Paying the Cost to Not Be the Boss

Life is unaffordable, which is a tricky obstacle to existing.  I blame cruel capitalists for demanding compensation in order to acquire things like nourishment and roofs.  But their enemies won, which was a loss for anyone who likes reasonable rates.  Mysterious price spikes uncannily occurred when champions of free junk got their way.  Amplifying challenges they think they can remove challenges is a rueful lesson they never retain while inflicting it on others.  You don’t get a choice about joining forces.

It too costly to exist following coerced discounts.  That seems like the opposite.  The post-shutdown hangover means slightly less liberalism by comparison, which is our world’s only shot at improvement.  The White House will naturally take credit.  Pretend an emergency wasn’t exploited as a chance to enact jealousy as policy to really rub it in.

Tax hikes for the benefit of everyone who makes less don’t seem to quite do that ever.  There’s good news if you don’t plan to ever earn more.  And rich people who commit the crime of doing something others will pay a lot for never get to hire employees or buy stuff with what government confiscates.  Trying to get wealthy without voluntary payment is a scheme Democrats force everyone else to fall for, as well.

Presume every business owner sits on a throne of platinum-plated skulls to really grasp how commerce functions.  Those who hate companies so much that they never work in them are certain despotic outposts rake in lucre piles for doing nothing.  Make an honest living by waiting for the kindly government to invent more cash.

These discounts sure don’t seem to add up.  The next-best option to unlimited free everything is to make sellers know you’ll walk out of here right now.  Minimize costs by making businesses compete for your, well, business.  It’s not just entertaining to know you’re in charge.

The genie granted your wish for you to have as much money as you want.  There’s always a cruel irony attached.  Inflation is the sneakiest way to make people poor.  Bills worth less than paper affects everyone, which is ideal for foes of classes.

It sure is nice having lots of money even if it can’t be traded for much.  We get to pretend we’re rich right up until we want to buy anything.  You can maybe have french fries for Christmas if Santa doesn’t go bankrupt.

It’s easy tell who’s extroverted by how they prefer small talk while fishing for a card. Nothing’s loathed like self-checkout, especially by those who spurred the empty registers into existence.  Liberals should enjoy scanning their own groceries seeing as how they priced cashiers out of work.

A preposterously high minimum wage embodies self-righteousness that goes wrong for others.  The magic raise increases the budget for every employee, which the ruling party thinks makes life even more amazing.  We’re all getting rich.  Not being able to afford anything is a trifling technicality. 

Smug posturing doesn’t pay bills.  Liberals have tried.  Dragging down everyone else is how they create equality.  Preening mandates for discounts increase prices in the worst magic possible.  This astounding White House made money worthless to accompany the wholesale hike.  Forget affording luxuries like bread.

Everyone else would be rich if only you’d overpay.  Phony courage is compulsory.  Modern Marie Antoinettes scoff that you should pay more.  Also, pizza should build muscle.  The little part where there’s a second side to the equation flaunts a defiance of both humanity and mathematics.  I thought algebra was impersonal.

This back and forth mumbo jumbo seems to balance out. It’s almost like participants find middle ground between overpaying and ripping off.  Removing negotiation is guaranteed to make half the sides happy.  How is anything going to be reasonable if producers know by contrast they have guaranteed business?  Asking just how it’s going to happen is irritating to liberals who know just how life is going to happen.

Nobody can afford a house.  Everyone occupies the dwelling they always will.  Continuity brings comfort.  Liberals loathe inherited wealth as they created circumstances where handing down houses is the only way to avoid living in the woods.  You shouldn’t oppose nature.

Students are not learning at school why it costs more than platinum.  Tuition just happened to become a luxury expense once the government made affordability a priority.  Noticing patterns is essentially what education is.  But heeding this one means you’re a sadistic fan of making people pay for what’s used.

Health care would be affordable if government stopped trying to order it to be.  Avoiding bills makes them unwieldy, which should offer a warning about health that an obese government never heeds.  Consumers who either subsidize plans or get ripped off personally by them.  Legal evasion prompts shifting expenses to suckers.  Those demonized for earning better not stop working or the pyramid scheme collapses.  Why would they be so ungrateful?

Cynical liberals produce blame when their policies make necessities unobtainable.  It’s their only product.  Refusing to take responsibility defines the failures of both themselves and their beliefs.  Don’t tell them, as it’s more hilarious to watch them discredit themselves when they’re unaware.  Blame greedy pirates who must be sabotaging the economy that they need to thrive in order to profit.  It makes sense to Joe Biden.

Vultures flaunt their greedy desire to be paid for work they perform.  Pretending this nation is Galt’s Gulch turned into nonfiction ignores that whole massive regulation of every step.  Continual interdictions into interactions have made them unpleasant to the point where aspiring participants don’t even bother.

