Easy Predictions

This was always going to suck. It’s not to gloat. Well, maybe it’s okay to smirk just a bit. Anyone who knew all along how hideously the latest governmental schemes would unfold won’t be rewarded by exemptions from hideous mandates, so the satisfaction of being right about what would go wrong is the only consolation prize. We’re on Wheel of Fortune, and another contestant bought a Z as a vowel with our money.

Those who glumly noticed how the future was doomed to become a dreary present are disinclined to point out who’s always been correct. But inept bettors who failed to beat the point spread are so dang insistent that what’s wrong keeps working. Sore losers encourage gloating.

Soothsayers perform the simple trick of noticing what’s happened. Enduring the same dumb mistakes again is an unfair advantage for those who pay attention.

We may as well learn from humanity’s errors. But some of us never do. Specifically and uncannily, those who keep inflicting flaming catastrophes proudly refuse to retain lessons. Discarding lessons previous generations endured insults our ancestors. Don’t statists want to honor those who came before us?

Did you know our so-called Constitution doesn’t even contain an insurance mandate? The Supreme Court refuses to show where it keeps spotting the directive, as the ability to see even invisible rules shows why they got those jobs in the first place.

The stupid cruel frontier mentality where people buy their own health care would lead to nothing but responsibility paired with the best quality at lowest price. We could call this monstrous setup a free market. While addressing your own needs is the apex of meanness, it sure beats constant and frequent examples of just why trying to get things for free in a market costs us fortunes.

Wise old-timers understood all along, as did whippersnappers willing to learn what happened earlier than three days ago. Politicians never grasp simple lessons, which is why they keep conjuring silly solutions. Government is only vaguely necessary for very specific tasks. Those roles are actually listed if anyone wants to bother reading the rulebook. It’s on the inside lid of the America board game.

Arsonists don’t make good firefighters. Their insight is suspiciously specific. And excessively eager recruits only seem to know how to start trouble, not end it. As for professional gasoline-spewers, the state unleashes itself on the exact sort of problems it engenders.

A disturbing percentage of citizens conclude politicians know best even after enduring every example to the contrary. Bitching about the contraption used to address the task for which it’s not designed will not make it change functions. Cars don’t float if you pass a law saying they’re ships.

Deciding just what gender you are doesn’t need to provoke anxiety. Escape pondering with the realization that it’s already been chosen. Let it relax you instead of feeling indignant that you weren’t consulted. Yes, it’s mean that we don’t get to pick. But we don’t get a vote for existing in the first place, either.

Humans are notoriously sound when making decisions, which is why nobody has ever regretted anything. The sensation that one’s naughty bits were assigned improperly may pass. There’s no need to be stubborn just a prove a point that defies biology. The difference between spending too much or having an extra drink is that money and sobriety can return.

Speech is just another marketplace. Buy what you find useful. Liberals naturally loathe the option to sell. Trusting good products and ideas will win out is terrifying to insecure government fans who fear unenlightened rabble will choose poorly.

Encountering terrifying accurate descriptions of gender and the president’s grifting kid’s misadventures is too much to bear for sensitive safe space residents, who demand social media becomes much less social for some. If the process of sifting through the notions of others yourself seems nerve-wracking, imagine the alternative where Joe Biden chooses how money’s spent and what notions are permitted. Living a dystopian nightmare provokes more woe than expected.

Humans ostensibly capable of free will sure are adamant about opposing a world where they’re free to make decisions. Autonomy’s enemies are often acting in their own self-interest. Those who struggle with the torture of choice should make helper friends who can guide them through life’s cruel vicissitudes instead of imposing their desire to never have to make a choice without the authorization of authorities.

It takes an abundance of confidence to look at the failures of central planning and announce they’ll do it right this time. Ignorance is a preferable excuse, which is surely a promising sign. Acting like they know better than accumulated wisdom takes an uncommon amount of boldness. As with consistency in failure, some aspects are not necessarily beneficial.

I thought collectivists were into communal goals. But they adore disregarding everything people before them learned. Refusing to respect lessons earned by the elders doesn’t sound like a way of appreciating the simple wisdom of those who preceded us in simpler times. The rest of us unfortunately know what they won’t learn. Some outcomes are too easy to guess.

