Rich Kids

Corporations view humans as nothing more than a product to exploit for profit. Now, pay to kill a baby to save money. Abortion is an economic issue to those who understand finances as well as they do morality. They think they’re being complimented. Those who are awful with money flaunt thoroughness by not grasping when life begins, either.

Born children harm the economy according to miscalculating hellions who grasp human nature in every way. The total drag of paying to feed living beings is treated like an annoyance, and not just because a great deal of the purported providers are vegans. Don’t let a life dedicated to a low-protein lack of flavorful joy ruin existence for others. Compassion-mongers who think you’re monstrous if you don’t think the state must fund mealtime. You’ve got some nerve thinking the economy could be good. Who will fund handouts?

Perceiving humans as a burden is a telling view of oneself and others. It’s supposed to be nice to consider others, but it turns out a percentage of us think everyone else weighs us down. Resentment aimed at living children surely inspires them. Remind the horrid brats that they were only born because of a choice if you need to keep them in line.

People will contribute, and not just love, which we’ve been told is priceless. There are profits involved, too. Humans create benefits, which shocks those who treat income as a finite pile of cash randomly assigned to certain lucky hoarders. Pretending the game is fixed is a reason to never play.

As for those who work instead of whining, they trade with each other, which means each offers something. Lives enhanced by what others bring is sort of the whole point. Fans of offing costly children loathe the thought that economics reflects human value.

Rare blessings don’t just fall from the skies despite official White House policy. Any currency you happen to possess is proclaimed to be caused by random chance, which is why Democratic policies lead to a world where misery reigns. Good things seem as rare as they are arbitrary as a self-fulfilling prophecy. A person who cures cancer or invents a car that runs on garbage might be left in a dumpster before even starting life.

Scoffing at every true basic economic decision is popular among those who think sending newborns to dumpsters is even greater than clipping coupons. Prices are lowered by competition. That implies same competitors were carried to term. Performing some activity that others desire enough to pay implies people contribute by nature. Never letting them be born creates poverty in multiple senses.

Seeing infants as parasites is reflected in dreadful economic theories. Think East German, only gloomier. There’s no hope of ever prospering on your own, so begging louder becomes a crucial survival skill. Fate apparently assigned most of the fortunes around, and plunderers made billions, according to very selfless modern views of reality. It never occurs to those with inherently despondent takes on people and money that offering what others desire might lead to greater wealth for both transaction sides.

Lack of alleged guarantees explains why those whose habit of never quite thinking things creates unearned smugness often announce how Republicans care about babies right up until they’re born. The smirk fades upon explaining that there’s nothing compassionate about an endless welfare state. An expectation for taxpayers to subsidize children well through legal adulthood spurs endless immaturity. Treating life as inherently communal conveniently provides another chance to dodge responsibility if they screw up and allow a kid to come into the world.

Oh, yeah: there’s the killing part. Creating economic utopia by letting politicians you wouldn’t trust to feed fish to spend plundered income on projects that never get funded voluntarily for good reason is just about to pay off. I know it deep down. The only thing worse than handing over your money is handing over the notion of when life begins.

Letting a baby get born embodies personal responsibility, which is the bane of their enemies. Unguarded fun may lead to consequences. Reality sure is mean. Abortion at will removes the reason to be careful if anyone’s eager to learn about incentives. I know life isn’t fun, at least not indefinitely, but ending it preemptively isn’t the answer. A baby might also cause happiness if you’re not careful.

Justifying pre-empting life by noting potential hardships and trauma is another way to rail against existence itself. Neglecting to concede that dying before even getting a chance might just be a bit worse is one way to counteract negativity. An unhealthy focus on how life inevitably contains struggles inadvertently expresses their dreadful outlook. It’s only one of the reasons the Supreme Court’s enemies are miserable this time.

An ignorance overlap can’t be coincidental. Those ghoulish enough to only endorse an investment in future savings if it regards abortion won’t scrutinize economic data or a sonogram. Every cartoon depiction of a uterus used to demand men don’t interfere with women’s bodies depicts one that’s empty. Learning about biology, economics, and morality all at once is apparently so overwhelming that there’s no reason to even try.

It’s regrettably easy to grasp why abortion aficionados think those permitted to enter the world create hardship. Anyone born has the capacity to contribute, which shocks those who’ve given up on ever contributing. Personal dedication to ducking hardship leads to presuming people who haven’t even gotten a chance yet will have the same irrational fears. Aspiring professional protesters admit to their own lack of usefulness, which is useful in its way. Psychological projection leading to mass infanticide is a rather grave consequence.

There’s more than money, which I thought liberals cherished. You can love babies the whole time. That shouldn’t be a revelation, but we’ll take one step at a time. Trying to save cash through abortion is inspirationally hopeful in the same way ending life before it begins is empowering. Treasuring life so little because of their own rather significant limitations is an awful thing to inflict on the potentially productive. Let children be born just to see if it works for the best.

Skipping Learning

Joe Biden should declare cheesecake burns calories.  Why not try to trick anatomies?  He already thinks tearing up bills makes them vanish.  A presidency dedicated to dividing by zero comes as close to literally buying votes as possible by announcing schools were just kidding about charging for professors and utilities.  Technical adults will soon find they can’t afford items that are missing from shelves, anyway.  Deadbeats with diplomas have absconded with useless funds.