Democrats got everything they wanted.  Their ironic granted wish brought down everyone else.  It must be you who’s implementing incorrectly.  You’re an enemy of society, just like all those wicked corporations who will make you whatever you’d like.

Lashing out is a natural reaction for failures.  Who wouldn’t be upset that their awesome scheming flopped?  You don’t have to feel sympathetic for accomplices who know how ghastly their ideas are in practice.  Accomplices act outraged about bank robberies as they make sure seat heaters are turned on for the getaway.

Mister Not Very Nice Guy

The president has too much influence, as seen by the quantity and intensity of rude twerps these days.  Unpleasantness is even more rampant than in normal stupid human times.  Everything is supposed to be the opposite in one of those perpetually confusing Democratic moments.  Everyone should feel blissful, what with all of our needs are being addressed.  You get all the free cash you can pocket, and yet you still don’t thank the guy who stuffed the greeting card.

The notion that Joe Biden is a nice guy is as bogus as Bidenomics.  An entirely phony term suckers the willing as everyone who didn’t fall for a mortifying shtick suffers.  Take a break from his personality and regrettable performance to focus on his corruption.

An allegedly kindly grandpa isn’t my kind of grandpa.  That’s especially the case when he can’t account for all of them.  Math is tricky for the incumbent.  Have you seen the debt?  The papa’s quantity of grandkids is like liberal meddling: it doesn’t add up.

Perceptively decent people have known he was going to suck at being president based on decades of counterproductive training.  Biden has obviously been a sleaze for as long as he’s mangled every last issue.  The saddest cultists fell for it just like they do his risible boasts of unabashed progress.

A scumbag is swell if you believe the same journalists who helpfully note inflation is less worse than at this point last year.  Reality is all about image to those who don’t possess identities.  This president really is the perfect liberal.  Putting his ideology into practice to warn is the one nice thing he does.

Biden is committed to the bit.  Get through the rest of this term by noting the wholesale misery that follows him implementing his dreams discredits what he believes.  Results are despised by statist disciples who tire from ceaseless cognitive dissonance.  Getting what he wants leads to nobody getting much of anything.

Biden’s ninth decade isn’t the first where he’s disagreeable.  He can’t blame dementia even if he remembered.  Abhorrence from this particular fossil is nothing new.  The leader of what was once the free world didn’t evolve as he aged, which is fine if you start off smart and decent.  A cheating middling law student turned into a corrupt supply chain-breaking president.

Consistency over time is a drawback for bastards.  The executive hasn’t grown as a person even as he’s ascended to yet another wholly undeserved office.  Biden proved the Peter principle about half a century ago.  A person born while World War II’s result was still in doubt is not mellower and certainly not wiser well into this century.

Misinterpreting every aspect of existence is bound to spur crankiness.  It’s no wonder Biden is such a horse’s ass.  A disagreeable disposition organically results from being wrong about everything from the moment he entered alleged public service.  President Sunshine is precisely incorrect about every domestic and international policy, but he’s on point everywhere else.

Thank heavens he’s a jerk: we wouldn’t want coping with his consequences to get tricky.  His routine outbursts have not aided anyone who’s requested bills in lieu of online financial shifting in the hopes the paper might be worth burning.  Observation runs counter to rather dubious assertions that we’re dealing with a swell fellow.

Utter failure makes it easier to loathe the perpetrator.  It’s not like Biden’s an insufferable fiend who gets things done or exhibits a big identity with wild mood swings: the ceaselessly irritable leader is only a taskmaster when it comes to making money worthless.

Biden gives hope to everyone claiming to be what they aren’t.  An altruistic inflation-fighter just happens to be the Bizarro version.  Make-believe time should be limited to Dungeons & Dragons.  Biden’s minions inhabiting the fantasy realm they created to escape the drudgery he imposes show that intense Democratic gaming really does affect one’s perception of reality.

Biden’s values are expressed personally.  It’s not a compliment even though he’d take it as such, presuming he understood all the words.  A shove-based philosophy reflects his nature.  The progressive propensity for announcing something is happening because that’s what they believe is supposed to occur hasn’t yet worked.  It’s the closest they come to a good idea.

That goofball is packed with fascinating quirks.  Did you know Biden likes ice cream?  He’s one of those types who thinks it tastes good.  Enjoying the same frosty dessert every other human ever does is the most interesting thing about the embodiment of churlishness.  The price per pint will spike before you reach the registers.  Like calories, wallets are empty.

This unfortunate term’s nicest part is feeling unbridled animosity toward someone who deserves it.  Victims don’t have to feel conflicted about cussing out the prototypical politician.  We’ll never face ambivalence about a decent chap who couldn’t quite get bread to be affordable or trains to stay on tracks.

This presidency has been as disgraceful as Biden’s personality,  A nasty buffoon offers none of the benefits associated with soulless ruthlessness.  The presidency is a success otherwise.  Character reflects performance, which is why he’s so rotten at both.