from a government that tries to replace religion.

Keeping people from pursuing greed takes the form of giving them funds seized from others.  Now, that’s selfless.  We’re told it’s exploitative to expect compensation in exchange for performing tasks so useful that others will pay for them.  If you want a job outpacing inflation, consider selflessly becoming a politician.  The noblest take from the successful in order to spread around, or at least vote for them.

Electing grifting income shifters is the closest thing to a job Democrats create.  You have to work once or twice per year to sponge off the productive for the rest of the days.  I’m sure hard workers being exploited won’t dwindle, as that would mean consequences exist.

Printing too much leads to inflation.  This lesson is brought to you by a moderately sharp 12-year-old.  Contrast the figurative bright brat with a real moron of a geezer.  Joe Biden’s solution to all our problems was to have too much of a good thing.  If ice cream cake is delicious, it should be served at every meal.

If you’re not going to know something, make ignorance thorough.  Liberals possess so little understanding of economics that they fail to grasp how supply and demand applies to money itself.  You don’t have to appreciate the thoroughness of their commitment.

Anyone who likes having stuff should be aware of just who produces what.  It’s presently nobody and nothing, respectfully.  Stuff comes from government, unless you’re addicted to greed.  Ghastly corporations probably expect money in return.  Stop being selfish and give me what I want without cost.

Mean Republicans won’t cough up for welcome mats.  Erasing the border means anyone who wants strolls in.  Visitors don’t have to do anything like work, which would be rude to expect.  The American dream is having someone hand you everything you desire.  The perverse version is only available to non-Americans.

Engineers of decline are busy mocking those irony-free fools who think that working hard might lead to progress.  Now, you know why liberals don’t create anything.  Running for elections is a matter of survival if you wonder why they act like nothing matters but politics.

The most notorious reward for doing nothing has made the globe even more dangerous.  Giving American taxpayer money to Iran led to an attack on Israel.  But they promised to spend their chore payment on school supplies.

Resentment borne of idleness is such a common Democratic outcome that they may be doing it on purpose.  Their reign is successful as long as tearing down success counts.

Reducing demand for guns by eliminating acquisition of stuff has not yet paid off.  But that’s just because every Democratic initiative takes longer than however much they’ve already gotten to successfully implement.  Dissemblers of civilization enabled by law enforcement’s withdrawal are still stealing anything not bolted down and will take those things once they swipe tools.

This latest regrettable term is the least shocking failure since Barack Obama.  Individual screwups contribute to widespread horrors.  The daily exhaustion of what overreach overlords are going to attempt is how they wear you down.  Making subjects too weary to resist is maybe not the best indicator of inspiration.  Don’t miss the big picture, presuming it hasn’t been nicked.

Asking why people keep falling for this is a question I wish weren’t timeless.  An active resistance to noticing trends motivates your visionary leaders who are not even aware patterns exist.  They’re too focused on boasting regarding claims that never happen in the true spirit of their ideology.

Watching the world crumble isn’t fun when you live in the stadium.  We can’t observe in a forlorn yet detached matter when barbarians are bashing our doors.  Government invades our finances while telling us very helpfully what common activities are prohibited as of this morning. Shoplifters are crossing paths with illegal immigrants.  They should nod to each other in acknowledgment of who’s got it good.

A Percentage of Flimsy Excuses for the Hamas Campus Fan Club

O.J. Simpson was nonviolent for 99 percent of June 12, 1994.  Jurors should’ve realized the pie chart deceives.  What happens in the sliver is often more important even if it’s the same proportion of people who dislike pie.  The latest lame pretext for unhinged smashing is based in claiming ostensible protests have been peaceful by percentage.  Bystanders who fled for safety must feel alleviation from calculation.

Violent terror sympathizers’ sympathizers can’t even come up with fresh rationalizations for demolition on behalf of lunacy.  There’s nothing new, as usual: the allegedly low tally of carnage left in the wake of demanding a twisted take on righteousness was also used to justify city-torching to end racism.  At this lawless pace, rebuilding is futile, so just leave ruins untouched.

Colleges will demand taxpayer relief to rebuild.  Self-obliterated campuses sum up 2024 a bit too perfectly.  Palestinian cosplayers struggle to convince anyone outside the hoodlum encampment that they’re opposed to diabolical violence.  Both their honored faction and own rallies spur mayhem inflicted on people minding their own business.

Those siding with terrorists surely perceive everything else correctly.  Asking who started it is too complex for sophisticated students.  I remember a tidbit from a news alert about a music festival where some sort of bad thing happened, but learning too much about elitist things like facts disrupts an international social justice narrative.

Israel’s enemies occupy property that’s not theirs in order to demolish it.  Why, that sounds familiar.  You don’t need to be enrolled in an Ivy League university to know parallels only seem coincidental.  Quad grass-killers act just like those involved in their ghastly cause.  They truly are committed.

As usual, those trying to get away with a technical exception don’t ponder precedent.   For an example that’s a bit too perfect, 99 percent of January 6 pouters were suckers seduced by a fallacious tantrum by an all-time loser into standing outside the Capitol while pouting.  The legislature’s vandals represented a rounding error of the resentful, which didn’t prevent shrieking concern junkies from proclaiming the republic itself was under threat.

