Victim Blaming

Coping with awfulness inflicted by federal intruders isn’t punishment enough for doing nothing wrong.  Blaming others is as intrinsic to Democrats at presuming nobody else will help those in need voluntarily, either.  Pointing fingers to distract from the flaming toxic disasters they create as policy is central to a most loopy ideology.  It makes sense even if it’s the opposite of sensible.

Selling humans energy which they both need and enjoy gets disciplined in a way crime doesn’t.  I sure hope those who offer food for trade decide the transaction still worth it, as I think I’d get pretty hungry right after dining on lawn clipping stew.  Yelling at restaurants while scolding supermarkets as they charge a lot for not a lot of food is a nice touch from lecturers about America’s collective obesity.

A ridiculously high starting wage teaches new hires that nothing needs to be earned.  Getting paid a lot before doing anything is quite a profitable scheme unless potential employees never find work in the first place.

Work is nothing but a trade just like the products an enterprise sells.  Man, these shifts are a drag.  Determining how much value is created by labor is a discussion between the involved parties, which you may note does not include the government.  Presuming a job should automatically pay a large sum makes it harder to ever get started.  The difficulty of finding work when it automatically pays more is not as uncanny as it seems.  A rather high percentage of policy influencers contribute nothing but bitching about those who actually complete worthwhile tasks.

Scold gas stations for having the nerve to go above breaking even with customers who have the energy to drive away.  It’s bad enough convenience marts with attached pumps are selling fuel that works.  Motorists are supposed to pay nothing for the outlet energy generated by karma.

Liquid power outlets suddenly have little to sell.  The price to get to stores to pay too much for stuff skyrocketed by chance just as soon as Joe Biden got to impose his kind and wise vision.  We need a congressional committee to find the devilish CEOs who discovered greed in January 2021.  Acting as if they’re diving into cash vats will surely make products we need to survive more affordable.

If it makes class warfare guerrilla insurgents feel better, there’s an asterisk attached to record money left over.  Making profits worth less even as they climb may not have been the goal even if it’s the result.  Inflation only seems like voodoo.  Supply and demand applies to money itself, as well.  Liberals could learn about economics by watching the woeful results of Democratic impositions.  

Dealing with burdens imposed by cloddishly pushy governments is merely step one.  Imposers then scold those who they victimize.  What else would they do: not create conditions where blame is necessary?  It’s amazing what one can get away with by possessing the aura of legality and utter lack of conscience paired with wholesale ineptness.  Many office-filling practitioners think the fact they keep getting re-elected serves as evidence they’re succeeding at something other than suckering enough voters.

A force-based ideology isn’t about to adapt to circumstances.  Orders are as intrinsic to liberalism as mandates.  You’re not about to be allowed to use anything as dangerous as autonomy.  Dedication to coercion manifested itself most notoriously during an insurance scheme that required participation as a condition of living.  That term is not nearly as long thanks to alleged care that’s as costly as it is crummy.

It’s tough to think of anything crueler than creating misery for which those dealing get blamed.  The worst part is I am almost certain they aren’t trying.  Capricious burden generators think running a business is not only the easiest task possible but also the most lucrative.

Exploiting labor means totally not paying employees what they’re worth.  Conglomerate owners base pay on heartless aspects like productivity, competition, and negotiation.  Those elitist capitalist notions all irk liberals, which means they must be banned.

Government freaks selflessly refuse to sell out and actually manage a commercial outfit.  Telling others how to do so comes easily to those who know so well that they don’t even bother.  Starting a company would just be ripping off decent people and not creating something useful customers are willing to buy, at least according to their very sophisticated ideology.

Inflicting struggles is a necessary evil that’s not the former.  Restrictions that exacerbate outcomes should serve as a rather strong signal.  The fact meddlesome ideas spur woe should tell them something.  Sadly, reflexive regulators hear that they should keep demonizing those figuring how to exist despite added aggravations.

Both companies and those who commercially interact with them can never be forgiven.  All this inconvenient purchasing could be discarded if only we submitted to the glorious cessation of free will.  There is indeed a catch to prosperity without federal supervision.  To the regret of control junkies who want to keep us all on the dole, it involves working.

Errors Evident

Knowing what’s failing is as close to good news as we presently get.  We inhabit a rather imperfect world that’s made much worse by the unfortunate imbeciles elected to serve in our horrific government that’s limited precisely for occasions like this.  Life would at least be slightly less miserable if aspiring regents stopped attempting to do everything, but they can’t help themselves.

