Biden Seeks More Inflation

A president who can’t walk straight is running again.  Joe Biden will get a staffer to fasten his Velcro before taking off.  The White House fence keeps him from wandering off as much as it protects residents.

Biden can sound foolish without reading aloud.  An incumbent who is best served when he’s prevented from speaking can’t even sound smart when lickspittles write his words.  There’s a chance to review text before tweeting, which executive minions think they’re too smart to exercise.  The account posting under his name proclaiming a desire to “finish the job” serves as the most unintentionally hilarious phrasing in recent political memory.  A vague threat of a promise is perfect in its way.  Inadvertency is the only time the present branch-sitter helps.

Laughing at the announcement is one of the few moments of levity during a heavy presidency. Arrogant dolts who’ve dedicated their lives to politics can’t manage to craft a message that inspires ungrateful peasants.  Some lame company that sinks to pleasing customers would ask a focus group about that slogan then wonder why there’s so much giggling.  But experts on life itself don’t need to do anything undignified like interact with the real world, which is why they entered politics.

Warning of the devastation that a successful campaign would bring is precisely the sort of ineptness that anyone who’s spent a moment outside of a Democratic regime would expect.  Failing to realize how bad the performance appears is called the Pete Buttigieg effect.  You know who to vote for if you don’t wish to return to a dull era where trains stayed on tracks.

Biden is older than the Slinky.  There’s no spring in our steps.  A man geezers call hoary would be 86 during his replacement’s inauguration.  That’s presuming the second term isn’t such a delight that the populace demands suspension of the 22nd Amendment along with the rest of the Constitution so our hero can really take care of business into his second century.  I might classify that scenario as unlikely. Based on precedent, the decades spent leading up to these years is the least worst thing about this presidency.

It’s not Biden’s quite advanced age that causes him to rail against liberty, rights, and various other American niceties.  Free markets are one of the things older than him, and he hates them like the rare reporter who notes his record.  One can’t lose sharpness one failed to ever possess.  This regrettable presidency would’ve inflicted similar agonies had this irritable oaf won in his 40s.  He’s plagiarizing his own bad ideas.

This eternal charmer was a nastily dim jerk half a century ago.  The most elderly executive America has ever endured didn’t chill out when grandchildren arrived.  Werther’s are too costly for Grandpa to dole out to good whippersnappers.  It sure was cruel of sellers making everything expensive right after Biden took office just to drag down a loving despot.

The lack of compassion seen amongst Democrats belies their constant assertions of caring more than you.  Their addled puppet has to be reminded of his unfortunate ideology.  Manipulating someone who should be spending his days arguing about golf cart parking restrictions in The Villages is almost as diabolical as the torment their beliefs cause everyone else.

A high quantity of birthdays doesn’t let honorees off the hook.  This administration’s regrettable idea package reflects exactly what Biden would pimp if he remembered anything other than his morning bowl of Apple Jacks.  Experience is overrated if it’s spent spreading crime and poverty.

Overall predictability is the smallest consolation for dealing with daily volatility.  The Biden presidency isn’t just a regrettable thing to type.  A man who’s done plenty if harm counts has overseen a presidency that’s gone exactly as expected.  The particulars about liberalism in action shock in a way overall aching doesn’t.

Another four years of printing money to get rich will finally mend our finances.  As with all Democratic policies, it takes just a little more currency and autonomy to turn a toxic waste dump into an idyllic paradise you’ll never want to leave.  You don’t oppose a clean Earth as well, do you?  Unlimited free funds from a government that never runs out is best idea from someone who’s never provided notions or labor people would pay for voluntarily.

Seeing how many embassies America can flee is one kind of record.  Homesick Yankees compete in a race to get back home to Biden’s wonderland.  The White House claimed they would prevent enmity manifested in chaos, and now they have ample examples.  Widespread conflict abroad resembles America’s suddenly violent streets if anyone fretted we were arrogantly unwilling to adopt international standards.

