Lying Down the Line

I hope they’re lying.  Anti-architects who claim their devastation will properly order civilization have lost the benefit of the doubt from their casualties.  A kind perspective is as tough as affording anything not shoplifted.  Looking at perpetually woeful results makes it tough to think perpetrators could be anything but liars.  Annotating falsehoods is the only truth about them.

Presuming our nation was founded in order to oppress some of the people in it requires ignoring that whole document dedicated to limiting government, which is also part of charmingly lunatic revisionist philosophy.  The search for oppression no matter how thoroughly it’s hidden is sadly typified by the 1619 Project, a project with 1619 lies.  Seeing racism everywhere is part of a commitment to grievances.  A problem in search of a solution offers a tidy summary of liberalism.  Like the cops they think are masochistic bigots, they’re the source of trouble.

Using science as a shield is how its biggest zealots show their love for it.  Aspiring autocrats can’t embrace anything like conclusions.  Getting every last virus assertion wrong sure doesn’t seem like a cure.  Shuttering society didn’t prevent its spread any more than breathing through cotton.  The logical feat of announcing the shot must work because vaccines do is like pretending Joe Biden must be a good president because George Washington was.

Trying to keep panic simmering is so you get used to feeling alert.  A lack of panic means the next emergency will send your adrenaline levels to uncomfortable highs.  It’s better to freak out constantly.  Controlling an illness by controlling people just happens to further their policy goals, so please ignore connections your brain makes about mocking liberties and rampaging viruses.  The only way to make exploiting misery more despicable is their proclivity for exacerbating it.  One could nearly call it a talent.

The gender shift fad works about as well as getting rich by printing money.  Indulging the confused is scientifically dismissed, which I figured would be appreciated by those who claim to believe in it.  Allegedly advanced times are alarmingly deluded and depressing.  You can be certain of having absolute truth on your side if you suddenly decided that an accommodation nobody could have even conceived of a decade ago is the moral issue of our times.

Anyone capable of experiencing reality can’t possibly see men and women dressing up as vice versa and believe telling those engaged in gender cosplay that they pulled it off deserves a pat on the head.  The gesture would be less condescending than they are to their playthings.

Absolute truth is mean.  The only change is in perception of what’s happening.  A grotesque violation of something kindergarteners don’t need explained to them infects legal adults.

Pretending to help is their brand.  Actually harming is their result.  Vilifying double takes is a violation of biology and an affront to true respect.  The woefully misguided attitude is something to actually change that would work.

Proper science offers a reflection of compassion.  Of course, it’s not in the way ironically intolerant goons figure.  Humans can’t change chromosomes, but we can offer assistance to those struggling to identify their anatomy.  Contrary to preening, willful ignorance harms both subjects and the world they inhabit.  Celebrating delusions while pretending they’re real isn’t compassionate any more than ignoring sonograms.

Legal theft helps victims, according to thieves.  Getting the government’s permission 

era where shoplifting is not merely tolerated but encouraged as a way to survive in an economy that’s grown mean for some reason.  We really do depend on each other.  Of course and as usual, it’s not in the way liberals think.  Fiends with more money would hire workers or buy stuff if only they weren’t punished for pleasing customers.

Those with misdirected imaginations can’t imagine any other way for life to occur than through their vigorous intervention.  This White House already despises the notion of compensation for provided products.  Their inherent bias leads them to presume the economy needs planning, which is the closest they come to following logic.  If true, it wouldn’t need the guidance of people so amazing at productivity that they don’t need to go out and create proof.

Keep confiscating income and watch conditions get worse.  Clearly, there’s not enough taken.  The notion of buying a house is as foreign as working in order to buy things.  Nobody can afford anything, anyway, so go ahead and take another mental health day.

They don’t truly believe these things, do they?  Determining if professional masochists inflicting the present woeful circumstances are lying to themselves or everyone else.  There’s certainly no truth involved.  Attempting to demotivate is as evident as working to berate.  You can feel the joy.

The ends justify the means except for how both blow.  Our royals must fib in order to impose decline.  Except for how they make life worse, they make life better.  We embrace the best of both worlds otherwise.  Berating dissidents who notice the results of their novel takes on life is their only option.  It’s not like they’re about to start being good at things, much less stop pretending they’re anything other than bad.

Retiring Social Security

Ensuring retirement is as miserable as working years is government’s gift to elders.  All involved parties seem a bit too happy about it.  The ultimate entitlement is ultimately bankrupting the nation they claim to love.  It’s America, by the way.

An unwieldy tax that can’t cover unfathomable debt needed to dollop out a monthly pittance that keeps allegedly free people reliant upon a government unable to do anything worthwhile with seized funds is helpful for illustrating how dreadful everything coerced is.  Try to retain this information before retirement.

It’s different when Washington assured them an allowance.  Erstwhile whippersnappers behaved their best and earned their driveway shoveling money.  Empty lockboxes shouldn’t be a surprise, yet paranoid Woodstock attendees are shocked that their stashes got raided.

It’s adorable to think they were not only pledged something by the government but that it will be fulfilled.  They paid in and can’t believe they won’t be paid out.  Asking what contract they signed will only infuriate them.  Darth Vader didn’t change terms as arbitrarily as your government.  At least he was upfront about joining the Dark Side.

This particular generation of quitters due to age doing the opposite of caring for the next in that very selfless manner for which they’re renowned.  A lousy example to avoid is only so valuable.  Rebelling against self-involved parasites is inadvertently the best parenting.  Brats have to strike out on their own after their oh so responsible parents blew tuition money on whatever Eagles were presently on tour.

