On Order

But I thought people would enjoy getting bossed around by the most awful idiots amongst us. The consequences of telling others what to do are disregarded by the tellers. Why should instructors deal with what happens? Avoiding effects of what they create is the whole reason our superiors sought office.

The only problem with our reigning politicians is the entire way they ruin life for everyone else with casual diktats. Nothing is hypocritical like violating your rights by pretending capricious commands carry the weight of legality, so they naturally threw that in, too.

Politicians need the threat of force to implement what must undoubtedly be desirable programs. Meanwhile, professional demonizers call managers at work soulless ogres who dare to only care about profits. What do they dare think companies are for?

The purpose of enterprise is obviously to pay others to live comfortably and not on anything pedestrian like how much value is created; focusing on staying open is so greedy. Those are jobs you’re allowed to quit, by the way. The only thing worse than bossing around is when same bossing makes life crummier.

Customers don’t seem to be enjoying maximum aggravation with a preposterous minimum wage. Nobody can find staff or stuff, but at least these teetering piles of currency are worthless. A lower forced rate would allow for give and take between workers and employers just like occurs with sellers and buyers. Payment would naturally increase from competition. Hey: this market thing works great! But the innately useless demand an absurd rate per hour because they can’t conceive of earning a raise after three weeks of displayed competence.

Potential hires have always been entitled to negotiate, which would be a good sign of entrepreneurial competence. You do the same every time you purchase something, believe it or not. Deciding what’s valuable is a right that’s been revoked by professional life coaches elected so they could dish out what you truly need.

Workers who never get hired in the first place should know how much they’d make if they hadn’t been replaced by cyborgs who expect 15 dollars per hour less. Even the employed can’t afford luxuries like sandwiches, which should assuage those who can’t find worthwhile toil. It’s nice to not feel alone.

Food is a right, then? Announce it in a supermarket or restaurant to see if they’ll let you walk out. You’ll need to eat today but hopefully won’t require health care. Treating something others provide for you as something that must be issued means taking it away is a violation. Keep going. Having to provide something means someone is forced to work. There’s a term for that which has been illegal in America for over a century and a half. Liberals don’t just hate the Constitution for the 13th Amendment.

Getting people to work on behalf of others without coercion is just another step that requires faith in government instead of personal abilities. Health care is indeed a commodity, which horrifies those who think self-righteousness is the strongest cure. Its importance is precisely why it’s best treated as a product. Treating curing like something special without limits is exactly what makes it scarce. The lesson in sanctimony-based economics features quite a bit of agony.

It sure is telling why they need government to enforce tolerance. At least, it would be if the self-righteous realized why they think people can’t be trusted to be as cool as them. Voters who don’t select woke are cruel, claim those who want to exclude fans of free markets from what they amusingly think of as polite society. The same people who are totally loving on their own need a court to tell them discrimination is prohibited. Openminded liberals who’d ban conservatives from their businesses if they knew how to run them think everyone else is intolerant.

Property is treated as communal by those who don’t own it. You may be surprised to learn you’re allowed to do as you wish, including in your place of business. Liberals should try running one before telling others how they must conduct their affairs. They’d suddenly be opposed to pushy unions and unbearable taxes. But the axiomatically invasive don’t expect to endure their own onerous demands.

Deciding what constitutes acceptable behavior is what Democrats presume is their role for every store that doesn’t provide abortions. Decent people can obviously agree that excluding based on personal characteristics is loathsome. So, don’t go anywhere that does so. Would you patronize a place that doesn’t serve based on ethnicity or the gender one dates? I hope not, which makes governmental intervention both invasive and redundant. The free market beats bigotry. Liberals can debate in their own heads whether they don’t trust choice because they doubt others or themselves.

We should be appreciative to share this planet with enlightened humans who know exactly how others should act. Compassion in commands is supposed to create what should already exist. People couldn’t just be nice without legal consequences.

Those who treat the law as a chance to inflict values they think nobody else possesses fail to think out results. That makes it like every other thing they believe. But don’t worry, as self-appointed communal conscience imposers compensate by overpromising on every issue. The thought of life being wonderful will have to suffice when those determined to perfect existence make it miserable.

Bought What’s Sold

You’re not getting rid of your fortune properly. Telling billionaires how to spend is the natural extension of thinking property belongs to everyone but the owner. A vaguely menacing lecture about just where money technically in the possession of others should go beats figuring how to profit themselves. Working hard to please consumers embodies decadence.

Sanctimonious pickpocketing is especially popular during the Elon Musk Twitter sweepstakes. Any acquisition for an unfathomable sum leads to pompous pontificating about how to fix whatever ill the lecturer last remembered being documented in a tweet. Barons could spend the purchase price to cure hunger for an afternoon. Or, they could pay workers and buy stuff from thankful retailers which could fund indefinite breakfasts.

Hearing how many orphans could go to college for free if a single tycoon disposed of a fortune in such a manner is the only time those who cheer trillions in federal spending have ever performed mathematics. Liberals cure society’s shortcomings by subtracting earnings. Pondering what happens after the one-time wealth transfer is for those who don’t want to live in the moment. Life may continue, just like the poverty caused by envy as policy.

Deciding what’s important is too important for you to decide. Eminent domain now applies to income. Incessantly ominous lectures about how executives ought to dispose of their earnings are a perversely logical extension of policies designed to seize fortunes so they can be spent properly by the entity that made college unaffordable by subsidizing it. Don’t bother majoring in economics.