There’s good news for anyone who thinks life has been particularly pleasant since 2021.  Everyone else who’s sick of the few goods they’re able to acquire getting stolen wants to fire the one person who makes it happen.  Crisis management voters who want to limit damage to one term are trying to live without the presidency affecting everything, which is the whole point.

Republicans could of course screw up the easiest chance to take real estate possible.  The masochism of re-election could be sickly enabled by incumbent’s advantage, which props up even one who’s caused as much widespread devastation as his last boss Barack Obama without the cheap charisma.  Only the greatest businessman ever could have lost to this hateful schmuck, and running steak salesman and professional baby Donald Trump again would be the only thing worse than falling for his risible claims of tough fighter success the first time.

Doing everything wrong shouldn’t be rewarded, but that’d be the exact lesson we’d be teaching our young people by doubling way down.  Getting everything precisely wrong sets a baseline from which to improve if you seek an upside.  A president who doesn’t appreciate the indignity of having to ask to retain the job is begging to finally learn consequences.

Uncompetitive and Proud

Guaranteed business isn’t as wondrous for companies and the economy as it sounds, which makes it like everything else Joe Biden imposes.  Quality will plummet once someone like our incumbent decides he’s in charge of everything.  Teaching about human nature involves what should be lessons from the first day.  It’s always good to review, especially since an alarming number of life’s students haven’t learned a thing.

If liberals started noticing market incentives, they’d stop being them.  The one-sided fun of telling others what to do despite an utter lack of qualifications doesn’t extend to trifling matters like results.  Lots of action follows, and the ant farm-like commotion is all the ruling party thinks that matters.  Unfortunately for their victims, there’s a distinct difference between good and bad outcomes.  Movement may involve running for safety.

Confiscating problems by edict creates new ones.  Reflecting cause and effect just makes things meaner.  Having to please someone is the downside of a performance-based economy, which is why everyone who’s married is blissful.

Reactions to conditions are predictable in unpredictability.  The particular situation is unique, but the motives and responses are easy to spot.  Even amateur psychologists can spot the formula applied to similar examples, such as when people who know payment is automatic stop working as hard or at all.  The president’s gang enjoys keeping life thrilling by never determining why napalm fails to extinguish the blaze.  You can’t opt out, but those dealing in force still can’t make ingrates smile by mandate.

Enemies of commerce think efficiency will finally follow once all that unpleasant bit about pleasing customers is out of the way.  Also, criminals start behaving after shaming them into being cool by switching to the honor system.  Check out how little blood is spilled nightly in Chicago for proof.

Fantasizing about life without competition as if having to offer the best option to customers makes prices increase while quality drops is deeply popular amongst those who don’t like having to measure up.

Science fiction is the nerdiest when it involves pretending human nature must be cured.  Star Trek obtuseness shows there are worse things than never meeting girls.  Pretending utopia follows eardiacting basic exchange is not just an easy way to express commitment to remaining single.  Finally getting human tendencies out of the way allows us to unite and travel the galaxy in our pajamas, at least if you’ve stuck with Picard instead of a bold new future without reboots.

Universities would have to teach actual economics if detached from the federal drip.  Education professionals hate discovery that takes the form of the most effective way, namely with real-world examples.  Chancellors loathe messages not gained in classrooms, as you don’t even have to borrow six figures to gain them.

Noticing what follows should happen early in hundred-level classes.  Paying tuition just happened to become the most prominent status symbol when the government started handing out subsidies like good grades to Alabama football players.  You don’t need to presently be in a college classroom to be shocked a degree is now as unaffordable as groceries.  This moment is surely the only time linking gaining knowledge to lawmakers has made the product expensive with cheap results.

Public schools don’t have to compete, and the results are just what you expect unless you attended one and thus never enjoyed the benefits of gaining information.  Education’s importance is precisely why government should be nowhere near it.  Not learning continues through college, as subsidized loans make the very product costly.  It’s great to not have to pay back what’s borrowed for as long as you’re not the victim of tuition shoplifting.

