Standing Up to Lying

Confidence is key, especially if you have nothing about which to be confident.  Blatant lying is a trendy substitute for foresight.  There’s no need to think things out or be decent for those who’ve settled on pretending to be swell all along.  Nothing’s more important to maintain than the power of imagination.  The childlike quality is popular amongst technical adults who are somehow becoming even more flagrant about denying the course of events.  Don’t dare them to get more shameless, as the challenge will be accepted.

Casting Israel as the bad guy is a twist so lame that M. Night Shyamalan would pass on it.  Hamas Fan Club members claim the serial killer’s victim filled shallow graves more than passively.  The most shameful distortion of reality yet can’t be blamed on fog.  A war illustrates dedication.  Atrocity leads to absurdity.

Fables about Israel’s villainous colonial extermination don’t merely reflect anti-Semitism, although contempt for God’s chosen people is chosen by godlessly contemptible people.  Humanity’s embodiments of wise tolerance think they’re truly modern sophisticates by hating everything Jewish as they explain when men and women are not the respective genders they appear.

Who took hostages?  Determining the answer might help determine culpability, which is why leftists won’t do so.  Accountability is uncool unless you’re blaming the assaulted party.  Innocents exchanged for war criminals serves as yet one more clue in a conflict where the good and bad guys couldn’t be clearer.  Meanwhile, the narrative couldn’t be more twisted.

Terror merchants who butchered every Jew in their path might just be responsible.  Anyone who doesn’t like bombings should scold human demons too cartoonish for Marvel movies.  That means Hamas and not those striving to eliminate their traveling slaughterhouse, for the record.

The whole bit where they took bloodshed on the road in a tolerant nation is about as obvious as evidence gets.  Then again, Israel is smeared as a genocide perpetrator who murders the innocent indiscriminately because they’re pursuing those who actually did that, so every following bit of self-parodic nonsense seems anticlimactic by comparison.

Figuring out who started this is the sort of thing your mom knew was helpful when your sibling slugged you first.  Retaining simple lessons from kindergarten may bring profound wisdom.  The sequence of events is kind of an important point that’s coincidentally disregarded the same people who never notice cause and effect.  Avoid getting nuked by not bombing a harbor.

Lying on behalf of Hamas only sounds like satire.  Seeing anyone who fails at life as oppressed is a sick craving.  If it makes terror enthusiasts feel better, they should know the cause of taking Israel’s land to create a Third World abomination of a terror state that’s destined to fail would be yet one more monumental error.

If you want sympathy from wokesters, attack.  Their Holy Land terror take reflects how they see crime, namely as an expression of indignation.  Casting the wrong people as victims is reflected by thinking felons have been prompted into misbehaving by our cruel society.  Never mind that the excusers ruined the economy themselves by punishing success: missing stuff and gaping wounds are consequences of what goon backers consider justified outbursts.

Economists agree present conditions equal a flaming toxic dumpster train wreck.  Consult the most qualified experts, namely those suffering from it.  Tell broke people they can buy what they wish for a further insult.

Crediting Commander Joe Biden for partial repairs of their wholesale destruction is rich in a way people aren’t.  Whether it applies to making money itself worthless, excusing away crime, or making a case for marauders stampeding through the Middle East’s only republic, self-proclaimed progressives always side with destructors.  All those unpaid college degrees didn’t teach useful skills.

Democrats pretending their presumptions happened has been a popular hobby this decade.  Does the world seem happy?  Loving leaders legislate against hate, which results in everyone despising each other.  Inflicting outcomes that run precisely counter to intentions is their brand.

Statism’s victims are only now starting to recover from the most intense round of treatment.  Please stop trying to cure us.  The prognosis is clear enough that you’d have to willfully ignore how much sicker quacks have made society.

Panic situations prompt liberals to swipe in and shriek until everyone around them has headaches.  Benevolent autocrats who entrusted themselves with sweeping crisis powers were as wrong about stopping the virus by jabbing each other with needles and yardsticks while breathing through Mort masks as they were about America being a racist monstrosity.  Noticing they exacerbated spurs them to lecture you more.

Doing all they can to shut down rights and the economy is how they respond to everything.  It wouldn’t be so bad if their daft frenzies were self-contained.  But they harass everyone else as policy.

Needing to fib to make their ideology work doesn’t really work.  Sensible humans would adjust their mentality upon realizing every bit of evidence stands against it.  Of course, anyone equipped with the slightest modicum of sense wouldn’t have fallen for fiend-enabling nonsense in the first place, so those suckered are vulnerable to suggestion.

Blaring irony is one of countless symptoms.  Make sure you’ve gotten your anti-leftist booster.  The allegedly open-minded remain stubbornly dedicated to their terror-apologizing and commerce-wrecking ways.  The world must be doing it wrong, as there’s no way supporters of war against Israel and success could be making life worse.  Earth has some nerve forcing saints who are attempting to fix it to deceive a bit about their blessed efforts. 

War on Sense

Learning why people don’t get along and how they get by are two crucial behavioral aspects to grasp, which is why liberals struggle with both. They don’t understand war or the economy. It’s nice to be predictable. But downsides can outweigh benefits of knowing what’s to come, as seen when conflict races for destitution to become the year’s top theme. The winner doesn’t matter when humanity’s doomed to lose.

It’s bad to fight and be poor. I think we’ve reached common ground. Figuring how to stop those things seems to constitute a decent cause. War’s self-professed biggest enemies think they’re the first and only humans to grasp the notion, which is especially daft considering their axis makes the possibility of rampant military maneuvering far likelier.

Accusing the attacked party of committing genocide would spur head-shaking laughter if not for the corpse count. The showiest defenders of the downtrodden side against a country minding its own business that was attacked without cause. But at least they possess no understanding of collateral damage in pursuit of a righteous cause. Today’s liberals would’ve demanded caution while invading Normandy.

You’d think professed opponents of bad things would pursue policies that would constrain meagerness and combat. But realizing they cause what they decry isn’t going to stop professional preeners. Their very non-self-righteous statements against things being bad merely seem even sillier.