All-time Boomer Donald Trump promises to keep sustaining Social Security if he seduces his way into a second con job as part of his endless commitment to preserving conservatism.  The alleged retirement program is no worse investment than his real estate portfolio.  Social Security is as foolish as buying his costly rotgut vodka.  Peddling Mister Boston quality at Stoli prices shows why Trump is so eager to get rehired for his government job.  Someone who makes alleged fortunes disappear naturally embrace the geezer dole.

A gullible government fan is going to be president either by retaining, re-seizing, or swooping in to the presidency.  We have so many options.  By contrast, people who want to work hard have no chance at avoiding apocalyptic debt all to enable stocking up on Werther’s.  Another postponement of paying America’s credit card bill will surely drive down interest.

The worst part of pretending the Financial Grim Reaper isn’t making PayPal requests is how much better finances will be for all involved after the meltdown.  Removing the payroll tax will compensate for far more than the meager checks on the way, especially since the amounts are rapidly dwindling to zero.  And that’s before inflation.

Try buying groceries with a pledge.  Your rulers offer the opposite of a guarantee despite what they’ve claimed.  I can’t believe arbiters of laws are able to disregard the very standards they impose on reality.

This would be a good time to start noticing patterns.  An even better time is about half a century ago.  Investing faith in politicians is supposed to be reassuring, according to seduced enrollees who thought they were investing in a 401(k).   Play cards with anyone who presumes government wouldn’t break a law, much less a promise.

It apparently needs to be said that a federal retirement plan embodies to opposite of conservatism.  The same sort of people who think Trump is a fearless truth-teller act like the payment they get is the one small-government exception.

Like with money disappearing faster than it’s replaced, the description has no effect on the outcome.  Calling an ultimate income shift the emblematic liberal program is the furthest thing from a compliment possible.  Calling it conservative because you’re forced to pay in is as sad as pretending the charlatan who tells them what they want to hear is the last honest man.

But that’s my money.  Sure, it’s not technically.  Regardless, the cash commandeering program results in one temporarily giant then quickly dwindling pile.  Aspiring retirees think the revenue ripoff applies to everything except what checks arrive in their particular mailboxes.  An newfangled internet money transfer could be stolen, claim old-timers who let Washington steal at will.

It’s not just that the government failed to invest for you.  They let it sit there in their federal style until they needed to subsidize industries in vulnerable congresspeople’s districts three seconds later.  It’s not that nice to have an emblematic example of how not to save.

Some people rely on a ripoff, so the fleecing can’t be halted.  We couldn’t phase out the three-card monte table or anything so future doomed participants can skip playing.  The radical notion of letting people decide to keep their money is not presently law, and nothing is more important than precedent.

Oh, it’s just dooming the nation.  Illustrating the perilous folly of waiting to avoid aiming the tires toward the cliff means the edge approaches.  Careening is FDR’s old New Deal bad deal.  Overreach in response to panic naturally worsened the outlook, but maybe cutting the brakes will get us there faster.

Weening off the addiction will get harder the longer the wait is before hitting rock bottom.  Handout junkies are just like anyone else hooked on something that sounds appealing but ultimately harms.  Those in question crave something as pernicious, namely the idea that their needs will be met by the most negligent caretaker imaginable.

Doing something useful with money from work sounds like more work.  But the opportunity to choose is better than letting federal deadbeats mooch from the pile.  Alleged beneficiaries could take what was seized from them and invest it.  Look up what a mutual fund is.  Heck: deposit the same sum in a bank.  Unlike your alleged federal rainy day fund, you’ll actually have access to it no matter the weather.

The sum in question will only decrease in value if one particular senior citizen who doubles as executive continues to try to make everyone rich by handing out dough.  We could’ve learned a lesson.  Many people did.  Sadly, it’s the wrong one.  The urge to exclaim “Gimme!” is always strong even though we all know deep down nothing is free.

Naming something doesn’t make it adhere to the words, which confuses liberals who wonder why acting didn’t give them affordable care.  East Germany wasn’t democratic, while we’re at it.

The retirement Ponzi scheme is supposed to provide security as indicated by the name.  Aside from doing the precise opposite for America and its retirees, it’s done so.  Buying private label saltines is nobody’s dream for the personal post-work era.  A program that’s insecure and antisocial.  Being forced to mingle with others is bad enough, and doing so with paychecks makes it even worse.

Declining to Refuse Sales

Nothing offends liberals like people succeeding in a country defined by the opportunity to do so.  The same indignant party defines selfishness as keeping what you’ve earned, which can only get better if they oh so selflessly attempt to seize what others have earned.  Sanctimony can be profitable even though it’s not valuable.

Rulers of your accounts despise evil corporations so much that they want to commandeer control of them.  Irony amuses in a way they of course don’t understand.  Thinking they can change them dooms marriages before they start.

Sellers are only cool when they work with government.  Pretending we presently enjoy a Western shootout-style free market is like those who blame implements for crime failing to grasp they got every policy they wanted, which they also do.  Liberals specialize in smugly bitching about the opposite of what we have, namely what they wanted.  Ignorance at least explains how they got this way.

Manipulating law is the specialty of barterers that should be focused on increasing sales.  Offers that can’t be refused is the dream shared in every boardroom.  You don’t hear private student loan issuers lamenting the lack of whippersnappers seeking to pay professors.  And there’s not too much weeping at health care syndicates about mandates.  They appreciate consumers who can’t refuse to purchase.  It doesn’t take the form of excellent service.

Those inflicting thorough poverty are mad at the poor.  The technically governing party naturally blames amalgamations for the results of decidedly rigged competition.  Closing free markets gets expensive.

You can’t make it here.  Tearing down businesses isn’t figurative in a symbol of what control gets you.  New York City embodies the ultimate victory of corporatism, so Democrats should be pleased with their victory.  Demolishing bodegas in order to stick in more faceless glass-faced condominiums improves urban life unless you hoped to ever buy anything.  