The evidence of what fails screams at us.  Humans have withstood enough examples to make what we know not to work a trend.  Naturally, those in position to do something about averting the next disaster are going to disregard what’s right there just like it’s a chart noting that inflation spiked as soon as Joe Biden got what he wanted.

We’ll never catch up to costs.  Wait: that’s not the spirit.  Cultists must maintain faith in this economic religion.  Print money at record rates and wonder why we’re not all wealthy.  The answer must be that we won’t be rewarded unless we believe hard enough.  Americans are being tested by an entity that acts like a deity despite its rather severe limits on power and absolute lack of good.

Cause and effect hurts feelings.  You’re going to drag down self-esteem if you notice who does things then what happens next.  It’s little wonder handout aficionados have never run businesses when they demonize those who generate value.

A stubborn fondness for mailing money to create prosperity indicates present politicians think they’re smarter than sucker entrepreneurs.  Why work when you can just wait for a check?  I’m sure their suspiciously easy shortcut contains no perils.  The guardrails must be in good shape if government employees slapped them up.

Advanced thinkers can be spotted by a super enlightened refusal to believe in antiquated notions like consequences for actions.  We are all in this together, claim those who hide in groups for personal reasons.  A lack of productive skills also explains why they’re deeply opposed to the injustice of only getting money that someone else will trade for work.  A performance evaluation seems stressful, especially when there’s nothing quite valuable about how one’s time gets used.

It’s not an exaggeration to say liberalism has arrived at the conclusion where a crime’s victim is the arrested.  Getting life exactly backward is embodied by scoffing at the wrong party during a mugging.  Heartless conservatives oppose wealth redistribution.  Poor thieves have been harmed by a mean society.  Those inventing excuses for felons coping with endemic poverty don’t realize what they’re saying about their preferred candidates being in power.

Reserving the right to shut down society again shows why we don’t let power-hungry dopes set precedent.  Antiscientific bullies must pretend they didn’t get every restriction they wanted.  Violators were the ones who must have ruined our communal health.  As always, the bossy proclaim they need utter compliance for their schemes to have any hope of working.  The necessity of coercion in everything they believe almost seems like a pattern if you’re cynical.

There are countless witnesses to Democrats inflicting woe.  Perpetrators still fib about their alibis and who they witnessed committing crimes they know they did.  It’s little wonder the obviously guilty loathe law enforcement.  Conclusions don’t match their ideology, which isn’t going to stop them from maintaining it.

The sole thing settled about science is that ignoring what’s happened serves as the equivalent of smashing test tubes.  A steadfast refusal to adjust to observation is the precise opposite of the process’s intentions.  Wondering whether or not they actually believe their preposterous claptrap is not sign that everything is going smoothly.

Overcompensation paired with projection combine for just the start of psychological problems.  Inflicting regrettable beliefs on everyone else could fill the Wikipedia citation section.  The same deeply concerned lecturers fretting about misinformation sure don’t seem too concerned about getting everything wrong.  A political theory that requires constant excuses may not be based in evidence.  Enemies of corporations think advertising is nothing more than manipulating customers because they’ve never created anything worth selling.

Freaking out because people review information and make choices is a predictable outburst.  Only the histrionic don’t see their own patterns.  The lack of snotty Twitter moderation means liberals don’t get to decide for everyone else what constitutes absolute truth.  A belief system based in bossing around everyone else naturally conforms with an impulse to control news updates.  Curtailing liberty requires force at every step, including slick words used to describe monumental failures.  Mandates sure require a strong public relations effort.

Official approval from editors and politicians carries the imprimatur of truth for suckers.  Believers of falsehoods want someone as biased as they are to affirm their daft claims.  Verification offered by a title or diploma is easier than actually checking.  Finding someone who’ll call you an expert doesn’t confer knowledge.  Their candidates and experts prove it constantly.  Realizing such would make them renounce their beliefs, and they’re too full of pride about constant screwups to even consider admitting it.

Excessive Amendments

People who love everything about this country but everything about it have many very helpful suggestions for improvement.  We will be true Americans once expert reformers alter every aspect is dynamited and rebuilt by social justice fanatics who are so good at building things that they don’t even bother.

Aspiring architects are so dedicated to our country that they’d never dream of emigrating to one that already has the neat guarantees of their dreams.  Our Constitution is outdated, according to an obsolete claim.

The right to exist may require action.  Defending ourselves is necessary if we want to continue enjoying the benefits of life.  Horrified liberals condemn an icky document that lets free people shoot back against thieves and tyrants.  Unreliable witnesses misidentify the bad guys too consistently for it to be a rare error.