Nobody enjoys conflict, we tell ourselves between UFC bouts. Yet there might be a legitimate reason to fight another party aside from wagering. Invaders who murdered all the babies they could find are begging you to fight back. Hamas villainy is biblical-level, which is fitting in its way. Don’t credit their diabolical nature. Their twisted allies are too focused on shrieking that Israel somehow stole land that’s been theirs since history’s start. Or maybe they thought Hamas was engaged in the right to choose.

Weakness in the face of wickedness is supposed to convince the latter they’re being so uncool. But they double down. You’re supposed to be impressed by their commitment to their idiotic cause. Hellions thriving is the one thing more constant in the 2020s than money being worthless.

There’s good news if you seek evidence of bad news. That’s the closest to optimism you’ll find. Fleeing from brutes is a common habit worldwide. Enablers tell us their charity cases are oppressed both in American cities and around a rather chaotically depressing globe. Reflexively thinking miscreants are underdogs worth supporting leads to the wrong kind of consistency. Participants blame law enforcement for violations as ardently as they do a republic hunting down marauders who committed a sin a bit worse than not paying admission while crashing a music festival.

Unchecked class warfare warriors have moved past simple demanding for disarming, which was at least charming in naïveté. Cheering for villains isn’t just for professional wrestling enthusiasts who cathartically cope with fantasies about being naughty by buying Ric Flair action figures. The reality isn’t faked, unlike all-time disgusting claims terror enthusiasts make about Israel resembling the Third Reich. Residents under the care of Hamas sure seem unhealthy for a place with more hospitals than American cities have Starbucks.

Pretending they’re on the side of the underprivileged leads to attacks against those who truly are. Irony doesn’t heal wounds. Hamas fiends attacking then hiding behind the innocent is curious behavior for a group allegedly fighting for the freedom of the downtrodden. Creating more people suffering doesn’t count. Excuses for attacking Israel are only partly about the most anciently abominable prejudice. One side having less surely happens because they were exploited and not because they rely on entitlements. Gaza is a Blue State.

There just needs to be a bit more seizing in order for everyone to profit, so don’t lose faith now. Taking money in order to make people richer doesn’t exactly appear to be self-sustaining. But that’s only because you’ve been brainwashed by manipulative amalgamations into thinking you have to exchange something to get something.

Money must be supervised. It could end up in the wrong hands. You see, seized funds are reassigned to the correct recipients, which is to say those who cruel corporate titans decided didn’t deserve it. Handouts seem even paltrier after the gangster takes his vig. Politicians don’t resemble mobsters in that they’re unable to preserve law and order.

Enemies of having war and not having money have gotten their way. The world is coincidentally broke in multiple senses under Joe Biden’s grandfatherly guidance. Acting as if everything was busted when they arrived is yet one more way liberals dodge consequences. Taping together glass they smashed is not as charmingly artistic as advertised on Etsy. Warmongers and profiteers are used to being blamed even though profiting has been a clear challenge since January 2021 while mongering war just happened to simultaneously spike.

Enthusiastic helpers might want to stop. Claiming to help while making life worse is a tradition as long and shameful as anti-Semitism. There’s a reason statist beliefs must be mandated. Conflict and penury that results from policies supposedly engineered to avoid them adds to already unhealthy levels of cognitive dissonance. Trying to keep themselves in business makes it tough for legitimate operations. Liberals love nothing more than to express outrage. As a result, nothing worthwhile moves quickly.

Your Side on Top

Allies are appreciated more when they’re difficult to find.  We may as well accept consolation prizes provided by this rather miserable existence.  Learning who’s on your side is the only upside in a world filled with downsides.  The sanely decent seek others who despise lunacy as much as you do.  Looking for similarly logical perspective is as close as we get to experiencing comfort.  Put it in your Bumble profile.

A chance to self-identify is embraced by imbeciles.  Ghastly humans posting their horrid ideas publicly shows how they only help inadvertently.  Friends of fiends want as many others to see their allegiance as possible, which works out for the virtuous, too.  There’s a rather easy choice between good and evil involving who’s resisting marauders against life itself.  Learn what Israel’s enemies are doing by hearing when its enemies falsely accuse it of doing.

Outrage about pursuing terrorists is how immoral people flaunt how moral they are.  Preeners about the allegedly underprivileged never seem to quite muster an equal amount of outrage about same terrorists initiating wars on civilization.  You might think that sound precisely screwed up, and you might be correct.

The chance to flaunt identity works for evil idiots, too.  In a perfect world, everyone would be sensible.  In this far from perfect world, your enemies are ideally as dim as they are unpleasant.  The upright can only be glad that slouchers take the counterpoint.

We didn’t think spend September thinking we’d be encountering excuses for baby-decapitators.  But general awfulness being unnervingly popular is a permanent trend even if the specifics are unpredictable.  Hamas Decoder Ring-wearers qualify their support by noting that it’s of course awful to slaughter concert attendees before explaining why phantom genocidal oppression in Gaza vindicates it.

Shrugging away lousy behavior due to crummy circumstances is what liberalism is.  Brand salespeople have to make up reasons why their beloved downtrodden fire rockets at civilians without even using a protractor to aim.

Colonial oppression is an all-time classic fake absolution for real atrocities.  Sure, Israel has what we could go ahead and call a historical claim on its land, on top of how nobody wanted it until they got it.  Jealousy fuels lots of other unpleasant emotions, as seen by how crummily the vicinity’s sole republic gets treated by medieval haters paired residents of advanced societies who find primitive hellholes authentically quaint.

Noticing that they have is the only nice neighborhood in the area enrages those with refrigerators on their lawns.  As with all class warfare, anyone who succeeds must be torn down because they make failures jealous.  Democratic envious tax policy is reflected in contempt for the thriving country Israel built out of nothing.  Liberals claim whoever lucks into having resources gets unearned wealth, and the one place in the Middle East with no oil goes ahead and discredits them.