It’s little wonder grifters don’t respect commerce.  Universities run Ponzi schemes aided and abetted by an executive chancellor whose instinct is always to bill the collective.  Discovering he can’t bribe the market will shock the incumbent despite countless examples of his previous woeful attempts at evasion.  Retaking a failed class doesn’t help for enrollees who refuse to take notes.  Biden tries to act like Santa while trying to convince permanent children he’s real.

Many undergrads major in holdups.  The chance for career growth is tremendous.  There are no other jobs for some unknowable reason.  Sophisticated contemporary bandits don’t use a gun, which liberals think means it’s not a crime.  The pilfered take of $10,000 won’t even buy the extension cord for a getaway car.

 A half-assed measure using a full ass to think ticked off both sides.  Everyone’s pleased otherwise.  Why stop at five figures?  Biden should’ve committed to the bit and said nobody has to pay for anything.  Think of the savings.  Raising the minimum wage ever higher to make everyone rich only fails because politicians don’t have the courage to order businesses to pay register operators one hundred dollars per hour.

If you’re dedicated enough to trying to get away with ripping off creditors, you could graduate and go on to be president, as well.  The proclaimer doesn’t have the authority, but at least he doesn’t have the ability to make debt disappear, either.  Someone else has to pay.  Defying the Constitution is only the start.

The Supreme Court possessing enough sense to shut down a scheme too harebrained for high school would be the luckiest thing that could happen for a president who doesn’t deserve it.  A tax hike paired with a wealth transfer to subsidize collegiate brats who learned not to settle their tabs should really put the recession in its place. The capricious order for charges to disappear will be disregarded by the economy.  I hope he’s sued by someone who paid debts and knows how both government and math work.

The impossibility of getting something for nothing is the first message that should be taught in kindergarten.  Sadly, growing up is discouraged as executive policy.  Today’s insolent youths are instructed that they’re owed advanced education through retirement age.  Qualification accumulators conclude they’re entitled to free stuff because their political science classes are that important to a functioning society.  And you say they’re unprepared for reality.

Perverse incentivizes lead to demanding others fund services used.  Organic negotiations lead to the best quality at reasonable prices.  By contrast, the president deciding who gets to dash from payment creates the opposite of free exchange.

Bizarro economics make not paying for your things a virtue.  Next, you’ll tell me letting shoplifters get away with their crimes and the elimination of cash bail turn cities into the early parts of Batman movies.  We could’ve done without a practical example of theoretical damage.

Junior high whippersnappers should be capable of noticing simple patterns.  Some of the allegedly educated lose information every academic year.  Take paying for the very schooling they consume.  A feral teen raised by wolves could grasp that college costs skyrocketed when Washington started throwing money at colleges.  In lieu of deducing how cause and effect works, the smartest amongst us sober up with grain alcohol.  It sounded smart on homecoming weekend.

The solution to tuition inflation is apparently to declare it was Monopoly money all along.  Making currency worthless helps the problem like setting a car on fire saves money on oil changes.

Victims can’t report crimes when government authorizes them.  Those issuing loans are screwed over like those who paid them off.  There are healthier ways of finding common ground.  Knowing thorough delinquents will have to suffer in the same crummy financial environment still can’t eliminate the sense that freeloading scholars are getting away with violating the honor code.

The urge to not pay for the dubious privilege of learning precisely how things don’t work makes sense in a sick way.  But smug alumni think they know everything.  Daft theories in classroom bubbles end up getting reinforced instead of punctured.

Graduates don’t gain knowledge about our world, which one might think is the point of al those credits.  Those who spend six or seven years getting a credential sheet naturally don’t think they got a good value.  The honest way to skip payment is to check the sheepskin’s back for a return policy.

The best case for going to work right after high school is the president looking the other way as educational shoplifters take classes in multiple senses.  Otherwise, you might end up as a dissolute president who still hasn’t ascertained after nearly eight decades that one should pay for what one uses.

Biden spent a lot of time in school to obtain precisely zero insight.  It’s almost like multiple useless degrees lead the recipient to never interact with the world off campus.  The permanent remedial student celebrated by moving on to the only career where actuality is denied more fervently.  Some centenarian professor should be mortified for not dissuading then-student Biden from concluding even more federal profligacy will spur prosperity.

Rewarding irresponsibility is some life lesson.  But that’s the sort of abject claptrap that Professor Biden teaches.  He’s from a very learned family, as his wife’s a doctor.  A wholly underwhelming academic carer most notorious for serving as the start of his plagiarism precedent shows that numerous semesters pretending to study don’t necessarily lead to wisdom.  Free school isn’t worth the cost.

Dreaming Alone

We may unite again. Participants won’t have a choice.  Some cooperation doesn’t inspire on account of mandatory attendance. And you’ll be searched at the entry.  Politicians reserve the right to confiscate your rights.  Natural infringers embrace the novel precedent of caring for us when we had the endless sniffles. Disregard how they created the incursion themselves.  Logic is easiest to sustain if you never leave the loop. The new breed of health experts did so for a couple years semi-ending earlier this year.  Time thieves won’t return any of the hours they confiscated.

Scheduling outbreak hysteria around October only sounds paranoid if you didn’t spend your forced downtime looking for patterns. Epidemiology has gotten remarkably predictable. Political scientists have outbreaks mapped out. Balancing their desire to keep people unnecessarily panicked with their urge to pretend they’re competent is the eternal challenge of selfless public servants. Old-timers quaintly used to believe scales featured liberty weighed against well-being.