Health care is the one industry where customers should really make businesses beg.  The apex of cruelty involves expecting people to address urgencies.  Regrettably, the unwell become far needier when treatment is allegedly promised.

Forcing providers to compete for business is the one consolation prize of feeling unwell.  By contrast, private health dispensers are surely going to keep costs down if customers can’t shop anywhere else.  Government paying the tab will surely lower costs, as long as compassion of bankrupting taxpayers for lousy service counts.

Business must be swell if you have to pay companies to engage in it.  Maybe the bribes themselves begin a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Any film production, sports franchise, or conglomerate who threatens to dash off if insufficiently bribed should be escorted to the county limits with bindles.  Demands for subsidies ruin that whole narrative of industrial participants acting as zero-government Ayn Rand enthusiasts.  Conglomerates adore regulation as long as hired minions can ghostwrite.

Trying to get around on this planet is detrimental to it.  Shrinking our carbon footprint comes naturally to enemies of civilization.  Fuel is as costly as eggs.  Amtrak was already a maddening chore to ride even before Pete Buttigieg applied his special knowledge of identity politics to making choo-choos purr.

Creating challenges by pretending they can be eliminated doesn’t seem to be helping.  Noticing, say, crime skyrockets anywhere guns are banned makes Democrats feel counterproductive, and assaulting self-esteem is lamentably not a crime.  Anti-progress progressives seek a world free of stress.  But pushy orders don’t pay bills.  Dodging them is the faction’s specialty.

Attempting to evade struggles exacerbates them. Constant responses to conditions are the best way we have for alleviating troubles.  While coping with issues like hunger, illness, and rent is the opposite of fun, preposterous federal efforts to cure this dumb life only creates even more sadness.  Announce there’s a right to clothes if you perverts want to see everyone without them.

Cleanup in Every Aisle

Mopping up Joe Biden’s mess will be a professional job.  The janitorial industry is just one one more that is suddenly going to thrive.  A giant elderly toddler isn’t about to be taught manners or what causes money to be worthless.  The president flaunts the temperament of a whippersnapper who isn’t having fun while Mom shops for his food.  The difference is a two-year-old flailing in the supermarket gets a little latitude.

We’re all rich as long as nobody tries to buy anything.  Inflation is a cruel trick that makes unlimited free cash a bit less fun to possess.  The most wise and decent people who somehow never comprehend that taxing success leads to less of it are baffled how to get wealthy.  Tearing down those who have found a way to earn more reflects a purity of jealousy that typifies liberals who describe themselves as selfless.  If they’re concerned with what happens next, they have the worst way of showing it.

It’s impossible to speak slow enough to Biden.  He has too much trouble understanding individual words to focus on several of them in a row.  Numerous decades haven’t provided him enough chances to grasp the simplest notions.  A kindergartener might think it’s possible to make everyone rich by printing more money.  That’s until parent or teacher explains why it wouldn’t work, and the youth enters first grade enlightened.  The six-year-old knows more about the world than the president in his ninth decade.

An adult will vacuum and disinfect after teens trashed the White House.  The grownup who notes Zima doesn’t belong in ice cube trays will be treated like the villain instead of the brat who violated trust.  The next good president will compensate for the hoary toddler.

Facing financial reckoning will not be the first time someone responsible pays after the Democrat dines and dashes.  Hoping a beloved homebuilder is comfortable with loved ones while receiving care doesn’t change how many sighs his most prominent job spurred.  Jimmy Carter’s childish infiltrations left Americans as sad as they were broke.  Ronald Reagan was forced into maturity.

The inevitable cure of raising interest rates will cause additional pain.  Blaming a Republican for a recession spurred by coping with damage inflicted by a childish Democrat isn’t different from claiming corporate greed came to mind amongst greedy executives right after Biden’s inauguration.

The rest of the world presently seems downright frightening, which makes getting robbed of the few possessions one has left not seem so ghastly.  You should appreciate the perspective created by international chaos.  Marvel supervillains couldn’t have caused as much.  Biden is incapable of such plotting, so we know he’s not at comic book level.