Liberals cause much of the rottenness they use to condone anger about what works in their self-sustaining way.  They think that’s how businesses keep going.  Crime spiking after decriminalizing it prompts stores to close in what’s used as evidence that free markets don’t work.  Internationally, the purportedly victimized find pals who lie about Israel stealing their snippet of land to condone a pillaging of it.  We’ve seen how they’d run things if they got their way, which is the millionth reason to cheer against the new Axis.

There’s no good news right now, but it’s at least heartening to learn who’s defending both truth and the innocent from fiends and those lying on their behalf.

Knowing someone else is aware of how much life sucks is the most assuagement available.  Blues music is based on the catharsis of knowing others suffer like you do.  Here are 12 bars that capture a woeful experience you fretted only happened to you.

Short of a large percentage of humans suddenly gaining wisdom and nobility, those suffering through the normalization of awfulness just want someone who grasps that this dimension is packed with aberrant dolts.

Knowing it’s much of the rest of the world that’s insane and not you is the service rendered by the handful of other steadfast operatives in the field.  Supports of good guys search for an outlook that differs from the warped take spewed by the sort of sanctimony junkies who think Israel is the terrorist for fighting terrorism.

Life could use referees.  It’s a relief to find others who know the rules.  Welcomed perspective leads to social media’s greatest value, namely finding others who think Jon Stewart is a sanctimonious twerp.  During wartime, a counter to the perfectly perverse narrative that responding to the unprovoked invasion is the war crime affords small yet valuable reassurance.

A war with sides obvious enough for a Marvel movie offers test of character that a sadly and unsurprisingly high percentage of people failed.  Participants don’t exactly have to enter harm’s way.  But noting besieged Israelis who face an assault on life and righteousness deserve backing is apparently too much for alleged sophisticates who reflexively crave an excuse for political-based carnage.

As for woke preeners who claimed they’d punch Nazis, it turns out they think “punch” means “hug”.  That’s surely the only word whose definition prompts struggles for them.   They mean people moving from New York to Florida, not executors of Jews.  Attempting to justify savagery should result in exclusion from polite society.  In our rather impolite one, know that others notice the rudeness.

Power Switch

Everyone cheers for the underdog.  Who doesn’t loves an unexpected victory from a BCS school over a powerhouse?  Amateur viewers figure the team bookies give points must be downtrodden.

But football doesn’t always reflect the rest of life even aside from how most humans can determine what a catch is.  Take how a war team some cheer on wouldn’t quite inspire with an unexpected win.  Sometimes, the plucky long shot faces such a vast spread because it spends its hours practicing mass homicide instead of how to leave the Stone Age.  Terror movements don’t enjoy the simplest amenities.  The Miracle on Ice has been replaced by treating ice as a miracle.

Hamas is the latest adopted pet for leftists far removed from the butchering.  There’s no chance their personal blood will stain sidewalks, which makes backing human annihilators easy.  Making atrocious idiots siding with villains intellectually uncomfortable is the closest they’ve ever come to facing consequences.

Iran’s unit for making the respectable world as miserable as their primitive theocracy is nothing but an imitation of a ’70s-style people’s army.  You’ll never guess who’s joined the booster club.  Cheering against America comes naturally for citizens who love everything about it but all the stuff.

The horrid fad epitomized by fondness for the Viet Cong has reemerged in an alternate form rampaging through the area’s only nice neighborhood.  Jane Fonda desperately wants to launch a Hamas rocket.

Worshiping Che embodies awfulness perceived as cute by commies who never had to suffer under it.  A goon who lost every fair fight he ever waged was as clumsy a mass murderer as Hamas.  And he hated gay people about as much.  Trying to tear down the successful in a more literal way than taxing them to oblivion won’t stop rich leftists from finding their saint stirring.

Columbia University serving as a hive of Jew hatred even by disgraceful Ivy League standards is a particularly appalling throwback from the more august parts of Manhattan.  Tom Wolfe’s spirit strolls through the borough’s fancier enclaves as radical chic flourishes despite his dismantling of it.  The dedication to wretched causes by those in the cushiest positions is reminiscent of the most stylish grossly embracing Black Panther cop-murderers.  Supporters of the wrong directional Germany never grasp that history is nothing more than noticing patterns.  It’s also why they get biology wrong.

A fondness for any of the ‘70s terror gangs is making the worst sort of retro throwback comeback.  Hamas is badder than Baader-Meinhof not just in bloodlust but because of precedent.  Anyone who’s paid attention knows just how diabolical the destructors are, which counts out their cult.  Pursuing ghastly leftist nonsense in the most horribly homicidal manner possible is how wealthy hypocrites apologize for unearned wealth.

Consistency is not to be praised for the dreadful.  Make no mistake that Hamas enthusiasts were 100 percent the same ones claiming America deserved it as rubble smoldered on September 11.  The only thing more disgusting than siding with those opposed to life itself is who their terror pals attacked.  Massacred Israelis are as disrespected by apologists for monstrosities as World Trade Center office workers.  Standing against everything decent is unfortunately timeless.

Embracing criminals only happens figuratively, as connoisseurs of leftist insurgent violence would never appear anywhere rendered unsafe by their beliefs.  You’d think they might want selfies with their beloved team’s favorite players.

It’s so romantic to think revolutionary struggles are adorable in nobility aside from the corpse piles.  Rallying for the allegedly disenfranchised should begin by determining whether they’re oblivious to how many innocents minding their own business have been slaughtered by their potential heroes. 

Aside from not being able identify who actually struggles, their moral compass points accurately.  It takes a few moments of observation to determine who’s really oppressed, namely Israel.  Sick cheerleaders for subversion think the actual religion of peace with a sliver of global population on a sliver of land surrounded by medieval barbarian fanatics who want to obliterate it for the crime of existing are the ones with power.

Cheering for terrorism from afar surely pairs a lack of empathy with selfish delusion.  It’s not like someone’s going to fly into any concert they attend and remove their heads from the rest of their bodies.  That’s unless terrorists could walk right over an open American border or there’s some way of attacking via flying.

Rich liberals are insulated from the worst of their pet domestic policies, as well, which makes the way they inflict the opposite of helping even more aggravating.  Proles they profess to help end up suffering from inflation and inflated minimum wage.  And wealthy virtue signalers can afford tuition despite government making it unobtainable for many as part of its drive to make it obtainable.