Politics Ticked

Trying to think of something other than politics is tricky when politics won’t let you. The ceaseless interdictions into your life win arguments by force of law, which should tell you something about how well such ideas work without coercion. Being compelled to cooperate is precisely why government was limited from ordering your around on so many issues in the first place. But you can’t appeal to the legal system when the judge is the one who mugged you.

It’s unhealthy for anyone to think about what they must obey and how someone elected will fix their sorrows. This country’s whole point features being left the hell alone, which is why liberals despise it so. I know rich white males came up with the system of being unbothered by a dumb and evil ruling club, so the notion must be as racist as it is sexist.

There’s good news ahead if choice feels like torture, as you won’t be allowed to engage in the alternative. We’re told that Barack Obama’s persistently flimsy health scheme fails only because it features too much choice. Government eliminating competition is telling in a way advocates don’t grasp. Infringing on your existence at every instance features the precisely wrong kind of opportunities to seize.

A fear of attack makes going about everyday business stressful. Americans don’t particularly care about Afghanistan except for that whole bit where the only industry permitted under the Taliban is terror planning. We really are lucky that the only memories left are short-term, as forgetting about precedent surely keeps us safe.

Money is worthless, but you can have all you’d like. It seems like inflation is the catch. Supply and demand applies to the quantity of bills, as well, but those dragging us into astounding debt so we can be affluent hope the sheer quantity of bills overwhelms the minuscule quantity of purchases that can be made with them.

Everything will be fine unless your physical self needs consumed energy. Modern people who found themselves reenacting bread lines thanks to the glory of inflation can’t even eat for fun, much less to acquire calories. Food costs skyrocket for some mysterious reason that I’m sure has nothing to do with government trying to make everyone rich by printing currency.

An unnervingly high minimum wage costs you nothing as long as you buy same. Lectures about obesity from an entity of unimaginable corpulence that consumes income and savings in complete disregard to financial well-being adds whipped cream on a sundae nobody can afford. The entrée is out of reach, so forget about acquiring a treat.

Food costs skyrocketing may somehow lead to higher prices. A baseline that restaurant owners can’t avoid is almost as ominous as artificially increasing compensation.  It’s awesome to get more money except for how you can’t get any job. Rich dishwashers couldn’t afford to eat at the places where they work even if they managed to get hired.

Negotiation between workers, employers, sellers, and buyers for how much products and labor are worth is as close to happy as anyone involved will get. As it stands, the compassionately rational liberal response to shuttering restaurants is that they should pay more. Why did greedy proprietors who squeak by trying to provide enjoyment during calorie consumption not think to overpay? The most painful cruelty is based in idiocy.

Getting healthier is a matter of obeying. Why won’t your stupid physical self listen to restrictions? Being ordered to not get infected works as well as anything else government attempts. Breathing through cloth treated as a way to stop a pandemic is no different than expecting insurance to get cheaper by passing a law.

Please stop being selfish by caring for yourself. You could’ve made the decision to take precautions that seem reasonable based on individual risk factors just like getting insurance that covers what sounds sensible from any company that sells it. Instead, erstwhile free people don’t have the option to decline. But I’m sure coverage will be awesome. Why else must you participate?

It’s almost like politicians make it worse. Those who profess allegiance to science sure love ignoring experiment results. Purported fans of facts keep voting for the same pompous dolts who vow to solve the problem of making tuition more costly by getting government involved with even more government. Fill in the blanks to feature the awful political solution of your choice.

America needs a president who can be ignored. It’s much easier to disregard one who leaves you alone. That happens about as often as a federal success. A wholly imaginary politician who doesn’t seize a ridiculous portion of your income or potential would be asking for too much. Criminally inept federal agencies going extinct would mean less legal looting, and then we’d be cruelly taking multiple sources of their fun.

Get back here and bother us. It’d be an incalculable relief to loathe the evil president who isn’t making life more expensive by handing out totally free checks. The best argument for making politics less central to life is everything political.