Sadness was supposed to inspire happiness. The state’s worshipers sincerely thought mandatory cooperation during the global contagious sickness era would spur the end of irksome liberty. Individuals craving the comfort of commands made by lovingly omniscient politicians were going to be the upside of the plague. The most challenging symptom was pretending they weren’t enjoying the chance to order others around. The cure was how poorly two ruined years went toward making us healthy.

It doesn’t help that their forced collectivism worked as well as their economic scheming. Free money made anything we wanted unaffordable, which is an irony that’s difficult to appreciate when choosing between french fries and a gallon of gasoline.

Dearth of employment informed the Biden White House’s agenda. Your life coaches were inspired to ensure not working for health was a good start. But thoroughly infected citizens are left with no option but to earn what we can for tasks paid for by those who find them useful so we can use said earning to buy our own junk. Banning haircuts and unrestricted respiration led to a death toll as horrific as we were promised would happen if we got to live our lives.

Communal health care didn’t quite turn out to be the panacea. As with commodities before they were allegedly free and purportedly available, we miss paying for things. Health customers miss making insurers grapple for our business. The competition was as financially wise as it is amusing.

Government draining the economy to subsidize insurance they made expensive precisely by eliminating opportunities to shop elsewhere is sadly easy to diagnose. The consolation prize doesn’t make anyone feel better.

Aside from everything, liberals never get what they want. Ingratitude is ingrained. The market’s interferers keep acting like they haven’t gotten the entire list of interventions their bothersome hearts desire. Wholesale shutdowns came natural to those who pimp progressive taxation and federal meddling in tuition. Consistency is not a virtue if you keep blaming lack of government for what excessive government caused.

Bitching about the results of their programs as if they were inflicted by Thomas Sowell’s disciples is a particularly peculiar heresy. Halfheartedly complaining at full volume that their precious meddling was only installed partway is a kind of defensive mechanism. You might figure we should get at least some benefits from partial installation. But it turns out utopia requires utter implementation. Choose the right directional Korea and Germany.

Weary individuals want the default setting restored. We’re all tired of justifying rights the Constitution recognizes. They’ve always and will always been ours.  Writing them down doesn’t create them any more than Joe Biden created wealth by mailing out money. The country is due for a delightful backlash to shift from begging to demanding recognition of basic autonomy.  Being left alone looks even more appealing compared to having our burdensome tasks done for us.

Your government succeeded in its way. It just did so by illustrating how much it sucks. Inadvertently displaying why the alternative is infinitely preferable through ineptness is the lone service it can be counted upon to supply.  Helicopter governing created a generation of citizens who want nothing more than to be left alone. Citizens had the nerve to learn that they not only have natural rights but that artificially taking them creates scant benefits and ample drawbacks. It works out great otherwise.

Results are merely the worst part. Being called selfish for the crime of wanting to live on one’s own terms ignores how communal living requires taking what others made. The philosophical desire to figure out things for oneself coincides with noticing how much alleged public servants demand we share.  Perceptiveness damages dreams of universal compliance.

Joining forces must be desirable if it’s mandated. Your inspirational leaders can’t find willing participants for their dreams of fighting illness, poverty, or crime. All their daffy plans to recast humanity requires removing the very individuality that enables the interactions leading to progress. Treating flourishing as the goal rather than the byproduct comes sadly naturally to those who believe high salaries start with a law instead of resulting from productivity. Foes of individuality have the ulterior motive of wanting to hide in a crowd. 

Awareness of just how rotten circumstances turn means ironically ditching credit. The professionally pushy got all the control they could ever want. Shoving us into the places they wanted created the opposite of individual prosperity. We were supposed to have ringing ears from cheering after being convinced life became euphoric upon ceding independence. Instead, government somehow made a contagious virus more horrific. I’m sure they know how to spend what’s confiscated. How else would we enjoy success?

Better Praise Saul

WARNING: Numerous fundamental SPOILERS about Better Call Saul below.

The only good thing about Better Call Saul’s finale is its fans will laud it slightly less incessantly.  I’m a huge part of the problem.  As an exhausting contrarian, I usually find myself reluctant to join in on any effusive praise of a pop culture phenomenon.  But the revealing fictional look at how people conduct themselves after their misconduct sticks with those who didn’t wait for the DVR to get each dose.  

The show hasn’t quite been adulated in every single internet corner, so here’s even more.  Thinking about ridiculously reasonable fictional occurrences helps rather zealous fans cope with how it’s over.

Consequences are forthcoming.  Waiting for Monday’s finale wasn’t just apprehensive because it was the last chance to visit a most compelling ominous universe: the fates of our favorites remained in question far beyond usual television concerns.  The final issue wasn’t whether a wedding would go off without a hitch or if a lead would take a job offer in a different city.  Survivability became a key issue on a program that had pretty funny moments considering the direness of its situations.

Avoiding a lecture is the best way to learn a subject.  Better Call Saul became the most moral show by showing those who attempted to evade consciences.  Not letting violators get away with anything is a far more accurate depiction than everyone constantly acting virtuously.  Legal entanglements are just the start.

Wondering who are we will stick with fans long after the broadcast.  Altered identities reflect a desire to change regardless of whether or not individuals are actually capable.  The track record of humans improving is an average that would get a major leaguer sent to Toledo.  Inherent characteristics keep appearing.  But the struggle to avoid being defined permanently has become our purpose.