Wondering where residents shop is as eternal a question as the mystery of where rent comes from.  Gothamites can hopefully get everything they need at a Chase Bank, Duane Reade, or Starbucks, as those are the only options.  You don’t have to cross the street to find any of them.  There’s good news for those who like patronizing the soulless conglomerate that are the only entities who can withstand such an assault on peddling.

Rugged metropolitans who are determined to prove they can thrive in the epitome of big city living.  Now, don’t disturb subjects locked in their pods.  Get delivery to prevent ever having to venture outside.  The character that truly makes urban living worth it is being literally demolished.

Thanks to policies that favor the impossibly wealthy, city denizens enjoy unbearable hassle without tradeoffs where they gain immersion in a vibrant spirit.  it’s the best of both worlds otherwise.  Contemporary castes seem dystopian to the point where idling could be a policy.  You could be charitable and think enabling unwieldy ventures and rich bastards despite a stated intent to achieve the precise opposite is ineptness. 

Doing everything they can to ensure big dealers get even bigger at least brings mirth to a rather woeful spell.  As with gun crime flourishing the more gun control is imposed, the result is presumably not their goal.  Monopolies fall apart through sloppiness.  Netflix being replaced after it replaced Blockbuster is worth streaming.  The White House will demand a streaming bailout.

Propping up industries is a favorite hobby of those who hate industries.  Amateur executives enjoy running companies without knowing how to run a company.  Democrats are so smart that they don’t need to learn skills.  These are coincidentally the same ones who know what you want better than you do.  Isn’t it nice having smart people do all the thinking?

Bribing market participants halts progress.  There’s no reason to improve if profits are guaranteed.  The reason plug-in cars might not get you to your driveway’s end is the subsidies weighing down each ride.  Manufacturers have no reason to make stuff more efficient.  In short, liberals loathe our planet.

Cigar smoke fogs up monocles.  Presuming commercial tyrants are aligned with conservatism is part of the inference that one must choose sides between the rich and poor, which is itself a common trait amongst class warfare pigs.  Indifference to either side embodies true free market beliefs.  You don’t need to cheer to enjoy the game.  Joe Biden boos everyone.

There sure seems to be a lot of unaccountable outposts during the era of endless regulation.  Government represents it most of all, which means worst of all.  Noting the state embodies everything its worshipers claim to oppose is blasphemous.  Interdicting in the economy is quasi-legal unlike with speech thanks to that pesky First Amendment.  Democrats hate rules that constrict them.  You might classify that as logical in a certain messed-up way.

Bafflingly thinking competitors want a fair game is just another delightful liberal misconception about our world.  Parties do everything they can to tilt customers their way.  In an open competition, they have to do so by offering what potential buyers want as affordably as possible.  Every officer and stockholder would pass a law compelling transactions if they could.  That brings us to the White House’s incumbent, who prefers promises.  Cornering an enterprise surely leads to super service, as seen by how every Amtrak train ever has delivered travelers on time.

Negotiating just like people do whenever they shop works the best at every step.  Deciding if this truly is a good swap works for every faction.  When one side doesn’t have to do so, nothing and nobody works.  Thanks to endless infuriating laws designed to limit interaction, entrants don’t have to compete.  Advocates of lethargy got what they wanted even if they didn’t know it.  That’s no way to bargain.

Really Pretend Politics

Fantasy fans enjoy fiction enough to apply it to the everyday.  Some imagined lessons don’t translate.  There’s the problem of making literal translations work, but some movie magic will surely turn dreams into reality.

Performance politics are popular amongst those who take gestures most seriously.  There’s no help by simply claiming to be assisting, if you can believe it.  The tiresome act isn’t any phonier than the rest of liberalism.

Paying people who have failed to muster much cash with funds taken from those who have doesn’t quite seem to have enriched either party.  Ancient capitalists used to conduct this transaction by working for each other.  But your ancient methods sound an awful lot of needing to do something in order to survive, and such self-reliance-based barbaric notions epitomize cruelty.

Planners of abundance created yet another perfect example of why everything they believe turns life into a barren wasteland.  Common ground doesn’t seem to motivate those affected to work together or at all.  Creators as demotivated as recipients, but everyone’s eager otherwise.

Enabling an economy by removing obstacles creates a level playing field that offends the useless.  The most optimistic either don’t think advancement is possible or don’t want to bother themselves with anything as undignified as toil.

A full shift is really more for peasants without student loan debt that Supreme Court fascists refuse to excuse.  Failing to recognize the value of creating it seems too confusing.  Woke studies majors are so smart that they didn’t take classes in any subject that could lead to a lucrative career.

Extension cords trailing behind cars puttering along at the speed of rather sluggish golf carts keep our planet existing.  Hybrids are based in the presumption the outlet is magical.  Amateur climatologists surely grasp how the globe’s temperatures work.

Oblivious researchers have found a way to liberate motorists from the thought of fuel pouring into a tank, which is more of an omission than emission.  Instead, the planet’s most pious defenders can instead focus on invisible energy beams powering smugmobiles.  Hiding emanations don’t make them dissipate.

Chopping down trees to keep life clean isn’t just in defiance of photosynthesis.  Progressive states bringing back paper bags are leading us into a different century.  It’s just one that’s already occurred.  Enjoy your receptacle that rips while attempting to enjoy a drink using a straw that dissolves as it tastes awful.  Plastic happens to be an effective way to carry the result of commerce or direct potable fluids into one’s mouth.  Pretending sipping leads to filling venti bodies of water with clogged junk may not save Earth, but at least they make you feel like you’re suffering with purpose.

The embodiment of liberal meddling coincidentally make life even worse.  Confiscating rights is supposed to make us enjoy the lack of overwhelming choice.  The actuality defied smug intentions turning into widespread misery.  Masks were a perfect symbol of embracing symbols.  Doing something is trickier unless increasing smugness levels counts.