Admiring the Third World while enjoying the benefits of the First is one way to cope with guilt.  Trappings are wholly unearned, of course.  Mooching is their way of life.  It’s no wonder they sympathize with people’s republics no matter the style.  The society is so prosperous that even the uselessly ungrateful can enjoy opulent living.  Even Joe Biden can’t tear down affluence despite destruction being his sole skill.

Chaos enablers will be glad to learn their debate foe.  Seeing life as nothing more than a matter of who has power is also how Donald Trump approaches life.  The self-professed strongman reflexively cheers for whichever side he thinks has the most, which is on the same terms as vacuum-dwellers who cheer for whichever side they think has the least.  Plant a thought they deserve.

There’s a rather simple test for who is good.  Check to see if your side behead babies for the crime of being Jewish.  If so, you may want to shred your membership card.  Progressives cheered because they thought Planned Parenthood’s Gaza branch pioneered concierge service.

Maintaining ignorance offers common ground between terrorists and their aloof proponents.  Israel’s attackers seem afflicted only because they choose to attempt demolishing those who spent their time building buildings.  The group fashioning rockets out of pipes literally tears apart civilization to attack one.  Lack of clout stems from their adherence to heinous crudeness.

The best way to make fewer humans appear persecuted is to stop implementing Democratic policy goals.  Class warfare is nothing more than aggressive jealousy.  Israel’s fiendish foes are powerless because they refuse to live in a republic with members of a religion blamed by losers for every ill for as long as it’s existed.  Depressed Blue States are the equivalent of a two-state solution.  Choosing to live in multiple types of poverty leads to support from those who condemn being rich while giving up no riches.  Life gets worse for the worst allies.

Take Sides Elsewhere

Bias in action is the core output of one industry that should grind to a halt.  Prosperity would increase.  Blatantly lying about the worst sort of conduct is how reporters dedicate themselves to truth.  Guardians of information tacitly align with Jew-hating lunatics whose response to marauders beheading any members of one particular religion they could find is to call for Israel not to exist.  You may notice a pattern.

Blather about occupation gets more than equal time.  The legitimately aggrieved party is not targeting civilians, unlike the demons they target.  If you want to know what Israel will be accused of doing, check what Hamas is actually doing.

Don’t start a war.  They’re bad for items and people.  And those assaulted might return the favor.  Righteousness is the key difference for anyone confused about cheering.  The best advice for avoiding civilian casualties is to not annihilate civilians.  Report that.

Somehow, the press gets more shameless.  New stories ask if Israel does enough for safety without noting where they’re aiming.  Oh, and very responsible broadcasters also leave out why the nation that lost numerous citizens for the crime of attending a music festival is responding in the first place.

The news is the place for fantasies.  Imaginary sob stories about who could be harmed if the prey fights back are the most shameful way to shame.  Copy and paste a paragraph noting collateral damage has been a component of every single conflict ever, including righteous ones.

Nuking Nagasaki for fun is our darkest moment.  Woke maniacs who don’t understand cause and effect think Harry Truman was just one of countless American presidents who should’ve been arrested for war crimes.  Disregarders or active cheerers of diabolical mayhem claim they resisted during the Fourth Reich that was the Trump administration.  Meanwhile, honorary Axis members would’ve condemned D-Day as an unnecessary escalation even if they enjoyed making others ration.

Taping asterisks to terror onslaughts is not the best way to achieve objectivity.  Liberal hacks who claim some stories only have one side mean pretending civilization is rendering Earth uninhabitable.  Attacking Charlie Hebdo got worse in the worst possible way when excusers of murdering artists accused them of putting of hate speech in their doodles.  Similarly, blaming cartoonists in Texas because of the religious figure they chose to draw was no way to defend the West, which was the point.  And asking why terrorists would hate America so much that they’d use planes as missiles was the all-time example that’s merely the most notorious moment of lame massacre justification leftists wish you’d forget.

The media applies the same tendencies to every situation.  Consistency by applying a formula does not necessarily equal super results.  Lying about Israel being an oppressive genocide colonizer is even worse than excuses for inflation.  Blatancy is so obvious that it looks planted, which means finally discovering the profession’s core mission.

The media is careful to avoid noting which religion has a terror problem.  It’s not the one with a functioning republic in the worst neighborhood.  Fighting back against barbarians doesn’t count.

Terror allies marching in support of their favorite team is shockingly normal.  Every Arafat-inspired rampager currently wreaking havoc on city streets and campuses just like their heroes would claim to oppose Nazis, by which they mean Ron DeSantis.

Praise for those demanding destruction is limited to liberalism’s pet causes.  Hamas Fan Club meetings might seem rather strident in their demands for that one Jewish entity to no longer be.  But Israel’s been mean about removing those trying to exterminate it, so there’s your balance.

Covering gatherings is about what’s not shown.  Hiding gets trickier with social media, which shows not only what correspondents refuse to cover but how the job can be done in the free time of people with worthwhile careers.  Very disinterested observers noted Black Lives Matter conflagrations were mostly peaceful aside from the flaming cities.  You may not be surprised to realize secret and open PLO admirers think America is a racist hellhole.

The same professional protesters uncannily also claim the country where they live sits on occupied land.  They never vacate, of course.  To very fair reporters on the scene, the important part is that nobody demands a flat tax.

The middle ground isn’t worth sharing with people who want you dead.  Treating the two-state solution as some sort of presumed necessary compromise only seems fair if you’re not checking if one Super Bowl participant slaughtered babies.  No super important anchors seem willing to inquire why the actually tolerant country should have to cede some of the land that’s either always been its property or that it won in previous wars from intruders to an invented group that elected Hamas.

It’s sort of a bad sign when it takes lying about a cause to make it appealing.  That’s coincidentally the only shot Joe Biden has at holding the title of president into his late 80s.  There’s totally not an invading army of uninvited American guests just because it seems to be happening, and if there were they would only be here to take advantage of job opportunities created by a booming economy and not the generosity of Democratic politicians with funds seized from productive people with valid paperwork.  Everything’s terrific despite what you notice, which is practice for acting like terror victim Israel is the terrorist.