The perpetually needy are convinced peace will be at hand once America is liked.  They should be focused on making us respected.  We’re presently neither, which creates insecurity in multiple senses.  Make our country as lame and mediocre as the rest of this stupid planet in order to reduce jealousy.

Liberals still can’t answer why they stay in the one place that allows people to own guns.  Similarly, this cruel right-wing enclave doesn’t pretend they can guarantee Barack Obama will work through his retirement curing your ills.  The best way to lower prices while maintaining quality is to make doctors compete for your business just like criminals are scared off by potentially armed potential victims.  

Giant government got the spokesperson it deserves.  The geriatric failure of a toddler isn’t the inspirationally charismatic guide that the ideologically delusional thought they’d get.  Liberalism needs a cult leader to get anyone to comply, which should be a red flag large enough to block the Sun.  Biden’s inadvertent contribution consists of serving as the nasty putz who is his beliefs in human form.

You may think he’s never paying attention at work.  But Biden learned from his last manager.  It’s not someone in an industry that actually created products people want or anything.  The aforementioned Obama embodies bossiness without being a boss.  The ultimate phony spent two terms whining about what he inherited while casually strolling from the toxic waste dump he left.  Biden was the underling with way more experience.  Unfortunately for us, it was as a Democratic politician.

Leading us into an enlightened future sure features lots of poverty.  Crime is skyrocketing just when you thought there’d be nothing to steal.  A globe enduring predictably unpredictable crises sadly doesn’t distract much from dwindling finances.

Biden represents his cause.  He’s not being complimented.  An angrily inarticulate oaf has the leadership skills to match.  Curmudgeonly geezers should at least be charming about incessant griping, but this rather prominent example has shown himself to be incapable of self-reflection on top of any other pleasant qualities.

If Biden is cranky, he should imagine those suffering from his goofy notions put into action.  The person tasked with repairing what the idling twit who previously held the job broke knows the seemingly insurmountable challenges.  The sole upside to widespread devastation is that an applicant has the chance to prove extreme competency.  The incumbent knew there was a nice thing about what we’re enduring.  The meanest grandpa is too busy inadvertently summing himself up perfectly to finally experience empathy.

A Taxing Day

Numbers are tricky for advocates of sanctioned looting.  Fans of the IRS can’t even understand calendars.  The pillager on behalf of counterproductive claptrap is beloved by statist goons who treat January 6 like September 11 and Tax Day like their birthdays.  The unnecessary evil of making a rather mandatory payment should stick with coerced participants for the rest of the year.  We’re paying all that time, anyway.

Levy haruspices examine sheep entrails to determine your burden portion.  The utter randomness of determining returns sums up government work in its way.  Guessing how much you owe leads to a different answer every time and depending on who prepares it, which keeps life surprising.

Any figure is guaranteed to be wrong.  The ability to interpret the code like a painting is great news as long as you work for an entity determined to use the alleged rule of law to grab as much as they please.  Capricious rulers use Alice in Wonderland as a guidebook.

You’re not allowed to know you ever had those funds in a rather obvious trick.  Losing access to all those bills will hurt less if the bookie takes the vig instantly.  Withholding means 

never seeing what’s yoinked, which is the sneakiest way to steal.  The mob specialty becomes lawful once cabal members get elected and proclaim such.

Grabby collectivists think currency can never be private property.  The ghastly mentality fits right in with every other horrifying notion about how our loving leaders see peasants as hosts.  Using the excuse of wartime to withhold a massive chunk was a knee-jerk solution to current events that naturally never expired.

Keeping currency someone else gave you for your tasks is just like any other right.  Federal goons should have to justify what they take.  By contrast, the autonomous don’t need to provide a reason for using free speech to describe their guns in a dwelling with no cops prowling about.  “Free people” is redundant even as grabby politicians try to make living costly.

Only one way can make thieving worse, namely framing what’s plundered as inadequate.  Giving away the booty from an unfathomably high percentage of work hours comes nowhere near paying for all the useless waste inflicted.  Preeners about governmental intervention boast of helping others and communalizing responsibility, which are nice ways of framing how awful people won’t do nice things voluntarily.  