For a more thorough contrast, Tea Parties featured infinity percent less sanctimonious desecration.  We’d still be lectured about dangerous insurrectionists if anyone who’d ever gazed upon a Gadsden flag had misbehaved: the ever-balanced media strained desperately to find subversives who wanted the government to obey its own rulebook.  But we never heard about the undefeated percentage of peacefulness about protesters who used trash cans.

The disingenuousness of a mendacious percentage is so dumb that only university students could believe it.  Professing that only a minuscule portion of truants

busted up their own educational centers doesn’t piece together roughly disassembled classrooms.

The most melodramatic comparison is apt under the circumstances.  Fastidious students are too focused on gender studies to study another prominent time Jews were under attack.  World War II’s good side participants didn’t ask how many of their enemies were actually misbehaving.

The last thing decent humans needed was another example of suffering while living under a genocidal regime.  Since brats didn’t bother cracking open history textbooks while enjoying outdoor time, I’ll assist their pursuit of knowledge by letting them know it’s not the country fighting back after being assaulted that’s the perpetrator.

You should feel shame for camp kids having to lie to fix the wonky system.  Columbia geniuses have to put on a show for proles.  They can’t explain every little thing about knowing how civilization is supposed to function.  As a result, they must occasionally fib to the masses in order to implement their glorious schemes.  Those desks needed to be upturned in order to prevent invasion from brutish law enforcement acting as a tool of Zionist oppression, according to tweets from accounts guaranteed to include bio pronouns alongside Palestinian flags.

Pretending schoolyard trespassers weren’t felonious is more than a reflection of the ideological opposition to consequences from student loan deadbeats.  Adherents assume the public will find barricading school halls on behalf of Islamic mass murderers distasteful.  It’s the same reason contemporary commies feign not despising success while doing everything they can to punish it.

Middle East intruders truly inspire zealotry.  The keffiyeh accessory crew only needs a few committed zealots to attack society.  It’s not how many participate in assaults but how many back destruction that truly matters.

Only one percent of demonstrations were violent, which surely comforts those sweeping up glass shattered in historic buildings.  Wondering how they even determine the percentage is like believing formulas that show groceries are affordable.  The figure is as reliable as anything attendees discovered while pitching tents for Hamas.

The side that’s notoriously stubborn about refusing to grasp mathematics assures you there’s little devastation by percentage.  By sheer chance, the same adherents think poverty is a choice the selfish impose on the downtrodden by refusing to fork over just a little more to the IRS to fund complimentary sociology degrees.

Smirking scholars didn’t realize why there was so much cheering for obliterating their own schools.  Ask them if they’re the smartest in case you somehow have doubts.  The most entitled brats created endless custodial tasks for low-income workers who didn’t graduate from the college in question.  But kind protesters were just creating work for the underprivileged.  It wasn’t finance majors fracturing Bastiat’s window to help the economy.

Juvenile delinquent outbursts on behalf of shoving Israel into the sea have been 99 percent peaceful in the same sense the 99 Percent grifters were.  Names of sophomorically malicious uprisings change, but the mentality remains identical.  Cleanups of parasites living in parks while chanting for personal bailouts feel like part of one continual effort.

Nothing changes, which students would learn if they paid attention instead of acting like their intifada-focused role models.  Containing havoc to their schoolyards is their inadvertent gift to actually peaceful people who are infinitely better at statistics regardless of credit hour status.

Loud About Hush Money

Taking is the Democratic form of profiting.  There’s no other way to run a business, at least that legalized grifters can imagines.  They’re not mean like your bosses, other than how they do the same by law.  The only important employment is their own, and let’s classify their workdays as unproductive.  Politicians must only endure a performance evaluation every couple years.  They expect you to keep them in office because it’s more fun than working.  Revelry will continue as long as bucks keep flowing.  The party’s finally nearing its conclusion.

The pushy party can afford to be so generous because of a generous benefactor.  If you want to maximize contributions, make them compulsory.  Thanks to withholding, most donors don’t even realize how generous they are.

Bribes for votes are shameless in blatancy, which is another sign market incentives work.  Coercion really helps those who need to keep others on their side without making a convincing case or being able to create anything worth trading.

Limp government goons inadvertently illustrate their foes are right while showing why they’re so wrong.  Every Democrat is a corrupt sheriff with a councilman in his pocket.  Entice voters with profits seized from those who back candidates calling for workers to keep what they earn.  The self-proclaimed selfless get away with it because they can, which also helpfully illustrates how they implement their very caring philosophy.

Hypocrisy is just the start.  Elected autocrats see themselves as fighters of corruption as they embody it, which is surely the only time they’re full of it.  Expanding power to the point where they can negate it with a nod is also coincidentally the reason they’re so eager to make crime legal, aside from serving as an indirect perk to their constituency.

