Taxing Piousness

Seeing money wasted after it’s impounded is the purest expression of love.  Tax sanctimony involves Democrats not putting money where their mouths are.  Particularly showy phonies claim they’re glad to pay without revealing what else they claimed.  A rather blatant personal distraction goes beyond feeling guilty about not having earned what’s possessed and into thinking everyone else grifts, too.

Helpless helpers never reveal how much they give to their favorite organization.  But it is revealing.  The difference between choice and force sums up the two basic ways to look at everything.  One side doesn’t want to let you make it.  Confiscating decisions applies to everything but abortion.  Tolerant Democrats permit throwing the inconvenient in dumpsters as an expression of autonomy.

Forget learning how many deductions the federal Leviathan’s biggest fans make.  It should be zero, of course, as every dollar selfishly retained as if humans are allowed to keep what they earned keeps an emaciated government from proper nourishment.  Asking for the IRS PayPal username so they can schedule regular voluntary donations is presumably the pending step.

Pushy government fans won’t help voluntarily as part of their commitment to our species.  Caring about something enough to give without prompting is kind of the whole point.  Obligation negates any alleged altruistic motives.  Giving credit to the collective means no individuals had to do anything, which is actually a pretty good encapsulation of the Democratic platform.

Decent causes shouldn’t need binding enrollment.  Those who raise the sign disregard it.  That’s the wrong kind of example regarding a natural reaction.  Any doubts about a program getting subsidies gently wrested from taxpayers are framed as cruel, so stop asking questions about where your money goes.  You have some nerve thinking it was yours, by the way.  Stop writing suggestions on currency.

There’s a pretty simple way around this, which is to not get self-righteous about letting a president decide which organizations deserve how much funding.  Have you seen who we elect?

Check each step.  Helping would easier if we didn’t have so much sapped to allegedly do the same.  Just bill rich people, who are defined as anyone making more than you.  It’s not like they’d buy and invest, which totally wouldn’t in turn spur economic activity.’’

Those who claim they’re pleased to be coerced create a fascinating debate about whether they’re liars or lunatics.  Nobody wins the argument.  Bossing is a way of life, which is unfortunate from loathers of commerce.  They don’t care for commands involving freely joining a company.

You may recall the rather unscientific pushiness as part of a trend.  Pretending that shrieking at supermarket patrons who broke the six-feet buffer zone embodied communal bravery summed up the bullying view of life.  You weren’t even supposed to be shopping, so consider yourself lucky to be harangued.  Begging politicians to rescind rights so basic that they’re not even amendments is one way to violate.

There are better approaches to usefulness than creating the problems they address.  At least they don’t solve them.  The sanctimonious dedication to inflicting abysmal health care by mandate would constitute animal cruelty if inflicted within a veterinarian’s office.

Lousy coverage is pricey.  The very thing that makes it costly is presented as the cure.  You don’t get a choice.  Removing customers from prices invariably increases the latter, which is why nobody will participate on their own.  Democrats call good sense selfishness.

It only seems like a magical cure that prices plunge when people have to pay them.  Competing for business lowers bills instead of pretending that higher taxes is a humanitarian gesture.  The free market makes treatment affordable just like any other commodity.  But then liberals couldn’t make a show of pilfering to compensate for the costs they inflate.

There’s a chance to look up what charity is in the meantime.  Chances are plentiful, what with idleness caused by joining a progressive future with a president in his 80s pimping ideas discredited before his birth.

The self-righteously wrong could take moment away from preening to learn how wretched they were all along.  Compulsory charity filtered through Nancy Pelosi is the precise opposite of compassionate.  Flaunting a show of just how much they assist must certainly be a sure sign of confidence, right?

There’s an easy way to make sure a certain amount of dollars go to specific causes.  Unfortunately, it requires utilizing free will.  Fans of bossiness coincidentally don’t believe in the existence of personal autonomy, what with it meaning humans are responsible for their actions.

It’s not just the effort of clicking a couple links that prevents choosing to assist  Giving personally would be taken from their own personal money, and that’s so expensive.  Billing the hive is way more loving.

Disregard how awful vote-buying suckups decide who gets nourished by seized funds to feed their entirely baseless messianic complexes, not to mention untold trillions commandeered from earners that could be given or create enough prosperity to prevent the need in the first place.

It’s surely someone else who’s had his unjust fortune plundered and deserves it for receiving an above-average salary.  Helping is awesome when we do together, so let’s make everyone participate.  Members of a particular very compassionate ideology claim everyone else needs to be ordered.

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