You couldn’t get a semiautomatic rifle when our rulebook was written: the only long guns available were muskets that could remove a limb.  If we’re not going to act as if principles remain consistent, then police can search your plug-in car because it didn’t exist during the time the Fourth Amendment was written.

Bad guys with guns don’t seem particularly interested in heeding laws restricting the law-abiding.  The virtuous can negate the advantage of the nefarious as long as they’re not punished for behaving.  Viewing life as needing to ask permission typifies a political stance relying on bothering everyone else.  Treating the law-abiding like delinquent children while letting hoodlums who disregard rules rampage as they please leads to rather intense bullying.

Economic and educational experts want to cancel debt for every school but the Electoral College.  We’re told by our deepest thinkers that the way we pick our stupid president is archaic, which is defined as anything Democrats hate.  Treating each state as important so the executive has to represent a large swatch of the nation is somehow designed to preserve slavery, according to very reasonable interpreters of history.

Every portion of the country is represented thanks to holding 50 little races for the big office.  Having a beef with states because their entrants are losing is convenient for those who presume everything about America should be abandoned.  Democrats hate competition, whether it be businesses trying to please customers or governors attempting to retain residents.

There is plenty of elbow room and a suspiciously high vacancy rate in progressive utopias.  The rent hasn’t dropped on account of inflation paired with the wealthy moving in after individuals are priced out, which you’d think would disappoint liberals who are dedicated to tearing down anyone who’s made more than them.

Kvetching when they don’t get their way is standard practice for those baking resentment into their political pie.  A presidential election that doesn’t match the popular vote may reflect the game, not the player.  Democrats fail to grasp campaigns would be run differently if participants just had to accumulate the most votes.  That’s why they don’t buy ads in Texas.  Ignoring incentives is key to believing liberal doctrine.

Similarly, Donald Trump’s greatest enemies judge judges by whether or not the latter do their bidding.  Very accepting liberals loathe the Supreme Court when it doesn’t invent rights without bothering the other two branches.  The naturally fascistic can’t imagine having all that power and not abusing it.  Ire at disrupting their supreme commands is most keenly seen when at least five justices decide to properly limit a bossy government.

Natural rights are naturally universal.  It was true then and will be tomorrow.  The Constitution’s authors may have been thinking past their era.  Government is limited to specific tasks because it sucks in every era.

Smirking about the speed of advancement doesn’t help hasten it.  Noting women and minorities haven’t always received the promise of liberty is popular amongst those who don’t grasp what progress is.  Laying down the principles even if they weren’t always applied fairly.  Those interested in moving forward can start by dropping grudges from before their births.

An imperfect application is nonetheless the best option.  People who think anything short of ideals means failures must be a nightmare to date.  Swipe left without mercy. 

The refusal to accept anything short of perfection is especially unfortunate for those whose ideals never work out at all.  Inflation and crime race thanks to the policies of the ultimately enlightened.  We’re trying our best while they won’t try any other country.  A pretty sizable portion of citizens loathe ours so much that they never leave.  It sure is selfless of limited government’s foes to stay behind enemy lines to sabotage.

Statist reactionaries lurching from one crisis to the next are ticked off by the idea of their power getting limited.  There might be a reason there’s no provision to allow specific interference, much less the details themselves.  A government that takes on the nation’s enemies and prosecutes criminals while letting humans figure out how to create productivity is so primitive.

Awful insurance which you’re not allowed to decline is what some call enlightened.  Figuring out ourselves through negotiation leads to the best deal.  The very option repulses those who view free will as a relic.

Sophisticated intellectuals who scoff at the antiquated limited government prove why it’s necessary.  Altering their views to recognize that the stupid bossy part we permit out of necessity is limited for good reason would be the true way of updating for the times.  You’ll never believe who was always regressive.

Devalued Money Is the Root of All Evil

Making money worthless is almost impressive.  Turning paper that once embodied affluence into kindling while trying to make everyone rich is extraordinary in its way.  The inability to buy much didn’t even result from sabotage, I’m pretty sure.  Financial titan Joe Biden didn’t just stop at wrecking the value of the economy: he actually crushed the power of the thing used to obtain other things.  The commander-in-chief is a military genius if commerce is our enemy.

Bills remain valuable if you run out of paper towels.  Lots of basic goods remain tough to find and buy for some mysterious reason.  Meanwhile, digital funds float away like gossamer in the ether.  We were supposed to be enjoying our futuristic cyberworld where the mere idea of being rich is all it takes.

