Really Pretend Politics

Fantasy fans enjoy fiction enough to apply it to the everyday.  Some imagined lessons don’t translate.  There’s the problem of making literal translations work, but some movie magic will surely turn dreams into reality.

Performance politics are popular amongst those who take gestures most seriously.  There’s no help by simply claiming to be assisting, if you can believe it.  The tiresome act isn’t any phonier than the rest of liberalism.

Paying people who have failed to muster much cash with funds taken from those who have doesn’t quite seem to have enriched either party.  Ancient capitalists used to conduct this transaction by working for each other.  But your ancient methods sound an awful lot of needing to do something in order to survive, and such self-reliance-based barbaric notions epitomize cruelty.

Planners of abundance created yet another perfect example of why everything they believe turns life into a barren wasteland.  Common ground doesn’t seem to motivate those affected to work together or at all.  Creators as demotivated as recipients, but everyone’s eager otherwise.

Enabling an economy by removing obstacles creates a level playing field that offends the useless.  The most optimistic either don’t think advancement is possible or don’t want to bother themselves with anything as undignified as toil.

A full shift is really more for peasants without student loan debt that Supreme Court fascists refuse to excuse.  Failing to recognize the value of creating it seems too confusing.  Woke studies majors are so smart that they didn’t take classes in any subject that could lead to a lucrative career.

Extension cords trailing behind cars puttering along at the speed of rather sluggish golf carts keep our planet existing.  Hybrids are based in the presumption the outlet is magical.  Amateur climatologists surely grasp how the globe’s temperatures work.

Oblivious researchers have found a way to liberate motorists from the thought of fuel pouring into a tank, which is more of an omission than emission.  Instead, the planet’s most pious defenders can instead focus on invisible energy beams powering smugmobiles.  Hiding emanations don’t make them dissipate.

Chopping down trees to keep life clean isn’t just in defiance of photosynthesis.  Progressive states bringing back paper bags are leading us into a different century.  It’s just one that’s already occurred.  Enjoy your receptacle that rips while attempting to enjoy a drink using a straw that dissolves as it tastes awful.  Plastic happens to be an effective way to carry the result of commerce or direct potable fluids into one’s mouth.  Pretending sipping leads to filling venti bodies of water with clogged junk may not save Earth, but at least they make you feel like you’re suffering with purpose.

The embodiment of liberal meddling coincidentally make life even worse.  Confiscating rights is supposed to make us enjoy the lack of overwhelming choice.  The actuality defied smug intentions turning into widespread misery.  Masks were a perfect symbol of embracing symbols.  Doing something is trickier unless increasing smugness levels counts.

Making it impossible to use natural gas to cook will similarly advance society as long as raw meat seems futuristic.  The style of range you likely have right now was once touted as an efficient way to heat pans, perhaps because it is.  Such controlled burning to permit pancakes to be consumed after heating remains clean, as the experiment’s results don’t change.  The inability to alter evidence through perception shocks those who claim to believe in science.

Banning joy and progress would be as close as Democrats get to efficiency, so forget it ever happening.  Incremental autocrats go step by step because they either don’t know what they want to prohibit next or wish to avoid revealing their tiresomely nefarious intentions.  You may feel inclined to believe pushy suzerains never think that far ahead, which mirrors how they don’t think about what’s happening now.  Lurching to whatever hysteria infects them next is not exactly the most efficient way to shape our future.

Taking the simplest conveniences is part of the ever-charming Democratic mentality that everything people have is a privilege granted by visionary politicians.  Unworthy subjects need to provide a reason to justify having anything, which is great unless you believe in rights or practicality.  We’re really lucky to possess anything, from stoves to straws to currency.  And we haven’t even gotten to decadent rights like demanding warrants.

Everyone suffering is how we learn empathy.  You selfishly don’t want to spend a term hurting just to see how all the other wretches feel.  Don’t forget what Joe Biden did to you if you’d like to remain a good person.  Making a show out of doling out currency buys votes as long as the interest hikes to compensate doesn’t kick in first.  A magical president turned bills themselves into virtually worthless slips.  It’s as if increasing the supply makes something less valuable.  I wonder how demand affects the process.

Tossing around currency was supposed to enrich us poor bastards.  The party into utter control thought out doling, perhaps because they were using money that was technically taken from others.  Targets of pilfering were probably thieving barons, anyway.  Generosity is unparalleled aside from how this style of altruism technically requires money taken from others.  A trifling detail about presuming everything belongs to everything else is how nobody ends up with much of anything.

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