Arsonists want to use the ashes to help you rebuild. Helpful liberals are deeply committed to alleviating agonies their beloved policies caused. Punishing success sure creates far less of it, if you can imagine.

The first step will only take them so far, so there’s no reason to even bother. Bitching that the richest won’t liquidate their fortunes is easier than helping at a soup kitchen. Scorn aimed at those who dare guide the most profitable outfits is why those endlessly waging class warfare never get there themselves. At least, that’s one reason. Acting like cash piles are assigned by fate is a convenient excuse for never bothering to try.

Plundering CEOs stole everything except a handful of change tossed our way, most of which fell down the sewer grate. Ingrates who don’t get raises because they’re too busy bitching how they’re underpaid. 

Professional jealousy cultivators figure there’s no reason to even start helping. Existence being fixed is a convenient excuse. Very compassionate liberals expect those with more to not only lead the way but parade alone. Planning the route is a courtesy offered by those who don’t plan to come even close to tithing.

Life is unfair, which is an excuse used by some to not bother. If this is all a test to see how we react to stress, this universe is actually built pretty well. Taking it as a given that the game is stacked is why conspiratorial participants don’t play. The success of others is the easiest excuse for natural quitters.

Hand it over voluntarily before you must by law. Telling the richest how to be less so is nothing more than the liberal policy dream. Confiscating then spending undoubtedly spurs those who’ve had their personal coffers looted to refill them. Big dreamers just know what ghastly federal invasion into liberty and markets will make life dreamy as soon as they get a couple trillion bucks more in involuntary investments. A pyramid scheme only continues indefinitely by force of law.

It never occurs to mandatory sharers that increasing funding is not the panacea their faith compels them to believe. They’re forced to believe in force. Letting people trade with each other might be a more sustainable path to prosperity than chopping down the wealthy. I thought they were into recycling resources. Allowing competition lowers prices so we don’t need to seize fortunes. Removing barriers to thriving would create more rich people while we’re at it. But work sounds like a lot of effort.

Envy starts with giving in to other emotions, too. Enemies of free markets proclaim that there’s only so much money, a great deal which is being hoarded by those who lucked into running companies everyone uses voluntarily. Wealth is finite, according to financial experts who tried making everyone into an honorary tycoon by printing extra bills and tossing them around.

A system that allows people to help each other and even get paid for it only seems unobtainable for those who never create value. Pre-empting poverty is way more fun than addressing it once it happens. It’s better for firefighters to be bored reminding people to clean chimneys than to extinguish blazes. Demanding unbelievable taxation rates because they think everyone would refuse to help just like they do is a prominent way to compensate for wretchedness. Make sure to muster indignant attitude toward those who are not fixing problems they caused with their goofy beliefs.

Persistent resentment has not yet created prosperity. Spending fortunes at restaurants and car dealerships is the right of the cash possessor, not to mention the assistance received by servers and salesmen. Presuming fortunes earned by others theirs to spend takes a special kind of selflessness.

Admitting Nothing

Society’s arsonists demand you ignore the smoke.  Molotov cocktail connoisseurs aren’t going to admit they were wrong just because they were. Stubborn refusal to concede the obvious is part of their ceaseless charm. Arrogance compensates for incompetence. If you’re going to fail, you must be pompous enough to still act heroically. It’s all so very scientific. Haven’t you heard they obey the law?

We could have told you way back in the ancient era of March 2020 about why government was not going to keep you safe by commandeering your decisions and in fact did. Unlike those who claim they evolve to compensate for continually being wrong, the opposition’s conclusions have remained constant.

Politicians who don’t understand why high taxes discourage motivation surely grasped the complexities of epidemiology. The next experiment in confiscation will surely turn out differently just like their research into cloth masks catching a virus.

Being right isn’t as thrilling as you’d hope when society dissented and went wrong. Those being herded inside who futilely noted shutting down interactions was no way to halt a pandemic waited during idling to be vindicated. It also turns out America is not a racist outpost on the verge of becoming the Fourth Reich, either.

Gloating about explaining just why everything was going to suck isn’t as fun as being unburdened. But those who ignored good advice and used decrees to make their opposition reality leave us with no other option but to sigh while shaking heads.

We’re finally doing as we should have from the start, namely taking sensible precautions while going about our lives. Isolating if sick while keeping the vulnerable protected could’ve pre-empted the side effect that has been thorough depression. Shutting down society while masking children only shielded from normal development. Waiting until everything is safe and ideal before emerging from our cocoons will surely help us stave off mental illness.

The rather unscientific unwillingness to admit mistakes stands in defiance to rigid insistence on compliance. Smug twits who make a show of following science sure don’t like conducting experiments any more than they do accepting conclusions.

Pushy humans resist truth if it makes them look bad, which is way closer to scientific fact than six feet ever was. Such a backtrack would require admitting they took two years of our lives, which would be really bad for their efforts to keep us subjugated. Deciding you couldn’t get a haircut or make a living giving them surely served as the firewall.

We could have done nothing. For one, not bothering everyone would’ve been easier, which is the slacker’s dream. But society would have gotten better results from refusing to restrain. Two years of poverty, depression, and fear didn’t create as much health as pictured. Think of everything about Joe Biden and ask if you want him helping. It’s not just about the virus.