The media shares truth about themselves by lying regarding everything else.  It’s easy for journalists to do their jobs, which is the field’s appeal.  Participants major in the easy college choice so they don’t have to spend full shifts doing math.  Their dedication to inserting their own deluded views means they’d selflessly rather spend extra hours making up tales of how they’re true than cover reality and head to Applebee’s for dollar margaritas a few hours early.  The only thing more mortifying than pretending a war on civilization has two valid factions is siding with pillagers.

Truth and/or Consequences

Israel getting attacked for minding its own business offers as easy a statement about good and evil as it gets.  Naturally, the left is confused.  Baby decapitators didn’t mean to provide such an easy choice.  That’s Hamas and not Israel, for the record, which seems odd to those who claim to seek justice while doing everything they can to undermine it.  Excusers for devilishness can’t be double agents, as that would take craftiness.  Observations based in truth perplexes them the most.  They can’t determine who good guys are but surely get everything right otherwise.

The same shrewd assessors of character who thought professional serial killer Andrew Cuomo was a prophet struggle to discern who’s right and wrong in a war where bloodthirsty intruders slaughtered anyone they could find who was Jewish.  Struggling with trivialities like facts shouldn’t deter the pursuit for righteousness, so keep lecturing a country about avoiding inflicting casualties as it carefully targets those who did the precise opposite.

Fish don’t spot water.  The inability to perceive truth is not a new delusion, which is why sufferers are unaware they keep committing violations.  The same thorough reality fans urge you to enjoy a purring economy where you can buy every single item desired thanks to inflation’s irrelevance.  Spot those who get experiments wrong by how they profess a belief in science.

A righteous entity fighting for self-preservation is ordered to delay with temperance by every smug lecturer who sees violence without bothering to check who went first.  The type is crucial, too, as in how massacring festival attendees differs from collateral damage when attempting to eliminate festival attendee massacrers.  There will be a ceasefire after every single Hamas operative has been sent to their eternal destination.  They will be the only virgins.

As with the rest of liberalism, the fantasy works right up until something happens.  Drama junkies have announced what they’d do if faced with a holocaust more frequently than vegans proclaim they CrossFit.  They meant freaking out when Donald Trump ran off his mouth.  By contrast, a mass extermination of Jews doesn’t move them.  The Hamas Reich-inspired mobile extermination camp is as obvious a clue as possible, which is why they missed it.

Leftists must decide if they’re indifferent to rampant terror murder in the Jewish state, happy those they insanely and diabolically deem to be persecutors are suffering losses, or sad at the imaginary assault on Palestinian orphans that faces the technical difficulty of never happening.  They’re accustomed to depriving options, which is why they’re baffled by choice.

Evidence of atrocities in real time is insufficient for self-proclaimed science fans.  Seeing a free country attacked prompted reactions ranging from unprompted dubiousness to collaborator-style victim-shaming.  This whole global network of sharing information on glowing pocket screens should shame them, and they instead find other awful idiots to amplify their lies about the world.  Foes of civilization use instant communication to believe the Hamas Truth Squad claiming Israel cavalierly flattened a hospital.

People who know they’re better than you are divided between lecturing about how both sides are responsible and thinking the victim asked for it.  The very nuanced approach to crime blames burglars and homeowners for burglary.  Announcing the homeowner deserved it for hoarding resources that perpetuate inequality is the new complex approach to fighting lawbreaking by allowing it.

Settlers usually look for something useful, which renders the whole narrative of Israel ripping off land.  There’s a strange fixation on possessing an otherwise worthless strip in a lousy neighborhood.  Terror enablers didn’t want until Jews had it.  Anyone with a simpleton of a sibling who dealt with jealousy over an item that would go unwanted were it not possessed by a nemesis.  Extending rights to everyone within its boundaries must be part of their trickery.

Pretending the only tolerant country in the area is a terror state like America where everyone who’s not the preferred race or religion gets routinely repressed is a reflex for those who cheer from afar for the crudest Gaza-originated rockets.  They’re not going to show support in person, as Yasser Arafat’s intellectual descendants don’t allow rainbow flags for some reason.

Wanting to be left alone is the most horrifying notion possible to liberals.  A philosophy that doesn’t allow for dangerous concepts like doing your own thing is horrified by Israel sitting there and not bothering anyone.  American business proprietors sympathize.

Nagging Israel comes naturally to meddlers.  Not content with hassling successful entrepreneurs and law-abiding gun owners domestically, professional busybodies also look to irk abroad.  The annoying tendency get exponentially sinister when they ally with nefarious forces who won’t let that one Jewish republic just exist. 

The one religion that’s been persecuted more than any other sadly knows nothing on this rotten globe changes.  Accusing Judaism of colonial cruelty is nothing new to a faith that routinely gets blamed for global ills.  Wanting to live on their terms without hassling others is the conspiracy that’s true.

Twisted lectures about their need to protect civilians while pursuing human demons who actively targeted their own is merely a manifestation of wanting desperately to believe the wrong and awful thing.  If that doesn’t make sense, you understand the left.  It’s uncanny how readily professional Jew-haters wanted to believe Israel is dying to commit war crimes.  The only thing missing is actuality.

Wrongly accusing Israel of awful things truly being done to it sums up its sane and decent foes.  Seething loathing of an innocent nation valiantly fighting against the obviously guilty is not merely anti-Semitism, although palpable contempt for Judaism shows how ugly bigotry remains even as society’s trappings get prettier.

Israel represents the West, which is what genuine villains think is villainous.  Brutality’s enthusiastic defenders express a vague sense that Israel is nothing but a band of invading oppressors, which is a common complaint amongst those who benefit from the natural rights and prosperity which follows.  The class warfare front extends to thriving Jews.  Anti-Semitism is just one more symptom of deranged resentment from life’s losers.