“So you’ve always been like this?” asked the star of the first show to the prequel that followed.  Walter White’s question to whatever Saul Goodman was calling himself at that moment after the latter detailed an early scam was a question about the character, show, and nature of life.  The timeless topic of whether self-alteration is possible connects to how people respond after they’ve already done bad things.  What follows, to choose a random phrase, breaking bad?  Better Call Saul spent six seasons pursuing an answer.

Serving respective penances was as close to fulfilling as a show about scoundrels got.  Culprits self-imposed many of the agonies that followed them inflicting damage on others.  The capacity for guilt distinguishes those who do terrible things from those who are truly terrible.

A show with a propensity for skipping around to the confusion of anyone desiring a linear narrative fittingly ended on the theme of time travel.  Saul bringing up the phenomenon in the last episode reflects obvious regret about how depraved actions brought about bigger swings than crystal meth consumption.

Seeing how the queried view the question offered one last glimpse at the fascinating personalities fans adore.  Ultimate fixer Mike rolled his eyes before conceding regret while unlikely villain Walter fixated on the scientific impossibility until he rephrased the scenario so he could express his resentful motivation.  Both stayed true to character.

A copy or identical-looking editions of Time Machine by H.G. Wells fittingly made several appearances over the show’s course, including during the finale.  Saul’s fate brought to mind another literary classic, namely A Tale of Two Cities: his Sydney Carton-style sacrifice to protect Kim meant he ultimately decided to act nobly despite his shady past.

Jimmy/Saul/Gene/Viktor’s Cinnabon skills proved to be the most valuable.  The prequel went from Breaking Bad to baking bread.  Spending the rest of his days working in the prison kitchen showed how someone we admired despite committing countless violations against the law, other humans, and basic dignity had to be punished.  Somehow, a de facto life sentence even with good behavior wasn’t as horrific as possible.  There are worse places for a self-promoting defense lawyer than a place full of convicts.

Every outcome made sense.  From outlandish to obvious, Better Call Saul resolved storylines in a way that somehow seemed obvious in retrospect.  Even predetermined outcomes brought tension.  it is a prequel, after all.  Yet satisfying conclusions still followed.  Gus Fring’s shootout thrilled even though he was destined to survive.  Anyone who wonders how to make a righteous show where those who did terrible things yet contain sympathetic aspects should either watch or binge again.

Better Call Saul detailed what’s in store.  People don’t always do the nicest things.  The reactions are where questions of righteousness truly become interesting.

Is he the same person?  Playing a handful of characters was only the start of Bob Odenkirk’s role of a lifetime.  He donned garish suits in every sense.  A costume of a character initiated questions about whether the guy he played was playing someone else.

Like Walter before and after him in the show that came first about what happened next, Saul mistakenly presumed he could control circumstances.  Such arrogance is foolish while maintaining the best intentions and particularly ludicrous when dealing with murderous illicit narcotic retailers.

Cheering for people doing lousy things is a feat of fiction.  Even those with consciences in this glimpse of Albuquerque’s underside are renowned for having ample things they regret.  Viewers may be surprised to find something sympathetic about a naughty individual, like the person, or simply cheer for whoever’s the story’s subject.  We can appreciate components of Tony Soprano and Darth Vader even while avoiding aligning with the mob or dark side, respectively.

Analyzing individual scenes never feels unnecessary.  There are literally hundreds of moments from the show worth reviewing for candid glimpses of motivation.  I won’t bore with a list of particular comparisons, although I am tempted.  I’ll contain myself to once again noting Kim vainly looking for catharsis from telling Howard’s widow the truth was eerily similar to Mike doing the right thing by informing Nacho’s dad about his son’s fate. 

Hey: that was a prison mixer in the opening.  Seeking out clues makes viewers feel like club members even without a decoder.  Insider shows feature countless hidden details that consumers feel clever for noticing.  Sharp foreshadowing makes those who created them exponentially more so.  If you know Vince Gilligan, please tell him I think he’s the coolest.

The amazing people involved made two incredible shows about a high school chemistry teacher who decided to pursue a career as a drug lord hiring a suitably scuzzy lawyer.  A seemingly ancillary character deserved 63 episodes of his own, even if the titular character didn’t always remain in control.

Saul was often a jester in his own story who found himself at the mercy of the nefarious forces with which he chose to entangle himself.  Admitting his role in a string of felonious dealings was the first time he truly took control.  Engineering a stiff sentence after initially manipulating his way into a lenient one shows how assertiveness is meaningless without decency.  Short of using his talents to help those who merited it, a confession will have to suffice.

Two series and a movie is probably adequate time to spend with cartels and scumbag lawyers.  Like everything else with the series, producers knew when it was time for a coda.  Unlike Star Wars and Marvel movies where you’re begging a particular media conglomerate to stop churning out content fans presumed they’d endlessly applaud, the series ended at the right time.  I’d watch Mike, Gus, or Gene working for full shifts over eight episodes.  But the story concluding with proper fates was the best call.

Biden Charged

Joe Biden hates his job. The contempt for his tasks is as certain as money’s sudden worthlessness. You possess the nerve to keep noticing how he’s doing. The most undeserving president possible was led to believe he could order you to do whatever he pleases, including when it comes to categorizing his performance. Who hired him? 

Arrest sellers for not obeying the president’s command to lower prices. Americans who are stuck in place more than figuratively need plutonium-powered vehicles, as they’d be cheaper to run. Gas prices skyrocket fast enough that everyone would be buying gallons if they reflected the Powerball jackpot. But this is a case where only the tickets cost more and nobody wins. To be fair, one must factor in inflation Biden also caused for the context of why nobody can afford anything. Playing Monopoly with real money is an obtainable thrill.