Those who can’t create a solid image rely on projection.  Democrats habitually act in the same shameful way they accuse private entities of conducting themselves, with the difference being you can’t choose a different government without a decent amount of hassle.  Knowing you can’t shop elsewhere is part of the privilege of constructing a loving administration that has control over every life aspect.

It’s best to use bills yoinked from others, as your own is so expensive.  Buying support with cash seized from the successful is the primary way of leveling society.  The presumption that everyone should have the same works with ice cream, so why change kindergarten thinking?  The ideal amount is more than whatever you have now.

Wealth transfers are necessary if all funds have been assigned.  You unfairly claim salaries reflect value created, but that cruelly leads to some people having more than others.  True motivators have to convince voters that they’re useless.  Breaking down self-esteem is how Democrats inspire.  Someone stole from you so proficiently that you didn’t even notice.  No, they don’t mean the government.

Student loans are seen as anything but.  College is a time for learning that words don’t mean anything, which is one sort of lesson to retain.  The expectation of entitlement may not be the healthiest major.  There’s no point in arguing with people who think you’re selfish for not wanting to give what you’ve earned to those who haven’t.

Outrage at the expectation that they should pay for things defines liberalism.  Take the costliness of allegedly free tuition.  Panhandling graduates got amazing training, at least according to them.  It should be easy to pay off what’s borrowed with 120 credits of solid training.

Pretending not paying for something will help the economy is the ultimate case of not seeing both sides.  The practical implications of closed-mindedness lead to dismissing prosperity via, say, exchanging goods and services for dollars.  Alleged beneficiaries save so much by not paying for groceries, which can be spent to stimulate an economy where many things are unaffordable for mysterious reasons.  Shoplifting must be making life permanently prosperous.

Walking around money ensures getting out the vote.  Claim to help the poor to make winking less obvious.  Inflation is the only downside for the ripoff artists and upside for those outraged.  Currency has gone from worth less to worthless.  

Trying to befriend those who hate them is a sick habit of the psychologically gullible.  They simply must convince everyone they’re cool.  Iran took their lunch money and got them to beg to come over for dinner.  Enabling villainy is just one more reason to not pay ransoms.  The inability to see obvious consequences is inherent to their ideology.  Anyone who saw what comes next wouldn’t be a liberal.  

Trying to get global supervillains to behave with perks is a rather obvious test which the White House fails.  It took an invasion of Israel to show how Iran spends their allowance on terror rockets, which the executive branch naturally still doesn’t grasp.  Joe Biden’s flunkies are more than willing to accept excuses about how lunatic mullahs can’t spend what they have yet to receive.  Meanwhile, the world’s substitute teachers put America nearly $35 freaking trillion in debt.

A time-honored tradition features no honor.  Redistribution constitutes politics at its oldest and by no coincidence worst.  An entire outlook based on taking from one party and giving it to others is framed as the epitome of high-minded decency, which is true aside from how its theft that demotivates all involved.

Class warfare builds society.  Motivating their base coincidentally conforms with claiming they’re trying to help.  It’s an unfinished sentence, as they want to help stay in office.

Lawbreaking Government

Are you uninterested in obeying the law? Don’t worry: neither is the government.  Making up rules is the favorite hobby of the ultimately unwieldy entity that’s tasked itself with controlling all the stuff.  Existence’s referees are coincidentally and conveniently not subject to irksome rules that are as absolute as they are capricious.  They must be divine if they can be two things at once.

Full commitment isn’t a virtue for those doing something regrettable.  Unhinged Democrats don’t just provide mild opposition but stand as anti-activity.  If you want to do something, you’re not allowed.  The only exceptions are for shoplifting, crossing the border into a country where you’re not a citizen, and winning the presidency so you can help your crackhead kid grift.

Wholesale interdiction means they don’t hide it anymore.  Liberals used to pretend to be into simply adding guidelines.  Of course, even telling others what to do a little is an unneeded bother, especially when it’s the sort of people liberals are doing the telling.  But supply chain breaks reflect a war on commerce that’s way more effective than that one went in Afghanistan.  Pondering whether they adhered to wholesale lunacy all along or just evolved is a fascinating academic debate.  The overbearing yet anarchic result in actuality is the same.

Accomplices don’t want the police to take it easy: they want cops to take off.  Nobody has to obey any laws unless they’re law-abiding.  A perfectly screwed-up take on compliance, safety, and rights has led to precisely the sort of bleak dystopia anticipated.

Predictability didn’t lead to comfort.  Victims of both street and governmental thievery are punished with constant legal hassles, mandates, and taxes.  It’s their fault for trying to rake in cash without waiting for Treasury checks.

Fighting crime fighting has not reduced crime.  The result somehow surprises some.  Democrats who conveniently want to be the only ones allowed to make decisions haven’t quite figured out how to inflict their edicts, what with their rather incongruous contempt for cops.  But I’m sure they’ll come up with a way to enforce laws minus law enforcement.  These are people who made money worthless, so anything’s possible to such wizards.

A government that does whatever it wants doesn’t stop fellow crooks from doing as they please.  The precedent inspires reprobates who aren’t in office.  Ensuring compliance with an endless series of commands has gone beyond a little lax.  A full withdrawal from preventing traditional crimes coincides with hassling everyone attempting to comply with arbitrary governmental incursions.  Forces march past each other.