Federal economic experts think there’s no way to go broke as long as the presses operate.  Performing labor in order to receive compensation is for suckers.  Primitive earlier generations were so unenlightened that they thought trading created value to address needs.  Modern geniuses wonder why anyone has bothered to ever work.  Democrats try their hardest to ensure the dream.

Your leaders who tried making you rich by conjuring checks presume money never changes value.  It buys stuff, silly.  Never pondering where it comes from is like presuming any gender can have babies.  As it turns out, modern reasoning is not as sophisticated as those generating notions would like to think.

We all pay thanks to those who truly think it’s just a matter of government issuing enough funding to create prosperity.  You just know they tip like six percent.  It’s sadly obvious why their solution to both federal programs and personal handouts is always to send out more.  Unlike the fuel they refuse to tap, the well is running dry.  Fundamentalist lunatics who believe Washington is the source of income, prosperity, and joy refuse to believe more could ever equal less.

Human motivation makes handing out unfunded prizes tricky.  Unhinged fanatics who trust Washington over their own shopping skills are unable to grasp the essence of supply and demand, including when it pertains to currency itself.  Increasing the supply surely won’t spread poverty.

Congress meanly won’t vote to lower prices.  I just wish there were a natural way to do the job representatives won’t like consumers negotiating with a variety of sellers competing for business.  The free market is much crueler to enterprises, unlike the unfortunate certainties provided by forcing citizens to buy junk.

The only beneficiaries of coercion are companies that don’t need to impress customers to get cash.  For people who hate greedy capitalists, Democrats sure do love guaranteeing massive profits.

I am also shocked those who fundamentally don’t understand what finances are spread poverty.  Thinking having to work is heartless misinterprets the transaction.  Shutdown lovers enjoyed grandstanding about the economy being more important than people when people exchanging things is all an economy is.

Thinking the government can provide everything neglects that little bit involving where stuff comes from.  Politicians always compensate for not thinking things out by deciding what you need while being funded by parasitism.  But at least their products suck.  If you like government work, you’re in a rather lonely focus group.

Sending out checks makes recipients wealthy.  The White House is certain, and their math legally can’t be incorrect.  Why ever work?  And why not send checks for a million dollars?  An extra concentrated dose of free cash will surely stimulate the economy in ways cruel profiteers could never imagine.  I can’t think of a single catch.

Getting something for nothing is liberalism’s core.  Not getting anything is liberalism’s result.  The conflict between idea and reality defines a most empty presidency.

Making others work for free is the new way of embracing compassion.  Canceling student loan debt means students learned they can use a product without paying for it.  The item’s shoddiness is the buyer’s problem.  Every product provided as an alleged right forces someone else to toil on behalf of others, which violates a pretty important amendment.  And softness on crime is nothing more than thieves who don’t generate value taking from those who do.

A personal example doesn’t necessarily inspire.  Biden has spent his rather unproductive career bossing around others while grifting.  The embodiment of inspiration believes government initiates everything worthwhile, including economic progress.  Meanwhile, the very thing used to purchase other things isn’t even valuable anymore.

The only thing worse than claiming Florida suffers from cruel conservatism as they gain electoral votes is trying to explain why liberalism fails.  Everything Biden believes is being disproven.  Even worse, it’s by Biden.  Liberals should loathe their erstwhile savior just for that.  The pushily duped ought to be furious at themselves for believing it was possible to get away with such preposterous attempts to circumvent earning.  Wise kindergarteners grasp what a president in his ninth decade doesn’t.

Why learn when you can double down on delusions?  Blaming diabolical corporations for coping with his policies is exactly what to expect from this presidency.  Prices all just jumped at the same random time which happened to coincide with the inauguration of a thoroughly liberal president.

The collusion behind prices jumping universally shows a disturbingly sophisticated level of planning amongst commercial competitors.  If an observer didn’t know better, it might appear that the one entity that actually doesn’t allow customers to shop elsewhere.

Open negotiation requires working instead of waiting for magnanimous dispensation.  Worthless politicians wonder why all this free money buys less and less.

No-Way Street

Avoid the Democratic way at all costs.  The path’s inherent peril should be featured in every map application.  You’ve been warned about heading that direction.  Sadly, innocent travelers are being dragged along, too.  The lack of rumble strips is as alarming as the quantity of potholes for quality government work.