Making it impossible to use natural gas to cook will similarly advance society as long as raw meat seems futuristic.  The style of range you likely have right now was once touted as an efficient way to heat pans, perhaps because it is.  Such controlled burning to permit pancakes to be consumed after heating remains clean, as the experiment’s results don’t change.  The inability to alter evidence through perception shocks those who claim to believe in science.

Banning joy and progress would be as close as Democrats get to efficiency, so forget it ever happening.  Incremental autocrats go step by step because they either don’t know what they want to prohibit next or wish to avoid revealing their tiresomely nefarious intentions.  You may feel inclined to believe pushy suzerains never think that far ahead, which mirrors how they don’t think about what’s happening now.  Lurching to whatever hysteria infects them next is not exactly the most efficient way to shape our future.

Taking the simplest conveniences is part of the ever-charming Democratic mentality that everything people have is a privilege granted by visionary politicians.  Unworthy subjects need to provide a reason to justify having anything, which is great unless you believe in rights or practicality.  We’re really lucky to possess anything, from stoves to straws to currency.  And we haven’t even gotten to decadent rights like demanding warrants.

Everyone suffering is how we learn empathy.  You selfishly don’t want to spend a term hurting just to see how all the other wretches feel.  Don’t forget what Joe Biden did to you if you’d like to remain a good person.  Making a show out of doling out currency buys votes as long as the interest hikes to compensate doesn’t kick in first.  A magical president turned bills themselves into virtually worthless slips.  It’s as if increasing the supply makes something less valuable.  I wonder how demand affects the process.

Tossing around currency was supposed to enrich us poor bastards.  The party into utter control thought out doling, perhaps because they were using money that was technically taken from others.  Targets of pilfering were probably thieving barons, anyway.  Generosity is unparalleled aside from how this style of altruism technically requires money taken from others.  A trifling detail about presuming everything belongs to everything else is how nobody ends up with much of anything.

Uncompetitive and Proud

Guaranteed business isn’t as wondrous for companies and the economy as it sounds, which makes it like everything else Joe Biden imposes.  Quality will plummet once someone like our incumbent decides he’s in charge of everything.  Teaching about human nature involves what should be lessons from the first day.  It’s always good to review, especially since an alarming number of life’s students haven’t learned a thing.

If liberals started noticing market incentives, they’d stop being them.  The one-sided fun of telling others what to do despite an utter lack of qualifications doesn’t extend to trifling matters like results.  Lots of action follows, and the ant farm-like commotion is all the ruling party thinks that matters.  Unfortunately for their victims, there’s a distinct difference between good and bad outcomes.  Movement may involve running for safety.

Confiscating problems by edict creates new ones.  Reflecting cause and effect just makes things meaner.  Having to please someone is the downside of a performance-based economy, which is why everyone who’s married is blissful.

Reactions to conditions are predictable in unpredictability.  The particular situation is unique, but the motives and responses are easy to spot.  Even amateur psychologists can spot the formula applied to similar examples, such as when people who know payment is automatic stop working as hard or at all.  The president’s gang enjoys keeping life thrilling by never determining why napalm fails to extinguish the blaze.  You can’t opt out, but those dealing in force still can’t make ingrates smile by mandate.

Enemies of commerce think efficiency will finally follow once all that unpleasant bit about pleasing customers is out of the way.  Also, criminals start behaving after shaming them into being cool by switching to the honor system.  Check out how little blood is spilled nightly in Chicago for proof.

Fantasizing about life without competition as if having to offer the best option to customers makes prices increase while quality drops is deeply popular amongst those who don’t like having to measure up.

Science fiction is the nerdiest when it involves pretending human nature must be cured.  Star Trek obtuseness shows there are worse things than never meeting girls.  Pretending utopia follows eardiacting basic exchange is not just an easy way to express commitment to remaining single.  Finally getting human tendencies out of the way allows us to unite and travel the galaxy in our pajamas, at least if you’ve stuck with Picard instead of a bold new future without reboots.

Universities would have to teach actual economics if detached from the federal drip.  Education professionals hate discovery that takes the form of the most effective way, namely with real-world examples.  Chancellors loathe messages not gained in classrooms, as you don’t even have to borrow six figures to gain them.

Noticing what follows should happen early in hundred-level classes.  Paying tuition just happened to become the most prominent status symbol when the government started handing out subsidies like good grades to Alabama football players.  You don’t need to presently be in a college classroom to be shocked a degree is now as unaffordable as groceries.  This moment is surely the only time linking gaining knowledge to lawmakers has made the product expensive with cheap results.

Public schools don’t have to compete, and the results are just what you expect unless you attended one and thus never enjoyed the benefits of gaining information.  Education’s importance is precisely why government should be nowhere near it.  Not learning continues through college, as subsidized loans make the very product costly.  It’s great to not have to pay back what’s borrowed for as long as you’re not the victim of tuition shoplifting.

Health care is the one industry where customers should really make businesses beg.  The apex of cruelty involves expecting people to address urgencies.  Regrettably, the unwell become far needier when treatment is allegedly promised.

Forcing providers to compete for business is the one consolation prize of feeling unwell.  By contrast, private health dispensers are surely going to keep costs down if customers can’t shop anywhere else.  Government paying the tab will surely lower costs, as long as compassion of bankrupting taxpayers for lousy service counts.

Business must be swell if you have to pay companies to engage in it.  Maybe the bribes themselves begin a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Any film production, sports franchise, or conglomerate who threatens to dash off if insufficiently bribed should be escorted to the county limits with bindles.  Demands for subsidies ruin that whole narrative of industrial participants acting as zero-government Ayn Rand enthusiasts.  Conglomerates adore regulation as long as hired minions can ghostwrite.