Viewers can only conclude present ruling regimes are in favor of felonies, as there’s no other honest way to look at empty shelves and streets full of random assaults in Blue State cities and conclude they think felonies are swell.  Of course, Democrats also claim spending more money because it’s losing value means the economy’s humming, so maybe they’re just confused again.

Opposing the existence of police forces is one of those secrets liberals couldn’t help blurt out.  It’s like how admitting fondness for Hamas just became easier than maintaining the veneer that they only opposed Israel because they’re allegedly colonial occupiers.  Having laws was oppressive in general and specifically racist.  Now, societal breakdown harms everyone, which means we’ve finally reached their goal of equality.

Democrats crave more than a little bit of supervision from messianic dolts who’ve never made a dollar without winning an election.  Actively opposing trade is the only thing they sell.  A constant series of regulations are meant to restrain far more than trade.  Baffled despots never figured out if taxes are to feed government or punish those who thrive without it.  All governmental parasites know is they need to seize more using bullying that makes doing so less likely.

Endless control means countless chances for violations.  That’s the biggest loophole of all.  Getting harassed is for your benefit, and you could be more thankful about that.  Obtuse snots think proles wouldn’t be able to figure out how to unlock their phones without federal assistance.  In practice, the feds assist nobody.

Destroying what they benefit from shows true gratitude.  Life becomes so cushy until Democrats get their way that they have time to cultivate grievances.  Most teens grow out of their contempt for what makes them comfortable, often when they have to start providing it for themselves.  By contrast, staying surly is politically appealing for perpetual brats.

Enemies of the basics show the value of everything they’re against by dismantling them.  They sure are nice to make the case against themselves.  The only way liberals help is by showing why liberalism screws up everything.  Calling what’s working the problem is precisely why everyone’s been grumpy all decade.

Massive overregulation constitutes true lawlessness.  Treating people negotiating with each other as an exploitative Wild West shootout is even sillier contrasted with the ceaseless series of bureaucratic diktats with a similarly unending list of exemptions.  Impossibly helpful politicians make up rules to either compensate for their previous failures or just because they simply don’t feel like following the awful things they enact.  True criminality takes the form of changing rules.

Ivy League in League with Hamas

I hope Columbia students are as dedicated to their studies as they are to LARPing.  I doubt it.  They seem to not know much of anything.  Portraying aggressive foes of Israel confirms such.  Refusing to move from ground that was never theirs shows commitment to the cause.

College brats crave pretending they’re something other than political science majors doomed to beg Joe Biden for debt evasion.  A university that wanted to continue to pretend to be taken seriously would deny outdoor squatters the right to Sha Na Na presale access codes.

Instead, expect a flurry of senior theses based on how leaving plants unwatered in an Amsterdam Avenue apartment for three or four days allowed the non-Israel parts of the Middle East to finally prosper.  This is the school where a showy phony lied about being raped so she’d have an excuse to drag a mattress around campus as a regrettable standard of performance art, which makes today’s showy truancy unsurprising.

Acting violent while pretending to not be reflects a wholesale refusal to interact with reality.  True cosplayers act just like their beloved terror cause.  Man, they are focused on playing along.  Their habit of harassing Jews shows solidarity.  Claiming they were the victims all along is what the keffiyeh represents.

Tom Wolfe’s ghost has never been busier.  Earth’s most entitled brats throwing a tantrum while camping on Manhattan’s Ivy League grounds to show fondness for an invading terror squad means he’s still releasing novels a page at a time as news reports.

A Peoples’ University doesn’t sound quite elite.  Those seizing land are presumably honoring prominent Democratic activist Jim Jones’s naming conventions without realizing it.  Like every other contemptible notion that preening quad radicals believe, the inadvertent hilarity stems from their patent ignorance.  While it’d be nice if they were informed, the rest of us can use the laughs.  What are they supposed to do during college: learn?

The sort of students you’re glad you never drank with get to pretend they’re doing something righteous with a lawn campout.  Guilt over unbelievable privilege leads to fretting about the less fortunate.  Enrolling in a moral vacuum prompts sympathy for terror instead of victims.

Columbia students think The Diary of Anne Frank has a happy ending.  Confused reading list participants know what they would’ve done during World War II, namely defend Normandy from invaders.  The claim that 2020’s city torchers were the equivalent of Allied soldiers got sillier just when you thought that was impossible.

These advanced times sure are unenlightened, at least for those at the costliest and therefore best colleges.  Society regresses without learning from primitive times.  Let’s say there’s precedent involving campus radicals defending terror movements.  Collegiate nitwits once again romanticize ghastly assaults against decent people in respectable societies.  A useful degree would feature learning how many of them are not.

Praising the terror side is how the smuggest brats from your high school class battle for the underprivileged.  Hamas engages in rather intense bullying they’d surely condemn if it involved misgendering.  Total non-anti-Semites just happen to be ganging up on the one Jewish state.  Tormenters get every last detail wrong, including which side features people who want to be left alone.