Different Types of Indifferent Violence

Wondering what violence is may seem superfluous, especially when viewers can see all definitions in practice they’d like by choosing any random streaming service episode.  Everyone may be aware the term involves action that leads to something broken ranging from bones to furniture.  But noting just who and what is involved may offer a bit of context to everyone sick of bloodshed.  That’s almost everyone.

As always, liberalism is precisely inverted.  Flipping over life is not just limited to thinking government stimulates the economy: there’s a body count, as well.  The view that combat must be de-escalated disregards demons who keep taking it up.

The only way woke proselytizers could get more objectionable is by getting what they want.  Very tolerant adherents desire to give much of Israel to its lunatic attackers.  Meanwhile, they’re horrified by replying to said attacks on life itself.  If there’s a purer example of screwed-up thinking, they haven’t found it yet despite dedicated efforts.

Deranged leftists are furious at the measured response to getting in the way of Hamas rockets.  The terror squad didn’t kill more people only because they don’t possess the technology to fire missiles.  Anti-Semites think Israel must have denied it to them.

Targeting fiends who hide in hospitals might get messy.  It’s not that tricky to determine who’s responsible for those capable of reasoning and decency, which leaves out the left.  A nation attacked for the crime of minding its own business does everything they can to minimize casualties from those who try to maximize them.  Oh, and the latter slaughter innocents while the Middle East’s sole republic takes aim at perpetrators.  It can’t get clearer.

The most enlightened reiterate war is bad as they do all they can to keep it existing.  Armed battling is the poverty of international affairs.  Everyone feels bad about collateral damage while the levelheaded know it can never be eliminated.  Decreeing that it’s entirely possible to avoid innocent casualties is as oblivious as believing stores will stay open after shoplifting is legalized.  

Everything’s backward in the minds of those who led us there.  Classifying words as action epitomizes that charming totally incorrect manner of theirs.  Israel’s American enemies are particularly offended by noting obvious truths, as they run counter to their preciously-guarded narrative.  If Democrats truly oppose violence, they should keep cities from descending into live recreations of Batman movies before the titular character arrives.

Getting upset over nothing can get worse in what’s almost a feat.  Social justice warriors don’t wage war against actual injustice.  Sensible modern thinkers act like misgendering is an assault as they shrug away the Hamas branch of Planned Parenthood committing very late-term procedures.  Changing from a man into a woman is as real Gaza Strip residents who support peaceful coexistence.

Purveyors of laxity should ponder what would happen in Gaza to a man who decides he’s not one.  In America, we just stop drinking your appalling beer.  Language is violence while violence isn’t in these advanced times.  You may have noticed the outlook is exactly screwed up.  Unhinged zealotry may not be a sign of acceptance.

Principles can be applied at any level, unfortunately.  Academic dolts who perceive Hamas as freedom fighters also by pure coincidence treat criminality as the inevitable reaction to poverty.  Never mind that collectivism’s enthusiasts cause the very brokenness they condemn.  Struggling Americans who can’t afford crazy extravagances like items have compassionate confiscators to thank.

An unwillingness to differentiate between types of violence serves as a lame attempt to conceal moral cravenness.  Practitioners are cagey about if they really think they’re above it all or root for the villain.  A robber who shoots a victim and the cop who shoots back are engaging in precisely different types of violence that backers of defunding cops refuse to discern.  In fact, the person enforcing laws is treated as a racist oppressor by those who want the state to have absolute authority.  

Violence is indifferent.  Indifferently denouncing violence shows a lack of sophistication from alleged experts.  Active force is much like guns, which can be used to either inflict evil or interdict against it.  Take, say, a parliamentary republic dropping brutality upon fiends who did so to them first.  Israel’s disparagers hate devices as much as they do the notion that there’s one Jewish nation on Earth.

We live in Tom Wolfe’s world.  it turns out his fiction was predictive.  His nonfictional subjects exhibit such a perfectly twisted take on logic that they couldn’t mock themselves even if they were capable of introspection.

Self-righteousness aimed at the country defending from marauders makes the sides clear for anyone confused.  Malicious clatter from campuses and maniacal rallies only sounds like a parody.  Alleged backers of underdogs rabidly cheer against Israel.  They pre-empt those who mock them.

Ghastly allies of terror drives couldn’t define themselves better.  They’re not even trying.  You’ve undoubtedly grown tired of attempting to determine whether the inability to distinguish between types of aggression constitutes blatant ignorance or ghastly devotion to diabolical causes.  Inadvertently revealing they side with villains is the closest they’ll get to honesty.

Reviewing Basics About War and Everything Else

Explaining everything gives us a chance to review what’s taken for granted as we help those who never granted access to basic facts in their skulls.  Simple tones aren’t just for first contact with aliens.  Liberals could avoid feeling they’re being condescended to if they started grasping simple notions.  Declaring Israel needed to cease firing at terrorists who certainly won’t respect the honor system serves as yet another failed test.

Defining what war is may help those confused about which side to back.  We all agree it is very bad.  The rather unpleasant state involves explosions that may damage more than hearing.  People who end up dead and stuff that ends up broken.  The only thing worse may be not fighting one on account of how the diabolical other side may continue to wage it.  

World War III’s Axis fans don’t notice the corpses that spurred a righteous response.  Oh: it’s like inflation.  Missing steps like the Underpants Gnomes is essentially their doctrine. The difference is that liberals don’t end up discovering how commerce works.

It’s mean to make residents leave.  Tacit or active Hamas allies avoid encountering a reason Israel got bossy.  The evictors don’t need to root out the human demons who want to prevent their continued existence or anything.  Pondering why there’s an evacuation might lead to the end of sanctimony, and feeling superior is how liberals fuel themselves.  Their solar panels don’t work.

Time moving forward may seem restraining.  But at least noticing there’s only one direction allows for knowing which events happen first.  Take noticing just when a war began, which we call the Pearl Harbor factor.  For Earth’s present major conflict, recall just which side flew in to a music festival on a contraption too primitive for Mad Max and slaughtered everyone they could for the crime of not eating bacon for the wrong reason.

Locating terrorists before they go on another serial killing rampage through your streets might just be a legitimate reason for displacement.  I’m sorry for the disruption.  Finding something to drink requires excessive effort for some right not.  But primary victims will never have water or anything else again.  The Hamas Mutual Aid Society is stingy with Evian.