At least people have nowhere to go. It’s too bad Biden won’t follow the example he set and conclude it’s not worth working. Rewarding idleness shows this White House knows how to inflict initiatives even if they don’t grasp them. Inadvertent lessons will have to suffice until the end of 2024. Attempting to get something for nothing features a catch if you are new to this plane of existence and thus feel surprised.

Informing people they have no chance to get ahead shows the effectiveness of messaging. Not every slogan is helpful. A president who’s insistent that those who are rich stole fortunes from you has done everything he can to keep people from attempting to make their own. Wait for your cut of plunder to contribute to cosmic fairness.

The lack of created value is thorough. Waiting just to get a check that’s worth less than the envelope doesn’t seem to increase riches or fulfillment, and it’s sure nice of this White House to prove their critics right.

Government shields us from terror, crime, and international chaos as long as you stockpiled enough booze to initiate obliviousness. Comic book supervillains enjoy creating documentaries inspired by fictional film escapades. Marvel is redundant not just because of their frivolous scripts. Our real world plot is driven by special effects if you wonder why you loathe the story.

Hiding in the Senate is the best career decision our fuming putz of a president ever made. Of course, the purported leader of the free world wasn’t going to try anything like running a company. It’s no surprise the man who it’s no compliment to call the prototypical politician is committed to grifting and discouragement. Biden certainly wasn’t going to attempt something productive.

Our inspirational executive is wisest when he doesn’t try to be wise. Hiding during the group project kept him from dragging down the collective grade, which is the best hope for those who decorated the poster board. The only thing worse than slacking is someone who should’ve been held back trying to take charge. Lousy student Biden loathes the curve.

The lamentable incumbent unfortunately thinks he’s adept at running existence despite every bit of evidence up to and including this point. The only thing worse than a president who thinks he can run your life is an officious oaf inadvertently obsessed with showing why it’s such a ghastly concept.

Lack of leadership is even less surprising than usual. We’ve endured consecutive Democratic presidents from the purported upper chamber with the lowest results possible. The snobbier congressional wing is a particularly poor location to recruit presidents, and not just because of the hideously envious ideology of around half of its regrettable members. The Senate is shamed by also providing back-to-back Donkey Party vice presidents counting the guy who was technically promoted.

A trainee who’s almost 80 still isn’t learning. But figuring how to be the boss for the first time is the least of this particular executive’s worries. Being sort-of in charge wouldn’t have been useful training for a recruit incapable of improvement. Our pudding cup president would remain historically dreadful if he had spent decades as Delaware’s governor. Some relatively lucky alternate dimension has Biden wrecking one state on his own instead of contributing to wrecking the nation.

There’s value in both doing this before and doing it correctly. A president who’s made everything worthless will never grasp the multiplication tables, much less why his blunders made life woeful in costliness. It’s much preferable to have a president with wise ideas and zero time in an executive role than the reverse. We got neither. America ended up with a president who’s never ran anything and is running the country into the ground. 

Biden got the wrong kind of experience, but at least he has half a century of it. The Senate is sadly an ideal place to spend decades going unchallenged as he spouted every daft notion that came to his consistently poor mind. The chance to actually inflict what he dreams isn’t a system flaw as much as it is a condemnation of one particularly woeful person.

Having one’s name attached to such influential trends is every megalomaniac’s goal. Unfortunately, doing big and good things aren’t necessarily the same. The Biden economy, Biden foreign policy, and Biden echoing gas tanks aren’t about to inspire a new generation to skip business school. For such a tantrum-thrower, this elderly infant is unaccustomed to getting what he wants. Now, the chief brat gets his wish as the genie chuckles. Deciding what policies get enacted is a curse for dolts. 

Avoiding acknowledgment might take enough effort to blessedly keep Biden busy for the rest of his lamentable term. There’s a good reason Democrats prefer communal credit. Look at the individuals they deploy.

This commander-in-chief has never been in charge of anything before for countless good reasons. Promotion exposes what happens when preposterous notions become a presidential agenda. Contentment with bitching in favor of daftness in a legislature should’ve been sufficient. Please let Biden inspire those who agree with him to abandon ambition.

Raid on Reputation

Stop making me defend Donald Trump.  The greatest antagonist of Democrats is an erstwhile Democrat who switched teams for convenience and who they keep making into a martyr.  It makes as much sense as everything else they believe.

Trump’s dedicated nemeses couldn’t help the previous president any more if they tried.  Obsessing over him just like he wants will surely discourage ceaseless ambitions.

Tinpot dictators shake their heads at how corrupt Joe Biden is.  America is not a banana republic: the latter has exports.  The present presidential party just knows the predecessor did something on account of how sleazy he seems.  That’s only a crime against good taste.  Convincing rubes his emblematically tacky board game based on his utterly phony persona is fun doesn’t count as a crime.  

Raid enthusiasts can’t explain quite what the violation is other than not particularly caring for the targeted.  No president is above the law, announce smarmy twits defending the incumbent for a partisan ransacking.  Biden’s best excuse for a blatant campaign maneuver is that he doesn’t remember how to put on socks, much less to tell his commandos to continue humiliating the guy he beat.