Taxing consumption and not income is the least worst option even though they of course both suck.  Noting we get ripped off to fund dreck shouldn’t be breaking news.

There’s a better solution to fund the worst government.  A national sales tax is hideous and also marginally less repulsive than the present system of guessing one’s way out of an audit.  If we have to pay something, make it almost nothing.  Get the vampiric draining over with at the time of purchase.

Shutting down the IRS is only the start of the fun.  Firing agents will create far more employment if you want an investment that’ll pay off.  Crazy dreamers want to figure what you owe using math so simple that even Democrats can comprehend it.  Remind them most fancy modern glowing screen phones are equipped with calculators.

All of what you earn is yours.  That shouldn’t be controversial.  Galt’s Gulch residents want a crazy liberty-based country where the results of valuable toil are no longer seized so hideous autocrats can overspend on garbage you don’t want or need for your benefit.

It’d be paid.  Your federal financial burden ought to be right there on the receipt.  Ask for one printed out to keep records while helping the paper industry.  A flat percentage would result in the fairness Democrats always claim they crave.  To class warfare warriors, everyone should end up equally poor in order to have a just society.

The philosophical benefits of free people taking home what someone gave them monetarily in exchange for labor match the practical effects.  The huge spike in economic activity would be a sign to meddlesome politicians, namely that they’re worse than useless.  Anything that makes what should be temporary governmental workers fear unemployment helps everyone else.  There’d be enough prosperity from full paychecks to make it harder to suffer in poverty, which scares dispensers of compulsory aid.

Liberated funds would make the living wage preeners always demand possible.  Compassion junkies don’t grasp the irony of making it more difficult, which makes it like everything else.  Legislators and executives don’t need to keep yanking up the minimum hourly rate to compensate for financial woe.  We have to keep explaining to liberals how the economy will improve once they stop trying to improve the economy.

A retail tax would same percentage for everyone, which should have been the goal all along.  By contrast, punishing those who make more brings down more than envy.  Proclaiming that rich bastards can afford it is lame justification for legal thieving from criminal allies who have done the same with the formerly illegal version.  Taking at a higher rate because that currency should belong to all of us is the same excuse used for confiscating all rights, so at least beliefs are stable.

Seeing just how much all this government costs should be much easier.  Besieged Americans construct lives based around budgeting in order to fund a leviathan that never bothers.  A direct bill would spur spending people actually want, what with the novel concept of seeing the price.  The percentage listed of how much they’re getting ripped off would stand in contrast to the items taken home from the cart.

The downside is a benefit.  Taxing purchases is going to look like a fortune.  And it should.  Sanctimony about relinquishing funds to fund more of it should be much harder to pull off.  Seeing just how much those who exploit authority charge for the privilege will keep the cut low.  Market incentives are the last thing your rulers want applied to levies, which is why we should implement them dozens of Tax Days ago.

Uncontrolled Guns

Hateful infractions are the defining characteristic of a loving era.  Excuses for murders committed using guns are sadly common when the only thing causing more transgressions than liberal policies is liberals.  It’s important to not demonize their entire ideology based on rotten individuals who agree with them and also commit heinous offenses even though that’s what they do.  Just mock them for believing daft things.

The Second Amendment’s enemies will be glad to learn they have made major advances in their war against weaponry.  Fervent battlers should be aware of gained territory.  But wallowing in militarism is icky.  There’s ample control in place, which shocks alleged news junkies who haven’t kept up on it.

The faction that’s not into autonomy got the restrictions they craved.  Democrats succeeded, which means results sucked.  If they don’t know where to look to see where their beloved schemes have been realized, check the news for mass shootings.

Look the other way while condemning crime.  Bitching about the awfulness they permit is nothing new for inflation specialists who want you to believe corporate greed began five minutes after Joe Biden’s inauguration.  Assailing free markets when incursions into them prompt economic woe is the same philosophy that assails items instead of decisions made by villains.