Determining who started this is a distinction that’s as important as it is easy.  Even amateur conflict detectives can uncover the most crucial aspect with minimal scrutiny.  There shouldn’t be any worry about something so obvious to spot, yet the answer eludes the self-proclaimed smartest amongst us.

Ask if one side turned water pipes into rockets.  The weapon of primitive losers who don’t even use protractors to aim is acceptable to fiends who want to kill anyone they might hit.  Condemning practices that are savage in every way shouldn’t be this hard.

Board the tour bus at any stop.  Noticing where the loop starts is too difficult to grasp for phonily high-minded types who cherish chances to condemn the cycle of violence without noting where said cycle began.  

Liberals never follow consequences, which explains why they’re liberals.  Grasping what comes next is for soothsayers.  The most sophisticated analysts believe in rationality and not magic about predicting tomorrow, which is why they’re always shocked when printing money doesn’t cure poverty.  

Pondering just why Israel is fighting would mean acknowledging a certain religion maintains a terror problem.  College professors reflexively thought that means Judaism.  Attacking civilization charms those living far away while benefiting from cushy protections.  Total non-anti-Semites are suspiciously eager to harvest grievances against a country that seems like America in its decadent love for gun rights and true tolerance.

Foes of the only place they’d want to live in the Middle East adore making up tales.  Pretending a rather broad-minded nation is a group of seething Islamophobic colonialists on occupied land who run their own open-air concentration camps doesn’t conform with reality, but that’s never stopped Democrats from maintaining their beliefs.

Leftists figure Israel must be the violators if they can win wars.  Equating strength with violation is as foolish as Donald Trump declaring power is all that matters.  They surely enjoy thinking on his terms.  They also don’t grasp how bearing arms allows the virtuous to outmuscle fiends if you’re seeking consistency.

The only debate is whether they’re unaware or familiar.  The result is the same, so figuring out why one of the two sides opposes the most just war possible is academic.  Condemning the republic fighting back against terrorism makes it seem as if the conflict is simply a matter of sadism.

Good guys try their hardest, which is the one time villains’ apologists aren’t into appeasement.  Israel is already at an infinitely higher standard for protecting the innocent, and the entity fighting to continue existing is still never good enough for liberals preening like it’s a serious Steven Spielberg movie.  Stick to special effects.

You simply can’t start a binge on season four.  Confused viewers are missing important context.  Don’t they wonder how characters got to the present situation?  Liberals don’t grasp drama or anything else.  Trying to explain what’s happening to the clueless means nobody can follow, which they sickly seem to enjoy.  The inattentive sure seem to enjoy others being as oblivious.

Israel Battles Evildoers Who Got Rich for Some Reason

Hamas doesn’t switch to a rainbow avatar for June.  I’m trying to get liberals to hate them.  These are tough times for the anti-Semitic.  You don’t have to feel bad for the worst sort of haters.  Save concern for an assaulted nation that is demonized for existing.

Baseless vitriol has escalated to monstrous action.  Slaughtering people going about their lives constitutes the clearest violation of life itself as possible in case anyone’s unclear.  One party seems disturbingly so.  The sole country in the Middle East without oil functions the best, which enrages those whose faith revolves around jealousy.

One side created civilization out of nothing. The other tries to turn civilization into nothing.  All-time lies accusing Jews of doing awful things while actual awful things are done to them is one of humanity’s most appalling regular occurrences.  The latest war could only seem worse upon realizing it’s nothing new.

Half of the sides are fiendish.  Invading terrorists may just be the bad guys.  Forget gruesome nonsense about Israel stealing land nobody wanted and that they just might have resided upon a few thousand years ago: acting like both attacker and target are perpetrators is the sophisticated way to lie.  You just know Israel’s foes were asking by noon on September 11, 2001 why they hate us.

“Cycle of violence” is the dark magic phrase to spot.  Anti-Semites realize how unpopular they are right now, so they conceal their bigotry by condemning an alleged cycle instead of the terrorists who began it.  A mugger attacks victim.  Said victim defends against threat to life, property, and liberty.  Liberals shake their heads at the actions of both.  The phonily high-minded would’ve lamented the cycle of violence on D-Day.

Israel’s antagonists pair pretend outrage with actual harm.  As usual, Democrats spurred agony by trying to help.  That’s sadly the best-case scenario.  You might be more generous than deserved and presume they’re not actively encouraging mayhem.  The best case is that doing such would require planning ahead.

Stimulus checks for Hamas got their sole industry humming.  A foreign policy that was already discredited has added granting an allowance to barbarians as a bullet/low point.

It turns out there are worse bribes than giving liberals useless degrees at taxpayer expense.  You’ll be shocked to learn those who shriek about paying back money they borrowed to major in political science so they can afford to keep patronizing artisan baristas don’t grasp how budgeting works.

Blaming the police for crime has devastated countless innocent humans.  The principle has gone international.  The baffling view that cops were the ones causing problems enabled subway-shovers. Its daft holders covered Iran’s discretionary rocket budget.

The White House did their part to wreck society and inhabitants by bailing out America’s sworn enemy.  That’s America’s White House, for the record.  The typical excuse is their usual one, namely that they had no idea their ideas would unleash perniciousness.  Ruining budgets for Americans is accompanied by tossing cash at lunatic mullahs.

Democrats believed Saddam Hussein was building a chocolate chip factory, too.  The only thing keeping Iran from prompting more devastation is ineptness.  Joe Biden is here to help them.  Claims that Iran’s trust fund won’t be spent irresponsibly are based in a Post-it stuck on the cash sacks noting it’s for humanitarian aid, which would be laughable if not for the blood splattered on Israeli streets.  Their pet terrorists attacked Israel less than a month after funds suddenly became free. This presidency strongly discourages noticing consequences.

Earth’s most nefarious terror state used different bills to fund terror, so tell your conscience to pipe down.  Take from this pile, not that one.  A notion that’s either disingenuous or ignorant sums up liberal thinking.  The mob budgets in the same way, with the difference being they can operate businesses.