Do you feel safer?  A former president having wrinkly garments from upturned dressers doesn’t create a sense justice has been served, even if the ex-executive in question is Trump.  The FBI is a personal grudge force.  Removing agents from the Patriot Sunglasses Front undercover operation was a difficult call.  They apparently found no undercover Iranian agents under Trump’s patio.

The one federal agency with a legitimate purpose ignores its purpose illegitimately.  They can’t even find felons to arrest.  If people tasked with catching villains are trying to set election narratives, Washington’s more annoying aspects certainly won’t be any purer.  A shady raid doesn’t quite inspire confidence that 87,000 IRS agents will dispassionately find outright cheats without partisan nudging.

All it took for Democrats to care about crime was for them to decide the last Republican president committed one.  The party that treats offenders as victims cheers for law enforcement one time.  Moving past potential infractions would wallow in lame graciousness.  Gerald Ford pardoning Richard Nixon was what Biden flunkies think of as a missed opportunity.

The hugest whiner is justified.  It’s not the first time Democrats have had plans go awry, as seen by how inflation has grown under Joe Biden like it was a plan.

Giving their archenemy a legitimate excuse to pout plays right into his hands.  Trump doesn’t even need to reach to grab.  Making the prototypical poseur seem like he has a point is really what we all need in this entirely happy world.  Worst of all, his genuine misconduct gets downplayed because of incursions that are only warranted in one sense.  His foes are the only ones less careful than he is.

The raided party already felt perpetually aggrieved.  Now, going to Threat Level Midnight may provoke him to the point where he feels compelled to seek a rematch.  Sickos enjoy the pain.  Giving the guy who lost to Joe Biden motivation to run ensures the nightmare continues unabated.

It’s tough to reach for the stars while fighting in the mud.  Trump doesn’t precisely possess a reputation for turning the other cheek.  Someone inclined to harass as a vindictive power trip has a raid over which to be resentful.  Genuine RINOs who feel conservatism means having their own bully will use this to make their exhausting case.

Trump’s biggest enemies are his greatest helpers.  He’s not going to stop baiting those so eager to get hooked.  Dragging others down to his level is Trump’s only superpower.  The professional kvetcher tempts like a siren song with the least melodious voice possible.

A residential invasion backfiring is just what Trump needs.  Claiming the other side sucks distracts from his regrettable record with Atlantic City, the USFL, and a rather undignified presidency.  Like Biden trying his hardest to raise gas prices making his predecessor look competent by comparison for doing nothing, the last president gets assists from those who claim to want him to go away.

Speaking of sticking around, Trump will be even more indignant now.  If a fuming opponent is what current White House occupants wanted, then they should be proud.  He doesn’t exactly move past slights.  The Bizarro Abe Lincoln has malice toward all.  For once, he possesses a good reason.

It doesn’t take a useless political science degree to know exactly who Trump would target if he pulls off a gobsmacking comeback following the worst-case election rematch tainting 2024.  Harassing those who may get the opportunity to repay the infringement should provide enough incentive to behave.  Handing Trump a grudge is the last precedent anyone should ever hope to create.  The vengeful never think ahead.

It’s All an Act

Have they tried raising taxes?  Eternally visionary Democrats are as clever as they are original.  Shoplifters saving you from theft will next proclaim that inflation is illegal. There’s still time before the midterms.

The Inflation Reduction Act makes Orwell’s ghost weep.  Language is a victim just like your savings.  We need Congress to please stop acting.  Pretend time causes actual harm.  Inflicting delusional dreams on everyone else is no way to cope with previous devastation commissioned against reality.  Senate Democrats may as well promise to ban rain during picnics. They’d somehow cause downpours, which is the only way they could control the weather.

An economic bill guaranteed to make the economy worse could technically be accurate.  The thing is most politicians claim they want to help.  Besieged Americans who find their worthless cash piles dwindling pray for a House miracle.  We don’t know if it’ll make it through despite the sense of impending doom growing more immediate.  We do know we’re in even more trouble if it does.  The rather grabby party never asks for consent.

Like Michael Scott going all in on the first hand, a big gesture may end up doing the opposite of paying off.  The woeful act would be transformative like the iceberg was to the Titanic.  The Hindenburg’s landing on it.

Democrats will be shocked by worsening fortunes making fortunes disappear.  Contemporary Marie Antoinettes act the same way about the recession they spurred, and consistency has grown tiresome.  They’re the only ones surprised by a predictable ending.  If you endure the misfortune of spending an evening with Chuck Schumer, you’ll be even more bored by how he can binge a show again and be gobsmacked at the ending.  This party only needs one streaming service. They’d save money if if they remembered to cancel the others.

The answer is always more, which means less.  Yet another blasted tax hike is an infringement on liberty and also your money.  The latest bout of piracy is portrayed as being for our own good.  It’s not like the wealthy would buy from or pay you.  Plundering is based upon the presumption all humans but the scurvy crew are useless.  We’ll spend incorrectly, so they’ll bury the chest.

We could never negotiate ourselves.  Sure, that’s all an economy is.  But people are never going to spend their own money on what they need or anything.  Pretending the government is a careful steward looking for bargains will surely leave us with plenty of spending money starting now.  Adding battalions of IRS agents is what Democrats consider full employment.

The manifestation of predation results in portraying the taxman as the apex of bravery.  A party that treats felons like a constituency suddenly cries about crime.  Sure, they’re not upset about erasing the border or eliminating cash bail as if muggers were the real victims.  But free humans wanting to keep what they earn instead of seeing it taken by the most useless entity imaginable are treated as Legion of Doom regulars.