Students fume about a sliver of land that at its narrowest is smaller than the island upon which Columbia lies is long.  It’s not just the lack of real estate that makes Israel an underdog.

The one Middle East country that would tolerate idling undergraduate uselessness can afford to on account of that whole natural rights bit.  Citizens could claim it was awful without consequence.  Go ahead and hold a pride parade in Tel Aviv.  I’d envision a permit tie-up for anyone trying the same in Gaza. Rather confused observers add exercising the right to self-defense to their appalling list of reasons they loathe Jews.

Idle grifters with student IDs get to pretend they’re standing up for a noble cause.  The side against Israel is way less nicer, and underdevelopment must be the fault of oppression.  That sort of logic is common amongst attendees at more prestigious schools.  Ignoring what happened at the music festival to people about the same age helps maintain consistency.

The Morningside Heights campus of Hamas University is a popular study abroad program.  But enrollees can only harvest so much knowledge.  An internship would help.  They can learn from their heroes.  Columbia campers should transfer to Gaza colleges.  There’s a hospital on every corner, which means there must be at least that many schools.  You know it’s bad when the rest of 2024 New York City seems sane by comparison.

Class is boring.  Learn about the real world out on the Columbia quadrangle.  It sure is fun camping out while shrieking insults at civilization.  Real-world experience is supposed to be school’s goal.  Professional terrorists blaming success is the default Columbia student ideology in practice.  Feeling insulated on campus leads to guilty role play.  Flaunt uselessness in the name of awfulness.  This is the best time to dine at Katz’s, as none of the uneducated students will be there.

Economic Accomplices

Bitching about problems they cause will surely lead subjects to maturity.  Negativity that reflects their own decisions is the specialty of adult children whose tantrums affect everyone else in the supermarket.  You’d think moaning as policy wouldn’t be profitable, and you’d be correct in every life aspect except in politics.  Enjoy the millionth reason to reduce the power of politicians until figuring out how parking meter apps work becomes voluntary.

Everything falls apart when Democrats are in charge, which really makes it hard for them to repair everything.  Take how crime somehow skyrockets when those who obey laws are the only ones treated as criminals.  It’s really unfair that old-timey shoplifters grabbed the few items in stock just when their hobby was legalized.

The economy seems to relapse into addiction every time Democrats indulge their regrettable tendencies.  Utterly cruel corporate raiders made life unaffordable just to spite selfless liberals who they oppose for trying to remove profits.  Accusing demonic sellers of making money off suffering is rich from those who totally don’t have said notion baked in their platform.

Vacant carts and bare cupboards create roominess.  Groceries are for the rich.  An elite item category is brought to you by perspicacious Democrats who thought we were losing perspective.  Wise leaders reduced ingratitude by making everyday items unobtainable.

Diners partake daily despite no food mandate.  Some ravenous types even engage in the tasty hobby multiple times per day.  Thanks to efforts to make life affordable, the multiple meal hobby has become exotic.  People are thankfully more likely to dine today than require medical treatment.  Don’t suggest a right to eat to Democrats who might not get that they’re being mocked.

The human energy acquisition process only became prohibitively costly when everything else did, namely when Democrats decided the cure for poverty was handing out free money.  The item used itself for purchases somehow became less valuable, which you’d think might offer a lesson about things bought with money as well.  Can’t people run on solar?

Smaller portions aren’t merely a path to better health: they’re the only way to also afford a gallon of fuel that month.  Downsizing is a popular trend as seen both in erstwhile ice cream pints and restaurant plates with lots of china visible.  Do you feel thinner?

Fighting obesity the North Korean way has made the Biden era even crankier.  Americans and humans have every right to eat a bag of Doritos that could block out the Sun for dinner.  The health conscious could choose a lesser container, but those with more robust metabolisms don’t presently get the option to indulge.

Consumers never thought about the supply chain before.  Nobody had to on account of how it worked.  The system of responding to needs broke as soon as Democrats decided it needed mending.  A band of meddlers has been punished for their hubris.  The problem with their pushy ideology is that the verdict is inflicted on everyone else, too.  These truly are communal times.

The place with the sleeping quarters and ideally a roof where you presently reside will have to suffice.  The thought of ever buying a home is as incomprehensible as simultaneously owning two bread loaves.  The dream just happened to cease after your kindest politicians did everything they could to make homes affordable.  I blame some cruel conspiracy by diabolical conglomerates to keep customers from having money.

The inability to afford a dwelling or things to put in it is certainly not the fault of a government that has racked up 14 figures of debt.  Involvement in every life aspect only made each of them complicated by coincidence.

Start an education by learning why it’s so costly.  Tuition became suspiciously unaffordable as soon as government decided it must be subsidized to become cheap.  That’s one way to learn about markets.  Universities should offer a class in competition, but they don’t want to cut off their scholarships.  Discovering how the rotten private sector expects results as they seek to protect their cash flow would ruin the whole racket.

It’s important to not notice the pattern of education becoming a struggle once government got involved.  That would count as learning, and what’s the point without earning credits?  Keeping the feds away from education would make students smarter.  Brats can’t get any dumber.