Getting what they wanted is a curse.  It it helps liberals cope, everyone else suffers far worse fates.  A stubborn desire to avoid credit is why mandate embracers believe all that communal mumbo jumbo.  Having to suffer along with everyone else makes us feel like we are all in this together.  The party that’s spent a few years inflicting its dreams loathes noticing consequences for a good reason that’s less than decent.  The genie giggles as he grants their wish.

The hammer surely fixed the windshield chip.  Unfortunately for those regrettably in charge, those poor folks enduring what follows have noticed the pattern.  Everyone can see compulsory priorities in action, or rather lack of it.  There’s very little movement for a nation Democrats have changed so rapidly.  Rotting cities are the embodiment of their glorious values.  Mandatory ideas in practice don’t seem to show as much caring for others as advertised.  Enthusiastic taxers never try running businesses with their results in mind.

You may ponder how many more examples they need.  Victims have concluded the present amount is beyond sufficient.  Some rather misguided voters could apparently use a reminder of what they inflict.  It’s one thing to maintain an unfortunate doctrine.  A republic with democratic principles means those enabling legal buffoonery are relieved at secret ballots.

Enjoy the innovative approach to solving problems they totally didn’t create.  Joe Biden is saving you money by ensuring there’s nothing to buy.  The cunning strategy resembles lowering crime by making items too rare to locate and steal.  And please enjoy family time when there’s no possible way to purchase fuel.  You ingrates won’t even thank kind politicians who reduced your soulless materialism.

Professional politician and amateur president Biden is unable to achieve anything tricky like allow people to perform tasks for compensation.  He leads a movement that can only fib about how they’re succeeding.  It’s not the best skill to develop unless you seek employment in the rather disreputable field of filling an office.  The tired andn tiresome incumbent’s only success will take the form of deterring young people from bossing around others after winning elections.

Pretending the globe is melting hasn’t ruined it to the dismay of the apocalypse’s fans.  We might still be ruined by commerce.  Mean stores decided they wanted to make more for selling stuff, which is why proprietors gathered in secret and decided to simultaneously raise prices.  My sources indicate the vote was unanimous, which is just what’s expected from greedy capitalists.

Coincidences are the only presently thriving aspect.  Acting as if commercial outposts wouldn’t undercut competitors is crucial to maintaining the Democratic delusion.  Astute retailers can make more by selling for less, which is voodoo liberals don’t grasp any more than they do that there will be responses to incentives either positive or negative.  They prefer the latter as part of their effort to coerce citizenry into glory.  It’s no wonder trade foes are so dedicated to creating static societies.  You have no choice to shop elsewhere, bizarrely claim those who want to ensure a lack of competition by letting our stupid government commandeer industries.

It’s frustrating when nothing you believe works.  I just wish there could be a remedy.  Some extremist theorists suggest humans are free to modify their opinions.  You could always try a new mentality that doesn’t involve getting rich by printing money.  But that seems too much like the freedom of interaction innate autocrats reflexively oppose.  Stubborn pride leads to a refusal to change.  Nobody else gets a chance at entering a higher economic quintile as a result.

Alleged openminded geniuses aren’t into the whole ability to alter themselves, as seen by their steadfastly goofy belief that everyone rich was always that way just like the impoverished have no hope but to beg for federal alms.  Thanks to deleterious Democratic policies, the chances of self-improvement are far tougher.

The one lesson Donald Trump taught the party he soullessly joined out of convenience is that you only need to be better than the other awful option.  Aspiring to more than what a pouting steak peddler shared would be nice, but politics is even trashier than usual.

It’s not like Republicans are super amazing to the point sensible voters should worship politicians of their own.  The alleged alternative are at their worst when they rip off their adversaries.  It’s not exactly a wise strategy to be as scuzzy, much less attempt to bribe voters halfheartedly.  You’d think there might be an audience for being left alone after a Biden term of extreme helpfulness.

Democrats don’t think it’s fair they should be blamed just because they got their turn and showed they’re all-time putzes.  Professional whiners claim they never got a fair shake.  Mean conglomerates making massive profits ruined the chance to impose economic justice just like the world suddenly turned chaotic just to hurt Biden’s dreams.

Unhelpful checks and balances prevent a full agenda implementation.  Pushy dreams can’t even be partly realized.  The excuse for lack of partial progress makes as much sense as halting drilling then bitching when fuel costs more.  Wait: what happened?

Lessons Unlearned

The cruelty of checking results hurts the feelings of Democrats who are trying to make everything free.  You weren’t supposed to notice.  Perhaps another magical payment for doing nothing will change your mind.  It just needs to arrive before prices rise between grabbing a cart and reaching the checkout.