They needed more domination, which is the classic liberal plea.  Aspiring authoritarians getting part of the command they demand somehow exacerbates tough circumstances.  Partial victories presumably wouldn’t lead to abject failures.  But utterly proficient autocrats can’t do anything until they control everything.  Pete Buttigieg can’t keep trains on rails for the same reason, namely you haven’t been coerced into giving him enough trillions to be competent.

Places without security are uncannily targeted by criminals.  Offenses are of course the fault of the assaulting dastards.  But it’s still wise to lock your door.

Spurring mental illness hasn’t made those suffering feel stable for some reason.  Shutdowns couldn’t have been engineered more perfectly to spread despondency.   The only thing that permeated the atmosphere more throughly was the virus.  Claiming to stop both doesn’t work despite .  The only success they have is showing why government control makes life worse, which is presumably inadvertent.

There sure seems to be a lot of hate permeating the ether.  A snarling collective mood is not an excuse for ensuing chaos even though manufacturing sadness is America’s only presently thriving industry.  The ruling regime spreads multiple types of depression.  Economic misery is only the start.

The ensuing monsoon of whizzing bullets following the election of Democrats must be the fault of Republicans.  Liberals conflate passing laws they want with real-world success, and yet safe amity eludes society.  Instead, try cussing at the NRA for notorious conservative stronghold Chicago’s blood-streaked streets.  Please stop committing attacks in gun-free zones.  Do we need to tap the sign?

This country displeases very grateful citizens who’ve done all they can to undermine it.  Blaming America is rich from saboteurs who’ve made it poor.  Their work to oppose American values that leads to woe.  That’s rich in an undesirable way.  You may remember them from their previous claims that rotten free markets create poverty when it’s their infiltrations to save victims that creates them.  Finding quality health care became challenging in a cruel nation that by sheer coincidence had the right to freely shop confiscated.

It’s tough to buy items used to defend the few other material goods.  A gun for protecting a house might be the most valuable thing in it.  You’d think Democrats would be opposed to even more financial devastation.  But fear professionals are hooked on a philosophy that inhibits commerce, particularly against their loathed satanic enemy known as firearms.

Limitations on purchasing scary shooties just means they’re only available easily illegally.  That’s only a problem if criminals are willing to break laws.  It’s like how policies that allow lunacy to fester surely have no consequence other than creating a sense of appeasement.  Enacting liberal dreams leads to agony.  Their plan to make everyone rich made money worthless.

Denouncing implements comes naturally to resisters of human nature.  An entire philosophy based on avoiding personal responsibility enables more of it.  There are your costs and benefits.

We’re ruled by the worst sort of aspiring fascists, namely goons who know what’s best for you yet won’t crack down on crime.  Excuses for wrongdoing paired with vilifying success have turned a formerly nice country into an absurdist nightmare where the only ones punished by government are those who obey laws.

Spare a thought for Democrats who have to pretend to care about crime.  The phony routine involves using way more energy than they invest extending sympathy to victims.  Why would exploitative drama queens feel bad for those enduring the consequences of their ideology?  They’re supposed to be against it in case they forgot.

Excusing away every legal violation makes it tough to appear tough on crime.  Make it easy to commit then wonder why there’s so much of it.  Man, liberals really do not grasp incentives.  Radical measures like sentencing felons for harming others seems elitist, not to mention the reliance on oppressive bigoted cops.  They’ll take the easier path of bitching about what they cause.

Not America Through This Again

We could do better than the worst.  Trying a most unpleasant human archetype again might fail to make life better.  Getting hit by a bus the second time could be more pleasant, but patterns tend to indicate consistent results.  That should be a no on any more Donald Trump anymore.  I could’ve written such in 2016, or 2011, or 1984.  Maintaining principles about prototypical fraud makes decisions easy.

Sucker disciples forget about the Trump presidency for the wrong reason.  There’s a difference between avoiding flexibility and refusing to fall for a conman’s spiel no matter the year.  Three-card Monte is a scam no matter the decade.  Getting conned never gets classier.