The economy is nothing more than people trading what they have for what they want. Advanced thinkers who presume government can just keep handing out goods and currency haven’t bothered to trace the source. It’s Treasury printers, duh. They don’t run constantly to make us all rich only out of Republican cruelty. Fans of the so-called free market are beholden to the Waltons and their slave trade.

Gentle science-minded tyrants are still forcing people to wear masks that only protect from feeling insufficiently smug. Wear one in the Freedom Queue for a vaccine with four doses that might keep you from getting even sicker following inevitable infection that we were told would be prevented. It’s our fault for not trusting enough.

Pride is crucial to those who have no reason to feel it. Saviors who imposed their will to protect ignorant commoners from the invisible plague are certainly not going to admit they defeated everything but their target. Humanity lost the harder autocrats tried to lock it down. It’s not just because of the precedent, although that certainly piles on the case. Democrats would have to start rethinking every single intervention, and who wants to change their whole personality?

A booster should make shutdowns work. We’re subjected to constantly evolving science, which is how a bureaucrat concedes being wrong. You have to scrutinize their answers the same way they don’t for experiment conclusions.

Bothering without helping spurs the wrong quandary. Instead of backing down in shame, either pretend they were opposed or pretend their preposterous schemes worked. All those grandiose schemes to reform human life that made everyone broke and miserable were practice.

As always, the excuse for failure is that life would have been worse. You have to see who didn’t die because you were forced to breathe through cotton while shopping for socks. The notion that invasively useless measures actually protected us ingrates isn’t limited to contagious health emergencies. The president pretending inflation is lower than it would be without his benevolent guidance shows he knows shamelessness infinitely better than economics.

Maintaining that daft schemes work despite evidence doesn’t feel as scientific as promised. The invasive species that is humans in government still believe at the core of their ideology that the same government responsible makes businesses hum while protecting us all. Reducing costs while preserving the collective health is such a feat that it never really happens. The apology will accompany worthwhile results. Democrats unwittingly teach patience.

Fire Your Government

Government at work doesn’t work. This is not a breaking news column. But some constant stories need reiteration lest we forget rottenness caused by familiarity. Your rulers disapprove of your ability to observe patterns. The red light always means stop just like green-lighting federal spending should make everyone suspicious.

Federal failures are the standard. It’s unlike a business even more than expected. A historical issue that continues plaguing our rather ignorant rulers and their sycophantic voting enablers. It would be more shocking if politicians put down your credit card. They already memorized the code on the back.

Who could be surprised? Begging to be saved from a rather nasty flu by the closest politician made humanity sicker than most of the infected. Many virus carriers needed to be tested to know they had it, which is as close to mildness as one can get during a pandemic. Meanwhile, symptoms are blatantly apparent for those carrying the sickness.

The president didn’t cure us again. But his wife’s a doctor. Let us retain this valuable research that caused a tremendous amount of despondency to obtain. Sadly, expect the experiment to be inflicted again as those who think America is its government once again endure the confusion brought by realizing ultimate authority doesn’t correspond with running reality.

Never learning is one way to make life interesting. Those so focused on living in the moment that they never bother with history are plagued by ceaseless confusion. It must be right-wing saboteurs breathing out the corners of mouths who’ve perpetrated a perpetual emergency. They’re the same uncooperative types who kept trillions of debt from stimulating the economy.

Getting everything you want creates ingratitude. Sure, authority worshipers who’ve placed wholesale trust in dolts holding offices have gotten every infringement they’ve desired. But the exceptions must be making us ill, as constant letdowns simply can’t be caused by the brilliance of coercion.

The real virus inflicted upon the globe was statism. China’s greatest victory involved getting Americans to demand subjugation. The utter ineffectiveness that accompanied tyranny was merely a result the brutal oppressors found amusing. It’s not like you can request your autonomy returns.

The emergency is ongoing, you Ayn Rand-reading death cult member. How else can you know when breathing through a scarf again keeps you from being not dead? That schedule is kept in the county executive’s desk for your own protection.

Ignorance isn’t as blissful as promised. Fans of involving government in every aspect need to not check results, which at least explains why they believe the curious things they do. Mocking liberty while handcuffing themselves for glory did not provide the freedom of movement promised. The sorts who laud their rights being revoked are thankful every day that benevolent overlords deem booster shots are necessary to obtain access to businesses that are now deemed public property. Only members of the public in compliance may enter. 1984 is a history book.

The precise opposite of accuracy has been a specialty of rulers from the dawn of time, which is why this country was set up to allow people to figure out their own lives. The wholly misplaced faith of trusting any elected executive to determine what will happen tomorrow based on what happened yesterday has paralyzed society. At least the pandemic has entered a third year.

Trusting anything government does ever as brilliant is an unforgivable sin. Everyone’s had enough time to learn the perils of temptation. Pretending it’s the arbiter of truth is similarly a mortal violation. Nobody can still legitimately think it makes the economy go while curing your sores. Presuming the CDC is wise is like figuring Joe Biden must be good because he holds Washington’s top job.

Treating science as something that needs belief really gets the point. The process remains thankfully indifferent unlike the patent insecurity of its alleged adherents. Raising taxes twice as high doesn’t create twice the revenue no matter what the hypothetical suggests. If masks worked, the virus would’ve died off early in 2020.