It never occurred to our deepest thinkers that the level of seizure is excessive.  Passing a law becomes the new moral standard to those who link consciences to signed bills.  Refusing to distinguish between what’s legal and right is just another way Washington’s most zealous worshipers display blind faith.  An infected economy infects universally, and liberals finally found victims they don’t pretend to care about.

Everyone loses at class warfare.  People who think Joe Biden could get something right salivate over the prospect of once again raising taxes on the rich, which is classified as anyone making more than you.  Fiends who had the nerve to accept money in return for goods and services wouldn’t just buy, hire, or invest if they were allowed to keep their paychecks.  Others pursuing their interests benefit everyone else. We really are united.

Oh so sophisticated soothsayers would never entertain the thought of just making the same rate for everyone.  An indifferent percentage that allows for advancement would make the government feel left out.  You could become rich, too, and who wants to wallow in self-loathing?

Fretting that the most wasteful entity imaginable has sufficient revenue is a common bit of hysteria from those who figure recession is only because 30 freaking trillion dollars in debt is insufficient to create utopia.  I can assure panicky statists that government has more than enough.

Nuking economic rubble isn’t the only miscalculation by Democrats.  The recession parade leaders thought they’d cruise to electoral success by crusading for full Planned Parenthood dumpsters.  Instead, inveterate meddlers raise taxes at the only time worse than all others, change the climate by burning your money, and conclude the only way to lower drug prices is by billing the collective.  Their only skill involves scaring enough voters right before elections, and they even suck at that.

Starving citizens dining on squirrel and grass clippings stew are told feasts are forthcoming by those who made groceries disappear.  We didn’t need another example of why activity might not create progress.  The only Democratic success is a bill that’ll ruin success.  America would advance if only they’d idle.

Pointing Fingers for Prosperity

We should have broken up by now. The abusive relationship between hasslers and the hassled should end in divorce, but the former use the force of law to keep anyone from walking away. It’s very romantic.

Blaming others for their failures is the skill liberals developed instead of learning how to create prosperity. The notion that handing out allegedly free money instead of actually creating something would spur universal joy is so fatuous that only Joe Biden could make it. Professional finger-pointers didn’t precisely give themselves much material to work with, although you don’t have to feel sorry for them.

Pass along consequences to feel responsible. Friends of our delicate environment drop glowing toxic waste on your lawn then complaining how you dispose of it. You’re violating regulations, claim those who generated something to violate. The haunting greenish glow serves as a distraction.

Americans who are poor in every sense spend their woeful days spent determining how to deal with onerous agonies inflicted upon them by a White House that thinks it knows how everything works and makes nothing work. The only worse outcome is getting blamed for how they reply to the assault. Victim-shaming makes the violation even more shameful. 

The executive party adores kvetching about circumstances unless they personally inflict them. The same enabling lunatics who have an excuse for every criminal don’t accept excuses for agony caused by their policies which they laughably label progressive.

Creating abhorrent conditions which can be exploited with a rights narrowing is almost a neat trick. Victims should know who harmed them. Sob stories about not being able to pay back student loans ignore the true tales about what made tuition more costly than plutonium in the first place. The craftiest burglars seduce you into duplicating house keys.

It’s the host’s fault for wanting the parasite to drain a bit less. Sellers possess the audacity to end up with a little more than expenses. Demonizing conglomerates coping with unhinged mandates happens to conform with their ideology. The increasingly conspiratorial-minded might suspect they’re ruining life just so they can impose daft solutions. But that would mean they’re capable of planning something. Habitual debtors are just borrowing from any loan sharks who haven’t heard of their aversion to repaying.

Liberals become conservatives when they see liberalism’s results. Inflation must be the Walton’s family fault. Conglomerates trying to outpace the worthlessness of currency must have caused money to be worthless in the first place. Pretending to not know where the cycle starts keeps it going until everything stops.

Perverse incentives are one way to create understanding of markets. Confiscating choices to replace them with a sole lousy one has resulted in just as much bliss as everyone not employed by this White House anticipated. If you loathe Ayn Rand, don’t turn her novels into history books.

Life uncannily turned miserable the moment the incumbent started getting his way. Reality must heed his tantrums by law. It must be mean Republicans who want to make the poor president look bad by planting policies that would cause trauma during his second year. People can’t afford products that are unavailable wonder which blessing to count. Where did all the baby food go?

Biden’s worst offense is making Donald Trump look competent. A caretaker who was unable to manipulate the system despite proclaiming he’s the best at everything relies on comparison to failure to compensate for his own meager accomplishments. Biden has been a huge help to the lunatic brainless superficially patriotic cultish MAGA fringe. The conspiratorial might think these crude dolts are out to help each other.

Trump’s greatest strength is not being as strong as he claims. An outsider moaned about the inside he never learned about being big bullies. Meanwhile, Biden spent his adult life learning how to manipulate the system. Unfortunately, he remembers a little bit.

Using the resources our dear planet provides creates disaster to those who prefer purity through inefficiency. Draining the Keystone Pipeline did the opposite of saving the Earth. The environment remains unchanged. Meanwhile, Americans are idling while Russian tanks remain rolling. Everything is moving smoothly otherwise.

Class warfare maneuvers let poverty win. Drafted soldiers are always the ones who suffer in battle. Those who initiated conflict remain safe from the hellish fray. Life is surely going well if “inflict” is the best word for describing implementation of ideas. Please stop trying to help.