It’s hard not to perceive how bad present political notions are going even if you hate politics.  Minimizing endless irritations is the only legitimate reason to care.  Dim goons who impose the manifestation of themselves via executive diktat are why everyone else must involve themselves in toxic civics.

Paying attention means never getting to enjoy awe.  Be filled with wonder by never learning.  Democrats are shocked that what they think turned out awfully.  Knowing what peril was about to be inflicted would require realizing their policies couldn’t be designed to spread more aching.  Inflation can’t be that bad if there’s still paper to print checks.

Shoplifters pointing out who stuffed packaged steaks down their trousers are surely not creating distractions.  Enabling thieves is either the goal or inadvertent result of Democratic rule.  Your level of cynicism doesn’t affect how the few things in stock are getting stolen.

Feeling bad for criminals makes it tough to stop them.  It’s too bad nobody can sell sob stories about needing to rip off stores and raise prices for those who obey rules by claiming they’re not to feed their families without what they yoink.

The only way to make excuses for thievery worse is to note that those responsible made others poor in the first place.  Liberalism causes misery it then exacerbates.  The spiral heads the wrong way.  There’s no possible solution like letting buyers and sellers negotiate while punishing violators: we must send out checks until everyone is wealthy and look away from stealing until then.

Take away police and crime rises.  Next, it’s time to learn how ice cream cake for breakfast may provide you with too many calories and not enough vitamins.  Keeping criminals on the honor system doesn’t create as much tranquility as projected.  It turns out the world has bad people who don’t care for obeying standards that are legally binding.  Contrived ineptness is the theme of politics in the 2020s unless chaos was the goal all along.  If criminals are thriving by design, then the municipal environment has been well done in its way.

It’s unsurprising that those who steal from the economy have excuses for criminals.  Government makes everything free.  All faith takes is pretending the capacity to make money is as boundless as the willingness of the successful to get indefinitely bilked.  Nothing’s more costly than an asterisk.  This remedial White House will never grasp what incentives are even as they inflict the wrong kind.

We inhabit a globe as dangerous as American cities have become.  There’s nowhere to hide, which offers relief in its way.  Life gets hard when we’re saddled with a president who’s soft internationally.  You might think progressive Teddy Roosevelt would inspire the incumbent with big stick talk.  But he was an icky Republican, which is why his advice has been discarded.

The urge to be tougher than anyone who might cause trouble is not a mere endorsement of might in a moral vacuum.  The astute can avoid lunkheaded Trump-style ersatz strength for the same reason it’s wise to remain unimpressed with gaudy wealth displays.  Righteousness paired with the ability to challenge scumbags pre-empts a great deal of disarray.  The very ability to back up a threat keeps potential scoundrels in line.  Next, we’ll review why lower taxes increase revenue as people work harder.

Everything uncannily turned within the past year or so.  Joe Biden has the worst luck if you ask him.  Why did life get so wretched just as he implemented his awesome ideas?  All this misfortune has prevented universal joy from taking hold.  Zeus must be a Ron DeSantis fan.

It’s too bad pointing fingers can’t create happiness.  Blame heartless conglomerates for reaping record profits as part of the enhanced commitment to demonizing success.  The nerve of receiving currency in exchange for providing items or services cannot be tolerated.

Corporations are so stupid that they waited to rip off.  The mystery of why capitalist tyrants waited until Biden became president to gouge should be investigated by the Justice Department.  Prices going up on every last thing for sale must indicate collusion, according to woke economists who think success must be a conspiracy.

The sudden uptick in the cost of everything is almost as bad as when government commandeers a sector.  I again blame corporate fat cats.  Record profits are qualified by how money is worth way less thanks to inflation, which also must be the fault of malicious conglomerates.

Everyone sadly direct results to experience in case those responsible somehow didn’t realize beforehand that they should worry about planning their own lives before trying to do so for everyone else.  Minding their own freaking business is an example the useful set that liberals never heed.  I thought Democrats were dedicated to empathy.

Commandeers of liberty don’t believe in cause and effect by rule.  Meddling concepts are supposed to be awesome, yet woe spreads in a way prosperity doesn’t.  It’s little wonder liberals are so keen on stifling dissent when doing so is the only hope for inflicting their ideology.  You stand in the way of communal glory with your antiauthoritarian questions.

Exhausting Wokeness

Our great and good nation is packed with hate, claim those who know.  Fuelers don’t even recognize their massive carbon footprint, which is almost as deleterious to the environment as the psychological projection that defines the fuming left.  The perpetually furious feel the need to justify sputtering, which lamentably takes the form of trying to ostracize anyone who understands the Constitution.