The only politicians who helped didn’t help. A handful of rare gems actually did so by trusting you. Letting you assess your own risk is subversive. Not shrieking like a bitch over a virus where most victims are alleged on account of how they can’t tell means you’re one of them, namely someone who dares remain unaffiliated. How can you cash in spoils of voting correctly?

Confused thinkers can’t break habits. It’s hard to stop thinking dumb things. Authority’s cheerleaders refuse to admit that what’s now a years-long invasion into our everyday activities and thoughts has been worse than a failure. A counterproductive quarantine got the collective sicker. The sunken cost fallacy applies to lost time and freedom, too.

Regrettable measures to save life while making it super are precisely why conditions have been atrocious. Your rulers obviously need more control. They know how to run everything, so letting our unregulated selves make decisions about anything is what’s obviously ruining progress. Government will do your job since they cost you yours.

Worst Coerce

You can’t make me. At least, you shouldn’t. Leave me the hell alone, and I angelically promise to gladly return the favor. We could trust each other more easily knowing we won’t be involved in each other’s affairs. Our mutual pact isn’t a mob deal, or even a government one.

The difference between whether something is a good idea and it being compelled is lost on organizations that pride themselves on intimidation. Wondering why fantastic notions must be made compulsory is a violation of omerta. It’s better to offend the mafia than Nancy Pelosi.

Trusting others as little as they trust themselves is the sort of politician projection that doesn’t involve phony numbers. Regular humans aren’t scoundrels like office-holding parasites are any more than workers keep trying as hard when a higher percentage of their compensation is seized. Professional mooches who are unwilling to grasp how motivation works at least extend the courtesy of doing so thoroughly.

Mandates skip asking the permission of both the public and legislatures. It would be bad enough were they not able to force their projections by edict. But present endless emergencies have been used to justify pushy executives getting to ink their own stamps. Benevolent aspiring tyrants don’t even bother pretending to go through the lawmaking process. The lack of cooperation is taken as a sign that more force will perfect humanity.

Good ideas stand on their own. It’s undoubtedly wise to get vaccinated. You should probably wear a parachute while skydiving, too. But you don’t need to make it a requirement before jumping. Anyone who ignores basic safety is begging to face consequences. Those who remember being told this would be over if we went to CVS and got stabbed while picking up chips wish promisers would trust the shot enough to not make us get queue up again.

Making subjects do something is fun. Your rulers just needed a reason. There is nothing our governors enjoy like making any notion communal. A disease that spreads by human contact is something those with access to emergency workarounds have to pretend to not find thrilling. Regulating icky beings is behind every pushy initiative that presumes people can’t figure out solutions. A pandemic is Christmas for the inherently bossy.

Acting like individuals can’t make decisions to protect themselves from viruses conforms with the left’s dreams of measuring well-being as one unit. The seeming care for all exacerbates the creep factor. Even more disturbing is the notion of parental politicians guarding the infantile electorate from sticking wet forks in light sockets.

Smart notions you had on your own become bad ones when someone thinks they came up with them for you. Take how insurance is undoubtedly a good idea ruined by appalling quality and accelerating costs by those who claimed to preserve it. Making someone else pay for what they’ve made costly only seems clever to liberal politicians. The country goes broke instead of individuals, so there’s nothing to fear.

You must want the young to die. Explaining just how little risk children have faced gets drowned out by those shrieking about them like Helen Lovejoy.  I’d rather listen to the Sea Captain.

The minuscule percentage representing true potential peri. would be the sort of thing whippersnappers would learn in school were math not a violation of social justice conventions. Very caring adults thus have to force kids to get shots, as otherwise they’d find themselves admitting that the freakouts to which they’ve subjected children from the pandemic’s start have been nothing but child abuse. Right now, there are brats breathing unrestrained if you weren’t living scared.

Billing those who use something sure seems mean. Do we really want to make consumers feel guilty? That sounds expensive. Sure, insulating prices from consumers precisely what makes products unaffordable. But a medical detective show isn’t thrilling when the criminal is so obvious.

Here’s yet another freaking special exception where normal interactions between buyers and sellers for some reason don’t work in the particular case. Panic is not an acceptable reason, although it’s the only one provided. Compulsion junkies are not helping their case by putting every single issue on their reserve list.

It’s unfortunate that nobody ever thinks to do anything for their own good. Nobody had the idea to attend college or buy a home before the government promoted them. Mandating a higher wage makes it tougher to find work at all. The thought you’d be so rich will have to suffice. Most retailers won’t accept dreams as payment.

Now, there’s confidence. Forcing everything is an ideology in itself. We’re blessed with representatives who know that everyone but them is a blithering dolt who can’t be trusted to spend wisely or conduct everyday business. Bullies overcompensate for insecurity by demanding compliance. Thankfully, that coincidence is totally the only thing they share in common. Subjection is to make us rich and healthy. To be brutes, they’d have to make our days worse, and that’s unlawful.

Promises Emptied

The difference between being a millionaire and saying you have a million dollars has become indistinct. For liberals, it’s the same thing. Reality naturally disagrees, but the way things are hasn’t stopped them from believing any of the other hilarious things they do. In this particular bout with existence, Treasury printers working overtime have not quite created prosperity. Operating them at peak capacity was supposed to create good Washington jobs that make everyone else rich, too.

Those handing out money should know the source. But alleged fans of the environment plunder resources without ever replenishing them. Looters of the productive are clear-cutting forests that would’ve been maintained by those who know you must plant more trees to stay in business. Wait until alleged friends of the Earth learn that free markets encourage efficiency.