The prototypical attention whore won’t go away just because you want him to, and will in fact kvetch in an even more juvenile tone at increased volume to let you know there’s no escape.  I’m sensing a trend.  The only hope is to ignore a decades-long tantrum until the eternal infant wears himself out.

The 76-year-old ceaseless pouter is the only human more tired than the incumbent, who you may recognize as the worst president ever.  Joe Biden’s accomplishment was beating Trump.  All the defeated cares about is winning, and seeing him do the opposite again isn’t worth the laughs.

The only thing better than realizing the error of one’s ways is not screwing up in the first place.  Many self-professed reformed cultists vow to not vote for their erstwhile sullen savior again.  It’s the last word that’s concerning.

Wondering who fell for him before is an exhausting exercise that at least shows the source of humanity’s meager progress.  The best we can do in a most imperfect world where a the emptiest person who’s full of it can be president is seeking to avoid repeating such embarrassment.  There’s a difference between putting on The Office again in the background and enduring another binge the same joyless presidency in the forefront.

He’s always been like this.  Pretending a hateful messianic dismissive autocratic conspiracy lunatic obsessed with tearing down those who make him feel unsuccessful by comparison has teetered over the edge during retirement is a history rewrite as mortifying as pretending he won again.

Nostalgia for trying times might be a way to cope with getting seduced by an obnoxious slob.  But admitting a mistake is the tough and right move that shows more decency than the golden idol.

Drawing attention to himself remains Trump’s only skill.  This is breaking news from the time of the original USFL.  He should feel lucky the spell is wearing off, as coming to senses is also the surest case against him mortifying himself again as well as the rest of us.  Demanding protests on his behalf shows a deep commitment to the sole principle of getting dupes to worship him.

The phoniest, pettiest, nastiest example of a masquerading alpha imaginable is not trying a new persona.  Fans of noticing things shouldn’t need to point out that he’s a prototypical caricature.  But the fact the most obvious phony ever tricked anyone remains concerning.  Pretending the most blatant poser was as authentic as they come shows how advertising works even when the audience knows they’re being sold bad goods.

Never Trump was a commitment before it became a grift for a few soft mercenaries who copied his dedication to playing a character.  Actual conservatives who were sick of the tiresome presidency before it began still dream of a candidate who believes our dumb government has grown far beyond acceptable boundaries and is capable of shrinking it.  Or, go with someone who thinks everyone who doesn’t care for his style is an unpopular loser to see if it works this time.

Let’s review, since it’s apparently necessary.  Teachers of remedial classes have gone over the case against him like it’s explaining to liberals how prices drop while quality increases if businesses compete for customers.  The rather obvious lesson is still not setting in somehow even after he already had his chance at the top office.  Rant against the person who squandered every undeserved blessing he received once more and treat it as cathartic.

The perpetually dwindling Trump cadre is so dedicated that they act like he was never president.  I feel the same way,  The only thing lamer than believing he’d drain the swamp in 2020 is doing so now.  Such cultish devotion would’ve made Jim Jones twitch.

An embodiment of an ‘80s movie villain proved unhelpful in 2016.  A couple years and one presidency haven’t improved the outlook on a black glass-clad black hole.  Trying to show everyone that free markets are based in mutually beneficial voluntary exchange is tough while refusing to decline purchasing the caricature of financial tyranny.  Obsessing with winning instead of offering a worthwhile product defeats the goal.  Voters remain unhappy with the purchase.

Joyless emptiness remains as inspirational.  Stop giving Democrats something about which to be correct, especially for the most liberal Republican imaginable.  At least there’s no dignity.  The most wretched president and most depressing party  remind themselves too much of each other.  Own the libs by spending like them.

Business, politics, and humanity don’t have to be like this.  Ancient selfish tantrums are precisely what we’re trying to escape.  Trump’s miserable archetype is the unfortunate style that should be left in the past.  He was never the alternative.  The one worse notion than believing the ultimate Boomer shtick was once refreshing is still doing so now.