Trying to get around on this planet is detrimental to it.  Shrinking our carbon footprint comes naturally to enemies of civilization.  Fuel is as costly as eggs.  Amtrak was already a maddening chore to ride even before Pete Buttigieg applied his special knowledge of identity politics to making choo-choos purr.

Creating challenges by pretending they can be eliminated doesn’t seem to be helping.  Noticing, say, crime skyrockets anywhere guns are banned makes Democrats feel counterproductive, and assaulting self-esteem is lamentably not a crime.  Anti-progress progressives seek a world free of stress.  But pushy orders don’t pay bills.  Dodging them is the faction’s specialty.

Attempting to evade struggles exacerbates them. Constant responses to conditions are the best way we have for alleviating troubles.  While coping with issues like hunger, illness, and rent is the opposite of fun, preposterous federal efforts to cure this dumb life only creates even more sadness.  Announce there’s a right to clothes if you perverts want to see everyone without them.

Taxing Piousness

Seeing money wasted after it’s impounded is the purest expression of love.  Tax sanctimony involves Democrats not putting money where their mouths are.  Particularly showy phonies claim they’re glad to pay without revealing what else they claimed.  A rather blatant personal distraction goes beyond feeling guilty about not having earned what’s possessed and into thinking everyone else grifts, too.

Helpless helpers never reveal how much they give to their favorite organization.  But it is revealing.  The difference between choice and force sums up the two basic ways to look at everything.  One side doesn’t want to let you make it.  Confiscating decisions applies to everything but abortion.  Tolerant Democrats permit throwing the inconvenient in dumpsters as an expression of autonomy.

Forget learning how many deductions the federal Leviathan’s biggest fans make.  It should be zero, of course, as every dollar selfishly retained as if humans are allowed to keep what they earned keeps an emaciated government from proper nourishment.  Asking for the IRS PayPal username so they can schedule regular voluntary donations is presumably the pending step.

Pushy government fans won’t help voluntarily as part of their commitment to our species.  Caring about something enough to give without prompting is kind of the whole point.  Obligation negates any alleged altruistic motives.  Giving credit to the collective means no individuals had to do anything, which is actually a pretty good encapsulation of the Democratic platform.

Decent causes shouldn’t need binding enrollment.  Those who raise the sign disregard it.  That’s the wrong kind of example regarding a natural reaction.  Any doubts about a program getting subsidies gently wrested from taxpayers are framed as cruel, so stop asking questions about where your money goes.  You have some nerve thinking it was yours, by the way.  Stop writing suggestions on currency.

There’s a pretty simple way around this, which is to not get self-righteous about letting a president decide which organizations deserve how much funding.  Have you seen who we elect?

Check each step.  Helping would easier if we didn’t have so much sapped to allegedly do the same.  Just bill rich people, who are defined as anyone making more than you.  It’s not like they’d buy and invest, which totally wouldn’t in turn spur economic activity.’’

Those who claim they’re pleased to be coerced create a fascinating debate about whether they’re liars or lunatics.  Nobody wins the argument.  Bossing is a way of life, which is unfortunate from loathers of commerce.  They don’t care for commands involving freely joining a company.

You may recall the rather unscientific pushiness as part of a trend.  Pretending that shrieking at supermarket patrons who broke the six-feet buffer zone embodied communal bravery summed up the bullying view of life.  You weren’t even supposed to be shopping, so consider yourself lucky to be harangued.  Begging politicians to rescind rights so basic that they’re not even amendments is one way to violate.

There are better approaches to usefulness than creating the problems they address.  At least they don’t solve them.  The sanctimonious dedication to inflicting abysmal health care by mandate would constitute animal cruelty if inflicted within a veterinarian’s office.

Lousy coverage is pricey.  The very thing that makes it costly is presented as the cure.  You don’t get a choice.  Removing customers from prices invariably increases the latter, which is why nobody will participate on their own.  Democrats call good sense selfishness.

It only seems like a magical cure that prices plunge when people have to pay them.  Competing for business lowers bills instead of pretending that higher taxes is a humanitarian gesture.  The free market makes treatment affordable just like any other commodity.  But then liberals couldn’t make a show of pilfering to compensate for the costs they inflate.

There’s a chance to look up what charity is in the meantime.  Chances are plentiful, what with idleness caused by joining a progressive future with a president in his 80s pimping ideas discredited before his birth.

The self-righteously wrong could take moment away from preening to learn how wretched they were all along.  Compulsory charity filtered through Nancy Pelosi is the precise opposite of compassionate.  Flaunting a show of just how much they assist must certainly be a sure sign of confidence, right?

There’s an easy way to make sure a certain amount of dollars go to specific causes.  Unfortunately, it requires utilizing free will.  Fans of bossiness coincidentally don’t believe in the existence of personal autonomy, what with it meaning humans are responsible for their actions.

It’s not just the effort of clicking a couple links that prevents choosing to assist  Giving personally would be taken from their own personal money, and that’s so expensive.  Billing the hive is way more loving.

Disregard how awful vote-buying suckups decide who gets nourished by seized funds to feed their entirely baseless messianic complexes, not to mention untold trillions commandeered from earners that could be given or create enough prosperity to prevent the need in the first place.

It’s surely someone else who’s had his unjust fortune plundered and deserves it for receiving an above-average salary.  Helping is awesome when we do together, so let’s make everyone participate.  Members of a particular very compassionate ideology claim everyone else needs to be ordered.

Denying Participating

It’s not exactly fun playing the worst game.  But the winners get to choose if there’s another round.  The only admirable people in politics are those who participate because they hate it.  Joining is a noble act for those who oppose the competition.