It’s not that contemporary government fans demand it be implemented Iron Curtain-style: it’s that they can’t think of any examples where they don’t think it should intimately infringe on every decision. Calling them commies should be taken as compliment. Asking just how they disagree with government promising to take away unemployment and fear provokes the same confused looks after inquiring where the government’s money comes from.

America’s bitchiest critics can’t quite articulate what they love about a place they won’t stop condemning. Ungrateful citizens sure love the notion that a promise from a government that never figured out how to deliver the mail will deliver on making everyone healthy. All it takes is saying it. A politician’s claims must be true by law. Otherwise, government would be violating its own commands, and who isn’t going to obey?

Nothing ever works out. It’s more than merely melodrama from angst-plagued humans venting on Facebook. Those craving to be dominating think it’s going to be the very politicians who screwed everything up in the first place saving us from life’s challenges. Dragging everyone down is especially appalling considering their useless maneuvering sunk us in the first place. Switchblade aficionados offer to drive us to urgent care for stitches.

For people who profess a deep allegiance to science, unofficial federal agents sure loathe evidence. Liberals who are allergic to evidence presume their proclamations become reality, as otherwise they’d be ignorant dolts.

Communal health care, envy-based finances, and treating the law-abiding as criminals while acting as if actual criminals are misunderstood all exacerbate the very problems that are supposedly being solved. Examples of federal spending doing anything but wasting what individuals earned remain pending.  Drain to fill.

At least the latest failing schemes distract from each other. Worrying about attacks on the innocent after handing Afghanistan back to the BFFs of terrorists offers a break from wondering if supermarket shelves feel useless while not holding up products. Your inspirational president knows you can only ponder one horror at a time.

All this money sure doesn’t seem to be buying much stuff. It’s not quite exciting to see if we’ll be paying 83 dollars for a gallon of milk by the time the Biden presidency is done inflicting all this prosperity on us. Massive inflation will make dairy farmers rich. Didn’t you learn anything from the fantastically escalating minimum wage?

The next bout of virus restrictions will be the ones stopping the spread. Mocking the two-week claim is back to being in vogue after going on for so long that people make fun of the jokes themselves. A graph of the laugh quantity would be easier to grasp for politicians than ones noting what they’re enforcing is working and also isn’t, which is why they have to keep going even though you’re totally free.

Most people don’t know they have it until tested, which just makes the virus more insidious. Imagine living with something that’ll totally kill you and living your whole long life never knowing. The lack of frights coming to fruition sure is a bummer for those trying to make life a haunted house. It’s already hard enough either admitting they aren’t stopping anything but the economy or conceding they enjoy bossing people around.

Enjoy just another case where they temporary emergency powers sure seem permanent. Other than exacerbating while extending, they’ve stopped the raging virus. Life hasn’t been preserved in any sense.

Intervening during a contagious emergency was supposed to be government at its purest. It was, all right. It turns out pesky checks or balances were in place to save politicians from inflicting even more agony. Elected messiahs just need to manipulated enough voters who think participating in their decisions once was sufficient.

Those who crave having their rights taken for their alleged safety have betrayed humanity and would certainly cheat on partners. Object at any wedding and over cocktails discussing relationships. The worst part is how much those begging to be controlled suck at sarcasm.

Mocking those who want freedoms while acting as if your county’s doltish executive knows just when to halt the virus by forcing you to breathe through cloth again are sick in every way. The next secluded seating at a sporting event will finally keep them healthy.

Intermittent Bossiness

Some fetishes are intermittent. Take how submissiveness is beloved by twisted statists depending on the partner. Those into degradation as policy only like being told what to do in certain situations. In fact, they demand it. Political freaks are such sickos that they want others to be forced to compliance. Deeply committed to force, the application just has to be a kind they prefer. Dress in a suit, not a cop uniform.

Panic about a virus most victims don’t know they have is a trend amongst the pushy that doesn’t seem to be fading. Semipermanent fear is ideal for fans of authority. Discussing dictatorships in terms of pure calculation leads to figuring how to force genuflecting instead of whether or not it’s good for the knees and soul. Making humans feel less so is the best way to maintain control. It’s twisted but kind of effective if you’re not into letting others have decadent freedoms like options.

The longest two weeks in history is merely a good example of their bad fears. Masks are a superstition that reflect devotion to a peculiar faith. If you mock Christians for falling short of ideals, make sure you’re not worshiping science while distorting it.

Damnation-taunters who opine that there’s nothing sillier than eating a cracker to feel holy sure think breathing through cloth preserves humanity. There are equal amounts of evidence. It’s much more mortifying to think every scary part of life can be controlled by a caring politician that trust there’s an invisible all-powerful and -loving being watching over everything, as we can see the latter is untrue.

Enforcing mandates with gentle suggestions may not create as much compliance as hoped, although it’ll be just as effective. It turns out cops may not be the bad guys. In fact, they may be arresting those who are in a high percentage of instances. Next, feel shocked that many trials justly end in convictions.

You’d think those who love government more than anything would appreciate the compliance wing. Punishing those who don’t want to participate in pernicious daftness that can only be enforced by threat of, well, force. Making people buy crummy insurance then assailing those responsible for ensuring compliance is one of liberalism’s many delights.