Stated Authority

Questioning those in charge means you’re one of them who’s not one of them. Quit being an insolent enemy of unity without the amiable urge to worship those in charge. What’s your problem, and why aren’t you incarcerated to prevent further subversion?

Sophisticated contemporary political theory finds authority is always right. That’s why they’re in charge, duh. The self-closing loop shuts down insurrectionary doubt before it even begins. Asking whether adulators thought out if they’re worshiping twits with awful notions who happened to be good at sucking up to voters is supremely subversive.

The three branches of government are the C, D, and C. Treating the disease equivalent of the FCC as if the Almighty descended from the Heavens on the Holy Escalator and answered questions about existence using bureaucratic prophets as a conduit is inherently scientific.

Citing a federal agency as the end of the argument complements claiming science is on their side. Please don’t notice a conversion rate that makes the Lions look competent, as accuracy runs counter to progress. Don’t you find trust healthy?

For a company that does the bidding of right-wingers, Facebook sure does slap a lot of disclaimers on doubts that government has stopped the virus like the French military. Runty Twitter staples asterisks to anyone dare questioning whether the anticipated next round of booster shots may not be the thing that ends the endless virus. Fact-checking now means explaining why federal scientists can never get facts wrong. Always start at the conclusions you’d like to have satisfying experiments.

Those supremely confident in their opinions are always citing experts, which are a class of people who agree with you. Figuring anyone with a degree must get everything right is counter to the spirit of education, too. An Oscar surely means the acting was superb.

The government has shown its most consistent track record during the eternal shutdown. It’s not a compliment. Aspiring benevolent tyrants get away with casual diktats because of an alarming percentage of humans who fear decisions as much as they do outcomes. The smugness with with the horde thanks their prophets for confiscating their autonomy in safety’s name.

Your leaders are hassling all the wrong people. The Taliban is in business, unlike countless American businesses. I wish Biden hated the terror proprietors the way he does unvaccinated citizens. Tell the fun-loathing president that the freedom-targeting aspiring mass murderers don’t wear masks to get him to take them on.

War isn’t ended by proclaiming it. The other side gets a say. You should remember to beat them, especially if you’re commander-in-chief of a great and good nation. Being in charge of the military is another task Biden doesn’t want. It falls under the umbrella of presidential tasks the president dodges.

Nervous Americans hope more than anything there won’t be an occasion to remember why America went into Afghanistan in the first place. Staying there isn’t a failure any more than keeping troops stashed around this dumb world indicates anything but our desire to scare supervillains. If the commander-in-chief ordered our military to retreat from the demilitarized zone and North Korean commie psychopaths stormed southward a month later, it doesn’t mean the peninsula’s free part was a propped-up failed state.

Deciding who gets what funding is the ultimate power trip, especially for an entity that trips over power. Certainty in the wise awesomeness of cabinet secretaries whose services you can’t decline eliminates that whole messy business of humans deciding what’s worthwhile, as there’s nothing human about what edicts follow.

Comply by law or the honor system. The same people who can’t stand cops sure love forcing others to obey their orders. Never questioning our appointed royalty displays the sort of trust liberals should place in negotiating. 

For decrees from which are ultimate, there sure seem to be quite a few exceptions. Very visionary politicians invent new boundaries of their domains as they go along, whether it be bizarre attempts at solutions to issues or the rules themselves. It’s almost as if the latter were created to keep autocratic buffoons from proclaiming that everyone who wants prosperity and survival must agree by force of the crown.

Those who insist on being wrong again claim they’re being scientific by updating beliefs in the face of new evidence when in fact they’re just getting it wrong again. If your own ideas inflicted costly woe once again, it’s not flexible to try them even more intensely.

Please stop believing. Conceding decisions to a government that continually proves trust is misplaced takes a heroic level of dedication. Putting the state first is like a religion that keeps being wrong about the world. Ceaseless incorrect proclamations about what’s impending just make adherents more devout.

Contempt for the First Amendment isn’t just limited to their authoritarian fantasies about cracking down on blasphemous fiends who notice biology and results. It’s too bad criticizing their incessant failures can’t be deemed treasonous, as noticing the state seizing autonomy is practically and philosophically pernicious is the only thing keeping awful elected morons from dispensing joy.