Iran’s centrifuges spin in celebration.  The usual mendacious scumbags cherish the subsidy, although they won’t send a thank you card.  Democrats have gone out of their way to enable shoplifters, violent agents of urban chaos, and border-hoppers, so the terrible assault against Israel is no more surprising than who facilitated it.

Leave it to liberals to not grasp how loosening up dollars permits spending on other things.  Why would anyone stick to some lame budget?  Iran could’ve just printed more money.

An unwillingness to modify a budget because it would mean less fun is the signature economic principle from the adult children staffing this White House.  You might have to choose grilled cheese instead of Chuck E. Cheese if funds are tight unless you live near the Tehran location.  Under Biden, bread is a luxury, but only in his home country.

Iran’s hobby is funding terrorism.  Their free-time pursuit was funded by Biden putting them on the honor system.  Aiding maliciousness while hassling the decent is regrettably natural from an administration through its consistent opposition to reality.

Biden’s pals are being uncool.  His fervent dedication to attempting peace by befriending the sinister hasn’t quite convinced them to behave.  He’s still lunching alone in the cafeteria.

Inflation making money worth less finally helps, as medieval intruders couldn’t buy as many implements to inflict atrocities.  Liberating funds on September 11 for a real cartoonish villain was not just symbolically disgusting.

Heinous Hamas will find a new homeland in the sea.  The prototypical human demons are as evil as they are stupid.  An excuse for Israel to remove a roving gang of serial killers will be executed with no help from a feckless president that allows mayhem like a substitute teacher.

Hamas failed to anticipate Israel’s righteously swift response for the same shortsighted reason lottery winners who don’t plan ahead spend until they’re broke.  They just bought rockets with the Biden cash infusion instead of McMansions.

Opening wallets so terror benefactors can grab walking-around money turns out to not be a super strategy for finances and pace.  A president who wants to disarm law-abiding Americans coordinated Venmoing the Hamas rocket fund.  Add “fungible” to the ceaseless list of words liberals don’t understand.

War, What Is It Good For? Maybe Something

Fighting is the worst possible thing except maybe not fighting. The refusal to punch back leads to peace in its way. Being dragged into war is another in an endless delight on a globe those who just wish to be left alone are forced to share with bothersome goons who want nothing more than to actively share their own misery. Earth would be funnier to watch than it is for participants.

The enemy is fighting. It’s an unfortunate glitch with reality that warfare does not require mutual consent. Free will may occasionally be abused by dastardly brutes eager to seize more territory to ruin. The best option in a world that is not remains returning fire. Implements are indifferent. Virtue takes the form of how they’re wielded. The choice is often unfortunately either accepting assault or rather robustly showing that we aren’t interested in imposed victimhood.

Vladimir Putin’s dream of seeing the Atlantic Ocean means turning every country in between rotten. He wants to share the bleakness. The only thing worse than picking fights is lacking slap strength. A warmongering inspiring imperialist is as bad at war like they’re trying manufacturing anything other than a potato.

Exporting their only product is the erstwhile Soviet Union’s demented take on commerce. Russia strives to make everywhere as miserable as Russia, which is why they destroy as they invade. It never occurred to stampeding tyrant bitches that keeping factories running in lieu of bombing them would mean they could hold territory that’s more pleasant. Or perhaps the comparison to relatively pleasant life set a precedent invaders didn’t even want to attempt to copy.

The peaceful don’t want to fight by definition and nature. Dental patients with aching teeth don’t want to get root canals, either, but the only alternative is rot. Eliminating rather vigorous threats is the responsible thing to do to avoid even further agony.

An economical decision weighing costs versus drawbacks could lead to concluding today’s painful conflict would cause less pain than unchecked mayhem. One again, being an adult sucks. Being a kid does, too, but the persistence of time helps you become either more shocked by offenses or grow accustomed to them.

The only thing worse than being drawn into conflict is conceding. I’d rather not bring up the time al-Qaeda decided to not wait for our consent, which is merely an extension of their diabolical goals. Issuing a license to hunt terrorists was the closest the rather unseemly group came to acting like a government, although they neglect to make anything official.

Nobody felt like participating in World War II regardless of how fun Battlefield 1942 seems. Invaders hoped targets would genuflect while tossing rose petals under tank treads. Weary warriors must summon the energy to avoid the enervation of oppression. Chamberlain is assuredly remembered for bravely preventing fiendish violence, no? We’re once again having to repeat what happens to those who don’t learn history.

I’m sure nothing makes conflict disappear like ignoring it. Are you against peace? Complex analysts of our globe who think removing competition spurs efficient affordability assure us war is bad in case we didn’t know. Being ready just in case must provoke combat, as dastards assuredly adore attacking the prepared.

Barbarians find themselves bored if nobody is willing to battle, which is why we should spend our cruel tank budget on universal babysitting. That’s unless you like unsupervised toddlers, war junkie.

Being ready is a necessity, not a frivolity. The innocent don’t want to have to learn the art of drawing a concealed firearm. But looming muggers make the art of packing heat desirable to learn. Democratic mayors couldn’t do more to encourage remaking Death Wish as a documentary if they tried.

Living for the moment isn’t the swellest idea if things aren’t stopping. There might be more in the near future; that’s the way time has progressed so far. Like printing money to get rich, tomorrow is going to feature a crushing hangover that’ll far overshadow today’s mild bliss. Postponing problems doesn’t quite seem to end them. Being glad the invasion has only gone so far is a great way to have peace for five minutes.

Dealing with unpleasantness takes up quite a bit of our days even during peacetime. Maintenance, imperfections, and ineptness create lots of tasks to complete if anyone fretted about idleness. This world requires a tremendous investment in effort in order to rest. And forget it when careless parties infringe on your itinerary.

A messy confrontation may be inevitable thanks to the wretched conditions imposed by this thing we call our dumb world. Spending a rather large portion of our hours toiling in order to keep out villains is unpleasant business. But it’s far superior to letting a despot set your schedule. Russian trains aren’t as timely as hoped.