Teach the young people about liberty by removing states and localities, as well.  Private schools only sound snotty.  If paying for school sounds expensive, wait until you hear what free costs.  At least graduates are no smarter.  Public schools are the perfect government institution, which their fans realize is not a compliment if they attended better institutions.

Whippersnapper babysitting services would have to compete without a monopoly provided by the same entity that controls them.  Note who has a problem with your decisions.  The same involved planners who think you don’t know what kind of car to buy demand subsidies to save Earth.  Idling is their plan to make the planet’s existence eternal.

Democrats want start them off wrong young.  Being horrified at the idea of parents paying for their own children is good training for a lifetime of treating the state as a guardian.  Those who are biologically in the same family could savings in taxes, which would allow for donating to schools by pious coercion fans who can’t seem to figure how to click donate buttons.

We should get government as far away as possible precisely because the task is important.  Necessity is the same reason we should allow market interactions between health customers and providers.  Advanced leaders inform us we can’t get by without them hunched over us while moving our hands before telling us we’re bad at it.

Lying Down the Line

I hope they’re lying.  Anti-architects who claim their devastation will properly order civilization have lost the benefit of the doubt from their casualties.  A kind perspective is as tough as affording anything not shoplifted.  Looking at perpetually woeful results makes it tough to think perpetrators could be anything but liars.  Annotating falsehoods is the only truth about them.

Presuming our nation was founded in order to oppress some of the people in it requires ignoring that whole document dedicated to limiting government, which is also part of charmingly lunatic revisionist philosophy.  The search for oppression no matter how thoroughly it’s hidden is sadly typified by the 1619 Project, a project with 1619 lies.  Seeing racism everywhere is part of a commitment to grievances.  A problem in search of a solution offers a tidy summary of liberalism.  Like the cops they think are masochistic bigots, they’re the source of trouble.

Using science as a shield is how its biggest zealots show their love for it.  Aspiring autocrats can’t embrace anything like conclusions.  Getting every last virus assertion wrong sure doesn’t seem like a cure.  Shuttering society didn’t prevent its spread any more than breathing through cotton.  The logical feat of announcing the shot must work because vaccines do is like pretending Joe Biden must be a good president because George Washington was.

Trying to keep panic simmering is so you get used to feeling alert.  A lack of panic means the next emergency will send your adrenaline levels to uncomfortable highs.  It’s better to freak out constantly.  Controlling an illness by controlling people just happens to further their policy goals, so please ignore connections your brain makes about mocking liberties and rampaging viruses.  The only way to make exploiting misery more despicable is their proclivity for exacerbating it.  One could nearly call it a talent.

The gender shift fad works about as well as getting rich by printing money.  Indulging the confused is scientifically dismissed, which I figured would be appreciated by those who claim to believe in it.  Allegedly advanced times are alarmingly deluded and depressing.  You can be certain of having absolute truth on your side if you suddenly decided that an accommodation nobody could have even conceived of a decade ago is the moral issue of our times.

Anyone capable of experiencing reality can’t possibly see men and women dressing up as vice versa and believe telling those engaged in gender cosplay that they pulled it off deserves a pat on the head.  The gesture would be less condescending than they are to their playthings.

Absolute truth is mean.  The only change is in perception of what’s happening.  A grotesque violation of something kindergarteners don’t need explained to them infects legal adults.

Pretending to help is their brand.  Actually harming is their result.  Vilifying double takes is a violation of biology and an affront to true respect.  The woefully misguided attitude is something to actually change that would work.

Proper science offers a reflection of compassion.  Of course, it’s not in the way ironically intolerant goons figure.  Humans can’t change chromosomes, but we can offer assistance to those struggling to identify their anatomy.  Contrary to preening, willful ignorance harms both subjects and the world they inhabit.  Celebrating delusions while pretending they’re real isn’t compassionate any more than ignoring sonograms.

Legal theft helps victims, according to thieves.  Getting the government’s permission 

era where shoplifting is not merely tolerated but encouraged as a way to survive in an economy that’s grown mean for some reason.  We really do depend on each other.  Of course and as usual, it’s not in the way liberals think.  Fiends with more money would hire workers or buy stuff if only they weren’t punished for pleasing customers.

Those with misdirected imaginations can’t imagine any other way for life to occur than through their vigorous intervention.  This White House already despises the notion of compensation for provided products.  Their inherent bias leads them to presume the economy needs planning, which is the closest they come to following logic.  If true, it wouldn’t need the guidance of people so amazing at productivity that they don’t need to go out and create proof.

Keep confiscating income and watch conditions get worse.  Clearly, there’s not enough taken.  The notion of buying a house is as foreign as working in order to buy things.  Nobody can afford anything, anyway, so go ahead and take another mental health day.

They don’t truly believe these things, do they?  Determining if professional masochists inflicting the present woeful circumstances are lying to themselves or everyone else.  There’s certainly no truth involved.  Attempting to demotivate is as evident as working to berate.  You can feel the joy.