Don’t ask just how law enforcement’s enemies plan on enforcing their schemes, as the answers will be as vague as how said schemes themselves will function. Bail and immigration plans based on the honor system haven’t quite created high participation levels. They’re effective at everything but stopping the behaviors. Whether they’re that gullible or were on the side of nefariousness the whole time is a fun debate regarding an astounding misunderstanding of human nature.

Central planners crave regulating everything but killing the inconvenient. Abortion really shows the baby who’s boss. The particular rabid zeal for the right to choose murder displays a profound misapplication of free will. Pretending opposition is about control of women’s bodies remains a very openminded understanding of just what the ghastly procedure entails.

Horrifically ditching consequences of reckless fun shouldn’t feel empowering. Contemporary believers of the Earth’s central spot in the universe dodge sonograms like the unborn wish they could dodge the abortionist’s tools.

Humans are permitted choice if it means disposing of the human byproduct of special hugs. There’s no constitutional right for, say, patronizing the insurer of one’s preference like there is for vacuuming out a being who’s been conceived. And you certainly can’t decide to patronize a concert venue unless you got the same shot as every other attendee. All the cool kids are doing it.

Admiring statist paradises sure is popular amongst those who hate their hometown police force. It takes unconscionable levels of brute power to make others obey.

The mechanism involved to create compliance with legal demands should offer a lesson on how welcome their rather aggressive planning is. Instead, our very consistent progressive friends oppose law enforcement arresting criminals while cheering cops ensuring compliance with restaurant hosts checking a paper that says the hopeful diner got a shot.

Liberals used to pretend to be against the establishment. The shtick undoubtedly wore out the performers. They lusted for state control the entire time. Toadying to those who dispense the dole is worth the humiliation. Begging beats working. Let someone else take care of unpleasant indelicacies like money.

It takes effort to get this personally incongruous. The modern sophisticated adorer of unabated power despises companies who rely on voluntary patronization while adoring a government which isn’t quite renowned for permitting opting out.

Similarly, those with fascinating ideas of just who commits felonies don’t know how they’ll punish dissent. Victims wish Democrats would be concerned about genuine lawbreaking instead of fighting crime by getting legal gun owners to fill out more paperwork. Those planning to commit felonies may not bother.

Seeing criminals as innocent and innocents as criminals sums up how we’re ruled no matter how much we wish it didn’t. Banning cash bail while targeting the smallest transactions for IRS scrutiny shows a gross misunderstanding of who to target. But your elected bosses consistent in a sick way. Liberals love thieving so much that they worship a government that specializes in it. There’s no crime if a politician takes what’s yours. Why, that’d be unlawful.

Health Careless

Everyone misses when getting sick was a personal problem. People long for a glorious to return to the era when those infected would address their troubles themselves. Missing when illness was a personal issue not to be cruel, as the actual frightening outcome involves relying on others. Have you met them?

Such concern is especially prevalent when it involves humans you don’t choose. Cooperation by force of law will undoubtedly bring out the best in us, as seen in how aggravated and tense everyone’s been since early 2020. Anxious woe surely enhances prognoses.

Government hasn’t quite created trustworthiness after making life communal. At least it’s easy to understand why the honor system makes everyone poor. Private health care means getting what you want covered. The incentive to get healthy is never stronger than when consequences are personal. Knowing it’ll cost you is the precise aspect that keeps down prices. By contrast, billing the collective means being broke is just the start of feeling bad.

Some students never learn school’s most important lesson, namely that freeloaders adore group projects for a reason. Acting like every individual decision affects the pack uncannily conforms with statist theories. Arguments for cruelly denying care used to be only deployed to banish smokers and Big Mac aficionados. Now in the time of infection, sick calls to deny treatment based on shot status are as common as a shuttered restaurant.

Beating dissenters may not aid salubriousness. Seeing fans of mandatory cooperation threaten individualistic urges on behalf of communal interests makes one wonder how a personality could get that depleted. Those who curiously think the government will be efficient once it’s the only option can now justify their vicious dream of denying treatment because it’s on behalf of the infected group. The same creeps seem vaguely into eugenics, too. Why are people older than them consuming precious hive energy?

The preview of single-payer insurance should’ve made everyone puke. Everyone gets everything they need except for the everyone and everything part. As with all other Democrat-created shortages, the lack of basic items is used to teach you about what’s truly necessary. How many of your pettily selfish desires for material goods are wants? You should be happy without worldly items, which in this case includes surgery and insulin.

Take as much as you’d like except when supply and demand kicks in. Have we tried making motivation illegal? Economics should be arrested for defying laws. Don’t worry: we’ll make up for reality not complying with Congress by denying treatment to the vaccinated. Rights apparently only go so far.

Pointless inconveniences are infringements on their own terms and a sign of utter control. If wearing a mask at a baseball game kept everyone safe, we’d be past the virus by now. Quasi-legal mandates aren’t sensible on their own terms, which is precisely why they are such a big deal. Possessing such little faith in the vaccine sure is scientific. If the shot works, those who got it have nothing to fear.

Going unvaccinated is its own punishment. Luddite rubes who also don’t believe in refrigeration can cope with the results. The one thing that might motivate them is if they were billed for medical services used, even if it were cheaper on account of the same laws of economics that work everywhere else. Self-aggrandizing partisan militia members who vowed they’d never take the Trump vaccine try to lump shot-resisters into one political group.