The party that enforces jealousy as policy isn’t going to do anything foolish like notice how much harm they cause, much less admit failure while repenting for ever doubting that Americans could create their own success. The perpetually resentful instead compensate with louder kvetching. The decibel level distracts from what their dear compassionate notions caused. Culprits call the tip line to narc on those who suffered from their crimes. They still expect the reward.

Entertaining Informed Opinions

You’re supposed to enjoy being told what to enjoy. And updates from those who tell you just what qualifies are supposedly sufficient. But now you won’t listen like a brat who dares to indulge in personal takes. Getting informed and amused in a way selected by your broadcasting guardians went out with televisions resting on the floor.

Observant types who are fed up with the narrative have been technologically enabled to decide what to consume. A channel limit would keep us in line, but Congress refuses to take us back to the ’70s. I don’t need to check my Mood Ring to know I feel quite guilty about irrelevant executives.

Freaking that Twitter is now an application where users get their say is a condemnation of speech itself, so at least that conforms. Grasping the day’s events requires expert context, according to those who presume government can’t get anything wrong on account of how it’s in charge. The same innately restrictive types also feel choice makes prices rise and criminals are the ones who obey gun laws. 

Legal authority doesn’t necessarily need to be invoked, at least not of the American variety. Tweeters freaking that they’ll have to mute or block those with whom they disagree prefer their soapbox be owned by a Saudi prince. If Elon Musk is full of it, here’s hoping some other billionaire who opposes modern struggle sessions is kind enough to buy an open forum for everyone else.

Enforcing wokeness is righteous for the decidedly lame. If a villain wanted to weaken America, letting the softest batch of aspiring fascists control notions so they can impose their own ironically warped take on truth would help hurt.

“Hate speech” is anything with which liberals disagree. Their tendency to distort terms to compensate for their inherent platform failures extends to words themselves. You can say anything you wish as long as it doesn’t bruise feelings. In the case of biology or Hunter Biden’s laptop, your official approvers censor facts for daring to contradict their wise and decent beliefs.

The lack of control is a benefit, not a drawback. Social media’s entire point remains to prevent dictatorial editors from dictating. Circumventing supervision is fun for reasons beyond seeing just how easy journalism is. Resentment over not majoring in engineering leads to lashing out at anyone doing the job more adeptly during free time. You’ll just reinforce your own biases, according to alleged professionals who projected their own.

Freaking about options is unexpected for liberals who think health care will finally be delivered efficiently once our caring government gets these dang competitors out of the way. Liberal bias comes naturally to those who think they know better than you. Limiting your economic and insurance options comes naturally to those filtering the news on behalf of unenlightened rubes.

Reporting seems fair when it details how awesome your side is. Mainstream news automatically echoes liberalism’s oh so fair notions, which leads to either concluding reiteration is fair or noticing it’s slanted and not caring. The personality test aside, they have to do less work to do in order to hear their schemes regurgitated.

The obliviously intolerant fail to grasp how their ideological foes seek different takes because they’re looking for material. Conservatives encounter opinions they oppose so they can mock them, which is the whole point of political Twitter. Censoring statist dolts would be a gift to them. Elizabeth Warren is cursed by getting to keep having her say. She has offended the spirit of the buffalo.

Monstrous conglomerates who provide gentle family fun tell you why you’re intolerant before you can go on the rides. Disney already wasn’t entertaining to those of us who notice that Mickey bastard is a dully unfunny rodent. Feeling compelled to endorse maniacal political stances will not enhance a vacation that already costs a mortgage and kidney.

A particularly wretched sanctimonious cause embodies the daft alliance between the intolerantly shrill and pandering companies. The only thing worse than catering to the internet’s lamest lunatics is thinking political science majors have enough spending money to patronize your park. Creating entertainment for children while sexualizing them may not be profitable. Oh, and it doesn’t quite seem decent.

Get back here and be told what’s news. Modern youths with their crazy wireless phones were supposed to figuratively un-cut the cable. You dreadful whippersnappers subtracted from CNN’s self-esteem by not enrolling in their Plus plan. Brian Stelter’s baffling takes on reality reveal yearning for a three-network world where he could force passivity. Media artisans are still acting like they can tell us what to consume if you wonder why they’re even crankier.

Today’s sophisticated comedians share very important messages, which is why they’re never funny. Late-night hosts miss antennas that cornered audiences. Most of us enjoying a lovely mosaic of curated programming are blessed with not knowing what harangues are inflicted on a bowling banquet-sized audience.

Cheering for splintering is way more fun than cultural touchstones we all share considering how many were pathetic. Media historians still debate whether Johnny Carson was funny or a slightly better option than a test pattern. Either way, today’s options certainly can’t vie with viewers who double as programmers. 

You’ve got some nerve wanting to watch people chase balls for points. ESPN is too important to just show games. As a reminder, the S used to stand for “sports”. Network employees decided they’re important humans who don’t just chase balls. Thinking a message behind NFL end zones to “END RACISM” will do the trick remains popular for those who find LeBron James particularly interesting. Looking for instances of oppression so brave zillionaires can call this country lousy is how the athletic feel smart.

Self-appointed experts trying to keep you safe from dissent are unable to control skepticism. It’s almost like their math-free degrees are useless. Lecture targets are sick of news and entertainment options lacking information and fun, respectively. Declining endorsements embodies insubordination. You have some nerve to think thinking for yourself helps.