The ends justify the means except for how both blow.  Our royals must fib in order to impose decline.  Except for how they make life worse, they make life better.  We embrace the best of both worlds otherwise.  Berating dissidents who notice the results of their novel takes on life is their only option.  It’s not like they’re about to start being good at things, much less stop pretending they’re anything other than bad.

Human Activity Displayed in Zoo

Zoos are great for studying animal behavior.  The beings who live there watch the show.  A scheme overcharging some to make entrance free for others means it’s not those behind fences getting scrutinized.  Recognize behavioral patterns such as never recognizing behavioral patterns.  Those allegedly on exhibit look outward and wonder what those gawky upright creatures are thinking.

Neither workers nor furry friends are being treated like good neighbors.  The Buffalo Zoo provides an inadvertent look at failing to grasp outcomes.  Their program creating complimentary admission sounds nice until realizing the price hike is paid for by those who, well, pay for tickets.  A benefits card also doubles as a zoo pass if you fretted the definition hadn’t been stretched enough.

Why spend on anything?  Free is much cheaper.  There can’t possibly be a catch.  That little bit about how anything is funded is an avaricious conspiracy promoted by heartless capitalists who insist upon payment for provided goods.  Have the compassionate courage to think something can be made to cost as much as shoplifting.  It just takes enough faith to defy sense.

I hate to bust up the fun of seeing giraffes’ antics gratis, but a wealth transfer isn’t going to ease the process.  Charging more for admittance means more money unless fewer prospective visitors hit the turnstiles.  Thinking incentives exist is a bunch of free-market mumbo jumbo.  At least, it better be.

A ripoff spurs smirking amongst accomplices.  Spot them on campaign signs.  The newest type of entitlement means it’s time for a particularly smug style of self-righteousness from sanctimonious politicians who are for some reason involved in decisions regarding an animal enclosure.  If it’s run as poorly as government, the zoo’s dwellers are in trouble.

People who think you’re not generous enough are preening about how indigent children will finally be able to see a zebra in person.  In prototypical governmental fashion, those with collective urges make it more difficult for whippersnappers with parents who pay bills.

Getting punished for paying sums up human conduct.  Scientists observing patterns shake their heads at endless tiresome patterns.  Making just enough over the poverty line means punishment, so don’t knock yourself out working for some promotion.

Can you afford to see other species?  Entering the Buffalo Zoo will run an adult who makes too much money 30 dollars.  It’ll be over a hundred bucks for a family of four, which is a steep price even in the Bidenomics era.  Hungry otters shouldn’t have to deal with shrinkflation.

It took me a whole seven seconds, but I came up with a way to help children see animals other than squirrels.  Start with a lower ticket price.  Offer patrons the chance to donate to an admission stockpile for the less fortunate. There: voluntary help keeps the beast park accessible instead of ironically putting attendance out of reach.

Animals are on the dole.  It’s not their fault.  Like just about every other area institution, the zoo is already subsidized by taxpayers.  The refusal to distinguish between what’s worthwhile and whether involuntary contributions should be used for support is liberalism’s core.

If you really enjoy a cultural institution, feel free to give freely.  You certainly wouldn’t make an enriching shed’s future precarious by draining the economy so messianic dolts who won elections can decide who’s worthy of bestowment.

A zoo simply couldn’t start a GoFundMe for expenses: the monkeys would spend gifts on toy cars and chicken fingers.  Forget cutting out the middle monkey.  The only option is apparently to drive up costs for suckers who work hard enough to not qualify for handouts.

Guilt is the government’s main currency.  A one for the price of two deal may seem like a bit of a ripoff.  But that’s only because you don’t care about ramen consumers.  The problem is that everyone’s eating college snacks for dinner.

Democrats love the underprivileged so much that they they create more of them.  Givers away of money belonging to others can’t figure out why things like a zoo trip are unaffordable.  It must be corporate greed.

Eggs are a luxury.  Forget seeing animals frolic regardless of whether or not they hatch.  Prices have run amok like a stampeding buffalo herd because of the same sort of mentality that concludes you can create a benefit through compulsion.  Every single maneuver to make things inexpensive cheapens results.  Oh, and they make things expensive.

Democrats are so compassionate that they have to force donations.  The pushy part refuses to comprehend assisting voluntarily.  They’re capable of conceiving of helping others unlike those residing in the penned exhibits, which means there’s no excuse.  Conditioning to believe daft things is not in one’s nature.

Beings who live more than 10 miles from a Starbucks learn about cause and effect in a harsh way.  Menagerie proprietors are about to discover a similar lesson.  Consequences are more dire in the wild.  But earners are getting eaten alive.

The entry redistribution scheme will work great as long as ticket-buyers keep doing so.  Can the mayor issue an executive order?  The county needs a law compelling wildlife enthusiasts to keep purchasing, which only sounds silly until you realize that wouldn’t be that much different from coercing taxpayers.

Everything works out except for seeing animals.  Zoo goons just made the place unaffordable for paying customers so they can preen about how much they care.  And attendance is about to plummet, which means the program will be nowhere near financed.  A philosophical and practical disaster sums up the beliefs of humans who don’t understand their own intrinsic traits.