As with all of liberalism, the presumption that only the ghastly dissent shows a bizarre commitment to open minds. Figuring everyone against them is a monster is on meth comes naturally to those who think their policies are the only thing saving humanity from mass death.

We’re pressured into joining together during the era of breathing illness just like during every other bit of liberal asininity. It now just happens to be about preventing a pandemic. But there’s always an excuse to grab rights and for why it’s failed. I blame Florida for wholesale shutdowns in more enlightened states not improving outlooks in any sense.

Wearing a mask shows you care, although not about evidence. Keep asking why other people are so selfish and never if what they’re demanding helps. A useless virtue signal is just like how they presume preposterous taxes make the economy purr.

Let those who are ignorant face consequences. That’s what the market has been indifferently demanding all along. Not getting a vaccine may be like taping bacon to your pants before venturing into Bear Forest. But then the foolish suffer the consequences. Stop shutting down life on their behalf. If the shot can’t protect you from those who abstain from getting it, then keep your receipt.

We’re all in this together, claim those you wish would separate. A statist dream just happens to correspond with endless contagious health panic. If it seems like they don’t want the illness to end despite stopping life to do so, then you finally understand why federal programs never shrink.

A shutdown that didn’t shut down the virus is one more case where communalism failed the community. Mandatory compliance was cited as a great triumph for American Juche during the virus time. But we endured the same horrid results they claim would’ve occurred if governors had let people live their lives.

Forced cooperating turns out like every other mandated initiative. Play Mad Liberal Mad Libs where lack of trillions on alleged infrastructure will be the reason the latest Democrat’s cash-shredding plan failed to induce widespread wealth. The hardest part is pretending they didn’t enjoy exploiting misery.

The dream of everyone caring for themselves is evil to those who project their unwillingness to care for themselves. Health schemers could’ve let those who refuse to take precautions suffer while an injection projects everyone else. But those who let arrestees out without cash bail say the risk to others is too strong.

Helped and Not Assisted

Life will improve once there’s an end to assistance. Recipients can’t take much more. Self-righteousness isn’t as beneficial as practitioners want their marks to believe. Enforcement by law makes declining what we’re forced to accept difficult. Care packages are nothing but cinder blocks.

It’d be more adorable that liberals think they’re helping if we didn’t cope with the ghastly consequences of the actuality. Applying theories to reality without leveling incomes and dreams is beyond their skill set, which makes it like everything else useful. Those trying to be productive wish their self-appointed rulers involved themselves meddling something useless, as it’d be an upgrade. Harming with contributions is the signature move.

Anyone who’s poor in more than one sense who’s targeted for salvaging begs those allegedly dispensing it. But our world’s faux heroes simply won’t stop believing they’re saving. After all, they’re being active. Adding oregano into your birthday cake batter is not useful, but they were helping with baking. You can’t scold someone who did so much stirring.

The one thing that won’t be saved is cash. Class warfare-wagers have to pretend they’re going to do something useful with what’s plundered to justify how much they enjoy legal thieving.

Efficient policy is based in taking what’s made from the right sort of people. A rich person is anyone making more than you. Taxes are the price we pay for civilization, according to rather uncivilized people who know how to spend even better than those who earned that money do. Plundering warriors don’t include themselves in the class warfare bombing target planning, of course: only villains who dared make companies successful by accepting money for whatever customers wanted must be hunted as a peddler of greed.

Retaining what you’ve received is avaricious, according to those who want money others earned. Preening about the right to send away more to be incinerated is an adorable attempt at preemption by liberals who always forget they can volunteer to help those struggling. That includes the Treasury if anyone believes America’s government is a worthy recipient. Remember to post screenshots. It’s not that we don’t trust you.

Anyone who worked hard should be proud to keep what they earn. That’s why government fans hate it. Living on your own terms is the country’s entire point. If you want to feel selfless, exchange something. Sacrifice comes in trading what you’ve made to those who’ve produced something you want.

Posturing about giving away what’s taken by the government in order to help is as counterproductively useless as making a scene about wearing a mask to flaunt a commitment to the collective’s health. The symbol of pretending to help may as well be recycled into safety nets.

The dedication to incomplete exhaling flaunt the liberal devotion to making a show of what doesn’t help in a most inadvertent way. Poor dears hated how their smug smiles were concealed by pretending it meant they cared for others.

Our top scientific hall monitors are too busy enforcing rules to question whether they help. Anyone actually interested in evidence might want to ponder for one moment that face cloaks may not have even saved breath. And wait until they realize trusting the vaccine means you don’t have to fret what others do. But smugness might offer enough protection. Doubt exposes us all.

Compulsory charity really gets the point. I hope those seizing what productive humans received as compensation enjoy the feeling that they’re amazing people, as the assistance aspect never occurs naturally. Like all their other amazing notions, orders are necessary. Absurdity doesn’t occur naturally to those who accept it as policy.

The whole point is to click the donate button oneself. Forced giving displays an appalling lack of faith in humanity and a disturbing inadvertent admission of a refusal to give voluntarily. Anyone genuinely interested in helping realizes the most efficient way to help is by choosing which groups need it most. But compassion whores don’t believe in markets for anything else, either.

Self-satisfaction is good enough, according to addicts. Those who think caring is all it takes never check results. That would just be cruel. You possess the temerity to check if people trying to help actually did as intended? What next: letting those who accuse others of crimes be cross-examined by an attorney representing the defendant?