Warping language is just the start.  Words are so elitist with their defined definitions.  The side that increased inflation via the Inflation Reduction Act isn’t into reactionary concepts like introspection.

America’s hall monitors deem themselves righteous while leaving off the crucial “self-” modifier.  Fuming for what they have goofily concluded is an awesome cause only increases smoke, which is not as green as hoped.

Portraying disagreement as villainy increases smarminess but not prosperity in any other way.  The left can’t create successful policies, so warping perception will have to suffice.

The new version of open-mindedness involves tolerating everyone who thinks exactly the same.  Classify the outlook as traditional but not classic.  The unaccountable adorably think it’s novel to take what’s not theirs for justice.  Legal plundering is no dafter than trying to get rich by printing money, although class warfare features a bit more direct demonization.

Struggle sessions are the worst Chinese import since a global pandemic.  The American version of un-American exclusion keeps everyone on their toes.  Leftist lunatics who don’t grasp that being tough on crime lowers its occurrence sure love inflicting the disincentive of stifling debate.

It’s not enough to merely disagree with dissenters: the brigade must destroy resistance for amity.  The only excuse for useless zeal is that the useless don’t grasp how wrecking someone’s livelihood is a big deal.  But chronic harassers could at least stop flaunting alleged empathy.

The enlightened woke are just angry people, which you may have noticed if you ever used pronouns as assigned by nature and English.  The notion of absolute truth repulses those who believe any disagreement is absolutely false.

An uneasy twitching alliance features different levels of public dishonesty.  Sputtering leftists get their policies on display in present modern primitive times as their more reserved counterparts who feign politeness while holding office implement lunacy.

Victims of preposterous theories cope with real agony.  A disturbing quantity of cities feel like Arkham Asylum experienced a gate failure.  Demonizing those who notice biology is considered the vanguard of biology.  Meanwhile, thinking the economy is a way to get modern robber barons rich has made everyone poor.

There’s no rationality anywhere the woke get their way.  The ghastly aftermath of goofy policy leads to broke and broken people.  Inflicters love to get indignant about perceived slights as they actually spread poverty and misery.  A campus mentality leads to tremendous harm outside the classroom.  Next, you’ll tell me Marx conjured a bunch of goofy notions without any clue how the world actually functions.

Results are sadly consistent.  Alleged science fans should be pleased.  But those who warp experiments as the essential sacrament of their faith are extra meticulous about avoiding updates about the results of their plans.  Active meddling in every life aspect but halting crime and mutilation of confused teens fails to work if you pay attention.  Sleep through wokeness.

It’s easy to maintain political stances when everyone who thinks differently is a hobo-punching soulless fiend who drives a car that runs on a liquid.  The left knows everything about functionality and decency, which means their foes are villains.  Unearned certainty explains why adherents enjoy shrieking about how nobody but them opposes murder as their gun-grabbing disarms the law-abiding.  It turns out criminals don’t obey laws.  But don’t disturb the faithful with your blasphemous observations.

Keeping people alive is the primary goal of those who make the goal tougher.  Magnanimous tyrants enjoyed their Christmas when they got to naughtily control every life aspect under the guise of halting a virus.  They totally preserved life itself by shutting down the economy a bit more directly than usual.  Politicians could make everyone wealthy if they’d be willing to seize more of transaction’s rewards.

The only thing worse than preening about helping is being wretched at it.  Those amazingly in charge feature bleeding hearts and leaking brains.  Consciences are nowhere to be found.  Damning heretics serves as compensation.

Our political atmosphere would be slightly less toxic if twitchers were honest about malice.  The glazed-eyed wouldn’t quite earn respect.  But realizing their policies are rage-based would offer relief to poor targets as well as to their own ability to face the burden of living with themselves.  So, forget it.

Pretending to be nice people pursuing nobility creates cognitive dissonance.  Try to get someone fired who commits the cardinal sin of deadnaming.  Drop the pretense of piousness and just wallow.  The only way to exacerbate luring others into their black hole of hate is to pretend it’s for kindness.

Denying the simmering nature of their mentality is certainly the only time those who engage in emotion-based politics act irrationally.  It’s little wonder those who make not thinking straight a virtue don’t appreciate market signals: buyers and sellers must think those out.  Our most enlightened fellow citizens hate those who hate, which they define as anyone who disagrees. Those right-wing goons are so intolerant.