Animals aren’t just cuter, funnier, and cooler than most humans: when it comes to those overseeing their displays, they’re more sensible, too.  Zoology allies who aren’t logical about zoos showed a lack of comprehension regarding their society.  Those who have an excuse to not grasp abstract convepts will look at the empty spaces in front of their enclosures and wonder where their pals went.  The difference between zoo residents and liberals is that the former learn.

Iran As Bad At Attacking Israel As Anything Else

Iran just sent its economy to be destroyed.  They didn’t set anything aside to have their twisted version of fun next weekend.  The living medieval museum spent 87 percent of its GDP on drones that turned into an Israeli fireworks show.  The one Middle Eastern country you’d choose to live in is resented by everyone around it for ruining the grade curve.

The Persian Empire’s remnants still have their weeds.  But they won’t sell for much.  Geopolitical experts debate whether brilliant mullahs knew their allegedly noble flying armada would be destroyed or thought they’d destroy what they aimed to hit, which you may recognize as the Middle East’s only functioning spot.  Israel sighs as it defends the neighborhood’s societal outpost yet again.

Iran is a Batman villain without the character.  Caricatured reprobates can’t even seem compelling as they spread chaos.  A rabid all-time dastard certainly isn’t going to generate something useful.  But they sure will try to wreck the output of those not residing in the Third or Fourth World.  True professional deadbeats are so jealous of the productive that they will set out to destroy them so everyone’s equally miserable.  At least we know why liberals sympathize with them.  

Even remedial countries know Israel makes sure attacks more than even out.  

So, who would be dim enough to strike first?  Iran raises its hand.  A place which hasn’t discovered civilization lacks the impulse control to foresee consequences.  It’s easy to see why they’re on eternal probation unless you’re them.  The Carl Showalters of the world don’t think ahead about their assaults.  If they did, they’d be able to create a nation that offered more than sand and terror as exports.

Ungrateful Westerners who romanticize brutes enable gall.  A nation that’s primitive for the ninth century didn’t learn their lesson.  Or, they did in the same sense that unpunished bullies continue to operate wedgie rackets.  Moronic hooligans still possess the instinct to learn they can get away with lashing out if teachers are negligent.

The UN is rushing to vote to blame Israel for getting in the way of Iran’s drones.  Our globe features a forum for recognizing commonalities.  Unfortunately, that often means anti-Semitism given the frequent appalling tendencies of many members of our species.  Gathering everyone together to talk out problems is counterproductive when there are so many awful idiots.

An assembly of Borats knows who’s the cause of every planetary ill.  They just know that there would be no more warfare, poverty, or mosquito bites if a sliver of a country with a legislature and pride parades no longer had the nerve to guard from bloodthirsty pillagers.

Losers blaming Jews for their failures is not just for disheartening Twitter replies.  The oldest prejudice is popular amongst shrieking hateful lunatics who run entire countries.  To be fair, they’re not good countries.  Iran is Earth’s Limp Bizkit.

The barbarian state’s enablers enjoy a weekend packed with even more fun than class warfare.  Iran’s BFF Barack Obama struggles to not refer to Iran’s meagerly diabolical barrage as second Christmas.  Ben Rhodes thinks missile footage is NSFW.  And Tommy Vietor has never been happier to have gotten the most undeserving promotion from van driver.

Humans who aren’t arrogant in decline are left pondering how life got this dangerous while ducking for cover.  The question of whether the Party of Biden enabled Iran deliberately out of contempt for all things decent or were legitimately daft remains unanswered.  As is often the case with Democratic devastation, the rotten result of believing they could befriend an asylum with an Olympic team is the same either way.

Flaccid appeasement doesn’t stop unprovoked attacks as well as expected.  Fake tough guys are truly easy to spot.  Look at this dump since this White House strolled into power for countless examples of disregarded orders.  Iran stopped listening to Joe Biden commanding “Don’t” halfway through the word.  Edgar Wright knew it was a joke.

The incumbent laments not increasing Iran’s allowance.  Stingy American taxpayers could’ve turned Iran into New Eden if they allowed Obama to send a second pallet of cash, but they were such babies about dropping off one.  The Islamic Republic’s centrifuges would be used as ice cream churns today if we had just heeded the gentle wisdom of Marie Harf.

Bribery always works, according to those who dole it without funding it.  The same people who think printing money is about to make everyone rich believe hush money will turn goons into pals.  The good news about inflation is that it devalued Iran’s kitty.

It’s easy to guess who started this again.  Craven fiends who attacked a music festival have an ideological ally in a nation sending missiles at the not very precise target of a whole country.  The intended ground zero will righteously preserve itself for the crime of existing even as they’re condemned for it.

The good guys have never been easier to identify, which confuses those who claim they’re anti-fascist because they torched cities with their faces concealed.  Comparing themselves to D-Day liberators is a typically pompous notion by those condemning Israel for responding.  Getting attacked by the wicked for the being decent is as predictable as anti-Semitism.  There’s no greater test of faith than doing what’s right in a very wrong world.