Subversion increases productivity by bringing down a shady operation that quasi-illegally bosses humans who did nothing wrong aside from possessing the nerve to be born.  A tiresome chore like guarding a baby farm from dingos is nonetheless necessary to prevent catastrophic results.  Unlike wild animals, pushy politicians can’t blame nature.

The turf war would be a lot more tolerable if only those who choose membership participated in grappling.  A gangster mentality comes naturally to politicians who are essentially members of a crime family.  The difference is the mob maintains some honorable standards.  Politics doesn’t resemble the John Wick universe where those who’ve joined only target each other: we’re all pursued.

The side that cheats by getting the government on its side demands you obey rules invented this morning.  Pretending its rulings are moral by calling them legally binding is as clever as fans get.

One ideology drags everyone in.  Intimately involving politics with every life aspect isn’t nearly as romantic as promised by our seducers.

The contest is afoot whether or not anyone chooses to field a team.  All are losing.  The results of incessant competition are everywhere you turn.  You may have noticed the boarded-up windows and lurking plunderers.

Occupying the economy has not inspired collaboration.  Being forced to enroll in crummy insurance out of mandatory compassion isn’t as loving as projected.  If you thought flagging down a doctor took awhile, check out the wait times to charge a car to drive a short jaunt.  Pretend to save Earth by making humans idle while they wait for coal to do its work.

Democrats have succeeded in uniting everyone in poverty.  Such common ground is why the vibe feels so pleasant as of late.  It’s not like you have a choice.  All members are expected to concur with their warping of society.  Making everything comply is very tolerant, particularly the way they attempt to ruin everyone who dares dissent.

Hockey players warming up offer the perfect culture war front for Maoist lunatics.  The shame-based debate over pride jerseys is an attempt to demonstrate there’s nowhere free of politics.  Woke maniacs draft others to wear their uniforms.  It’s the wrong kind of impressment.

The utterly tolerant don’t want any foes for the same reason they oppose competition.  Creating acceptance by demonizing questioning is like thinking a lack of accountability is what lowers prices while raising quality.

Changing the contest’s boundaries to suit whatever absurd whim they deem scientific is what constitutes rational behavior.  Knowing what you’re allowed to say varies by the moment, which is how we keep English interesting.  J.K. Rowling refuses to believe magic applies to gender.  New Protestants consider it blasphemous, as she wrote their Bible.  I’m starting to suspect she didn’t even create Voldemort with Trump in mind.

Seeking emancipation should be an easy case to make.  Unfortunately, the judges are related to the parents.  Treating politicians as parents keeps citizens as juveniles.  Our guardians are deadbeat drunks who spent our retainer money on roulette.  They’d bet our birthdate if they could remember it.  Solutions that cause problems involve never letting you being left alone.

Join the side who entered the fray because they hate it.  The government losing would tally a victory for humanity.  Good guys shouldn’t have to fight relentlessly to not be bothered, as it defeats the purpose.  But why watch all those superhero movies if not to learn that battling villainy is a pain in the hind that is nevertheless necessary?

Futilely attempting to pay bills takes up enough of the day that exhausted participants can’t appreciate the inflicted irony.  We admire those who think the Constitution’s limits are sort of legally binding.  Boundaries might be established for wise reasons.  Containing a beast that wanders as it pleases is the best way to preserve the environment.  You really should care about the Earth.

Playing a sport they hate embodies selflessness.  The market would indicate the game should go extinct like the BlackBerry.  But unopposed statists will just run up the score.  This pastime is more frustrating than soccer, in part because you’re required to watch.

Respecting those who want to commandeer their decisions is a popular political trend for dim lunatics who think Joe Biden makes them rich by printing currency to order.  Humanity’s managers certainly won’t stop at interfering with cultists who beg for virtual incarceration.

Resisters are targeted for special attention by caring federal agents.  Ingrates should appreciate the care.  Adoring the legislative process is as hideous an affectation as admiring a politician.  Eagerly tracking election results is the next side of madness.

Fighting on behalf of uninterested parties is the burden of those who want to keep it that way.  Decent Americans are tired of investing so much energy in a contest that is decidedly joyous.  Dismantling an overreaching government is unfair on account of how competitors are also referees.  Biden can’t call or play a fair game, which makes him his side’s ideal competitor.

Legally Jealous

Life is mean. The series of events we endure while existing features various cruelties that don’t respond to pleas for deserved mercy.  Worst of all, some of us have nicer stuff than others.  But coping apparently isn’t an option.

The lamentably prevailing unwillingness to focus on one’s own situation has become a scenario everyone must face.  Communal policies drag down the rest of us.  Professional pouters who’ve decided existence is a ripoff have turned toddler supermarket tantrums into a political philosophy.  You can’t just shop in a different aisle to minimize shrieking.  The shelves are just as empty, anyway.

Ensuing policy doesn’t stop tears.  Inflicting conspiratorial bitching on everyone else by law only spreads misery.  But suffering is only assuaged by making others feel it, too.  Empathy isn’t as effective when it’s merely figurative.

The second word of student loans should be a giveaway.  But some undergrads seem to major in not learning definitions.  In fact, woeful graduates leave campus determined to make up what terms mean.  It’s little wonder they deem diplomas so useless that they should be complimentary.  On one hand, art history majors signed a contract to repay money they borrowed.  On the other, it’s just not fair.  How are you supposed to pay bills when you have bills to pay?

Presuming present tax rates are the default comes naturally for those who treat Washington as Mecca.  Sacred proclamations from elected prophets cannot be disputed.  Blasphemers possess the damnable audacity to suggest earners should keep what they earn.  But currency holders buying what they wish with what they’ve been given could lead to frightening unplanned prosperity.  Joe Biden wouldn’t even be regulating happiness.  He’d manage to end its existence.