Risky Dodging

Foolish humans used to think existence automatically included drawbacks.  Such negative vibrating occurred in the primitive era before our top visionaries realized that passing a law was all it took to be free from fear.  You can even skip the bill part if you’re blessed enough to reside in a particularly progressive state featuring a fearless leader who streamlines the process via loving orders.  Silly checks and balances stand in the way of efficient living.

Our wisest observers of human behavior think danger can be vanquished.  The good news is nobody has anything to lose wagering.  You will notice that nobody trying to insulate you from harm has ever created anything others acquire voluntarily.  It must be the market that cruelly keeps this world’s brain trust from helping.  The frustrating everyday experience of White House staffers gets projected upon those who can actually do something valuable.  Stupid life doesn’t comply.

Of course Joe Biden makes it worse.  How else would he contribute?  Protecting Americans from the vagaries of the day makes each of them bleak.  Our incumbent savior works by indulging in uninhibited spending on impulse items means citizens can’t afford groceries that are out of stock, anyway.  He thinks we’re poor and makes it so in a second sense.  Such sophisticated absurdist comedy creates unappreciated irony.

Life might contain exposure to peril.  I’m sorry to disappoint Biden voters.  You could wear an astronaut suit and reduce the exposure to airborne infection.  You could also ensure a bus never hits you by permanently staying inside.  Mandating what hazards are acceptable negates the human ability to constantly assess what’s worth it.  As a result, everything becomes worthless.

Stability isn’t a blessing for pour souls suffering from seemingly permanent federal interference.  Figuring people are too dim to address their own issues is the same as this rather regrettable White House’s other approaches.  

Paying for what you use is such a ripoff.  Why should you have to compensate others for what’s furnished?  A bill is particularly appalling when specially-trained humans use their expertise in saving life use special medicines and products to halt disease.  Health providers are framed as indulging in abject cruelty for addressing ailments as a career.

By contrast, insurance meddling is based in the notion that our imbecilic politicians in our dumb government can cure our ills.  The most certain way to create affordability is to make every single business compete for customers, including those who feel unwell.  But the convalescent never get a chance to change beds.  Our savings get sicker with every federal cure.

Seeking to eradicate fear is surely practical.  Big dreamers exacerbate economic uncertainties by trying to pretend they can be ducked.  The deliberately confused don’t think natural rights are real while treating artificial ones as a given.  Anything anyone produces for you is not a right, since the case against slavery apparently needs to be reviewed.  Alleged guarantees make acquiring stuff more challenging aren’t as amusing in cruelty as possible.

A governmental effort to avoid something drags down everything.  Elected fools promise a life without risk is just a few bill signings away.  But signatures just create more of them.  The ink won’t even dry before alleged beneficiaries find even less stuff is more easily stolen.

Seeing government as central to life instead of a necessary hassle leads to thinking troubles can be eliminated.  It’s true that challenges can be minimized.  But it requires trusting those affected to recalibrate and negotiate.  Authorities interdicting prevent discovering solutions.  Their answer is to say problems should be illegal.

Pushing around kids may be as shameful as it gets, but liberals like to note it’s easy.  Inflicting awful policies on whippersnappers trains them for an adulthood of getting hassled for the crime of obeying the rules, whether it be wanting to defend oneself or keep earned income.  Children lunching silently while sitting on pavement outside should create a longterm pandemic of guilt for the bullies responsible.

Sure, executives circumventing the legislative process for our salubriousness made us sicker.  But at least the healing prophets are up in your face.  Even those who are lucky enough to not be coping with long COVID are infected.  Victimhood continues even as we have been graciously permitted to trade and interact.  Sadistic bastards couldn’t have manufactured more danger to mental health.  The worst part is I’m almost certain they weren’t trying.

Don’t do anything crazy while making a decision like listing the pluses and minuses of each option. There’s no greater sign of delusion than the inability to analyze simple tradeoffs.  Unfortunately, many of the unequipped hold office.

A job based on winning votes leads to neglecting basic upsides and downsides, which most humans learn at about age four.  But kindergarten is too advanced for big planners who think making us rely on the Sun’s mood for power will spur the economy.  Unrealistic dupes are awful at money, too.  Nobody else is surprised.

Beating inflation is just one diktat away.  The bravest leaders order prices to drop just like compulsory hiding from the virus would’ve worked if the governor issued a decree worded just properly.  It’s citizens’ fault for not complying with idling exactly so.  You’re doing it all wrong.  It’s no wonder you think life features obstacles that can be navigated with a bit of judgment.  Why do you even vote?