The temerity to note what happens spoils countless swell aspirations. The only thing as cruel is learning one’s unofficial major of social justice isn’t valuable upon leaving campus. Telling everyone who doesn’t relinquish property and autonomy how much harm they’ve caused is one way to feel superior. Feeling satisfied on one’s own terms is too challenging.

Endless invasions into autonomy have rendered countless humans poor even if they weren’t being kept from moving about freely well into a second year. Orders to stay still date back way before the virus era. Sure, you can’t be productive. But you’ll be sort-of safe. Not really.

Trading Trade

Ruin finances to save Earth. Oh: you find the first more valuable? I guess globe-punching for a buck beats doing it just for fun. The profit contraption is a supremely cruel device designed to create nothing but profits for those born owning it. Meanwhile, self-made humans turn on cruelly indifferent contraptions that clear old-growth forest while profiting off feeding plastic bags to poor ocean creatures. Until there is a method for sellers providing what buyers need with incentives for efficiently using resources, we’ll just have to stick with scorching. Hurry to enjoy shade before billionaires beat you to the last tree.

Being denied its benefits didn’t inspire many of those suffering to learn just what the economy is. If painful experience isn’t teaching, then reading certainly won’t make the lesson settle. The treasure of responding to what others need is the one useful lesson to take away from a regrettable little era. Instead, a high percentage will take Treasury checks.

The world is full of issues to address, so we may as well get together to figure out if we can trade to at least temporarily alleviate. If you’re hungry, sick, or sad, find a Sonic, doctor, or streaming service that will respectively accept currency to change your respective conditions. Paying others to fix what’s wrong is not exploitation but an acknowledgment of reality. Eschewing the necessity of exchanges just makes them trickier, but you can try again if scarcity didn’t teach well enough.

The only thing certain about shutting it down like a Gordon Ramsay bit was how many uncertainties would occur. Hearing about yet another business that disappeared and realizing what it offered was the worst symptom. But at least we got to pretend that staying at home watching the invisible depression monitor on the wall as keeping you healthy, which is as specious as proclaiming the economy only exists to exploit willing participants.

The chain reaction from chaining fundamental activity only surprised those who think infrastructure bills make us prosper. A rather unhealthy lockdown proved fruitless unless the goal was seeing how many others were harmed by each business shuttering for good over allegedly temporary responses. It really did turn out that we were all in this together. Search YouTube for way more fun ways to see dominoes tumble.

Acting like the on/off switch was within reach shows just how much those who loathe profits know about making them. An easy hand motion was the worst thing to anticipate while it was decidedly pointed downward.

Enemies of trade were surprised when the lights didn’t return. Governors attempting to flip more vigorously just need a few more flicks. The view that the economy is a machine requiring no maintenance is one way to learn everything society’s interdictors believe about commerce’s inherently easy nature was dead wrong. But they did make something they already rendered way more taxing than it should be.

The same visionary economic scientists who dismissively wave hands at companies who can’t find workers while telling them to pay more sure didn’t seem concerned about erstwhile workers making zero dollars per hour. So, that’s the tale of how everyone learned the real minimum wage.

It turns out work was more than a way to pay bills, which was something everyone should’ve known before the globe stopped spinning. Taking away the results of labor was one way to see how valuable work was. There are easier methods. You could read theories, and not ones from misery-inflicting commies, either. The reaction ought to have rotated around ensuring nobody’s toil was ever treated as inessential again. Instead, a worker shortage is shrugged off as the cost of not doing business. Increase wages if you want employees, casually demand cruel proletariat lunkheads who are desperate to prove they’ve never managed a payroll.

Calculating scheming isn’t that valuable to consumers. Those convinced that selling is exploitation could’ve learned that there’s a balance where everyone plays a role. Instead, the wrong sort of opportunity-seekers went the calculating route by threatening to withhold service.

Promising bad things will happen without one’s services is a fascinating outlook in its way. Those who used a pandemic to think they were in control the whole time think everyone in business is a wannabe mafioso, too. 

A certain type of politician loathes how much we thrive when we’re allowed. Humans are almost tolerable when left to their own devices. Seeking permission or being ordered only adds a uselessly discouraging hassle. People figuring out what each other need allows for groovy cooperation. Their hippie dream was happening all along. They missed the amusing development because it took work.

Aren’t you glad you were kept safe? You just have to sit there and depend on professional parasites to dispense nutrients. Government’s most earnest fans risibly think a global shutdown was a win for centralization because they can’t differentiate between what happens and whether or not it helped. Those who took pleasure in denying yours have to remind themselves to not cheer aloud for another crisis.

Seeing what happens when plans to preserve conditions crush them somehow isn’t enough motivation to stop. The shutdown was big scheming in action, which confuses those who have made quasi-careers out of condemning the rich getting richer. It’s uncanny how the wealthiest thrived again as a result of governmental intervention. People who never stop moaning about the alleged arbitrary nature of wealth sure weren’t willing to let up on restrictions that made billionaires even more so.

The government will surely never run out of funds to redistribute. It definitely hasn’t already happened. Politicians and sellout enablers will never stop conflating creation with Treasury printing. There are less painful ways to learn about inflation. For now, wish the best to anyone eating for a week after buying five days’ worth of food. You know how to make everything cheaper? Start compensating the staff above the value they create.