The dream of seizing more somehow fails to inspire boom times.  Framing a slight reduction of piracy as something that needs to be paid for is particularly galling when it’s actually government that must justify every expenditure.  Free people sure do have to pay for a lot of crummy goods.

I remain grateful I don’t fume like liberals regarding the notion that people who earn the most should be able to keep slightly more.  Using fuming positively might create a functioning business.  But it’s easier to presume conglomerates will profit eternally despite incessant confiscation.  Democrats who rely on taxing endless profits make profiting taxing.

The dire practical effects of their daft philosophical lunacy shock those who inhabit an entirely theoretical world.  The refusal to engage with the actuality creates grudges.  Even worse, the unstylish crabs enforce their contempt upon the kind and gracious.

Government must assist those it wronged.  The behemoth of coercion has to take in order to help victims of an economy that perpetually struggles for mysterious reasons.  I wish there were a way for people to take what they’ve received from others in exchange for providing goods or services to use what they’ve earned to keep the financial setup going.

There has been some rumbling about the existence of an alleged free market.  But how can we be certain this so-called invisible hand exists?  Nobody can see it, duh.  Some right-wing kooks with their silly insistence on not bothering everyone else theorize that wealthy fiends spending or investing spurs joy far more efficiently than envy.  A yacht big enough to store their other yachts keeps factory schlubs working.  But someone in the world might be earning more, which simply cannot stand.

Jealousy is the only skill which the useless develop.  It’s not exactly valuable unless you get elected to Congress.  The lack of productivity causes even more resentment, and the cycle doesn’t ever hit rock bottom.

It’s bad enough to believe such and even worse to enforce such.  There’s a reason liberal policies are based in mandatory participation.  You can’t just choose to plunder what successful people have accumulated unless you get the force of law on your side.  Class warfare warriors rot from believing life is engineered by sinister forces to keep everyone but you personally from thriving.  Government takes the perversion out of ridiculous fantasies.  Some sickos need legal permission.

Oozing government always results in initiators sabotaging bystanders.  There are better ways to achieve equality.  Enthusiastic adherents loathe individual credit for good reason.  An outlook that figures oppression is the default setting is bound to not only perceive reality fairly but be kind about it.

You won’t be left alone as a matter of policy.  All decent adults want is space to themselves.  But you can’t just have your own stuff and autonomy.  Keeping what you’ve been given by others during free trades epitomizes cruelty.  The mature merely seek the glorious indifference of allowing humans to interact.

Doing nothing is politically unhip.  The harassed eagerly await freedom to come back into vogue.  The one thing worse than living with such bitterness is diluting the sweetness of others.  Very cheery optimists who decided there’s no hope of improving do their best to convince others of the same.  Persuading an employer to take a chance takes way too much effort, and you haven’t even reached the first day.

Take What’s Not Given

A brutal beating is the reward for being ordered around by careless bullies.  Complaining about the prize means receiving more of it, so pipe down.  The pandemic was just the start of agony for your benefit.  Our perpetually sluggish economy forgot to reopen.  Business experts who have never ran a business thought prosperity would return like flipping a switch.  Unfortunately, it was powered by California’s grid.

Poor restaurants can’t content themselves with trying to make a couple cents from providing customers with an enjoyable way of ingesting energy.  Heartless advice from those who don’t need to work in the industry to know precisely how to profit with ease applies to every industry.  Cruel dolts shrugging at skyrocketing costs and saying pay employees more shouldn’t talk with their mouths full or empty.

Dinner peddlers are just another type of merchant shrieked at for raising prices.  It makes them like everyone else selling anything.  Condemning the messenger is a favorite hobby of very responsible adults who inflict burdens others bear.

It’s not like people can afford to make their own meals.  Old-timers remember the quaint era when cooking for oneself reflected prudent financial responsibility.  Retaining enough money by not paying someone to make fries kept a bank account full.  But in this emaciated era, the luxury of paying others to combine ingredients in a different kitchen is tougher than discovering a galaxy not plagued by inflation.

Getting coerced for the common bad is the same with electric cars.  Higher gas prices were the plan all along to force consumers to buy plugmobiles to save Earth. Joe Biden should thank Putin for implementing his agenda.

If gasoline were affordable, vehicle owners would just be depressed about having nowhere to go.  Aimless motoring might inspire participants to think they’re free, which leads to even more issues with challenging mindless authority.  Making what literally fuels civilization too costly so they can save Earth isn’t helping said planet or those on it.

You may notice a natural revulsion to being penalized for the crime of traveling, so those whose policies hearken to the Stone Age have to pretend making gasoline more costly than plutonium will shepherd in the future.  Taking credit for a slight drop after they caused a tremendous hike isn’t fooling anyone any more than being excused from paying bills.

It’s not that Biden wants Russia to use nukes, but mushroom clouds sure would distract from inflation.  Fallout might then be a problem.  It’s too late to duck and cover.

Free cash has a catch.  Precocious kindergarteners might have figured out that being handed all the currency you can spend doesn’t work.  A president born before D-Day still can’t figure it out.

This unsellable White House gets how exchange works in a sick way.  Putzing foes of commerce know enough to treat free citizens like experiment subjects who are motivated by avoiding fearful results.  The only market understanding takes the form of issuing pain to implement daft schemes that need to be compulsory for good reason.  Punishing the law-abiding for trying to earn their fortunes while treating criminals like sufferers will make even liberals with the bloodiest hearts miss alleged oppression.

Getting away with something differs entirely from whether something’s correct.  It’s mean to end up justifying the means justifying the ends.  The present executive branch pretends the former proves the latter.  Presuming citizens will just accept the overwhelming infiltration as an inevitability shouldn’t be such a safe bet.

Botching lurching is government’s specialty.  The behemoth that inflicted the TSA isn’t about to employ foresight or subtlety.  Those with the temerity to travel are forced to just accept that one diabolical loser two decades ago concealing a bomb in his footwear means you have to wander about the security area in our socks for eternity.

Don’t let the most diabolical keep inflicting damage.  Terrorists may as well have known American flyers would be hassled just like China new aspiring gubernatorial dictators figured they would paralyze their foe via alleged adversaries citing imaginary emergency powers to make their economies collateral victims.  Stop doing the bidding of bad guys.  Overwhelming power in the hands of underwhelming humans causes endless irksome hassles.

Our guardians forgot to stop harassing.  Not getting to be free is for our benefit, so we sure are lucky for continual bothering.  Pushy alleged leaders are so accustomed to saving us from ourselves that they wanted to continue indefinitely.  Their kindness is boundless.

Abusers of quite limited powers don’t even need an excuse.  Enemies of cops know they’d abuse the law if they enforced it, and psychological projection has way too many real-world examples.  The work of elected despots is so crucial that they can’t be constrained by checks and balances.  They sidestep barriers to collective utopia in case we’re feeling silly and want to decline having our rights confiscated so we can finally enjoy stress-free living.

I’m sure constitutional authors just wanted to deny the joy that follows streamlining.  Ancient historians believed governmental efficiency used to prevent it for everyone else.  That’s exactly the sort of dissent that needs to be eliminated if we’re interested in being brought together for communal harmony.  It’s not like you have a choice.

Effect Caused

Thinking about yourself is so selfish, which is why Democrats selflessly look outward to find who deserves blame.  Using the pain their polices cause to inflict more of them isn’t as ironically amusing as hoped.  There’s little giggling while making the choice between not paying rent and not buying groceries.  Denying the origin story makes just what’s causing harm like a recession.  The same deniers are also into rejecting biology, so it’s not like this is a new habit.

Help those you hurt.  It’s only fair.  Democrats are so committed to the notion that prosperity is unobtainable that they make it happen.  Take culprits’ steadfast loathing of economy participants to the point they discourage anyone from trying to make bucks, plural.  You’ve got some nerve being useful enough that others will pay for your skills or goods.

A self-fulfilling prophecy that causes economic woe is the wrong way to create incentives.  Keeping people from profiting is profitable for sicko power junkies.  They infringe upon every attempt thrive independently then moan that the economy needs subsidies.  It’s almost clever in a mob family sort of way.

The inability to stand was caused by failing to drink enough Mad Dog 20/20. Some of the cures seem like they are causes.  This quackery is victimizing wallets everywhere.

Noticing when the cycle began means you hate the poor.  Class warfare is based on actively ignoring when the classes began resenting each other enough to declare hostilities.  Jealousy-based politics aren’t going to involve anything like being aware of who dragged down our finances.

Health care is so costly, note those who made health care so costly.  Government is renowned for reducing prices, which makes the constant skyrocketing prices when they’re in charge of our well-being so baffling.  Next, you’ll claim Washington isn’t quite renowned for providing quality service.

You can’t decline.  Lifesaving care being expensive was supposedly remedied by making everyone buy a policy.  Businesses can charge what they please when customers must purchase their products in case anyone born yesterday is shocked at how life has unfolded.

We need to bill the collective to show how much we care.  Sure, insurance gets unbearably costly when sales are coerced.  But everyone will have to pay, which will make suffering universal.  Don’t you value empathy?

The solution to previous meddling is more of it.  An entire philosophy based on losing weight with more hot fudge has somehow created an obese government.  The next bout will settle the matter instead of extending agony.  It’s the law.

Certain students get less smart the more time they spend in school.  Notice them by how they’re always expecting educators to get paid more without those using the services getting charged.  That’s before paying for utilities.  Classrooms don’t become comfy by chance.  Let’s learn about cause and effect on the first day.

The refusal of many graduates to pay for services rendered is the best argument against allegedly advanced education.  Student loans embody desiring to bill others, which means moochers obtained zero knowledge about economics or decency.  Lifetime quasi-studiers don’t want to enter the real world, and it shows.

Federal cash cannons aimed at administration offices mysteriously didn’t lower school bills.  It’s uncanny how tuition became unaffordable following involuntary investment by leaders who claim they’re dedicated to knowledge.

Free money is the most expensive thing there is.  I wonder if there are other practical examples of the folly behind trying to get something for nothing like entitlement cash printing leading to a recession.  Graduates can’t afford their diplomas, but at least there are no jobs to even try.  And don’t fret, as any cash involved is now worthless, anyway.

The first thing they learn should be to notice cause and effect.  Refusing to observe basic patterns should mean having to claim that you’re retaking a class because the subject was so fascinating.

Colleges would be begging for business if campuses resembled the rest of the world.  The alleged horror of treating education as a commodity actually makes acquiring it more costly.  Noticing should be worth three credits.  Taxpayers find themselves funding degrees that recipients still can’t afford.  Meanwhile, universities feature untouched endowments like truly selfish conglomerates that get demonized incessantly in their classrooms.

A captive audience is surely glad to participate.  Mandates paired with pecuniary draining make everyone need to rely on those who cause harm.  Hand your stuff over so it’s treated properly.  The presumption those who earned it don’t deserve it is at best cynical, so try to be an optimist.

People will just spend their own money wrong, anyway.  It’s not like company owners will hire people to do things or those not in position to have employees will buy from businesses who are.

Liberals are constantly trying to figure out what causes all these dreadful problems.  Also, John Wayne Gacy was horrified at whoever stuffed corpses in his crawl space.  Realizing their own beliefs spread misery is too close to personal responsibility, and  ideology demands they point fingers at everyone else.  Even those who struggle to retain knowledge should’ve learned in childhood how rude that is.